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rule (lemmy.cafe)

as much of a PSA as this is a meme lol. don’t seek dietary advice from randos on the internet. everyone is different and the advice you see from @bonerfart on !memes can be dangerous and should be taken with a grain of salt (metaphorically, not a dietary recommendation 😜). instead consider one or both of:...


Cool cool, but this game I’ve been playing had me gather Drywall from a mining site for a culinary themed questlime… twice. Yum!

So take it from me, rando Internet person: mix drywall with all your soups for extra flavor and nutrients!


Feels like an insult to guys in photos just living their best life with rubber ducks.


Breaking for breaking sake is bad, like any game mechanic added for tradition reasons (i.e. we do it because that’s what you do). I often can this Anti-QoL, and that concept is killing me in these retro inspired games lately.

Consider why you break weapons and you can see when it can be done to a positive effect. BotW, I think, adds it for the sake of encouraging you to get more weapons or find steady supply of decent weapons, since they generally respawn. That seems fine, and honestly plays fine when you get to mid game and can utilize weapon spawns effectively (I think it’s lame just how easy they break, and that they break even if you are breaking rocks, but that’s a balancing issue, imo.)

Dark Cloud noticably does not do a good job justifying it’s breakage system. It’s more about fusing new ones, so you already have a way to recycle and encourage new weapon usage (plus, weapons are kind of rare). Not to mention, weapon customization is a big part there and iirc, you even lose the stones you put in the weapon if it breaks. So, at this point, the breakage is more a harsh punishment for an easy accidental crime- fighting too damn hard. Clearly not a well thought out feature included for inclusion sake.

A good system is going to use perma-breakage to encourage use of an abundance of weapon and armor drops, and temporary breakage to encourage resource management, be it repair items or stat bonuses, or in the case of Monster Hunter (mentioned in another comment), valuable seconds and potential vulnerability when sharpening the weapon. There are probably other good rationales, but punishing players is not one of them.


I initially misread the question as, if I was to shit my pants in 2 to 6 hours, how/where should I do it. Optimally, for maximum impact, probably on TV at a major event.


Ugh, same. I’m still picking sand out of my crack from the twenty years I was banished to a barren desert betwixt our reality and another. Those and Dodge Chargers really grind my gears.


Middle Managers and 2nd rate psych students. But, having surveyed my undergraduate classes in the past, about 50% of them believe in astrology so it’s no wonder the Myers-Briggs speaks to them.


Might vary from school to school. The bigger thing is upbringing, many first gen kids don’t have that going into college so it’s more a task to teach critical thinking to them. More privileged kids get that out the gate, especially if they’re coming from private schools that encourage critical thinking and not following orders / memorization.

I teach at a place with mostly first gens, so thats how it is.


I mean, some people like BuzzFeed quizzes, but it’s easy to tell that it’s for entertainment, knowing they’re not scientific. When it’s an documented personality test with a long history, it’s easy to assume it’s scientific. But social sciences weren’t all that scientific until the last few decades, anyway.


I stopped doing the spelling game but I imagine Cockring, while getting a bonus for using all letters, is not included in the acceptable word list.


A dude in a full Fox fursuit is the face behind the string of shutdowns that slowed the nation to a halt. I can see it now, FBI dragging the poor guy out of his room, knocking over models and plushies off his desk as he struggles to get his message out to the public.


Tons of Sega IPs are campy, it fits the bill. Personally I’d have liked a House of the Dead show. Suffer like G did? Don’t mind if I do.


A Moon 69 involves butt stuff, unfortunately.

Games that still need more patience: what games released a year ago (or older) are you waiting for a sale on? Or that need another patch?

Other than a slew of Nintendo titles that maybe hopefully will come down in price (the patient gamers’ bane), I have my eye on the next time Divinity: Original Sin 2 goes on sale. A friend who never plays anything other than WoW loved playing Larian’s newest with me and I’m trying to get her to pick this up. Pretty sure...


Ugh I hate to admit it, but I haven’t got Disgaea 6 Complete and will eventually, probably. I enjoyed 5, I heard 6 is worse, but they make lovely Deck games.

That said, you have to first wait for a complete version (f all that dlc noise) and then the discount. For crying out loud there’s already a 7.

There’s probably a few others but that’s the first that comes to mind.


To me DQ11 is such a treasure I’d probably get it full price, just to let SE know there’s still love for that series (not that they’d listen). But, the S version doesn’t add a ton, though… In fact, you get better music and a little more content (and a 2D mode) but technically a graphical downgrade because it’s the switch version. It might get a half off eventually, though.

Having a full party with Shypox, though… Now that makes S worthwhile, haha.


Ah… I remember that too. RIP us.


Oh yes, good point. It can, a friend did it when I ran concurrently with him. It’s not perfect, but it works. I think in terms of importance, it’s lowest on the list (or 2D mode, if that’s not your cup of tea). The additional story is… OK.

But again, you haven’t lived until Serena and Rab both decide to shy pox on the same turn and the boss decides to go ham on the MC, resulting in game over cause you have all the hard stuff turned on.


Can we build it?!

Well, let’s get a few consultants and see if the plan is viable. Then we can get a few contactors and our board will need to approve them. So, short answer is, maybe if it’s within budget. Expect movement on this project in 18 to 36 months.


Odd, I listen to NPR regularly and they definitely mentioned all three of those. But, not extensively because each ended up being a bit of a nothing burger.

I specifically recall talking about the lab leak when that got mentioned, since I thought the prospect was interesting. It eventually got dismissed and NPRs stance, iirc, was that there wasn’t enough evidence to really say any particular explanation was definitely true. They mostly moved on since everyone else moved on in that story.


It’s certainly a lot more center than folks like Berliner think. I’m one of those commuter folks and I think my local NPR station talks more about pie than politics lately. That said, their news hour is about straight to the point as it gets here; this happened, that guy said this, and these people died and/or were arrested.

And the commentary…? I think I hear more Trump voter sound clips than Biden voter ones, too. And neither are criticized or lauded, even if I behind the wheel am shouting to myself “how are these people this stupid.” It’s all just in the context of “these voters in this purple state have said…” which is fine.

I wasn’t as tuned in during Iraq though, as I was a teen at the time. I can certainly see them trying to be fairly moderate though. It’s only “left leaning” now because the right has become too detached from reality. They frequently talk about scientific studies (e.g. climate change has killed X) and in today’s climate, that’s “liberal”. Lol


I conflate it a bit with my local affiliate, KCRW, but my ride just now was 80% about propagating plants. Not everything is political, lol


I was about to say the same thing. IKEA going hard lately.


I get the sense that you compensate for lack of gyatt by having rizz, but I suppose it can go either way. The thicc just ain’t quicc.


"Ask your doctor if Rizz is right for you. Side effects include increased gyatt and skibidi toilet, fr fr no cap."

  • Pharma Ads when Gen alpha hits 65.

That’s my hope, or at least more of this type of show. It was pretty successful and a good reason to at least have more silly animated Star Trek.

They already make cameos in other serieses, so those characters can live on in canon, too. Like DS9 had a lot of TNG in it.


I mean, not too far off from crazy American names Especially the one that’s like someone was Ashleigh and wanted to be “even more unique”.

I forget the source but I remember seeing a list of high schoolers in a town in one of the Dakotas. I swear Borts would be on that list.


Humby Impson


A game with an enemy called OAF (Oops, All Feet!) has made this image worse. She is Oops, All Legs.


I think I’m with your boomer dad on that, though. Screws are increasingly cheaper and shoddier than they use to be, and probably because of the materials used are light and easy to produce. Now, the boomers blame “them dang cheap Chinese screws” but we all know it’s enshittification for the sake of profit (which I guess can and would include globalization of supply chains).


I still hand screw things and they still break even with the right size driver, haha. But yes, those titanium coated bits make quick work of aluminum screws.


Side note, is there there a good open source alternative to Discord in terms of it’s exact functionality? (And I don’t mean as a forum alternative, but voice comms and streaming). After their app update, I’m kind of annoyed with them. Yet, my community is rather dependent on them despite their enshittification.

We got sucked in because you could simply link it to randos on MMOs and if they didn’t want to download an app, could still have voice comms in browser. Before that, we had ventrillo, mumble, etc, but nothing was quite as easy access for randos. But man, they kind of suck lately so… hrm. :/


Now that you mention it… did Earth get a second contact visit?


B, but you actually use it to get attention and yell to everyone to “calm the fuck down and be cool.” Then safely and discretely dispose of the evidence to get in good with your local gang.


It occurs to me that, if this was a religion, (insane, fundementalist) Trekkies would be looking forward to WW3 the same way (insane, fundementalist) Christians do for the rapture. It would usher in the events that lead into First Contact.

Somehow I find First Contact more plausible, even if it does imply humans can somehow come together!


Thought it was clever to make a password that’s entirely made up of asterisks? Think again!


You see, you can tell it’s fake because Jesus isn’t real (and also doesn’t have a spare pair of sexy lady legs)


I’m usually really nice; after all, the robots will soon take over and I want to be on their good side.

Or sometimes I just use a silly voice or say it sexy. Especially fun when they ask to speak your issue, cause that leads to a fun bit of confusion when the guy or gal on the other line picks up knowing ahead of time I’m a weirdo from a kids cartoon.

Can I use the HDD from my laptop in a self-built PC?

Laptop battery recently died, and I’m planning a new PC build anyway, so I’m wondering: can I just remove the HDD from my laptop and connect it to the motherboard? Would I need any extra parts or hardware? I’m guessing no, but it’s hard to research on my phone. Any guidance is appreciated :) thanks!


If you’re just copying data, just make it external. The usb housing for those things are pretty cheap and can be useful in the future.


What about major fans of the 1990s/2000s sitcom Drew Carey show? Cleveland, Ohio!!


For a sec there I was wondering if that was a April 1st joke but it’s the 4th so that seems unlikely!


As with others, I also say ignore the polls. Even done right, we’re a bit too far to say how it’ll go. And they generally aren’t done right. But here’s a rant anyway, since it’s on my mind:

Pay attention to who is asked, and pay attention to the margin of error. The latter is just a simple truth about sampling error: small-ish samples get a lot of noise, especially with yes/no statements. I’ve actually seen news report statistically insignificant findings before, especially if it fit their narrative (what otherwise should be rejected as too close to call). These can be false positives, but pundits aren’t exactly scientists and there’s incentive to report it anyway.

But, the biggest issue is validity. Two forms matter here: external validity is in regards to if results generalize correctly (e.g. a poll using only land lines means you exclude a large chunk of people, ruining generalizability); and construct validity, which is if the question/meteic used is really getting at the researchers question. Such as, if a question includes different language or has something prime answers, like asking questions about Gaza and then asking about Biden may lead to different results than asking about abortion rights and then asking about Biden. (One can argue this is reliability, and it is, but the two concepts are related and you can’t have validity without reliability).

Plenty of well meaning pollsters fall into both traps, either from lack of resources or lack of critical thinking about metrics used. Doing it right also requires control over confounding variables, which requires advanced models they simply don’t know how to use.

That’s my little PSA while I get ready to teach my stats class this evening, haha.


Nevermind that Shimonura deserves it for other major works, like Kingdom Hearts or, amazingly enough, Mario RPG (those who say you can’t remember her songs, fucking Mushroom Forest lives rent free in my head since the 90s). XV isn’t even her best work!

Fun fact, she worked on Street Fighter 2 way back when. From an interview I read, she wrote Blanca’s theme inspired by a day watching and listening to a plastic bag stuck in a subway system (the beat does sound like a train on rails, iirc). I’d dig up the article, but it’s probably been close to a decade since reading it.


Man, that was a crazy episode. Nice it got that Emmy nod, though. Hard for kids cartoons to do that, but killing off half the cast paid off!


I thought it was controversial but honestly it really helped Mr. Crabs’ whole redemption arc later in season 6. What they did to Sandy was screwed up though, for real.


Ah yes, I remember now. Nerf darts are actually derivative of plastic arrows heads that were dated over hundreds of thousands of years ago. The design is neigh indistinguishable from that of our ancestors’ nerf arrows.

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