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No worries, the Federalist Society provides them free of charge


Every accusation is a confession. The EXACT SAME DRUGS he is accusing Biden of depending on are the SAME HE WOULD HAND OUT LIKE CANDY when he was playing Dr. Feelgood with his pill mill for Donnie’s pres admin. We have the exact data on which drugs he handed out and it’s wild, from date rape precursor drugs to the ones he claims Biden is using. It’s clear as day that Trump has been using this shit for years.

They know there will be no drug test just like there was none for donnie recently, thus they feel oh so safe in crying for one. There is no risk of it happening so there is no risk of Donnie having to show his drug-dependent hand so of course they turn their own guilt into a weapon.



Where is all this hate for potato salad coming from???


Morons always procreate and it’s been holding back the rest of the human race since the beginning of time.


Did the kids also ask her to protect herself from mind control?

Jokes aside, others have gone through her content and this is likely just satire


You’re putting words in my mouth, I said nothing about what intelligence the kids get, all I said is stupids people are more likely to procreate due to less critical thinking and long term planning, thus creating a sort of cycle. I’m talking behavioral and developmental barriers coupled with economic pressure

Nothing at all to do with genetics.


No, no I am not.

I said nothing about what intelligence the kids get, all I said is stupids people are more likely to procreate due to less critical thinking and long term planning, thus creating a sort of cycle. I’m talking behavioral and developmental barriers coupled with economic pressure

Nothing at all to do with genetics.


🤓 Um actually…. That ship could not go warp 9


So has the US Gov since like 2017. It’s been banned from all gov PCs and contractors (depending on the type of contractor ofc).

Better late than never I suppose.

I am scared to flirt with girls.

I don’t have any issue talking to girls when the intent is not romantic/sexual. OK I have met someone, first few conversations went alright, how do I transition to something else without being embarrassed and feeling like a dick? Like, if I want to say something technical or communicate for something else, everything is fine....


Absolutely but you’re leaving out a key concept here, which is pay attention to the reception. If they receive it badly that’s not a hard ‘no fuck off’ (well… unless it literally is), but if it continues to be received badly or even just neutrally, it’s important to recognize this.

OP is worried about how men are judged by default (and understandably so, from both sides of this kind of situation), and they are clearly a little ‘too worried’ but really it’s more like being worried about the wrong part.

People that have trouble with this kind of thing need to shift their perceptive from ‘how will they take it’ to ‘how did they take it’ and make an audible from that point instead of trying to predict the entire sequence. It’s not about the gender or anything else other than how they as a human being receive your attention which requires rational analysis in real time (which is likely where those with low self-esteem can run into trouble) and not falling back on your default perceptions to help cope with the results


You CLEARLY don’t know what you’re talking about, and now you reveal your “logic” is simply a game of 50/50. Very cool.


No point in living either, everyone dies eventually so what’s the point right?

That’s essentially your take.


Bottled (plastic) water in general is gross, direct bottle-to-water microplastics


Life ain’t fair :(


Don’t let the spoon heads hear you say that


Yeah seriously…. I received so fucking many emails over the last n years about it. I hadn’t touched mc in many years, pre MS acquisition and I was made well aware of what was happening.

There are comments in this thread talking about MS had taken purchases away, like come on now.


Fuck live service games, I’ve played enough for a lifetime. No more


WARNING, OUT OF VERIFICATION CANS, an order has been shipped and charged to your credit card”


it’s so sad that that’s truly where the internet is… everything is a fucking purposeful mistake or bad take because anger and annoyance are the easiest levers to pull for generating engagement.


I was always sad they never explored that sort of thing in an episode, didn’t have to be as big as the Delta Flyer but still!


The man bought a gun and owned it for like 9 days many years ago around the same time he was filming himself on drugs. Every gun owner in a state that buy legal cannabis in any fashion would be guilty of the same thing. It’s just a bad law because you can be an alcoholic (which is a drug, hence a drug addict, hence requiring those to lie on the form) with as many guns as you want.


No but his supply-side clone is


I am so ashamed of myself for voting for hunter biden for president 😞


damn, where the marksmanship at?? Authoritarians everywhere getting brave and bold, almost time to remind them what happens when the rest of us pick up arms against the nazi/adjacent fucks


Biden has done so much fucking shit for the average american (which is saying something thanks to the Do Nothing fascists)

First US president to join the union workers ON THE PICKET LINE In many ways we have handled this world-wide inflation shit better than any other in the G7 nations Unemployment numbers are at record lows, .01 lower than any other time in the past 10 years at one point in january and april of last year and since then has only risen around 0.3-4 points, removed healthcare related debt from credit scores

I could go on and on, but instead, others have already done so for me (and these aren’t even super recent):






First of all…. No fucking shit

Second of all, first result from Google: www.snopes.com/fact-check/my-first-vape-toy/


refused to use ai voices

Have we just started handing out awards for anything that isn’t AI? They didn’t use ai for this! They didn’t use ai for that! Like okay we get it, how about just list what they did use AI for and be done with it


The whole damn crew should be ensigns by this logic… except for tuvok


Obligatory angry glare at Rick berman for personally standing in the way of true lgbtq representation allowing only scraps and subtext instead


Wow… I was just starting to get excited for this show having only seen season 1 when it aired. I’ll be following this advice


all of nu is just garishly awful


I haven’t watched disco but I agree with you that Picard plot wise was kind all over season to season. I also didn’t really have any interest for prodigy after giving it a try.

So with that said, strange new worlds is far better and it feels like old trek to me and I can’t wait for the next season, same with Lower Decks but in a meta jokes kind of way, not for everyone of course.

As you eloquently pointed out, there has been a lot of bad to mid trek, but some of the new stuff is quite good too


Those scalpers weren’t buying from Sony.

You walked away from ps5s forever because a multinational corporation didn’t cater to you personally?


It already has been successful for them for many years, starting with horizon zero dawn and god of war many years ago and that brought them console buys before later porting the sequels to pc for the same purpose.

This isn’t some new strategy for them, just a continuation of something that has already been successful.

Here’s an example from 2022: reddit.com/…/anyone_else_buying_a_ps5_solely_for_…

These types of posts are common with the spiderman, god of war, horizon series to name a few.


The contempt x10, the fact Cohen did time in prison for the other side of this thing, the attacks on the judge’s daughter and family, staff, intimidation of jurors and witnesses…


July is gonna be interesting when all you doubters walk back your claims. The judge is hyper aware of the contempt x10, the fact Cohen did time in prison for the other side of this thing, the attacks on the judge’s daughter and family, staff, intimidation of jurors and witnesses…

Don’t take it from me www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0fYRCjdMsE&t=146s


This is an absolutely absurd out of touch take. High quality games by indie devs is more common then ever, we are seeing a resurgence of story driven games that have ZERO MTX.

I got some news for ya pal, “gaming” is not Ubisoft and EA. For example, Sony’s exclusives: horizon, spider man, god of war, the last of us, uncharted, and that is ONLY SONY.

In the milsim genre there is a HUGE renaissance of games like ground branch, grayzone, six days in fallujah, etc. this is the case for many genres right now and has been for years at this point.

You are quite literally judging the ENTIRE fucking industry on a few big name studios and the shit they push out.

Putting that aside for a moment, even then, your take doesnt reflect reality. Sony is one of the biggest right now studio wise in console games and they’ve been bridging the gap to PC for years now.


In a shift from previous strategies, Sony has revealed a new focus for the PlayStation 5 that prioritizes increasing the amount of time users spend playing on the console, rather than solely concentrating on the quantity of game sales. This strategic change reflects an evolving consumer behavior observed during the era of the PS4, aiming to boost profitability through enhanced engagement within the PlayStation ecosystem

If anything, the big dogs are walking away from mtx and sales numbers and focusing on what makes good games that bring people back.



The man who heads PlayStation Productions and product at PlayStation Studios believes that the future of gaming will be about “immersive narratives.” In fact, Asad Qizilbash thinks developers will focus on emotional storytelling over visual fidelity in the future.

Which takes down your other stance about how it’s only about graphics these days. Again it’s not just the big dogs, have you seriously NOT seen the insane amount of extremely popular games that use retro styles? Years and years old like hotline Miami, or brand new like animal well, etc. it never stopped.

Video game dunkey’s BigMode studio is yet another great example of these concepts and priorities reaching popularity and approval

almost everything today is a rehash

You are simply telling on yourself here. We get it, you are not connected to where gaming is today, whether that be due to nostalgia or perhaps a hyper focus on a specific niche, but to judge the state of the entire goddamn industry based on that?

Bottom line: make ann effort to actually play some well received and highly regarded games just from the past five years and you’ll understand why your take is hollow.


I quit playing years ago because I got sick of the repetitive seasonal game mode loop to get that ounce of story drip-fed week by week.

Is that still the case?

Fades, (edited )

I had the same question but I can’t find the goddamn answer anywhere. Journalism these days is a fucking pathetic joke.

The (piece of shit) article only says

“The team at Intercept Games will be laid off as of June 28th so a great group will be out and about looking for their new roles. As will I,” he said.

The future of Intercept Games has been uncertain for some time amid ongoing restructuring at owner Take-Two Interactive.

I looked up the history:

Kerbal Space Program 2 was announced back in 2019with Star Theory Games (formerly Uber Entertainment) at the helm, taking over the franchise from the original developer Squad under Take-Two’s ownership of the IP. Some tumult occurred in 2020 when Take-Two reconsidered a move to acquire Star Theory, instead setting up Intercept Games and hiring a bunch of the team from Star Theory to this new studio. Delays followed, with the game pushed back first to 2022, then 2023, and then eventually resulting in an early access release in February 2023.

So I don’t goddamn know.


Haha, you right, my brain went to nato


Meanwhile the US is the only reason Gaza is getting any real aid at this point given all the other bullshit by both Hamas and the Zionist trash.

But go ahead and look at the things you like and pretend everything else isn’t happening


No it is not the nature of voting, it is not a binary thing at all. Again all you do is remove all nuance which destroys the discussion

You’re also proving my point, Israeli Zionists fucked aid and the US is the ONLY ONES doing ANYTHING to ensure aid gets there at our own cost. Meanwhile Egypt and neighboring countries simply put up barbed wire and close crossings.

ALL those aids you listed you admit are no longer happening, only the US is now making it happen, but that’s not convenient to your position is it?

Are you SERIOUSLY comparing the US to Nazi goddamn Germany right now? You are beyond a discussion based on reality. Won’t waste anymore time on you. Shame.

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