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You might also be able to replace the firmware with something like DD-WRT or OpenWRT or Tomato or other third-party firmware.


Who would be able to tell the difference? Just set conditions that it ramble and it’ll be impossible to distinguish from the real thing.


Oh, you mean when they violated separation of church and state? Yeah, that was pretty cool. /s


Also: “Please listen closely as our menus have recently changed.”


Don’t talk about that. We don’t want to acknowledge reality. To hell with LGBTQ monsters! All people who aren’t like me are bad!!!



By resigning, there’s nothing on his record to prevent getting a job in another department. Hooray! The system works. /s


Hell, even one if there’s more than one way to do it. I need less responsibility, please.


It’s just like those waves of antifa who invaded all those small towns in 2020. Remember? /s

Seriously, the online Right actually believed they were going to be overrun. They’re incapable of intelligent reasoning about the most basic things. Or recalling how past claims failed to materialize and therefore viewing with skepticism new claims.

Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?

With the recent WWDC apple made some bold claims about privacy when it comes to so called Apple Intelligence. This makes me wonder if they did something to what Microsoft did with Recall feature, would people be less concerned and to an extend praise their effort?...


No. The whole world turned against them in 2021 (I think?) when they were gonna have on-device monitoring for CSAM. They’d get run over by a bus for this too, same as MS.


He described it as a waste of money and said that “flying this flag puts one group of veterans above the rest.”


Rosendale has a history of opposing LGBTQ+ rights. Last year, he added an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act in an attempt to ban gender-affirming care for veterans. In defending that bill, he argued that trans people don’t know if “they are a man or a woman” and therefore are prone to launching “ICBM missiles” on everyone. He also opposed drag shows on military bases.

But my legislation doesn’t put cis people above non-cis people. My legislation treats everyone equally. Except for those damned trans nutters. Hyuck hyuck.

This guy can fuck right off.


I’d be remiss if I didn’t link to this excellent short documentary on the effectiveness of conversion therapy. It really changed my mind.


This is a completely normal position to advocate. /s


Greene’s one remaining district office is publicly unlisted and unadvertised, her congressional spokesman confirmed. In order to visit, constituents must fill out a meeting request form on Greene’s website or set up an appointment by phone, where only then they will be given the physical address of her office, said Nick Dyer, who requested the office address not be publicized citing security concerns.

Reminds me of when I went to a secret rave where you had to call a pre-recorded line on the night of the event. It told you where to get picked up by a van shuttling people to the location of the party. This was to avoid leaking the location to authorities. It was a really good party, as I recall.

But some constituents perceive a lack of Greene’s presence in her sprawling district in Northwest Georgia, leaving them frustrated and wondering if she cares more about burnishing her national image than helping locals.

Let me remove all doubt. That’s all she cares about.


I hope this isn’t the prelude to a decline. I just ordered my third Pi over the weekend. It should arrive today. I’d hate to see the platform squandered by “make number go up” types.


I ordered a BananaPi board years ago but then life took me places where I didn’t have time or energy to follow up. I’ve recently rejoined the hobbyist homelab market, so I’ve quite interested. I’d read that drivers could be an issue with non-Pi boards but haven’t ever found out. Which boards / companies are recommendation-worthy at the moment?

Asking twice because two people had similar replies and I’m looking for feedback, not because I want to spam the thread.


I ordered a BananaPi board years ago but then life took me places where I didn’t have time or energy to follow up. I’ve recently rejoined the hobbyist homelab market, so I’ve quite interested. I’d read that drivers could be an issue with non-Pi boards but haven’t ever found out. Which boards / companies are recommendation-worthy at the moment?

Asking twice because two people had similar replies and I’m looking for feedback, not because I want to spam the thread.


Hooray! Someone get him some pudding cups to help soothe his black broken heart.


What a poser. The other guy racked up more than 11 times as many conviction. Hunter is an amateur.



When I was drinking heavily on a nightly basis, I drank massive amounts of water to keep hydrated each day. The two coworkers at my office who share the space are both a good amount younger than me. I assume they think I have old-man bladder from how often I went to the bathroom. I’d rather that than explain that I was a functional alcoholic. Oh well, whatever…


I thought we were well past this topic. I guess everything old is new again. In fact, I’ll dust off a classic:

“Bugs fly through open Windows.”


And there will be no consequences.


as you hate the gays.

You’re not giving them enough credit. They also hate trans, women, pregnant people, free-thought… the list goes on and on.


I mean, at least they’re listening to feedback rather than jamming it through.


I already told my partner we can’t shop at target anymore because they gave into these fucks. Let me add more to the list.


Poor Alex… what a nice guy who got caught up on the deep state.


Fuck ‘em. I hope he rots.


It’s not too long before pulling out will be considered murder.


Yeah, I’m sorta startled that admitting to wanting to highlight negative truths over cheering for someone is considered bad faith. Bad faith is misrepresenting an issue, not selectively posting reputable sources. This is one mod decision that I think is wrong and bad.


Alyssa Rosenzweig is a badass low-lever coder. I believe she’s been responsible for a huge amount of the video driver work for Asahi. What an ass-kicker.


I didn’t smile at the guy tried for DUI when I was on his jury. Guess I never knew I was a prejudiced asshole all this time. I thought I voted guilty because I’d fairly evaluated the case, but I guess not.


Linux on old School Machines?

Hi all, the private school I work at has a tonne of old windows 7/8 era desktops in a student library. The place really needs upgrades but they never seem to prioritise replacing these machines. Ive installed Linux on some older laptops of mine and was wondering if you all think it would be worth throwing a light Linux distro on...


I think those reporting success running Linux on old hw should state the distro and window manager that they’re using if they want to provide useful feedback. I’m not in that group, but Tiny Linux comes to mind. Possibly Alpine? Probably better info to be had from daily-drivers.


And women were better off before they could vote and children were better off before child labor laws and society was better off when the guy with the greatest penchant for violence was in charge.



“You’ve got a population that’s considerably older than the vast majority of the youth in Europe, that is too old to work,” Biden told Time.

I believe this is known as a tautological statement.

Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid | CNN Politics (

“The issue, now before Cannon in the Southern District of Florida federal court, is likely to remain in the political debate at least until Cannon holds a hearing on the legal power of the special counsel to prosecute a defendant, on June 21.”


Russia took down a statue of Steve Jobs when Tim Apple (I mean Tim Cook) came out. What a stupid reaction. But I guess that means Jobs was sucking dick by proxy, so…


Speak for yourself. I’m trying to convert their kids just for the lulz.



As though that’ll happen. He’s not going to prison. At least not any time soon. There will be appeals. They know this. This is just theater to whip up their base of loyal shitheads.


Oh, Margie… You wanted a platform and you got it. Then you didn’t know how to use it. I wish you had more success, what with your psychotic delusions and crazy belief in conspiracy theories, but the world just keeps on truckin’. Even the orange man didn’t support you when you wanted to oust your religious-nut-job Speaker, who monitors the porn his son watches (Is there a term for getting off on watching your kids get off, like with wife cucking? If there is, that’s him.)

Poor Margie. No one wants to play with you. I guess maybe you should take your ball and go home. Go home, Margie, and forget this whole charade you played in politics. No one will miss you but me. And only ironically, but hey – that’s better than nothing.

Linux admin with 20 years experience, looking for "beginner" distro [Solved, the real beginner distro was the Debian I've used along the way]

I’m over tinkering with my OS. So I’m looking for a distro that “just works” out of the box for my laptop. Also I want to test an “easy” distro I can install for my grandpa....


And that’s how I decided to install Debian as my next Linux VM (just got back into VMs in the past week with Proxmox). We’ll see how it does replacing my former favorite, CentOS, now that IBM / Red Shat have borked things up on that end.


So you can know how cool they are, obviously! Same with loud engines.


I always joke with my partner when we see a midlife-crisis sports car: “His dick works great!”


Damn right! I have to look up any word I don’t know out a compulsive need to ensure that I fully understand what I’ve read. It’s a beneficial OCDish trait, unlike some of the other ones.


My partner is English as second language and I never dumb down anything I say to her. She asks me the words she doesn’t know and I explain them as best I can or we look them up on my phone when I’m not certain I can articulate the meaning accurately enough to provide a good example. I think reducing the vocab that I use with her vs english-native friends and family would be insulting to her. Same as how I wouldn’t dumb it down speaking to a 10yo (it’s different for toddlers and those not much older, obviously).

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