nilsskirnir, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies avatar

@sculd We have corrupt states and corrupt billionaires. Neither is good


Neither are good but if I have to choose one…Corrupt state usually need to pretend they are doing good. Billionaires just say fuck you

nilsskirnir, avatar

Human societies have periodically tried Plutocracy. It never ends well, usually ended in warlord periods, famines, servility for the masses, and mass slavery.

CmdrShepard, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Hey! Behind the Bastards is really a great podcast! I listened to this episode and its hilarious!

GiddyGap, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

No society should accept billionaires. There are so many other people who are in dire need. It makes zero difference if they have a billion or a 100 million.

MummifiedClient5000, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Cancer on society decides to form a tumour.

Titan, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Libertarians are just conservatives who are ok with weed and gay people

interolivary, (edited ) avatar

The only libertarian I personally know is anti-LGBT+, just not as rabidly outspoken about it as a “regular” conservative. He’s the sort who’d be happy with gay people being murdered on the streets as long as he doesn’t have to do it himself


That is my observation as well. When it really comes to personal liberty they don’t really care. Remember that libertarian tech bro like Peter Thiel (who is gay btw) somehow thought the world is “too woke” and continues to fund conservative politicians taking away gay rights.


Hey now that’s not all they are. A concerning number of them also don’t like statutory rape laws


Now that’s a true marketplace! (Feels weird to even joke about it)

teawrecks, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Of course “libertarian” here is code for “oligarchy”, because they know modern libertarians in the US are aggressively apathetic, will let them get away with anything, and thus form a perfect base to appeal to and dominate.

RotaryKeyboard, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies avatar

I give them three months before the new society collapses due to arguments over age of consent.

ulkesh, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies avatar

Libertarians (n., plural) - Sooo…. Conservatives.

Perhaps they can take all the asshole Republicans (leaving the reasonable ones…I know, not many left) with them and we can be left with a society that doesn’t suck and is instead filled with leadership that may have opposing viewpoints, but are willing to compromise — like, you know, mature, scientific, educated adults would.

soljin, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies
cupcakezealot, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies avatar

didn’t they try this in el salvador and it flopped?

pbjamm, avatar

I feel like I already watched this Documentary. It did not end well.

senseamidmadness, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

We can only hope that, like the citizens of Rapture, the rich tech-bros go insane from their own fumes and start eating each other.


While also doing body horror.

thefluffiest, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Lets just call them what they are, oligarchs


I feel like they are more dangerous than oligarchs.

Look at Russian oligarchs. They don’t try to change the world. They know they are not welcomed so just buy properties at London, buy yachts, etc. and then enjoy what they have.

Tech libertarians seem to view themselves as savior of the world and attempts to change it (for the worse).

luciole, avatar

Add that whiff of eugenics from the pronatalism mixed with the longtermism and, if they get what they want, we have something closer to good old blue blood monarchs.


After some reading about Longtermism, it is one of the most bizarre, heartless ideology I have seen.

It basically tells you to not care about your surroundings and the things that exist now.

drwho, avatar
AnneBonny, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Srinivasan has floated the car-free Culdesac private community in Tempe and the Peter Thiel-backed Próspera in Honduras as examples of currently-existing proto-Network States.

“Suppose you found a new startup society like Culdesac on the basis of car-free living…which is an innovation in parallel transportation.

Is “fuck cars” libertarian?


Maybe in a twisted thought process: privatized public transport for the masses, and because the rich have no actual restrictions in reality, I’m sure they can drive a car if they want to.


Good question. Since “libertarian” in practice always becomes some form of authoritarian state. They just jumped a few steps ahead.

On the other hand though, car-free city sounds so nice.


“libertarian” in practice always becomes some form of authoritarian state.

What has been libertarian in practice?


Nearly all pollution violates the NAP

drwho, avatar

And yet…

Banzai51, avatar

Until a Libertarian decides he wants to drive a car. You can’t expect discipline from these assholes.

luciole, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies avatar

The basic idea is that the West has declined irrevocably, beginning with what Srinivisan calls the birth of the centralized state that disempowered wealthy industrialists with antitrust laws, securities regulation, central banking, and adversarial journalism. Now, the thinking goes, we’re on the backswing with wealthy individuals reclaiming their power over supposedly corrupt public institutions, and we have the internet and its currency—Bitcoin—to lead us out of the darkness.

So the billionaire techbros feel powerless (wtf) and are offended by criticism (oof) so they want their own techbro dictatorship with no free press. Also please no peasant to support, only exploit. Got it.


I pull the same quotes you bolded to rip into that. They’re about to rediscover things like pricing cartels, company script, and child labor. Either they all pool all of their money together and collaborate to take advantage of everything together or they fall apart as they get fucked by each other and start reinventing the same rules we’ve made over the last several centuries. I kinda feel like the latter is more likely given how much ego all these coffin dodgers have and how close pooling resources + working together for the common good is to nasty things like socialism.


Libertarians are mostly just neoliberals who are upset they’re not allowed to be more psycopathic.

Their new utopia will tear itself apart with greed, drugs and sex abuse just like all the old ones.

drwho, avatar

It’s been said that libertarians are republicans that want to take acid.

GentlemanLoser, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Wait, they want to put all the assholes in one place? We should let them, it’ll make it easier later.


But part of it is decentralized! Can’t we just slap a blockchain on anything and declare the whole thing immune to coercion? /s

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