gravitas_deficiency, to politics in Prosecutor accuses Trump's lawyers of 'hijacking' hearing in classified docs case - ABC News

I mean it’s also fair to say that the trump-appointed judge has “hijacked” the hearing.

dogsnest, avatar


“Case dismissed!”

– Aileen Cannon

jordanlund, to world in Trump gag order partially lifted in hush money case avatar

Removed, internal US news is not World News.

See News or Politics.

deranger, to world in Trump gag order partially lifted in hush money case

IANAL but witnesses and jury are done working the case. The others are not done working until sentencing. That seems to be the difference.


They’re not done being in potential danger when a deranged cult leader demonizes them on national TV, though.

slurpinderpin, to politics in Trump expressed concern that returning classified docs after subpoena could result in criminal charges, according to sealed notes - ABC News

We have a convicted felon as a nominee of a major party, who is a severe threat to national security. What the fuck are Republicans smoking?

ganksy, avatar

Power. Super addictive and crazy potent


And none of them want to leave DC and go back to the bumfuck shittown they got elected from.

Jimbabwe, to politics in Trump expressed concern that returning classified docs after subpoena could result in criminal charges, according to sealed notes - ABC News
jordanlund, to politics in Trump expressed concern that returning classified docs after subpoena could result in criminal charges, according to sealed notes - ABC News avatar

Proof he knew what he was doing was wrong and his arguments that he declassified them all are bullshit.


Not to worry, [🤡] Judge Cannon will make sure that the jurors will never see those!

queue, to politics in Prosecutors say gag order is needed to keep Trump from inviting 'violent act' on law enforcement - ABC News avatar

Jesus Christ can we just lock him away? Why does he get to run for office, get more money for being a charged criminal, while us plebs have to worry about cops shooting first and asking questions later?

Gag him, but it won’t do dick when he’s already been gagged and violated it, and courts take forever for the richest and most corrupt fuckers on the planet. He needs to be in jail for his crimes. (Yes I know you can run for office from jail, Eugene V. Debs did it when he was arrested for protesting the draft of WW1.)

Alexstarfire, to politics in Prosecutors say gag order is needed to keep Trump from inviting 'violent act' on law enforcement - ABC News

What’s the gag order gonna do? He’s ignored all the gag orders placed on him. Gonna make him pay a fine again?


More rope to hang himself with…I hope.

We’ll find out in a little over two weeks.


And that was from a “tough” judge who was doing everything he could not to jail him. Eileen Cannon is absolutely not going to meaningfully enforce a gag order. And she’d probably set aside 3 weeks to hear motions for each violation before refusing it.

ThePantser, to politics in Prosecutors say gag order is needed to keep Trump from inviting 'violent act' on law enforcement - ABC News avatar


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  • queue, avatar

    Rape jokes aren’t cool even if its prisoners or male on male. Jesus Christ.

    JimSamtanko, to politics in Prosecutors say gag order is needed to keep Trump from inviting 'violent act' on law enforcement - ABC News

    And this is the guy that for some strange reason, people here want you to not vote against.


    If you vote 3rd party you’re still voting against Trump. It’s just not in any meaningful wall.


    Most of us aren’t in states where our vote matters to start. Giving third parties federal funding and ballot access is meaningful.


    That’s the most frustrating thing about all these back and forths. So much angst and arguments when the first question that needs to be asked is “do you live in a state that’s in play?” If not, then you don’t need to tell anyone who you’re not voting for and no one needs to tell you you shouldn’t, because your vote doesn’t matter and you’re not making the decision based on who you’d prefer to see in the White House. Deep-X votes are being decided in relation to their irrelevance and both shouldn’t be shamed as supporting migrant death camps and also shouldn’t be an opinion someone in a swing state should look to when making their own decision.

    I’m in a deep blue state. Usually I vote for Democratic presidential candidates merely to drive up the popular vote total and make the argument against the electoral college stronger. That’s all my (presidential) vote is worth, so if I decided not to cast it, it’s in that context, and someone in Georgia should be making their decision in an entirely different context and ignoring the position declarations of people whose votes really don’t matter.

    cheese_greater, to politics in Prosecutors say gag order is needed to keep Trump from inviting 'violent act' on law enforcement - ABC News

    It would honestly take one public and humiliating asskicking go get Trump in line and he’ll never get it. He so badly needs it, just all his toys and faux-dominance taken away in one felon swoop

    Nightwingdragon, to politics in Judge in Trump classified docs case questions government about funding for special counsel - ABC News

    Am I reading this right or is she seriously entertaining the notion of dismissing the case because Jack Smith spent too much money investigating? And what happens, does the defendant just get to walk away if they go over budget?

    “Your honor, the sheriff drove to my home to arrest me for this crime. This cost the American taxpayer approximately $1.07 in gas and $.15 worth of wear and tear on a government vehicle. This was not appropriated in the investigation budget so I demand the case be thrown out!”

    Judge: “Agreed! Case dismissed!”

    homesweethomeMrL, to politics in Prosecutors say gag order is needed to keep Trump from inviting 'violent act' on law enforcement - ABC News

    Prosecutors argued that it was actually the Earth which revolved around the Sun, and not the other way around. Judge Aileen “The Fix Is In” Cannon said she would consider the motion.

    Rapidcreek, to politics in Judge in Trump classified docs case questions government about funding for special counsel - ABC News

    Incompetent and corrupt Jurists for $500 ; Alex

    HubertManne, to politics in Blaming Trump for 'combustible atmosphere,' prosecutors to push for gag order in classified docs case - ABC News

    order someone to tear a place up in private and its recorded and you go to jail. do it on twitter and your scott free. All mob bosses should just use twitter to talk with their crews.

    queue, avatar

    We only got Al Capone due to tax evasion, and even Trump gets around that! The fucking mafia committing crimes has to worry about the IRS more than dipshit orange fuck Trump.

    Again, can we call ourselves a democracy when one of the “only” choices is a convicted felon who tried to coup the government? Because there’s a word for when the “the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens” run the joint, it’s Kakistocracy.


    funny. I would think it would be called kakastocracy.

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