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supersquirrel, (edited ) to opensource in What does your todo list / project management / productivity setup look like?

Yeah seriously I can’t believe you have the nerve to waltz into this thread and just plop a stinky plain txt turd into our nice punchbowl of needlessly overcomplicated organizational systems and tooling.


Also I talked about SyncThing elsewhere on the thread in my annoyingly long comment so I won’t repeat it all, but you will never sync or transfer files between computers & phones any other way than Syncthing once you see the light I promise (I mean unless you are regularly moving 100s of gigs lol). Syncthing is slick as fuck and it just does what it does no bullshit. The web browser UI has a damn QR code reader utility so if your computer/phone has an attached camera you don’t even have to text/email a long key or manually type it out.

supersquirrel, (edited ) to opensource in What does your todo list / project management / productivity setup look like?

Org Mode & Emacs, Logseq, Dokuwiki and Syncthing

Hey Look One Of My Favorite Hyperfocus Topics, Somebody Asked ME To Word Vomit.... What Is This ADHD Christmas????___ Emacs (I like Spacemacs distribution with vim keybindings) with Org Mode. prefer Doom of emacs users will tell you that YOU should prefer starting from scratch with emacs and just trusting that it can be a slick and modern experience and yeah if that is what inspires you do it hell yeah but otherwise shrugs. Emacs is definitely worth learning from the ground up if it inspires you though, here is a nice write up of the basics of evaluating elisp (emacs lisp) in emacs.…/evaluating-elisp-emacsFor those with the tinkerer inclination this paragraph is of particular note: C-x M-: is especially useful if you don’t know how an interactive command “works”. Try calling it after switching buffers; opening M-x dired; or doing a search and replace. Emacs spits out the elisp code required to repeat the last command. Pretty cool stuff, and it is a great way to bind complex commands to keys as I explain in my article on mastering key bindingsThe most powerful command in all of emacs/org mode is M-x, which allows you to execute a command by describing it (and also executes a search to find a command you can’t remember the exact name of). for example: #+name: emacs-lisp-example #+begin_src emacs-lisp (M-x (eval-expression “THE-emacs-superhero”)) #+end_src#+RESULTS: emacs-lisp-example ___ Mode is fundamentally a markdown format except it is much more powerful than markdown because the frustrating degree of “fracturization” of each tool utilizing markdown having a slightly different syntax then every single other tool. i.e. the xkcd……is not an issue with Org mode. Why? 1. You don’t ever need to leave Org Mode if you don’t want to, it is like a blanket fort in that respect. 2. Org-mode has extremely tight integration with Pandoc, so you can just wave your hands in the general direction of Pandoc and it will make your org file into anything you want. Do you want github markdown? How about wordpress? How about HTML5? Or maybe a unicorn? mode-website guides…/org_mode_blog/…/building-the-site/This video is a great 15 minute argument about why Org Mode is amazing. challenge: can you tell the difference between this video and the video the image at the top of the post is from? I can’t, problem is I have made so many editing mistakes on this post by this point that it is just a spiraling palimpsest and I fear I will never be able to know for sure if I linked to the correct one in the right spots in this post, kind of like an endless labyrinth of parentheses if you think about itThis video is a great rundown of why a writer might be compelled to invest so much time in learning Org Mode when it gives off a vibe of a tool designed for nerdy programmers exclusively. mobile I use organice as a web browser front end (Progressive Web App, pin it to your phones home screen) for editing and viewing Org files (with included agenda/calendar support and task tracking as per normal Org Mode in emacs). Eventually I want to set up a local WebDAV file server but right now I just set up a Dropbox with Organice and then plugged in Syncthing to sync my Org files to other devices. Try out Organice here, you can test it right in your browser…. because it runs totally in a phone or desktop browser (it’s a PWA!!). No data is sent to Organice, the hosted website is just an easy way to download the webpage to your phone and from that point on your devices just directly connect with no remote Organice servers ever actually touching your data. for deploying a local only Apache web server in docker.Emacs and Spacemacs also run in (command line mode) on termux on android, also Emacs is close to being released as a native app on android and I am excited to see where that goes with mobile Org Mode-info. file syncing I particularly recommend Syncthing because it requires no formal file server nor does it require a single server host (no single point of failure in a multiple device network syncing a folder). Files can easily be shared between devices and you can customize it to your hearts content, and especially if you have Syncthing running on your phone or a raspberry pi or something as your relay server SyncThing just works soooo damn well I love it. Useful Syncthing Links ___…/project-presentation.html#pr…___ addendum on how to use QR code scanner on the Syncthing web browser GUI (or associated apps) with devices that have a camera (laptops or phones) at bottomWhen using Syncthing to backup critical text files (that contain organizational and task tracking stuff), just go into the settings for that folder, set file versioning to “simple file versioning” and crank the number of old versions of a file to keep up to like 50… because I mean why not? With text files it isn’t going to take up any significant space, and while this is a crude solution it works and it is simple. main developers of Syncthing were unsure they would ever be able to get it to work with iOS’s file system, but thankfully somebody made an app called MobiusSync which is a paid app (a couple of bucks) which works fantastic for bringing SyncThing to iPhones/iOS. www.mobiussync.comThe thing that makes SyncThing so eminently practical is that if you are using a task tracking/organizational system that keeps its contents in a folder in a simple fashion (no database or anything) the file difference tracking of SyncThing immediately sets up a very powerful backup system that is MUCH more of a pain in the ass to DIY with any other setup (say Nextcloud and having to host a server). One recommendation I have that connects well with SyncThing is the downright sexy wiki software Dokuwiki is Dokuwiki sexy? It is super lightweight and keeps all the files for a wiki inside a normal folder with each page having a separate markdown file. There is no database you also have to get up and running that then makes remote syncing/backup a much more complex process. Just aim SyncThing at the folder where Dokuwiki is storing the wiki files and BAM you are done. Dokuwiki needs more love!!! Dokuwiki also has a fairly mature plugin and theme database of community created content you can download. Most importantly is the farmer plug-in which lets you host multiple bifurcated wikis on the same website/Dokuwiki server. There are also just a bunch of different plugins that allow you to set up anything from a blog to personal/intercompany documentation extremely easily and with zero annoying requirement to directly build the basic boilerplate stuff a website or wiki with a database normally requires. Org Mode is too much for you (you are in good company, company being the majority of human beings who don’t like silly endless rabbit holes lol) LogSeq might be worth checking out. It has a nice mobile app and SyncThing can easily be set up to sync the file folder LogSeq is using. logseq.comIf you (somehow, congrats! I respect the masochism) reached the end of this post and are annoyed that I am acting like a semi-human encyclopedia word vomiting information about annoying niche things nobody else cares about and it comes off like the tools I use massively overcomplicate things even when I claim they are simplifying things with a totally serious face (with a cult-like fervor in my eyes…?). Well here is some mindbleach for your troubles Addendum on using Syncthing’s QR code reader!! > On the syncthing management screen on any one of these machines — perhaps call this machine Mc0 — click the button “+ Add Remote Device” and input two fields: First, “Device ID” — if necessary take this from the other machine, say Mc1. Find “Device ID” under “Actions > Show ID”: the “Device ID” is an 8x7 string of characters or a QR code. Sometimes , I might not even have to do anything explicitly as Mc0 will automatically detect machine Mc1 (and possibly others) on my local Internet or WiFi. In that case, just click on the field for that machine. Additionally and optionally fill in a “Device Name” of my choice that will uniquely identify Mc1 to me - the “Device Name” has no significance to syncthing; it is meant only to aid humans. Close.…/242f08d20a9ada7b1077e077bb2d10a…

supersquirrel, (edited ) to games in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt Games Market Report 2024: Video Game Revenue is Projected to Grow by $1 Billion to 2027, Driven by PUBG, EA Sports FC, and Call of Duty

That potential is totally there for this growth to happen but what will actually happen in all probability is large game companies will continue to make massive cuts in employment in anticipation of being able to use AI for everything (and they will get away with it because workers aren’t organized in the industry of gaming like they are with movies) and the AAA market will stagnate and suffocate any innovation.

my thoughts on this___ Pre-existing IPs may continue to rake in the big bucks but make no mistake the AAA game industry is not going to meaningfully grow in the next 5 years except by acquisitions that temporarily increase the shareholder value of large holding companies for the time period it takes for the large company to speedrun killing the beloved indie gaming studio it bought. The indie gaming scene will grow I suspect though I don’t understand how any significant amount of people will be able to eke out a living developing indie games, especially with how AAA will permanently devalue the game development industry into something computer software does for business people who happen to be in the business of selling games, not an art form or highly valued skill. Also I would like to emphasize that it doesn’t matter if “AI” can actually replace game developers in doing practical work, likely AI won’t be able to do a very good job, but it really doesn’t matter that big holding companies will lose money temporarily in going all in on AI and firing even more employees in the game development industry, the only thing that matters is that AI provides a clear signal for the wealthy that now is the time for them to have solidarity and collectively devalue the game development profession together. Even if AI doesn’t pan out as useful in this context, that collective devaluing of game development labor will be incredibly profitable in the longterm for these corporations and the ruling class because even if AI disappeared tomorrow, the way it has devalued humans and their work will never go away without a massive cultural shift. From my experience in dealing with gamers and programmers into game development…… this cultural shift… really unionization and worker organizing to create solidarity across the industry… will happen just before hell freezes over since this hobby is absolutely stuffed full of libertarian fools who think that because they understand programming they must understand how the whole world works (including most crucially, humans and groups of humans). It is kind of comical in a way the degree to which game development is fucked as a career given how incredibly sure the culture of gamers and game developers is that AI won’t be used to shatter the industry to pieces. Again, it doesn’t matter if AI doesn’t work, new technology is a cue in the script for the wealthy to devalue industries together, and what matters isn’t whether the technology actually changes the landscape (though it may), what matters is that the rich collectively move on cue together and make no mistake… they are.

supersquirrel, to politics in Aging Workforce, Stagnant Youth: The Consequences of the Growing Age Pay Gap

Thanks for the reply, yeah, a lot of the negative emotions stem from grief, and I think that grief is actually perfectly rational when we consider grief as an emotion that can interface with modalities other than individual relations.

The biosphere of this planet is being obliterated and sea surface temperatures are off the charts, it makes sense that we grieve for these things as we do other forms of more individual death, but we rarely extend the grace to ourselves to let us just feel those emotions without contorting them into guilt about “feeling bad for no reason about things we can’t control”.

CBT is like “you can’t control this thing, there for it is a waste of time investing negative energy in thinking about it” and it is great advice if the thing you are worrying about is an asteroid randomly coming out of the sky and crushing you, or what someone else’s opinion of you is.

It becomes harder to apply when the situation is rather that you are having trouble enjoying the riverboat ride when you know you are headed over a waterfall (but the river is lazy and calm here, sit down have a drink!).

supersquirrel, to patientgamers in Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?

Please do, especially if there is a Minetest community on the fediverse somewhere :P !

supersquirrel, to patientgamers in Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?

I would love to see your mod list! If you have done a bit of work to find and test a collection of mods that you like, people might be interested to try it as an alternative starting point.

supersquirrel, (edited ) to politics in Aging Workforce, Stagnant Youth: The Consequences of the Growing Age Pay Gap

What industry are you in?

GIS, geology and land surveying are the fields I have experience in.

I know there are jobs out there that are good, but there is a part of me inside that is broken from the way that I can feel myself and other people my age being rejected from having a future. Even if I get lucky and get a nice job, I got lucky, things didn’t get better for everybody and… I don’t know it makes sparking fires in my heart like trying to start a campfire with a bunch of damp logs. You can kinda do it… but it always feels like you are putting in more energy than you are getting out.

I couldn’t imagine starting at ground zero today, however. I can appreciate just how hard today’s youth have it, which likely will be similar for my young boys as they reach working age.

How do you raise a generation into adulthood while teaching them that they have the privilege of being the particular generation to witness the destruction of our planet as we know it? To understand that their elders are not holders of stories and wisdom but strangers from the world before who still cling violently to their past realities? I know it is a distraction to speak of one generation vs. another generation, that the causes of these problems have to do with wealth inequality and capitalism not some genetic wiring to a particular generation of people (generalizations are always wrong too)… but while recognizing that there is no war but the class war… I also feel compelled to take the long view (I am trained as a geologist after all) that this is a unique period of history where by and large the parents of one generation collectively abandoned a sense of responsibility towards passing on a world to the children of the next generation (and their children and so on). There is a ravine here, between future generations (my generation included) and my parents generation, and I am convinced it will be a ravine that will be spoken of for a very very very long time (it isn’t hyperbolic to say thousands of years assuming humanity goes on that long). It is weird to be living through the middle of it forming.

supersquirrel, (edited ) to politics in Aging Workforce, Stagnant Youth: The Consequences of the Growing Age Pay Gap

long comment on my perspective as a younger person, putting behind a spoiler because I don’t want to make people’s thumbs fall off from having to keep swiping to scroll past it lol___ I am in my mid 30s and I can honestly I have never worked for a company that was interested in developing my skills. Every job has tried to devalue me and actively treated any kind of investment in me as a liability or waste of time. Actually when I stop and think about it, every business I have worked for is always trying to fight fires and the people running them say they never have any time to actually train employees. Everyone needs to come in to jobs with the specific qualifications listed needing absolutely zero training even if it is an entry level job in that particular industry. It doesn’t feel like I am wanted as a human being by my society, my body is wanted for its physical capacity but I inhabiting my body am unwanted. I have no investment in this society and or economy in terms of work because I have always been spit on and treated as useless. Why would a job care about training me and giving me career opportunities when everything is a short term contract or the company will go through layoffs in the next economic cycle just around the corner? The place I grew up in, my parents generation were the first generation in the area to really populate the rural beach town I grew up in, a lot of people my parents age spent their entire lives there always finding a place they could fit in no matter what stage of life they were in. Not for my generation, housing costs and other local factors lead to the door getting slammed shut on any of us making a life where we were raised… while at the same time we were raised hearing older people talk all the time about how wonderful it is to live their whole lives in this place. When I think about this and how much my parents generation (boomers) destroyed the planet and locked us into a warming trajectory that will lead to millions and millions (if not billions, honestly who actually knows?) of people dying from climate related wars or famines not to mention the extinction of countless species, I feel this deep sense that there is no bridge between me and my parents nor between my generation and theirs. We stand, each on opposing cliffs, with the remnants of a bridge far below in the canyon, and I watch as the wealthy of the older generation pack up everything and recede into retirement (“fuck you I got mine”). I turn around and look to the future and see that a division like this, of this supremely existential severity, is unlikely to happen again soon in humanity. For an entire generation of wealthy boomers to so catastrophically foreclose the futures of their children and betray their basic responsibility to pass the future on to the next generation is honestly disgusting and future generations will not and can not make the same mistake. Boomers always get upset when I say this and say stuff like “Not all Boomers ok!” and yes I get that (I understand there are many people from the boomer generation who care and fought hard!) but I really think older people in general have zero fucking clue how their generation will be remembered for tens of thousands of years at a minimum for destroying the planet. I don’t consider my parents my family, and I don’t consider the older people around me as possessing an adult wisdom that will be passed on to me about how to steward our lives and the landscape around us, they are part of a sickness of ideology that forces me into a much closer identification with the masses of unborn future humans who will have to also deal with the catastrophic consequences of the later half of the 20th century. I share nothing in common with the vast majority of older people on the other side of the cliff, especially because most of them pretend it was a normal healthy thing that they blew up the bridge between their generation and the next generation of young people, and I just want to punch older people in the face when they start hemming and hawing about whether climate change is real seeing as they won’t have to really deal with it even though they participated every day of their lives in causing it. Idk the economic division this article talks about makes perfect sense to me, it feels like a direct embodiment of what it is like to be a young person and feel that your future has been foreclosed.

supersquirrel, to selfhost in [Question] Self-hosting small snippets of text, like for Discord or similar?

Oh super cool, yeah checking out your Dokuwiki personal website it just reminds me how much I like the software. The UI of pages is so simple and clean and Dokuwiki is so easy to setup I honestly don’t see the reason to really go with a normal website over using Dokuwiki unless you have very specific needs (especially because with the farm/animal plugin or whatever you can host multiple different wikis on the same website).

I don’t think Dokuwiki is perfect for what you want though but it is so lightweight and customizable that I originally mentioned it to suggest considering if you can tweak your workflow to make it work.

Have you looked at Logseq? It is a free and open source personal wiki/knowledge base with a great mobile app. The structure is every day has its own page that you add notes to, you then link to other pages to create them and move on to editing those pages like a normal wiki. Might be a little closer to what you are looking for.

supersquirrel, to patientgamers in Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?

What I been playing


Motor Town for driving wayyyyy too fast in an open world

Xonotic for swooping around and feeling that zen feel that comes from being locked in with an arena shooter.

Halo Infinite & Splitgate (I hop back and forth between the two) for multiplayer fun. I love the jet pack in Splitgate and Halo Infinite is just damn good halo multiplayer (though I wish it ran a tinnyyyy bit better on my Steam Deck).

Operation Harsh Doorstop for my realistic shooter vibes, this game has been really fun to see coming together in development, especially since Battlebit has so thoroughly disappointed me with giving the advantage entirely to high mobility smg players and not giving other play styles any way to counter that. Idk Squad wouldn’t even run on my Steam Deck I don’t think so Operation Harsh Doorstop has been my semi-realistic shooter of choice.

supersquirrel, to patientgamers in Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?

How do you like the show so far vs the games?

supersquirrel, to patientgamers in Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?

When you say you are playing Minetest are you playing MineClone or did you start from scratch with the mods you chose.

supersquirrel, (edited ) to selfhost in [Question] Self-hosting small snippets of text, like for Discord or similar?

Hmm, Dokuwiki is a reallllllly underrated wiki software that is extremely lightweight and doesn’t require a database to run on (files are just stored in a folder). Multiple different wikis can be run on the same Dokuwiki server with plugins and in general it is a supremely easy way to host a body of text and images that can be easily edited by multiple people (or be kept private). The media manager for uploading images and managing them is really nice too.

Backing up your wiki on Dokuwiki is also absurdly easy because it is just a folder… that you can backup in any number of ways (git… syncthing… whatever).

Seriously, Dokuwiki needs more love.

supersquirrel, to lemmyshitpost in Return to monkey then?

I know this is a joke, but for real outdoor domesticated cats kill 1.3-4 billion songbirds a year… and most of those cats are being fed by humans.

They really do need to stop working so hard, and humans really need to start thinking about the ethics of letting their cat out to slaughter the wildlife around their home for no reason.

supersquirrel, to startrek in Preview ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Episode 504 With New Images And Clip From “Face The Strange”

I really like what they are hunting for, it extends what happened in a one off TNG episode and I think it is a fantastic choice for structuring a season around.

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