@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar



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@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Biden’s performance wasn’t an impediment. It was him fumbling and stuttering over his words, forgetting his debate prep and saying nonsensical things. I absolutely do not want Trump to win, but Biden’s debate performance in reality was poor. Many Democrats don’t want to accept that. It is fine if they want to ignore facts. The truth is the Democrats would be far better off if Kamala or AOC or someone else was running for President, and they are risking way too much despite the facts.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

It was painful to watch. You go in wanting to watch Biden look strong and smart, and he came out looking sort of senile and slow. Trump might have told all lies but he still looked and sounded sharper than Biden and that is what people will use to make a decision.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Are you willing to let Trump win though than have Biden step aside? That is what the DNC should be asking themselves. The polls are way to close for Biden to have that poor of a performance. If Democrats are seriously worried about Trump being the end of Democracy then they would not be okay with Biden being the DNC’s best choice.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

You could call your congressional representatives asking that they encourage Biden to step aside for a better candidate.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

AOC would be a really strong candidate. The right would freak out and she’d end up getting more press coverage than Trump. I imagine she’d make several Republican’s embolisms pop.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I agree. I’ll vote for Biden if I have to, but if Trump wins I’m not blaming RFK Jr like they blamed Bernie and Jill Stein in 2016. I’ll blame them and likely never vote for a majority political party again.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

There are so many better options at this point. I can’t help but shake that the two party system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Make people think that mediocrity is the best we can get if we’re lucky.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry to hear that. Maybe they’d have a recommendation on where Biden can actually get those performance enhancing drugs they said he’d be on.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Trump is almost the same age and he is a liar but he also was quick enough to immediately use Biden’s blunders against him. Pretty much everything Biden said sounded scripted and then he still messed it up. Biden didn’t “look” like the smarter candidate. There is enough misinformation out there that if people go searching they’ll find sources that support Trump’s lies. Trump won for the undecided tonight that watches the debate and uses it to make s decision.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

True… However if Trump gets elected and our government is able to prevent a dictatorship, in 4 years progressives will hopefully realize the DNC needs them more than they need need the DNC.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

This is factually not true, and there are several people that don’t research every detail but try to make a decision based on intuition and performance… And even if they do research there are a lot of hook and bait misinformation networks that get routinely featured on Google News and other news aggregators. If someone thought Trump sounded like a stronger candidate tonight they may end up researching and seeing news supporting Trump’s version of events.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

You’re free to keep supporting Biden at this point but hopefully when you see all the Democratic news outlets saying the same things tomorrow and this coming week and the polls showing Biden’s support dropping you’ll reconsider

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

If the progressives truly thought that then the US would have a much different stance in regards to Israel.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Which will be the fault of Democrats.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Biden actually did come out to be the loser tonight as sad as it may be. Despite lies by Trump, Biden couldn’t remember his talking points, stumbled over words, and was only confident that he would keep supporting genocide.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Do you have ADHD? Do you feel like your cognition has declined? Do you suffer from chronic pain? There are lots of drugs, but sometimes it takes a long time to find the ones that help. It is easier when you’re wealthy and doctor’s aren’t scared to try things for off-label use. Look at how much success people have had with Modafinil but how regulated it is still for things other than Narcolepsy.

Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments (www.independent.co.uk)


@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

He’d try to get the Supreme Court to ruke Biden’s presidency was illegitimate and that he deserves an extra 4 years. If Trump gets elected it will be the end of democracy

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think Republicans are content with prison anymore. They want to make it punishable by death.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I took a miraculously big shit while reading this that almost killed me. Did I come close?

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Finally a reasonable voice on the issue. Biden has and will continue to show his willingness to parrot the talking points of big business over the reality most Americans face. People that vote for Trump thinking he will do better for the economy are clueless too. The “economy” can be manipulated in 1000 different ways to always make it seem like things are great.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Why do Biden Bros get so offended that people don’t want to live in a make believe world where they’re happy to vote for Biden? No where did they say that won’t vote for him over Trump.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

The problem is that a majority of those vocally supporting Biden can’t just be happy with people agreeing they’ll vote for Biden over Trump, but they insist that people live in the fan-fiction fantasy land with them.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

So let me get this correctly, the best evidence they could come up with is that they “have no reason to inject themselves into a conflict over the Middle East” and something that happened in 1979? Wow, propaganda much?

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Now do arbitration agreements in employment contracts. Good luck arguing that the employer is still enforcing non-competes, when you have to do it in confidentiality through an arbitration provider your employer has already pre-selected.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

The Republicans would reinstate child labor and child marriage in a heartbeat if they could get away with it. In fact, they do get away with it in some of their states.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

You’re missing the point. Getting a court to review an arbitrator’s decisions can be extremely challenging. And actually arbitrators can issue injunctions in many cases. What your’e thinking of is likely if they can compel arbitration themselves on an injunction you file in court.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

LOL. “Excuse me sir. It looks like you’re about to be homeless. You could really use a lawyer right now. Why don’t you come up with 20k for a retainer instead?”

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Actually, in many cases courts have permitted employers to compel arbitration even against civil RICO claims.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I know… While Biden is assisting in genocide and domestic spying, there are all these Democrats trying to tell me he is better than Obama.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I’m leaning voting third party which is way better than not voting at all. At least it will increase numbers and show people are fed up with the two party system.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

What better wait to advocate than to practice the idea that third parties are viable candidates by voting for them.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Its Democrats resorting to this kind of gossip tabloid news to get their fix that will be their own downfall. Even Hillary had the insight to say that when they go low, we go high.

You’ve got plenty of legitimate things to complain about and investigate. Be careful promoting this type of stuff is all I have to say, or at least don’t complain when it backfires and he uses it to get a new trial.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

My bad. I really wished she would have ran for President.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

If you care as much about Ukraine as you claim to why don’t you go to the front lines and fight for them… Better yet, why aren’t you advocating the United States to go directly to war with Russia? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to get rid of Putin once and for all and to make Russia pay for the war?

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

So you’re fighting on the front lines in Ukraine? Why not advocate that the US go to war with Russia directly? You just want to prolong things out for a few months, and then a few more months… Aid package after aid package tied to Israel genocide and all kinds of concessions for Republicans, while pretending that it was always about trying to “help” Ukraine

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Halp me. They are attacking me send money, not reinforcements.

Geez, you have to be either blind or dumb to not see what this is. Proxy war is war. This is about money at this point, and what better way to funnel money than through aid packages.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

So what you’re saying is that there is no winning the war against Russia… Just sending more money to Ukraine indefinitely?

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

The reason it hasn’t boiled into active war between countries is because we aren’t sending American troops to Ukraine to fight the war.

Why doesn't the concept of national debt apply on a smaller level to individual cities?

So the gist of national debt in my understanding is Nation A asks for aid of some kind from (or commits unintentional damages to) Nation B who later on deems Nation A owes them based on their interpretation of the ordeal, with varying layers of complexity....

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Cause they borrow on long term loans and by the time they need repaid everyone has forgot

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

True dat… Biden, “I’m a Zionist,” knows his place.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t disagree with you there. Labeling people as antisemetic and a Nazi has been used as a weapon for a long time to target anyone that went against the Zionist agenda.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I use Hyrpland, and so there are times where I need to use GTK or Qt tools. I generally don’t like KDE-based tools though because they are dependency-heavy.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know what you think… that I won’t vote for Biden given that is my only choice, or that people can’t talk bad about Biden and the state of the DNC else Trump might win. If you believe the latter, then you should rethink who you’re upset with.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

I hate to break it to you, but everyone that disagrees with you isn’t a Russian bot or shill… some people just want to see more from the Democrats, and Biden ain’t cutting it.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

It isn’t a matter of who I support, it is about what I support… and neither candidate offers it. So, yes I’m stuck voting for Biden which isn’t really a choice. But I’ve already been in this position before, and it is a bad choice by Democrats to have another election where people aren’t really excited about the candidate and to simply argue that if you don’t vote for Biden, that you’ll get Trump.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Never have I advocated for Trump. You live in your own dimension where facts don’t matter.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Where do you gather that the court is sympathetic to the argument? The justices are literally questioning the other components of the same law which clearly involves more than documents. The justices do not indicate that they believe it only pertains to destroying/tampering with documents, and I have no clue how you could gather that from the article.

@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

Because they want to limit the scope of the law to documents only. Why would they question the part of the law they want to keep?

The part of the law they are questioning has to do with actual actions/violence to prevent official proceedings. They are questioning the scope of the other parts, not saying that they intend to exclude it entirely. They can’t make up new laws. They can only interpret them. Yes, they can have poor interpretations, but they’d seriously struggle trying to exclude things entirely without having uproar throughout the federal court system which comprises of several liberal judges as well.

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