n3m37h, to games in Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account

I had to sign up for PSN over a month ago, why is there outrage now?


They are removing the “Skip” button from the linking page on game launch and forcing anyone who used it to link a PSN account now


There was a skip button?

I mean its not like EA games where ya need to install a 3rd party launcher

Still anyone review bombing over such a stupid thing needs a slap upside the head. Took me all of 2 min to sign up and now I have 90 house played

No one complains about having to sign up for Xbox shit.

Sanctus, avatar

Because Xbox and Windows are fully integrated. Most people gaming don’t have to have a separate account, just an Xbox username that you create once and it is attached to your Microsoft account. You’re right about EA making you download the worst launcher in existence, but this statement about security is bs. Its more about them controlling the psn accounts and not the steam ones.


Steam is available in 237 countries, while PSN is only available in 69 countries. Some people are going to be locked out from the game they bought. E.g African players are going to be fucked.


Account creation fatigue. I’m personally not fond of creating a one-off account for every fucking game I play on steam. It’s enough already. EA account, ubisoft account, rockstar account, PSN account, xyz account, ugh. Every new account I create is just an additional attack vector for when all of these companies eventually get hacked. I get occasional emails about security breaches or unauthorized attempts for random ass accounts I created years ago, and it’s so frustrating. I don’t even have a playstation. It’s just so annoying. I’m sick of it. I don’t believe for a fucking second that Sony is requiring this for “security and safety.” Those fucks just want to inflate their user numbers for the shareholders and collect our data to sell to 3rd parties. I am so fucking sick of this shit already. I bought the game on steam. Just let me use my steam account only god dammit.



I don’t have Xbox or PlayStation and I still signed up. Just use a stupid throw away password. Ya know how many times people have tried to log into my twitch account and I ignored it because even if they did get the password it means absolute jack shit. If ya do use the acct to buy stuff, use a virtual credit card to make payments so its as easy as shutting down that CCD and opening a new one.

Be more pissed about the rootkit of a anti cheat that they use


Maybe be pissed about both?


Same— my understanding is that there’s now no option to play without making one, which for some countries and territories is not even an option, making the game unplayable for them.


This makes sense, that’s kind of a shitty deal for them.

neo, avatar

It was apparently skippable before.


It was so skippable I never even knew there was an option to link to a PS Account, which I dont have because my last PlayStation was the PS2

Metal_Zealot, to games in Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition Arrives Next Month, Includes Phantom Liberty Expansion avatar

You mean, the game they should’ve shipped at launch?

Katana314, to games in Avowed's Creators On Why Romance Was Considered, But Ultimately Not Included And Skyrim Comparisons

What I want out of romance in games is to have it take you by surprise, which often means it’s not a “romance option”. Some of the best character scenes I’ve seen wrapped some other major plot point into the fact that one person cares a bit too deeply about another, and processes it all very suddenly.

So I’m fine with this removal. All those romance choices in RPGs like Fallout and Skyrim felt ultra shallow to me. Even BG3 just seems like raw wish fulfillment from a horny cast.

RedditWanderer, to games in Xbox President Addresses Bethesda Studio Closures, Says It's About Keeping Business Healthy Long-Term

Long-term monopoly

EmperorHenry, to games in Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account avatar

Okay…the video game industry is going to crash any day now.

They keep raising prices, lowering quality, abusing their devs and now they’re also making everything more restrictive. And There’s also several games out there that require you to disable your core isolation to install them.

If it won’t run with core isolation enabled, it’s malware. That’s the rule every windows user needs to start following.


Americans are not going to stop playing video games anytime soon. I think they can easily get away with more

Aielman15, to games in Crash Bandicoot 4, Spyro Reignited Trilogy Dev Toys For Bob Is Splitting From Activision avatar

So, T4B splits from Microsoft-owned ActiBlizz… To keep working with Microsoft. Odd.

But anyway, they were one of the very few developers I cared about in the ActiBlizz group, so I’m happy to see them going independent. I hope it turns out fine for them.

I suppose this also means that Microsoft is not interested in having a new Spyro/Crash game? Otherwise, why let them split up?

altima_neo, avatar

Doesnt seem terribly odd. I dont think they get to keep any of the IPs they worked on, meaning MS can still make Spyro/Crash with any of their other developers. What this does mean, though, is that T4B is able to work on their own IP that they will own the rights to, and partner with Microsoft to publish the game.


So weird that Microsoft owns the rights to Crash now. That little fucker was the PS1 mascot in my mind.

NOT_RICK, avatar

And now Sony owns the dev that made Xbox relevant. It’s definitely gotten weird in the industry the past few years

altima_neo, avatar

Though, they’re definitely not the juggernaut they used to be. A lot of people like destiny, but I didn’t care for it. It doesn’t have the same magic Halo had.

altima_neo, avatar

It’s deeper than that, when you think about it. MS owns the rights to Crash and Spyro, but also Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, and Killer Instinct. Like damn, not even Nintendo was safe.

ParkedInReverse, to games in Final Fantasy XVI Is Getting Two DLCs And One Of Them Is Available Now

So the DLC is PS5 exclusive with a *. The * says ‘Not available on other formats until at least 31/12/2023.’ Not sure what to make of this.


The game itself is also a ps5 exclusive currently I believe, with plans to eventually come to other platforms. So maybe just some weird technical disclaimer?


That’s a good point. Very weird disclaimer indeed, lol.


So it’s only exclusive for 23 days?

Really weird when the game isn’t currently on any other system…

altima_neo, avatar

Yeah, I didnt even realize it had come out already.

SatansMaggotyCumFart, to games in Neil Druckmann Teases Next Naughty Dog Game: 'It Could Redefine Mainstream Perceptions Of Gaming'

Neil Druckmann’s about to make you his bitch.


When the twitter trolls called him Neil Cuckmann they didn’t know who was about to get cucked.

HarkMahlberg, avatar

Underrated burn. Hot damn.


Yeah, that’s the same energy…

But at least John Romero came off a hot streak with his stinker.

Rentlar, (edited ) to games in Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account

It doesn’t seem like a big change to me, so long as you can just have it linked to your Steam account and nothing else.

I’d mostly be upset if it breaks Linux compatibility or was a single player game (HD2 isn’t).

E: Changed only to mostly


And the people that bought it but can’t get PSN accounts? Do they get a refund (HAHAHAHAH) or are they just fucked?

It’s a huge change even if you can’t grasp it.

Enough demanding accounts for everything.


I think those people that will no longer be able to play it, because Sony doesn’t let them do the thing that they now require, deserve refunds. I will leave a negative review when the update drops if they don’t, despite really enjoying this game, because it’s not fair to those who bought it and will be locked out. If they can make it such that you can have a placeholder Sony account that can’t access all PSN features, for the sole purpose to play this and other Sony games on Steam, that anyone in the world can access, that would be an acceptable compromise to me.

I understand EULA and account creation fatigue. It’s just that it’s not the accounts themselves that are the worrisome part of the change for me is what I’m saying. If it’s for specific reasoning (console crossplay), is unobtrusive, and maintains access for existing Steam purchasers then I don’t have a real problem. If they use it to limit people’s access that’s where I have a problem.


If they can make it such that you can have a placeholder Sony account that can’t access all PSN features, for the sole purpose to play this and other Sony games on Steam, that anyone in the world can access, that would be an acceptable compromise to me.

If they did that then what is the point in requiring a login at all… just remove the damned feature that is not required and very few want. We know it is not required as the game has been working fine for months without it. There is zero need for you to need a login for this game. Except that sony wants more user information they can sell to others.


In the compromise model, Sony gets the interaction data they want and pad their account numbers for investors. Players get sustained access to the game. Win-win.


Players get sustained access to the game.

That should be the default for any game you have brought… not a compromise… Forcing everyone to have an account only serve to benefit Sony.

FeetinMashedPotatoes, to games in Bethesda Announces New-Gen Update For Fallout 4 Coming Next Year

And you can get it next year on sale for $70 because fuck you you stupid consumer bitch that’s how it works here in Bethesda! Now go praise Starfield you fucking idiot!


Tbf it will likely be in game pass

Fades, to games in Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare III Was November's Best-Selling Game In US, Already Second Best Of The Year

Fucking embarrassing

CitizenKong, to games in Avowed's Creators On Why Romance Was Considered, But Ultimately Not Included And Skyrim Comparisons

Between Fable and Dragon Age, which both look pretty good, I’m afraid this game will have problems not tanking.

ampersandrew, avatar

Thus far, Obsidian has been very good at creating games within reasonable constraints, which means they’re typically not overscoped relative to the size of the game’s actual audience. And they do all of this while being a multi project studio that’s allegedly good to its employees.


Yes, I really like them as well. And I bet the game will be good too. I just worry about the game not selling good enough and with Microsoft’s current track record of shutting studios down, Obsidian being shut down as well.

ampersandrew, avatar

Microsoft is a wrench in the works, but they’re not building a game any larger than they’ve been doing for some years now. This is still a game that is scoped so that it doesn’t need to sell 10 million copies to break even.

Modva, to games in Dragon Age 4's New Name Is 'Dragon Age: The Veilguard,' First Gameplay Look Next Week

I enjoyed the others in the series for some reason, but cautious about this one.

It’s only Bioware in name. It’s actually a normal corporate just wearing their skin.


The Bioware we knew and loved has been gone a long time. DA2 was hardly Bioware, let alone Inquisition.


Look I get what you’re saying, but they’ve realistically made two stinkers, Andromeda and anthem, and I actually like Andromeda not to mention it was made by a completely different and brand new studio that probably shouldn’t have called themselves Bioware.

I also enjoyed inquisition, it was fun and had a ton of commercial success as well as a really good final expansion that was universally praised. I get Anthem really burned a ton of bridges, but it’s not on the scale that places like Reddit like to make you believe. The gameplay was legitimately fun, the story was awful and all over the place.


When those two stinkers are the only content they’ve put out in 10 years, there’s not a lot to really build a more optimistic outlook from.

Even then, Inquisition was iffy and Mass Effect 3 generates bad reactions to this day (though I still enjoyed Mass Effect 3 for what it was).


LOL no, you’re just trying to farm the Bioware hate circle jerk. Inquisition was fine, mass effect 3 has the best gameplay and storylines of the original trilogy outside of the ending.

Do better, this isn’t Reddit, you don’t have to “karma farm”.


No, Inquisition was an incredibly middling game. I dropped it after about 15 hours when I realized I was having no fun.

If you enjoyed it, great. I still enjoyed Mass Effect 3, too. But they weren’t great games.


Tell me you got stuck in the hinterlands without telling me you got stuck in the hinterlands.


I got past the hinterlands. Skimmed through it, in fact, after hearing online that there was nothing there worth doing.

The rest of the game failed to grip me as much as the first one did, and I didn’t even like DA:O as much as other games in its genre. Granted, I also dropped Dragon Age 2 like a hot potato, so perhaps if I had enjoyed that game more, I wouldn’t have been so turned off of Inquisition for being marginally more tolerable.


Ah, the classic reddit “you disagree with me you must be a troll/bot/karma farming”

mox, to games in Hi-Fi Rush Gets Final Patch To Fix Minor Issues, Reconfirms Limited Physical Edition

It looks pretty cool, but I don’t buy Denuvo games. I wonder if they’ll publish a version without it.

Why9, to games in Naughty Dog Ends Development Of The Last Of Us Online

Good Naughty Dog.

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