@wjrii@kbin.social avatar



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@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

King Charles III said his thoughts and prayers were with the family of the young victim, and he saluted the courage of emergency workers, Buckingham Palace said.

"King Charles III" still sounds so weird to me. The last story I ran across with his name in it was about either Ireland or Scotland, I can't remember which, and it took me longer than I care to admit to realize it wasn't some sly Jacobite comment.

wjrii, to mechanicalkeyboards
@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Had this aluminum plate laser cut a few months back and hand-wired it with Box Navies and a RPi Pico, and oiled oak for the sides. I missed my numpad, though, so I used my own laser cutter and made an external one from Masonite and textured spraypaint.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar


I’m not sure where it will live long term, but “southpaw” numpads are definitely a thing. They allow for mousing while doing data entry, and they mitigate one of the reasons some people do without numpads by allowing the shoulders to stay more neutral when the mouse is close to the right edge of the keyboard.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar


I am in the US, so Xometry was pretty economical for my needs. I had three top and three bottom plates cut from 1.5mm 5052 aluminum for $67 total, tax and (free) shipping included. I added in a laser kerf on the swillkb plate generator that probably wasn't needed, as the switches are in there VERY snug. If you were doing a plate for hand-wiring, that's not a bad thing, actually. If you need one to mate with a PCB, I'd consider leaving it off, but it could have been the specific shop or really anything. There is a bit of luck involved in this process, which is basically a crude form of prototyping.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

A fox of the same species was found in a much older grave in another part of Argentina nearly a decade ago. It may also have been a pet but its diet was not analysed.

As usual, it's more the article (and especially the headline) than the science. Here is the Abstract of the study.

It's much more about the specific burial and the inferences that can be reasonably drawn about South America before the introduction of dogs from the north 5k years ago. It references multiple burials with non-dog canids from across time periods in S.A., including at least one from about 4k years ago, as well as many other remains scattered in with human burials. It seems to build on existing theorizing that pre-Columbian practices might have changed more slowly than post. Then there are the statistical arguments. If you occasionally find a fox in human burials, based on the number of human burials you didn't find, you can feel pretty confident that there were more foxes buried with humans.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Well, those are standard MX compatible switches. No big deal to find keycaps, but selection of numpad-only sets is more limited. Any idea what you want, style wise? Do you only want GMK or Signature Plastics or Drop, or are random sets and clones from Amazon/AliExpress okay?

Some of the higher end stuff will sell numpad only, generally for way less than the base kit (to wit...), but a really cheap set will cost the same for the full set, or even potentially a good bit less if you go bargain hunting and aren't picky.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Many of the lemmy instances have two or more front-ends available. I find https://photon.lemmy.world/ with the dark them and "List" post style looks pretty nice. There's at least one that just simply replicates old reddit.

wjrii, (edited )
@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I hate to say it, because I've been really pleased with kbin for the most part. I've liked being able to dip my toes into the Mastodon side without yet another account; I like the interface; and my interactions with Ernest have been nothing but pleasant. I certainly hope all is well with him personally. But whether it's legitimate medical issues or undisclosed burnout, the instance and platform are struggling.

The good thing is that everything has been federating and most of us have been interacting with Lemmy and mbin users daily anyway; it's "just" a loss of fake internet points and comment history to move. I'm trying to put that off, but the mobile site/pwa is only okay, API rollout has stalled (meaning app development has stalled as well), admin activities can't happen with Ernest, and technical issues with the instance are becoming more common.

I think the Reddit API mini-exodus last year hit at that exact "sweet" spot, in terms of numbers and point in kbin development, where one dev/admin could almost keep up with it, but not quite. Suddenly this thing he was noodling with to combine Lemmy and Mastodon has thousands of people wanting it to be production ready. I don't begrudge him anything even if it is just burnout, but if that is the case then maybe it's time to bless mbin as a successor and start migrating people off kbin.social or find someone else to admin it and ugrade it to mbin. Ernest has built up a ton of goodwill; if he's done, then he's done (and of course, if he's ill then he's ill). Who among us could stand up a minimum viable product of a reddit clone and admin two instances? Not me, that's for sure.

Edit: I checked, and Ernest's Polish-language instance karab.in is completely down right now.

We have all been very lucky that these open source projects are there as an alternative, and there are ways Ernest can step back if being the sole PM of a sprawling social network project isn't good for him. I just don't want it to happen in a way where people are left with a bad taste in their mouths for the Fediverse or him personally.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

kbin.social in particular only has the one admin. I keep an eye on the two ghost-town mags that I mod so they don't become spam vectors, but there's only so much we can do without an admin/dev.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I just took the path of least resistance for my alt and parked it on lemmy.world. We'll see how all this plays out.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

First, war is always a tragedy. Always. It is to be avoided until the reasonably plausible alternative is worse for human suffering. People who ignore this are asses (not saying you are one of them).

Second, as long as it stays conventional and China stays on the sidelines, then yes of course NATO destroys the Russian military, or at least keeps it hemmed into existing Russian territory. That's been true for 30 years.

Third, those are VERY big 'ifs'.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Yes, but it's a little unusual that one orca was hunting alone, and the shark was a large juvenile. The scientists think that the ecological mess that has resulted in the killer whales pushing out all but the boldest teenager great white sharks could mean that the sharks are going somewhere else, possibly where humans fish or swim or where the local wildlife is not ready for the sharks.

wjrii, to mechanicalkeyboards
@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Just finished up this one. No-stabilizers, handwired custom 98% layout. 3D printed case and feet, plate laser cut from 3.2mm Masonite, blank XDA laser dye-subbed in a Josefin Sans Medium font. Not exactly professional fit and finish, but it types nice with Box Jades, and ZERO STAB RATTLE! ZERO!!!

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Thanks. I am overall very pleased with how it came out, especially on a budget. In particular, the layout is quite usable and versatile. Visually though, I've had to convince my brain that my hands are in the right spot. The left hand modifiers aren't actually too small or anything, but your hands are set up much closer to the left edge, even compared to a typical 1800 layout, so it's a mental adjustment.

I may or may not extend the keymapping out to include four spacebars and move some other bottom row stuff around, but that could just be that I got used to that layout on this one's immediate ancestor. I don't hit the wrong spot so much as forget that the spot I'm aiming for is now an Alt key.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

From my keebtalk post, which also has more pics:

It’s early obviously, but I’m optimistic about this one. It feels pretty nice, and the Jades are almost as nice as the Navies, just missing that slight “kerchunk!” that the Navies have. The Jades are a bit snappier, and I agree that they may be ever so slightly louder, but I don’t think they dethrone my dark blue fingerbreakers.

After my last set of keycaps came out with some fairly obvious alignment issues, I rethought my jig and made a new one that could support 26 1u keys, plus one of arbitrary width. I also went with corner legends instead of centered, as that punishes a lack of accuracy much less, if you can at least get your setup repeatable. Then, I did clusters together in batches (i.e. all alphas in one run, all F keys together, etc.). The result is a much less jarring alignment situation. It would be ideal, if the plastic itself had cooperated. This PBT recipe didn’t like the infusible ink nearly as much as the DSA keycaps on my other no-stabs build. Legends are not as crisp as I’d like, and the colors are pretty muted, but the improved alignment makes this a modest victory.

Overall, I like (though not quite love) the way they came out, and the overall effect for the board, between the layout, case, and font, is a bit “Apple meets Logitech,” which may or may not be a good thing, but it’s always satisfying to wrap one of these up.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I am currently typing on my one and only red-switch board, and I am mis-hitting keys like a mofo, and bottoming out even harder than normal. I don't type anywhere near correctly, but I make up for it by typing enthusiastically, and whatever the category, my favorites are always heavy.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I thought a tombstone or a boogieboard. 🤣

More seriously, things get weird when you want to go no-stabilizers but don't want to buy a custom set of blank keycaps. This one only uses the 1.25u to 1.75u keys from a standard TKL or full size.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Well shoot, now I need to make a COWABUNGA novelty keycap.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Gotta love the casting. 5th century BCE Jewish guy? Well, probably a brunet, but definitely still super white.

wjrii, (edited )
@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Enter is going to be the biggest keycap at 1.75u. You get a little wobble (box/dustproof switches can help some), but nothing structurally problematic. Most boards only start with stabs at 2u.

I'm currently using this one's FRL ancestor, and the only real issue I have is that it uses a 1U LShift with another 1u between it and the 'Z' key (kinda ISO-ish), and I just can't quite get 100% used to it, hence the "tombstone" layout on the new build.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

My first two DIY builds were orthos, but it sort of didn't take. I did realize that while I don't type properly or even all that well, I still don't particularly need a full size spacebar as I almost always land in the same spot with my right thumb or (forgive me) index finger. I use KMK for my boards, and the debounce is good enough that if I happen to double tap the two spacebars, it won't register two taps. The rest of the longer keys don't REALLY need to be that long, and everybody hates lubing and tuning stabs (or they damn well should) anyway.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Ergonomics are great, very gentle. Feedback and performance slightly lacking. 🤣

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I made a split, even posted it here on c/emk, but at this point I am just too old, yes, too old to begin the training. I had no motivation to actually learn to type on the thing, but rather just wanted to make more keyboards.

This is the first one I've seen that made me (briefly) reconsider. Nice work!

wjrii, (edited )
@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

If we're just trying to keep it simple with a single, reputable vendor:

Keychron v3 barebones TKL
White on Black "OSA" keycaps, which look "swoopy" and modernly retro, but mostly feel like regular OEM on your SteelSeries
Gateron Black switches.

EDIT: Nordic makes it a little more expensive at Keychron and with fewer options, but it's still doable. If you get one that's QMK compatible, any ISO can be Nordic, and you just need to source keycaps, which they do have though I don't see them in white on black.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I have an Orbit Fusion for the couch. I looked at the Elecoms, but I just really like the scrollring. In my perfect world there'd be a god-damned three-button orbit with scrollring, but in the meantime remapping the Fusion's "Forward" button lets me use it with similar ergonomics. I notice the stiction, but it's a very minor little aspect of using the trackball, and it's not distracting enough for me to feel like I need to replace the bearings. I did do the "rub some nose oil on it" thing and that helped some.

There are a few DIY designs floating around that use BTUs, and some have certainly made their way into ergo keyboards, but I don't know of a commercial product that uses them.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

If it just had three buttons, it'd be perfect. As it is, I'm using the Orbit Fusion as my couch mouse, with the "Forward" button remapped to left-click, which lets me rest my hand similar to how I would on the "classic" Orbit.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

If you are comfortable with all your models being available for download and some wonky Terms of Use that may let random internet people profit off your designs but not you, then OnShape in a full-screen browser feels about as good as F360 does. I guess you could also pay for it, but despite finding it pretty nice, I am iffy about paying Solid Edge prices for something browser based. I understand SolidWorks has slapped together a browser version as well, but nobody likes it.

Linux wise, there's just not much outside FreeCAD and SolveSpace. BricsCAD is an okay evolution of AutoCAD, and VariCAD is a less good one.

I may have done a longer writeup than anybody needed the other day.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I've had a fairly decent one with a Canon small-office B&W laser. It needs to be reset every so often, and it doesn't seem to like my wife (though no printer ever does), but its apps and drivers are mostly business related, so while they are more than happy to help you buy supplies, they don't force the issue, and the printer doesn't care what brand of toner you shove in it. 99% of the time it's just sitting there quietly on its LAN address, ready to print something successfully.

She just got an HP multi-function from work, and dear god that thing is annoying. It kept claiming that its own demo ink was counterfeit. Also fairly mediocre color prints.

wjrii, (edited ) to mechanicalkeyboards
@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Trying out this Mastodon/Microblog thing. Had a customized TKL keyboard plate laser cut, 3D printed and painted a case, hand wired the switches, and added keycaps. Geekhack link.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

@Deceptichum Among others, though my initial thought to put the Win key where the C64 has its "Commodore" key couldn't survive my pinkie's preferences.

There are also little notes of BBC Micro (I actually had three plates made, and #1 was partially BBC Micro themed) and Atari 8-bit, as well as a faintest whisps of MSX and Amiga. The idea was a liveable TKL with a vaguely retro feel.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

@mutthew This one was painted. Filament was just white PLA. The rattle can color was Krylon "Bauhaus Yellow."

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

@Deceptichum I had three identical plates made, though one I modified very slightly. After accepting that I'd need to simply live with a split Left-Shift, it's been extremely usable.

Build 1 was BBC Micro inspired and is a simple flat sandwich with oak sides, DSA on the FRow, a Dolch-like "VSA" elsewhere, and Box Navies. This may still be the one I like typing on the most.

Build 2 was pre-lubed brown TTC, sloped 3d prints for the left and right, and stiff springs in the middle. In effect the entire board is a leaf spring. CSA keycaps from Amazon. This one has the double shift adjusted (courtesy of a dremel and a metal file) to be in line with what the ISO layouts do.

Another angle on this one, to really show off them layer lines!

Entire writeup with pictures of all three are on my geekhack thread. They're all a little too rough around the edges to make sense as anything other than personal projects, but they are usable and do have their charms, and I love building these things from scratch.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

@petejohanson trust the fisherman.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Also in pic: that feeling when you got too cute and your own bespoke layout has a shift key you can't quite get used to.

Anyone using Kailh box Navy with a keychron?

I have a keychron V6 (it’s full size). Solid plastic housing, baby kangaroo switches and KSA caps (these are close to MT3 and SA if anyone is wondering). I like the keyboard so far, but it’s not loud enough for me. I like loud and clicky. My question is, does anyone here use a keychron V6/k10/Q6 or any full size with...

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I have Box Navies in a DIY aluminum sandwich board that's about the size of a TKL, and before that they were in an FL-Esports FL980, which is an 1800 style, so very nearly full size. I've heard the Jades are ever so lightly louder, but I like heavy switches, so the Navies are perfect. They're very snappy, and in the DIY board bottom out is almost rumbly if I don't use a deskmat. It has been decades since I used buckling spring, but I find the Navies come closer to my memory than any other switches I've tried (though still not the same). I prefer them to Box White, Gateron Green, Outemu Green, KS-3 Gateron Blue, or various commodity blues I've tried.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Box whites are a very nice light tactile switch.

I know what you're thinking, but I said what I said.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

Agreed they're nice. If they were to become standard on introductory boards instead of the blue click-jackets, I think many more people would stay on Team Clicky.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

"A lot" is always relative, I guess. I feel like I type a fair bit, and I do some gaming, and I can say I've never got tired, though to be honest I've never tried a commercially available keyboard or component that was enough to make me tired. I've noticed the extra effort after using something lighter for a while, but I quickly readjust and heavier just feels more natural. To the extent I use them, I prefer my linears and tactiles to be heavier as well.

The potentially big caveat is that I don't properly touch type, and even composing from scratch I top out at about 70 wpm.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

So it's not a lawsuit (yet), it's a complaint to the state attorney general of Washington accusing Starbucks of unfriendly consumer practices related to their gift cards, in part because they can recognize unspent gift cards as revenue, and also because it's instant cashflow for them even if the accounting revenue lags behind. The need to come up with a calculation for how much deferred revenue to recognize can be abused by execs to nudge the revenue higher (and with no additional costs associated with it, profit as well) and thereby improve stock price and trigger bonuses and whatnot.

The actual complaint reads as a bit of pearl-clutching ("involuntary subscription" because customers don't want to leave a balance OR talk to a real human at their local Starbucks!) , but on a the "death by a thousand cuts" model, yeah, I suppose Starbucks is being kinda dickish. The app doesn't give you as many rewards if you pay with CC, buries the other payment options a couple of layers deep in a menu, doesn't let you reload gift cards in increments equal to a purchase, doesn't let you split payment methods, and sets a high default reload so (on iOS at least) it isn't immediately visible that you even could scroll up to reload in smaller amounts.

It's sort of garden variety asshole app design meant to soft-lock customers in, but it's not really fraud in any meaningful way if someone is motivated. You add money, you get bitter overpriced coffee that your partner really likes for some reason. I prefer CHEAP, ACIDIC coffee because I did the pourover too fast on mediocre store-bought grounds that are too fine, LOL. Still, maybe worth a public scolding or some fines to get them to modify it so people can save a few bucks without diving into the finer nuances of their coffee app.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

If you need drinkable brewed coffee from SB, you have to order the blonde roast. They scorch the everliving fuck out of their regular stuff to ensure consistency regardless of source, so even if you normally don't, if you want "black" coffee from SB, you'll be better off with the blonde. If you're brewing by volume of grounds, lighter roast will have more caffeine anyway (they're the same if you brew by weight).

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I normally use that same coffee in an Ikea French Press and while I won't say it's gourmet, it meets my needs for "not particularly bitter caffeine juice". Honestly, I slowed it down the next time I did a single cup pourover and that took most of the battery acid notes out of it.

I don't have a particularly sophisticated palate and still want some sugar and milk in there; I just don't like Starbucks very much and hate paying a premium for a product that I like less than my homemade half-assery. :-)

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

That’s his preferred coffee taste and that’s what he demands the company makes.

I'm sure it's also completely coincidental that burnt coffee tastes mostly same no matter where and when the beans came from. :-)

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

I think most of these have made their way to Fediverse at some point in the last year, but brought them all out for an end of year photo.

  • "Planck+3" ortholinear (3d-printed plate, maple base)
  • Experimental custom ortho split (3d printed)
  • Kiddo's macro pad (3d-printed from a Thingiverse download)
  • Custom Retro TKL (outsourced laser-cut plate, DIY wooden sides)
  • Same plate, but 3D printed sides and springs as flexible supports for the middle
  • Custom no-stabilizers mini-1800 style build with DIY laser dye-subbed keycaps. Plates and sides are home-lasered hardboard. feet and port cover are 3D printed.

Next project is using the last of the three TKL plates with a spray-painted, 3D-printed case.

@wjrii@kbin.social avatar

My office has a "workshop" side with three cube-farm desktops salvaged from an office park refurb. Under those, I have 4 cheap drawer units and one matching shelf unit. For now, the boards themselves are on the shelves, and keyboard stuff occupies three drawers. Keycaps stay in their boxes, extras are married into the "nicer" boxes, and it's all labeled on masking tape. Switches go into old coffee jars that hold 50 switches very easily, also labeled. Empty Keyboard boxes get stashed in one of the less accessible drawers. Keyboards share space with 3D printing, soldering/electronics, office supplies, and my "inside" tools.

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