Dkarma, to politics in Black Atlanta Barbershop Owner Claims Trump Campaign Tricked Him For Pre-Debate Event

Then he’s an idiot.

Google trump central park 5

Not hard.

jeffw, avatar

Yes, he’s an idiot. How dare he try to use his shop for a totally unrelated purpose? Let’s blame him for being lied to! /s


It says “Donald Trump 4 President” on the contract, DIRECTLY NEXT TO where the owner signed his name. The guy got offered nearly 5k to host for only 2.5 hours. Dude knew what he was getting in to, but probably needed the money, and is now claiming ignorance.

If he really didn’t know, and he really missed that part of the contract, it’s just negligence on his part.

SquishyPandaDev, to politics in Biden Campaign Reminds How Badly Trump Failed George Floyd – And Black America avatar

Says the guy who was against the civil rights movement because he didn’t want his “grandchildren living in a racial jungle.” Oops, sorry, I forgot I’m not allowed to use Biden’s past to point out his hypocrisy. I’m sure he has totally learned to be more tolerant, like every other old “former” intolerant white people /s.


No, you can say it. He was wrong to say it in 1977, and it would be wrong if he still felt that way today, 47 years later. Thankfully, he’s changed over time, as people tend to do.

anticolonialist, to politics in Biden Campaign Reminds How Badly Trump Failed George Floyd – And Black America

The guy injecting billions to hire more cops while funding nearly 100 cop cities around the country is in no position to talk about other presidents. Marginalized communities are still feeling the impact of his crime bill.

The public demanded accountability and retraining for police officers and Biden’s solution has been to increase their funding. Increase the numbers of police officers on the streets and do absolutely nothing that was demanded of him from the public. In the meantime, deaths occurred at the hands of police have been increasing every year since George Floyd

jeffw, avatar

I’m not aware of any cop city receiving federal funds


What the fuck is a cop city


Basically a giant playground for cops, so the IDF can train cops in urban warfare so inner cities can be turned into Gaza.


The US military trained the IDF. Since the early 2000s, thousands of U.S. police officers, sheriffs, border patrol agents, ICE officers and FBI agents have trained with Israeli military and police forces in Israel, not Atlanta.

The truth is bad enough. There’s no need for fabrication.…/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-de…

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

If you prefer your answer without disinformation:

Cop City is the name of The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. The center is planned to be used as a training campus for police and fire services and was expected to open at the end of 2023. Planned facilities include classrooms, a burn building, a mock city (including apartments, a bar/nightclub, and a school), and a shooting range.

None of Biden’s $334M funding is going to Cop City.


cop cities are being built all across america. they train cops for urban combat. the cops hired will be trained in these military facilities.


If you’re referring to the map on then I’d recommend using its interactive features to look at the “cop cities” they link as having been built. Most of them are deescalation training facilities or just new police departments, not cop playgrounds.

The map on that website makes its way around to incite reaction, often without linking the website itself. Cop City in Atlanta, however, is real and very concerning.


I’m referring to Shapiro’s cop city in pa. I am so fucking do e with democrats.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

I didn’t see that one until you pointed it out. You’re right. That’s just as concerning as the one in Atlanta.…/pa-breaks-ground-on-300m-state-of-…

There’s no reason to throw a partisan wedge. I’m just interested in learning the truth, and there’s a lot of misinformation out there. Personally, I think police should focus on deescalation training and maximizing the use of less-lethal weapons over playing in shooting galleries.


well i want the abolition of prisons and police and private property, and my opposition to these facilities has nothing to do with the fact that democrats are supporting them. my opposition to democrats comes, at least partially, from that fact.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

That’s fair. We can agree to disagree.

I thought you were implying my lack of recognition of the cop city in PA was related to being a Democrat. It was honest unawareness, and I appreciate you mentioning it.


How incredibly ill informed to assume Atlanta is the only one. There are nearly 100 going up around the country. All being trained by the IDF.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

Do you have a source so I can read more about it? I’m not finding anything in my searches.

Another commenter pointed out the one going up in PA, and I read an article on it. It’s just as concerning as the one in Atlanta, but there was no mention of the IDF in either facility.


Maybe explain it, instead of being a smart ass for internet points


I think you got the wrong guy

xmunk, to politics in Biden Campaign Reminds How Badly Trump Failed George Floyd – And Black America

Biden has definitely done better than Trump in terms of racist law enforcement bullshit… but it’d also be appreciated if he did even better.


I hate that I have to vote for this sack of shit.

It’s literally no democracy vs. negative democracy.


This really represents how disenfranchised I feel these days, always having to spend my time voting for the lesser evil instead of someone who actually represents my interests.


Trump openly embraced white supremacists.


Totally unlike Biden eulogizing white supremacists, calling them good friends. Unlike Biden’s crime bill that defended white supremacy by targeting black men. Capitalism itself is born and upheld by white supremacy, which Biden and Co defend. The only difference is trump is a blatant racist, democrats are covert in their white supremacy.

ATDA, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen
Rooskie91, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen

Oh great, another stupid fucking empty signifier people know nothing about other than to be afraid of this. Are they really going to get away with another CRT like thing?

jeffw, avatar

Took me a minute to figure out why you were talking about TVs, but yes, this is becoming the new “woke” or “critical race theory”

some_guy, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen

Missouri. I mean, c’mon. We all know.

Itsamelemmy, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen

I haven’t heard DEI until a day or two ago, and now it seems constant. Is this the new “woke” term used to blame everything you don’t like on?

jeffw, avatar

It’s been a normal thing for maybe a decade now, but yeah ig when people got tired of hearing “woke,” the right went after DEI


DEI as a term is probably at least that old. It started taking off as a “progressive” corporate training term after being watered down a bit about 4 or 5 years ago. And about a year ago, conservatives got their mitts on the term as another hot-swappable slur against anything that has even a LaCroix level hint of progressivism/leftism.


It’s the new n-word for the righties who are afraid to use the actual n-word.

inclementimmigrant, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen

Wouldn’t be Missouri if the government representatives there weren’t racist to fucking high hell.

FunderPants, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen

Racist conservative (sorry I repeat myself) screeching DEI when DEI isn’t involved at all. Continuing with the same tradition as Lee Atwater described. From forced bussing to states rights to woke to CRT and now to DEI, it’s all just code for the racial slurs they wish they could still say.

DragonTypeWyvern, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen

Hard to read this as anything but an attempt at resegregation, right?

PP_BOY_, to politics in Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Accused Of ‘Racial Bias’ After Blaming DEI For Viral Fight Involving Black Teen avatar

In the video, a Black female teen can be seen repeatedly slamming the head of a white female teen into the pavement, which resulted in her being hospitalized with severe head injuries.

Yeah dude, just a “viral fight.” 🙄 totally not attempted murder or anything.


Crazy how you can’t get the whole story from just the headline isn’t it?

It’s worth noting the white teen instigated the fight. Is lethal force in self defense only ok if a gun is used?

Lemjukes, (edited )

Did you watch the “fight”? The “instigator” goes down almost immediately and then starts getting her head smashed into the pavement. All I’m saying is, from watching the video, the “fight” ends as soon as it starts and then turns into pounding someone’s head onto pavement and then a brawl while they lay motionless on the ground with the occasional twitch and groan. Not saying anyone is in the right anywhere in this situation. But I would argue things very quickly leave the realm of reasonable self defense in the video.


The one video isn't the entirety of their interaction.

Maybe the kid retaliated too strongly this time, but kids don't go overboard like that unless they've been bullied hard.

Teachers and parents all failed at identifying and stopping bad behaviour.

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