Infiltrated_ad8271, to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt avatar

There is nothing criminal in creating, using and sharing those mods (as hateful as they are), the modder could have simply said he did it because he felt like it, but the mediaval theming justification is really stupid and inflammatory.

The community reaction is very counterproductive, they have only succeeded in making the mod very visible now. And nexusmods as usual accepting all kinds of horrible mods but censoring only according to drama. All badly here.


Lol why can’t he just be like “as a straight dude, i don’t really want characters of my character’s sex coming into me.”? That’d be a perfectly fine justification for a mod. The equivalent would apply if somebody wanted it to be even gayer. Shouldn’t all this shit be preference anyway?


Yeah but this dude wasn’t planning on this. They were planning on also removing all non-white characters etc… Wasn’t done in good faith.

Besides, they can put this in their own website




Jeff’s answer was more direct and to the point, but I’d like to point out that as a straight dude, he turned one character in a lesbian relationship into a man. He wasn’t turning characters’ sex towards the player.


Good point!

CleoTheWizard, avatar

You say that but I think that every time this has happened, Nexus has improved in both its standards and clarity on these situations.

And I agree, I’m fine with people making the mods, but they should already know to take them elsewhere. I don’t care if it becomes more popular or less popular or more known. I hope it stays known that Nexus won’t tolerate mods that harm their community. And they are perfect, but props for that.


It’s just a PR stunt by Nexus mods. And I really hate companies doing PR stunts like these, because you can be sure that they are insincere and most of the time only exploit the diversity and inclusivity as a part of their marketing campaign. It’s just like companies waving rainbow flags on their logo for Pride, while donating millions of dollars to anit-gay politicans. .


What makes it hate?


Yes, how terrible he was criminally charged and facing a prison sentence. In whatever universe you’re posting from.

Sounds like a miserable place, because over here, deplatforming works fine. Lying bigots find themselves jeering ‘censoring me proves me right!’ to an ever-shrinking audience.


There is nothing criminal in creating, using and sharing those mods (as hateful as they are)

this isn’t about the law. this is about what’s right and what’s wrong. making mods like this, and allowing them to exist on the platform, is wrong.

Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

Morality is complicated (especially online), there are many ways to interpret things and almost everything is wrong to different degrees for different people. It's easier to appeal to the hard limits of what people have or don't have the right to do.

Morally, one can also say that feeding a troll or arbitrary censorship is wrong. Which is not the same as saying that the platform has no right to block trolls and have content rules.


the complexity of morality does not preclude it from being discussed

Nacktmull, (edited ) to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt avatar

Seems really dumb to make such a mod. A game that has characters of different orientations and identities is simply a more believable and thereby better game.

However from what I have been reading, the game seems to be overly focused on sex and relationships in general, or is that depending on player decisions?

Edit: I asked an honest question and got downvotes.What the fuck is wrong with some people?

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

overly focused on sex and relationships in general

I thought you liked believable stories


You act like people are just having sex all the time in real life, but as we all know real people rarely ever have sexual relationships. Now if the characters had to masturbate once a day to cartoon characters…

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

Art would truly imitate life

Nacktmull, avatar

Probably a damn good game, but everything people talk about on the internet is sex 24/7. Makes BG3 sound like a hentai game.


It is the most relationship management heavy rpg I’ve ever played that’s for sure. At times felt like high school simulator with magic


Overly focused is a stretch. You can manage relationships with up to 6 party members, of which you may have up to 1 intimate scene in each of the 3 acts per party member. This is theoretical, and is generally not achievable like that in one playthrough unless you’re following a guide. Also, those intimate scenes do not always include sex, they are often just deep conversations.

More importantly, the 3-4 5 minute scenes are spread out over a 60-100 hour campaign lol

Virkkunen, avatar

I've played this game for 105 hours on my first playthrough and the relationship and sex parts of it probably didn't take over 30 minutes. Absolutely nothing was forced on me, nothing took me off my path to focus on those, if it happened, it happened in a natural way.

You should not take internet's overreaction of such things as the sole source of truth.

Nacktmull, avatar

Absolutely nothing was forced on me

Thank you, that is exactly what I wanted to know.


Conversely I found the dialog to be way too much time spend. No dig, just not my preference.


I totally agree with your second sentence, that it makes the game more believable and (at least for me), and BG3 is such an amazing game thanks to their character cast.

However, why would it be dumb to make such a mod? Sure, it’s not something I’d use, but it’s actually a pretty cool technological feat, given the voices and everything, and it allows you to finetune the game to more fit your preference or fantasy. RPGs are supposed to be about living through your fantasies, and having fun. It’s a single player game, why shouldn’t people tailor it to their own specific needs and wants?

Of course, if they are being a dick about it, and spewing their bullshit propaganda in the mod description, the I’m all for just banning it.


My first playthrough was 130 hours and my character had sex once, and I only did that because the situation was so outrageous I wanted to see what happened.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

It’s not really so much focused on sex and relationships, but an earlier version of the game had the romance triggers set too low, so it got a reputation for everyone in the game being excessively horny, plus the internet is gonna internet.

I personally had fun with the triggers for other characters saying they wanted in your pants being originally set too low, because I was playing a horribly socially awkward ranger who lived in the woods far away from people, and she had no idea what to do with what seemed like everyone and their cousin suddenly hitting on her. Poor thing constantly had a voice in her head screaming, “THIS IS WHY I LIVE IN THE WOODS!”


I have zero issues with any of the orientations of the people in the game but I’m getting bored of all the high school relationship stuff in a game it wish was more focused on the adventure. Like I spend more time in dialogs than I do in combat. I’m not saying the game lacks exploring or combat, I’m saying the balance just isn’t quite right for me.

So in my opinion the game spends too much time on relationships of any flavor. But that’s just me, many many others love this game exactly how it is, and that’s pretty great.

You’re getting downvoted from one camp who disagrees that more diversity in a game makes it more “believable” and downvoted from another camp that will also downvoted me for disliking or criticizing the game at all. It’s very popular, with good reason, and has generated a very strong fanbase. Suggesting anything is “overly focused” is not gonna fly.

Nacktmull, avatar

So in my opinion the game spends too much time on relationships of any flavor

That is what I was worried about. I loved playing Divinity 2 because of it´s focus on exploring and combat and never felt that I needed more love/sex/relationships in the game.

You’re getting downvoted from one camp who disagrees that more diversity in a game makes it more “believable” and downvoted from another camp that will also downvoted me for disliking or criticizing the game at all. It’s very popular, with good reason, and has generated a very strong fanbase. Suggesting anything is “overly focused” is not gonna fly.

Some people obviously never learned how to debate. I did not even say that BG3 was overly focused on relationships, I in fact just asked if it was.

CaptainEffort, to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

This is hardly news, Nexus has removed mods like these in the past from games like Spider-man and Skyrim. Their rules are pretty straightforward when it comes to stuff like this.


Online news stories primary goal is to gain viewership and “customer reaction” measured by traffic figures. Although I agree this shouldn’t be news, it is undeniably a successful news story due to the interactivity it’s creating.

As long as people are triggered into clicking on that link, it’ll be seen as “what the people want” and therefore “good news story” by the media.

Yes I’m aware I’ve just described click bait to someone who clearly would understand the concept, I apologise lol


The news is more that the mod existed. And it may not be particularly shocking news but it’s still notable when people put this much work into hate.


What makes it hate?

pineapplelover, to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

Less gay?

MxM111, avatar

erases a canon lesbian relationship by changing one character into a man



MudMan, avatar

When you put it that way it makes it sound super trans, so I guess joke's on them.

rockSlayer, to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

Good, fuck that modder

rikudou, to world in A Universal Basic Income Is Being Considered by Canada's Government

Can someone explain to me how exactly doesn’t every corporation raise prices pretty much immediately? Like, they know that everyone has some cash extra every month, so they just raise their prices to get it into their pockets.

This is the one part of basic income I never quite understood.


Because of competition. Let’s say Company A makes widgets and, owing to people having more money, tries to raise prices. Along comes Company B, which also makes widgets, who recognizes that they can out-compete Company A on price. So, they either don’t raise their prices as much or they keep them the same. Company A is now stuck either accepting lower sales, or lowering prices to compete. Once Company A reduces prices (because they want to survive), they put Company B in the same situation until prices stabilize at some smaller profit margin.
So basically, the exact same supply and demand curves which keep prices stable now. It’s not like businesses aren’t already doing everything they can to separate you from your money.

In the end, it such a system would likely lead to some inflation. With more money in the economy, there is likely to be more demand for goods. If supply doesn’t expand to match the new demand, prices will go up. At the same time, increased consumer spending is often a good thing, so long as it doesn’t expand so fast that it creates shortages. It may also push up wages for unskilled workers, and those positions may now be harder to fill, commanding higher wages. It may also drive even more automation of unskilled jobs, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Those jobs are almost certainly headed for automation anyways; so, it’s better for society if we get out in front of that trend and avoid having a large pool of young, unemployed and disgruntled people running amok in society. Much better to have higher taxes which are used to keep the unemployed youth at least mostly gruntled instead. But, that’s bad for rich, greedy assholes who would rather walk a tight-rope of just enough bread and circuses and full on civil unrest.


Because of competition

We don’t do that well in Canada

frog, to technology in Ring Is Cashing In on the UFO Craze to Promote Its Surveillance Dystopia

My security camera has been picking up a lot of really weird creatures wandering around recently. They seem more playful and curious than dangerous, although some of them definitely seem quite destructive.

The government says these creatures are called “children”, and they’ve known about their presence on this planet for some time. 👁️


If you happen to live in the states, you can just shoot them and go on with your day.


I hear that solution works for pretty much all strange and/or unidentified phenomena, including clouds and darkly coloured delivery drivers? Shooting things is truly the answer to so many of life’s problems.

Crotaro, to technology in Ring Is Cashing In on the UFO Craze to Promote Its Surveillance Dystopia

That’s crazy! The rules of the contest are so hard to enforce in favour of contestants, let alone the whole issue of pressuring people into installing cameras that automatically send footage to police and probably Amazon as well.

I really hope a team of VFX artists (who already has cameras installed anyway, so no additional cost for them) makes incredibly convincing footage and somehow makes it look like it was part of the raw camera capture.


Ring doesn’t ‘automatically send footage to police’.


Mind you, I have no idea how reliable the website is (this is the first time I heard of it), but OP’s article linked to this article starting that Ring footage was sent to the police without consent…/amazon-gave-ring-videos-to-police-…


Technically, “automatically” would mean it gets sent all the time, while “without consent” would mean it might’ve got sent on request, just without consent.


"Automatically" would be a perfectly reasonable word choice if a request from the police is granted without interaction. In all honesty even if a human has to send it, if the process doesn't allow them any kind of autonomy or authority to decline the request, that probably qualifies, too.


Hm, I guess you’re right. That’s an interesting reflection on the concept of “automation”.


As Jarfil said, it’s not automatically doing anything. The police can get a court order to get footage. It’s only given in very limited circumstances, like if the owner goes missing, or the camera might have spotted a significant crime, and it’s not just ring but basically anything. If you are suspected of a serious crime police can get your internet browsing history, they can bug your house, they can dig through your bins, and yes, can request the clips taken by your ring camera.

It’s happened 11 times this year. That shows how rarely courts give these orders.

The idea that Ring is some evil thing that’s doing anything different is just scaremongering.

dark_stang, to technology in Ring Is Cashing In on the UFO Craze to Promote Its Surveillance Dystopia avatar

Ah yes, a doorbell camera with an effective distance of 5 meters (about 16 freedom feet) is definitely gonna create proof of extraterrestrials visiting.

driving_crooner, avatar

You never know when an extraterrestrial being is going to ring to your door.

vhstape, to technology in Ring Is Cashing In on the UFO Craze to Promote Its Surveillance Dystopia avatar

Stupid people are profitable

Haui, avatar

Living in a big city really makes idiocracy feel like it is a plain depiction of the future.

jeffw, to politics in Trump Is Now on the Hook for 32 Counts of Mishandling Secret Documents avatar

popcorn eating intensifies

Zerlyna, avatar

Great visual!💜

Suedeltica, to technology in It’s bots all the way down at kindle unlimited avatar

Behind the Bastards just did a two-parter on this phenomenon but with children’s “books.” Icky stuff. Great episodes, but ugh that this is even a thing.

Part One:

Part Two:

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