electricprism, to linux in Pipewire vs PulseAudio: What's the Difference?

I miss the pulseaudio restart command.

Sometimes my 3.5mm aux isn’t detected in pipewire until I reboot.

pulseaudio -r used to do the trick iirc


On my distro (debian) I can use systemctl --user restart pipewire.service.


I used to have to occasionally run this but I’d say it has been at least a couple of years since I last had to. I was a pretty early adopter of pipewire because it solved some Bluetooth issues that pulseaudio had. It has improved immensely since I first started using it.

electricprism, (edited )

To be fair (with pipewire*) my audio issues usually related to HDMI audio output which has been a PITA for like 20 years since the days of Xbox 360.

I started using PipeWire as soon as Arch switched the recommended default and I agree, it cleared up a lot of issues and fixed my Bluetooth headset, which was nice.

My 3.5mm issues are complicated by the scenario where I have a extension cable always plugged in but not always my headphone cable (sennheisers stock cables aren’t super long)

I just wanted to add this as a “to be fair” and there is a element of “user error” where I just haven’t put enough time in to really learn pipewire.

Well last night I resolved my problems by making sure to kill all processed owned by the greeter (as seen in my other post thanks to OP^^)

`killall -u greeter’

Now I can enjoy my Ubuntu startup sound in peace /s /volume-warning

Communist, avatar

you should really report that bug to the greeter people, that should be fixed for everyone


Thank you, I added the command to my Linux Journal,

Your post motivated me to do some more trials and it ended up that my greetd greeter was locking up the audio sink.

So I made sure to add a command after the greeter exits killall -u greeter and the sink finally passed correctly to the logged in user just fine after that.

In reviewing the arch wiki some more too I’ve installed wire plumber session manager for pipewire, I am still a little confused about it’s function and relation to pipewire but maybe that has helped too?

Cheers :)


This is just generally how you should restart most things on systemd systems.

umbrella, to linux in Pipewire vs PulseAudio: What's the Difference? avatar

pipewire simply eliminated all the quirks from my use case.

the transition was annoying, but i don’t even think about how bad linux audio used to be anymore.

wish the transition to wayland was going this well.

Rustmilian, (edited ) avatar

With Wayland it was either break everything and improve, progress, and innovate over time with something actually maintainable & expandable,
Or… make x11\Xorg 2.0 and have to rewrite the entire stack yet again in only a few years.


And it was the X devs who made the choice.


The transition for me was “install Pipewire and its pulseaudio compatibility package, remove pulseaudio, reboot.”

There are a couple of quirks (updating Apparmor rules makes KDE think I’ve reattached all my audio devices), but it’s mostly pretty smooth.

umbrella, avatar

I waited for canonical to enable it by default. The annoying part for me was undoing the workarounds PulseAudio needed to do what I wanted.

Baggie, to linux in Pipewire vs PulseAudio: What's the Difference?

Would love to use it, it has the incorrect channel map for my surround sound system which apparently cannot be changed like it can in pulse? After that gets sorted then sure.


my system sets the wrong bitrate for a device but I was able to configure it, you may want to browse the wireplumber wiki and see if its config options can meet your use case


That’s a good tip, it probably can but I’ll need a bit of learning to figure it out. The Linux audio situation is a hell of a learning curve sometimes.

Snarwin, to linux in Pipewire vs PulseAudio: What's the Difference?

As someone who occasionally dabbles in music production on Linux, I love that Pipewire lets me run JACK and Pulseaudio apps side-by-side without having to jump through hoops.

Diplomjodler, to linux in Pipewire vs PulseAudio: What's the Difference?

I always had trouble with the sound on video calls with PulseAudio. Since I’ve switched to Pipewire, everything has been smooth.

pastermil, to linux in Enabling Bluetooth on Arch Linux

Meanwhile, Linux Mint users have it on by default.


mint and arch aren’t made for the same people. Not everyone wants it on by default

rah, to linux in Bored With Bash? Change the Default Shell in Linux

Boring is good. I don’t want to be surprised by the software I use.

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