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To be clear: “NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced on Monday that 23 of its 32 member states were expected to meet the alliance’s defense spending commitments this year. That is 13 countries more compared to last year’s data, and five more than an earlier estimate in February.”


The department said it made its finding based on the group’s history of violence rooted in “its openly racist, anti-immigrant, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQI+ platform”. The United States remains deeply concerned about the racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist threat worldwide and is committed to countering the transnational components of violent white supremacy,” a department statement said.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency warns against apathy and inaction, amid spike forced displacement. (www.unhcr.org)

The rise in overall forced displacement – to 120 million by May 2024 – was the 12th consecutive annual increase and reflects both new and mutating conflicts and a failure to resolve long-standing crises. The figure would make the global displaced population equivalent to the 12th largest country in the world, around the size...


"Thousands of people rallied in Budapest on Saturday as a political newcomer led a push to mobilise voters against Hungary’s populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, ahead of European elections on Sunday.

“We defeated apathy,” declared PĂ©ter Magyar, a former government insider who switched sides and launched an opposition movement, as he stood in front of a vast crowd which filled the capital’s Heroes’ Square.


“Recently, the challenges and risks related to the rise of China as a dominant actor in many economy and technology areas have become more and more apparent in Latin America as well,” Christian Hauser, an expert on Latin America at the University of Applied Sciences in GraubĂŒnden, Switzerland, told DW.

Various Latin American societies are increasingly feeling that it’s predominantly Beijing which has profited from the region’s economic relations with China, said Hauser. Therefore, he said, current criticism of China’s trade practices could become even more pronounced."

NATO chief Stoltenberg proposes revised €100 billion weapons fund for Ukraine (www.euractiv.com)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Friday (31 May) for NATO members to spend together ‘equitably’, €40 billion a year for Ukraine, giving up on his original multi-year plan, nevertheless assuring this will provide a long-term perspective for Ukraine....


TLDR(Long article);

Now, an investigation by the Guardian and the Israeli-based magazines +972 and Local Call can reveal how Israel has run an almost decade-long secret “war” against the court. The country deployed its intelligence agencies to surveil, hack, pressure, smear and allegedly threaten senior ICC staff in an effort to derail the court’s inquiries.

Israeli intelligence captured the communications of numerous ICC officials, including Khan and his predecessor as prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, intercepting phone calls, messages, emails and documents.

The joint investigation draws on interviews with more than two dozen current and former Israeli intelligence officers and government officials, senior ICC figures, diplomats and lawyers familiar with the ICC case and Israel’s efforts to undermine it.

Unlike the international court of justice (ICJ), a UN body that deals with the legal responsibility of nation states, the ICC is a criminal court that prosecutes individuals, targeting those deemed most responsible for atrocities.


That would be great if economies would chip in. Idk, USA, EU has some plans iirc, Saudi, Chinese , India etc.

And the Billionaires worldwide as well , they pack a wallet the size of some countries.


The banks were among the guarantor lenders under a contract for the construction of a gas processing plant in Russia with Germany’s Linde, which was terminated due to Western sanctions.


Three weeks after one of Brazil’s worst-ever floods hit its southernmost state, killing 155 people and forcing 540,000 from their homes, experts have warned that water levels will take at least another two weeks to drop.

The death toll across Rio Grande do Sul is still increasing daily, and more than 77,000 displaced people remain in public shelters, prompting the state government to announce plans to build four temporary “tent cities” to accommodate them.

Taiwan is selling more to the US than China in major shift away from Beijing (apnews.com)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Whether it’s tapioca balls or computer chips, Taiwan is stretching toward the United States and away from China — the world’s No. 2 economy that threatens to take the democratically ruled island by force if necessary....


For more specific Taiwan trade info

Added to OP

HowRu68, (edited )

Marked NSFW because of controversial and highly sensitive topic worldwide . If unnecessary, I’ll remove the tag.

edit: tagged removed

HowRu68, (edited )

How so? If you mean the tag, see comment.

Edit: Uhu
 because the title makes it sound like the start of a kind of an old sailor bar joke. In retrospect, the title does sounds weird.

HowRu68, (edited )

And still whistleblowers are being sentenced, jailed, prosecuted by Gvements ( and sometimes killed)

I get the security thing, but war crimes and industrial crimes should be measured on another different scale altogether. Most of those guys should get a medal, imo. WTF?!

HowRu68, (edited )

I don’t know, I don’t have that much confidence about them forming a proper coalition.

They’ve been saying stuff like this for half a year, and it’s been like the muppetshow. No offence for muppets btw.


"A higher regional court in western Germany rejected on Monday an appeal by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party against its classification as a “suspected” far-right extremist organization.

The judges at the court in MĂŒnster said the designation was appropriate and did not violate the constitution or European law.



I would have expected that too. Always seemed a good sustainable additional solution to me.


but expensive

Probably one of the reasons, other reasons could be ( geo?) complexity and the building (time)'of the whole unfrastructure. I haven’t digged very deep in this yet tbh.

HowRu68, (edited )

100%. Its a classic divide & conquer strategy, albeit that the technology has changed over the centuries, and the methodology (hybrid) has become more finetuned. I mean, objectivelly and strategically it’s how the world has been working forever: " in war and love there are no rules", it is said.

On the otherhand, how the world has been working forever, is exactly the whole issue. Speaking for European (or worldcitizens) we really hate wars and catastrophic results, so we’d like to move away from the old world, towards a more balanced world with more equal partnership; ideally.

It’s impossible to move to that point, when your supposed partners apperantly don’t have the same wish ( Ruzz Mir for example, isn’t peace). At the end of the day I perceive this as a clash between systems, democracies & authoracies.And, even this comparance may be too simplified. I hope and trust, we can find a proportionate and adequate response to these negative developments and actions.

Also it should be a joint responsibility between all the citizens from the whole world ( if your country is fucking up, try to do something if possible, stay safe ofc). Instead, as it appears now, we have just some head of states deciding everything for billions.

Kinda of like a modernised slogan from yesteryear," citizens over the World Unite; against idiotic head of states! " thing. Wouldn’t that be something . Cheesy John Lenon shit. Yet maybe he’s right; because here we are in this mess.

Brazil flooding death toll rises to 90 as more than 155,000 people displaced (www.theguardian.com)

The death toll from what authorities call the worst climate disaster ever to strike southern Brazil has risen to 90, after ferocious rain flooded huge stretches of Rio Grande do Sul state, displacing more than 155,000 people and forcing the closure of the main airport in the country’s fifth biggest city....


This is one of those events that will go down in history,” added Leite, who has declared a state of emergency in 397 of his state’s 497 towns and cities.

One of the worst-affected cities is the state capital, Porto Alegre, which sits along the Guaíba river. The waterway hit a record level of 5.33 metres (17.5ft) on Sunday morning – even higher than during historic 1941 floods when it rained for more than 20 days straight.

“Porto Alegre has been devastated, leaving virtually the whole city without its supply of water, electricity and food,” the newspaper O Globo reported on Tuesday, describing “a situation of unprecedented sorrow” in the flooded city of 1.4 million inhabitants.

HowRu68, (edited )

They have no water, food, electricity & cellular service, shops. Many roads are inaccessible. Many have been taken to shelters. The rain will continue for 10-20 days. Getting any help there from other states, appears very difficult. They are for now, practically isolated; so I’ve heard.

As per yesterday evening State TV: 100 deaths, 130 missing and 374 wounded


We likely are in a century where climatic catastrophs will double in severity every few (10?) years.

For sure it will get worse.

I’m curious, perhaps you (or anyone) have came across some up2date projections (numbers) on this? I’ve only seen reports about co2/ temperature and potential catastrophs.


Tnx. I would agree that (re)insurance companies should have( the best) numbers.

"Today, the (re)insurance sector operates in a rapidly changing and uncertain world. Elevated levels of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are unlikely to relent any time soon. " etc.

HowRu68, (edited )

I see a bit of mass histeria, hive-like drone behaviour, and mass psy-ops all at once. So yes, It makes makes me wonder. maybe 
? idk
 something’s up? ^^

“A Russian influence campaign seems to be attempting to sow division in the US around the college campus protests. As protests at universities across the country—and the responses to them by college authorities and law enforcement—continue to stoke division and anger, the Kremlin appears to have taken a page from its foreign influence playbook, using its disinformation infrastructure in collaboration with state-run media and Telegram influencers in an effort to further divide American society.”

HowRu68, (edited )

Okay to put them in the ovens

Ehhhh. WHAT/Why/ Who? ?

A bit harsh isn’t?. Aren’t you Mod here?

Add: I’m refering to the effects of Russian Psyops, and how that leads up anger, discontent & division using false narratives and disinformation; in the US and all over the world. It is a conscious action to polarise and create cleavage amongst groups. These tactics are working, and that’s a problem.

Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants (english.elpais.com)

Europeans view immigration with increasing suspicion. Seven out of 10 Europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants, according to a survey carried out by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE and which EL PAÍS has participated in, as part of the countdown to...


The EU has been hosting many immigrants for decades, and many have become citizens.

Surprisingly though,it seems that many EU citizens with a migration background, ( for example 1st and 2nd generation etc) in the EU vote against new immigrants. They usually perceive it as a threat against their economic/housing/children’s stability & future.


the drive to localize to improve indigenous capabilities? Or would you get more bang for the buck? Or does it produce better outcomes?

Good questions.

Have only skimmed this spefific rapport, but I’m happy that in this report they finally seem to be open to a shift in thinking about aid.

Afaik, aid has usually been actually kind of outsourced to non regional organizations. Generally 80/90% of money for the aid is used on that.

Many organizations need also to bribe, pay , convince local warlords to get there, and then the question remains,how effective the locally sourced( new) aid centre will be.

But, If you can cut the overhead and could invest like 80% of the money instead of the say, 20%, that would be a win.

Also, the current aid programs have been having negative outcomes and received critique. Basically, what I read was, that aid organisations ended up cultivating an atmosphere of extra dependence for their target groups, and or in some places the help only made the sitiuation worse, on the longer term.

Also , your valid and critical questions should always be addressed and situations will need some monitoring, so they can’t cut all the overhead, and neither should they.

HowRu68, (edited )

I’d add that local charities will know their communities far better than outside organizations.

As a general rule, I’d 100% agree on that. And yes, like you said, there will always be some exceptions.

EU restates readiness to launch trade war with China over cheap imports (www.theguardian.com)

The European Commission chief said she was “convinced that if the competition is fair” from China, then Europe “will have thriving durable economies”. But she said the “imbalances” caused by state support for Chinese industry leading to cut-cost products threatened jobs in Europe, and that was “a matter of great...

HowRu68, (edited )

 communism works?

They are not Communist, it has now become an even more repressive autocratic regime, under the guise of a Communist label. If you want to know about communism read Karl Marx.

HowRu68, (edited )

I’m sure there are plenty of unique factors

Correct. it’s a very complex situation, which nobody wanted, yet here we are. And politically and judicial, both on regional, national and European level, there is no known simple solution.

What really triggered this mess was a court ruling regarding an environmental N0 ( nitro oxygen?) and a Co2 and smallparticle emission report not very long ago. That ruling gridlocked everything.

HowRu68, (edited )

Unfortunately, imo this does sound as the start a new serious escalation. I could be wrong, but they really don’t like the continued support Ukraine is getting and want to stop that. Especially extra aid and maybe in this new phase , support coming from influx of extra military from abroad. Also, according to internal rumors in Russia, their war economy is slowly killing their home economy. Lots of domestic business are closing shop, and many people have been working in warfactories. Also when planes, trains and other stuff massively starts falling apart, something which already has been happening, they won’t be able to maintain the supply lines. So probably very soon (summer) we’ll see a very heavy offensive from 2 or 3 sides, and they really don’t want extra trouble, as apperantly this wars costs are trememdous in their scale. The longer it takes, the lower the win chances for Ruzz will become, though I wonder atm, if anyone in the top even knows what their actual plans could be. I surely don’t hope something like " If we can’t have it, nobody will" , like Stalin did, and they’ll turn the place into a wasteland.

Fyi via ap ap link“It was the first time that Russia has publicly announced drills involving tactical nuclear weapons, though its strategic nuclear forces regularly hold exercises. Tactical nuclear weapons include air bombs, warheads for short-range missiles and artillery munitions and are meant for use on a battlefield. They are less powerful than the massive warheads that arm intercontinental ballistic missiles and are intended to obliterate entire cities.”

Archaeologists identify the birthplace of the mysterious Yamnaya (www.economist.com)

Yet they and their descendants would go on to transform Europe and much of Asia genetically, culturally and linguistically. Among the many innovations that these steppe migrants ushered in, scientists believe, are the Indo-European languages that are dominant in Europe today, and which are spoken by nearly half of humanity....


Location: “Mykhailivka, a village on the right bank of the River Dnieper in Ukraine, lies dangerously close to the front line of Russia’s war on its western neighbour. Seventy years ago, however, it was the site of an excavation by Ukrainian archaeologists. There, they discovered one of the earliest known settlements of the Yamnaya culture.”


Tnx, updated OP.

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