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You could just read the article.


Especially against a friendly country with a lot of back and forth migration.


Read the article. It’s the Philippines.

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement (

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...


Sometimes. Sometimes it’s more accurate than anyone in the village. And it’ll be reliably getting better. People relying on “AI is wrong sometimes” as the core plank of opposition aren’t going to have a lot of runway before it’s so much less error prone than people the complaint is irrelevant.

The jobs and the plagiarism aspects are real and damaging and won’t be solved with innovation. The “AI is dumb” is already only selectively true and almost all the technical effort is going toward reducing that. ChatGPT launched a year and a half ago.


You’re lovely. Don’t think I need to see anything you write ever again.


Yeah. AI making images with six fingers was amusing, but people glommed onto it like it was the savior of the art world. “Human artists are superior because they can count fingers!” Except then the models updated and it wasn’t as much of a problem anymore. It felt good, but it was just a pleasant illusion for people with very real reasons to fear the tech.

None of these errors are inherent to the technology, they’re just bugs to correct, and there’s plenty of money and attention focused on fixing bugs. What we need is more attention focused on either preparing our economies to handle this shock or greatly strengthen enforcement on copyright (to stall development). A label like this post is about is a good step, but given how artistic professions already weren’t particularly safe and “organic” labeling only has modest impacts on consumer choice, we’re going to need more.


Except those things didn’t really solve any problems. Well, dotcom did, but that actually changed our society.

AI isn’t vaporware. A lot of it is premature (so maybe overblown right now) or just lies, but ChatGPT is 18 months old and look where it is. The core goal of AI is replacing human effort, which IS a problem wealthy people would very much like to solve and has a real monetary benefit whenever they can. It’s not going to just go away.

Zaktor, (edited )

Yes? AI is a lot of things, and most have well-defined accuracy metrics that regularly exceed human performance. You’re likely already experiencing it as a mundane tool you don’t really think about.

If you’re referring specifically to generative AI, that’s still premature, but as I pointed out, the interactive chat form most people worry about is 18 months old and making shocking levels of performance gains. That’s not the perpetual “10 years away” it’s been for the last 50 years, that’s something that’s actually happening in the near term. Jobs are already being lost.

People are scared about AI taking over because they recognize it (rightfully) as a threat. That’s not because they’re worthless. If that were the case you’d have nothing to fear.


This is a post on the Beehaw server. They don’t propagate downvotes.


Bonus trivia, sometimes you may see a downvote on a Beehaw post. As far as I understand the system, that’s because someone on your server downvoted the thing. The system then sends it off to Beehaw to be recorded on the “real” post and Beehaw just doesn’t apply it.


Except when it comes to LLM, the fact that the technology fundamentally operates by probabilisticly stringing together the next most likely word to appear in the sentence based on the frequency said words appeared in the training data is a fundamental limitation of the technology.

So long as a model has no regard for the actual you know, meaning of the word, it definitionally cannot create a truly meaningful sentence.

This is a misunderstanding of what “probabilistic word choice” can actually accomplish and the non-probabilistic systems that are incorporated into these systems. People also make mistakes and don’t actually “know” the meaning of words.

The belief system that humans have special cognizance unlearnable by observation is just mysticism.


I’m referencing ChatGPT’s initial benchmarks to its capabilities to today. Observable improvements have been made in less than two years. Even if you just want to track time from the development of modern LLM transformers (All You Need is Attention/BERT), it’s still a short history with major gains (alexnet isn’t really meaningfully related). These haven’t been incremental changes on a slow and steady march to AI sometime in the scifi scale future.

Zaktor, (edited )

The problem is that shit art is what employs a lot of artists. Like, in a post-scarcity society no one needing to spend any of their limited human lifespan producing corporate art would be awesome, but right now that’s one of the few reliable ways an artist can actually get paid.

I’m most familiar with photography as I know several professional photographers. It’s not like they love shooting weddings and clothing ads, but they do that stuff anyway because the alternative is not using their actual expertise and just being a warm body at a random unrelated job.


GameStop also went up. It doesn’t mean GameStop is a good company that’s valuable to own, it just means that dumb people will buy things without value if they think they can eventually pass the bag to someone else. If someone purchased every share of Amazon they’d own a massive asset that would continually produce value for them. If someone bought every outstanding Bitcoin, it both wouldn’t produce ongoing value, but the value would actually go to zero.


Is a photographer an artist? They need to have some technical skill to capture sharp photos with good lighting, but a lot of the process is designing a scene and later selecting among the photos from a shoot for which one had the right look.

Or to step even further from the actual act of creation, is a creative director an artist? There’s certainly some skill involved in designing and recognizing a compelling image, even if you were not the one who actually produced it.


No, both of those examples involve both design and selection, which is reminiscent to the AI art process. They’re not just typing in “make me a pretty image” and then refreshing a lot.


Why? The DOJ has mostly dropped the ball and/or been stymied in doing anything about blatant lawbreaking. The NYAG was the one who actually did something, and they only had jurisdiction on a relatively minor crime. Stealing and lying about classified material and engaging in insurrection aren’t the sort of crimes where probation is a feasible outcome. He should be happy Merrick Garland just jerked off for two years and Jack Smith didn’t want to impugn the justice system by saying Eileen Cannon wasn’t going to be a fair judge.


But in this case it seems like an entirely good thing? The offer was made by an actual friend, the guy himself wanted this, his wife too, and they’re both pretty cognizant about what this is and isn’t.


This is a very patronizing view of people who all seem to be well informed about what this is and isn’t and who have already acknowledged that they will put it aside if it scares them. No one is foisting this on the bereaved wife and the husband has preemptively said it’s ok if her or her children never use it.

This might fail in all the ways you think it will. That’s a very small dataset of information, so it’s likely to be either be an overcomplicated recording or to need to incorporate training other than what he personally said, but it’s not your place to tell her what’s best for her personal grieving process.

Zaktor, (edited )

This is speculation of corporate action completely divorced from the specifics of this technology and particulars of this story. The result of this could be a simple purchase either of hardware or software to be used as chosen by the person owning it. And the person commissioning it can specify exactly who such a simulacrum is presented to. None of this has to be under the power of the company that builds the simulacrums, and if it is structured that way, then that’s the problem that should be rejected or disallowed, not that this particular form of memento exists.


This is a weirdly “you should only do things the natural way” comment section for a Tech-based community.

Humans also weren’t “meant” to be on social media, or recording videos of themselves, or even building shrines or gravesites for their loved ones. They’re just practices that have sprung up as technology and culture change. This very well could be an impediment to her moving on without him, but that’s her choice to make, and all this appeal to tradition is patronizing and doesn’t actually mean tradition is the right path for any given individual. The only right way to process death is:

  • Burn their body and possessions so that no trace remains
  • Pump their body full of chemicals so they won’t be decomposing when people ceremonially visit their corpse weeks later
  • Entomb them with their cats, slaves, and riches
  • Plant a tree nourished by their decomposing corpse
  • Turn their ashes into a piece of jewelry to be carried with you always
  • Make a shrine to the dead in your home to be prayed at regularly
  • Cast a death mask to more accurately sculpt their bust
  • Freeze their head so they may be resurrected later
Zaktor, (edited )

So just more patronizing. It’s their life, you don’t know better than them how to live it, grief or no.


Sure, and that point is being made in multiple other places in these comments. I find it patronizing, but that’s neither here nor there as it’s not what this comment thread is about.


Don’t care. I do care he took a hundred thousand dollars in gifts for this son from rightwing billionaires. He’s not important because he’s supposed to be a great dad, he’s important because he’s supposed to be impartially deciding matters of national import.


An article with more information about the fliers at the PA UN office, including witnesses to protesters (or “protesters”?).…/story?id=111050043

The U-Haul of protesters feels alt-right [1][2] and some have done false flag operations at protests to try to escalate conflict, but it’s certainly possible for disparate groups to use the same transportation methods. Just feels fishy.


It’s kind of wild that they think Merrick Fucking Garland is a partisan Democratic tool. Politically he’s almost certainly Joe Biden’s worst appointment and has been doing them favor after favor throughout his tenure.


I’m happy this stupid trial might be on its way out from the news headlines. It was utterly unimportant, but the media was trying to hype it as the mirror to Trump’s trial. Literally the only legitimate news story was Biden saying he wouldn’t pardon his son. That’s it. Everything else is just news organizations failing to resist rightwing manipulation and/or their deeply held belief in finding a “both sides” for every issue.


1 is yellow journalism, 2 is aggressively stupid, Joe Biden had two other adult children, one of which was a veteran, prosecutor, and AG, and 3 has been a years-long effort by Republicans which has never turned up anything to actually implicate Joe Biden.

None of those are things that an actual objective journalist would care about, it’s just a play to be “fair and balanced” and attract conservative clicks. The last is the only one that would be newsworthy if true, but the Trump children have been unarguably profiting off him and his presidency and no one has chased that story for years.


If you check out the offending appointee, there’s not really anything in her history that suggests she’d be expected to vote like this. Like sure, who knows what beliefs she professed in private vetting, but public information doesn’t look like Biden appointed a risky choice likely to be friendly to big money.


A good way to induce people who don’t normally see ads to watch an ad is for its target to make the ad a news story.


“There’s every reason for people to believe X, but I’m not going to comment on it” is commenting on it. If your friend said “there’s every reason to believe GSF murdered a hobo for fun, but I’m not going to comment on it”, you’re not going to thank them for not commenting on it.

Biden has been WAAAAAY too deferential to Israel, and this is kind of a weak ass way to say it, but it was definitely said.


which accused the US president of straying from diplomatic norms.

Not “it’s not true”, just that it’s not polite to say.


I have a feeling this story could be found on somewhere other than Fox News. Might be interesting to discuss, but not if it’s coming from Fox.


Your poll is from 2014 about a different operation.


Though really they shouldn’t have been able to pull off the first October 7th.


The Republican use of the “fascist” accusation is entirely about muddying the waters to imply it’s just meaningless political noise. Same way “fake news” followed people rightfully pointing out that conservatives were getting actual fake news.


It’d take some work to bake this in so it doesn’t just revert to the norm and it doesn’t seem like Biden’s team wants to do that work. I have a real hard time figuring out how political experts theoretically at the top of their field just thought this was an event that should be met with a lowkey response. Polls have been saying this would affect people’s votes the whole time, they just need to exploit it rather than expect it to be self-evident to the voting population that this mattered.


According to a court filing in a related case, Salem settled the lawsuit brought by Andrews for an undisclosed “significant” amount.

And likely this public apology. They didn’t just suddenly grow a conscience, they settled a lawsuit.


And frankly, even separate from the very disparate ethics surrounding the crimes they were convicted of, this comparison is completely irrelevant. Debs was a minor candidate with no shot at winning. This trivia article is mostly just going to be an excuse for why an actual criminal who could actually win the presidency is no big deal. Putting this out now is just a single tiny step down from deciding now is the right time to recount Nelson Mandela’s time in prison.

It’s like reporters are just blank slates primed with random contemporary keywords without context and incapable of contemplating what the effect of their work will be in reality.


The problem is that reports (from within the Israeli media) are that Israel won’t end the war for a deal to free all the hostages. And “the war will not end until all of its goals are achieved, including the return of all our hostages and the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities”. And they won’t accept outside peacekeepers, they demand to maintain a role in managing Gaza’s security beyond the end of the conflict.

So there’s a lot of reason to believe that Phase II is never intended to resolve in a cease fire. Their demands in the negotiations are eliminating the group they’re negotiating with and then reestablishing the occupation of Gaza. That’s not really a negotiation.


LOL. “Bad people should be self-sacrificing for the good of others.” If we’re going to talk in such fantasies, Benjamin Netanyahu should go present himself to the people of Gaza and accept whatever judgement they believe is appropriate for his crimes against them.


I’m been fantasizing about Biden passing away from some clearly age related issue, simultaneously opening the race up for Anyone Else (D) to step in and highlighting how it’s a bad idea to put ancient people in critical offices.

Why Megadonors Are Unfazed by Donald Trump’s Guilty Verdict | Money flowed into the former president’s re-election campaign from Wall Street and Silicon Valley following Thursday’s historic conviction (

With the billionaires backing him, it’s going to be on us as individual Americans to make sure Trump doesn’t end up in the White House again. That means not just voting but talking with people around you, volunteering and donating


He controls the State Department. Like sure, theoretically they just do their job producing an independent report that gets to his desk and then he finds out what it says for the first time, but realistically no, they support what the White House says. That’s why there’s so many people resigning.

You guys had a whole good back and forth about real things that were done and matter and then deviated into “Biden actually has no power so nothing is his fault” on the things that he does, unquestionably, have power over.


I just don’t think this is Blinken’s doing, or more accurately I think he’s doing exactly the job Biden is asking of him. But I’d be happy for him to be the fall guy to mark a pivot. Whatever it takes to right the ship.


How exactly did it backfire? He got a bunch of people who Republicans hate to say he’s the worst. If anything the scheme worked even better than expected.


Coal lobbyists are literally the only Republican-allied group mentioned and they just kept lukewarm distance. From the wording it kind of sounds like they were already with his opponent. They were never going to care about a Dylan Mulvaney troll. The already know who’s going to ask “how high” when they say “jump”.


Weird messaging choice. I guess they don’t want anyone to just sit back and assume sentencing will solve everything, but this seems like downplaying a major beneficial event. Like, you can at least pump it up for a weekend rather than telling voters it doesn’t really matter and trying to move on immediately.


either keep Sotomayor or replace her with a progressive justice

No, we need to replace her. The ability to replace justices is often a limited time offer.

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