MummifiedClient5000, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Cancer on society decides to form a tumour.

Ganbat, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Ya know what? I hope they do it. That many rich assholes with more ambition than brains in one place? It’ll burn from the inside.


Target rich environment


Did you mean “target-rich environment” or “target: rich environment”?



GentlemanLoser, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Wait, they want to put all the assholes in one place? We should let them, it’ll make it easier later.


But part of it is decentralized! Can’t we just slap a blockchain on anything and declare the whole thing immune to coercion? /s

FunkyMonk, to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

I DEMAND GAYER AND HORNIER (but in reality I'm still on divinity 2...)

tourist, avatar

If I personally consider Baldur’s Gate 3 to be better than cocaine, will I like divinity?

I could google it, but you’re right here and as soon as I close this tab I will 100% forget

Also it Google might send me to reddit and fuck that

itslilith, avatar

it uses the same game engine but the combat is a lot less about resource management and more about character builds, the story is good but nowhere near as spectacular as BG3.

It’s still one of my favorite games, I can wholeheartedly recommend it. Just don’t expect it to be BG2.5, it’s a different game


The action system in D2 is soooo good though. Like if I don’t spend every action in bg3 I feel like I wasted a turn. D2 lets you bank a few AP if you aren’t able to be effective that turn, or just position and save up for a wombo combo next turn. The pyramids let your party split up to explore too which is great.

itslilith, avatar

Oh, absolutely. It’s also closer to the PF2e system of handling actions, and since I personally prefer PF2e over DnD5e, it is, if anything, a plus for me


BG3 is my GOTY. Divinity Original Sin 2 is my favorite game of all time. The story/writing isn’t as strong in Divinity but the combat is a work of art. I’ve beaten BG3 twice, I’m in the middle of a multiplayer run, and I’ll run through the game at least once more after the major updates are finished being released. I’ve finished Divinity six or so times and will continue running the game for a long, long time. It’s 110% worth your time and money


Unlike BG3 where the combat is based upon a TTRPG, the combat in Divinity is designed around Turn Based video games.

All of the abilities have a cooldown instead of being limited resources. Which is difficult to do with pen and paper, but works perfectly on a computer.

The way you do builds is also a lot more dynamic, there isn’t really classes as much as there are different fighting styles with abilities which you can mix and match however you want.

The only thing Divinity lacks compared to BG3 is the cutscenes. Which is kind of important in a story based game.


I want the opposite. No sexuality at all. Only friendships.

SweatyFireBalls, to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

I suppose the irony of trying to make it less lGbtq and instead making it lgbTq goes unnoticed by the bigoted creator?

Exusia, avatar

Something something respect the creators vision when I agree with it?

RotaryKeyboard, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies avatar

I give them three months before the new society collapses due to arguments over age of consent.

BananaOnionJuice, to retrogaming in How Sierra On-Line and a Disgraced Cop Made the Most Reactionary Game of the 90s avatar

Police Quest was the most reactionary game?


The article’s a good read. It’s not about the first game from 1987.


Yeah,the first games were quite good. I actually know someone who got into policing because of these games - and was a full detective by the time Open Season released - who was appalled by this Open Season and the following games.

It’s a shame,really,because after that there weren’t any good “beat cop” games to this day anymore, at least I am not aware of any. (Police Simulator is well… not having any story and so PG-washed that it’s basically parking enforcement…)


Disco Elysium comes to mind.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Specifically, Open Season. Gross game, but not this big scary glowing radioactive thing and probably not the actual most reactionary game of the nineties. Article’s kinda crap, really; the whole point is “a prick hired a prick to be involved in a prickish game.”


A good game,yes,but not really a classical beat cop/police work game.

ProdigalFrog, (edited )

Article’s kinda crap, really; the whole point is “a prick hired a prick to be involved in a prickish game.”

Ken Williams has generally been pretty well regarded, especially by Sierra fans. He was even included in the old Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy, so I think it comes as somewhat surprising that he was so easily swayed by Rush Limbaugh back then, and shifted so far right wing to the point of purposefully working with a cop so heavily associated with systemic racism and the Rodney King beating.

It certainly was news to me, as someone who grew up with those games.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Maybe it could’ve been clearer about that, then? I felt like it was really pushing the “Guy’s a fuckin’ cop-lover!” angle really hard to the point of skewing the facts a bit just to stress it.


The article is pretty well laid out, IMO. It sets up the story with background information of who Ken Williams is, the history of the Police Quest series and the Sierra hacker/stoner culture, then goes into Daryl Gates and his background, and finally how Ken hobnobbed with him and pushed hard for him to be involved despite the resistance of the game devs. It then goes into how the game that Daryl advised on was deeply influenced by his racist views, which Ken had no trouble publishing, and even hoped would generate controversy for profit.

It gives all the context needed for non-sierra fans and for people not familiar with Daryl Gates, and doesn’t really have any fluff or repeating points.

Not sure what you mean by skewing the facts? Could you give an example?

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

spoilerThe article states that Sonny “grooms” Marie to be a housewife but she’s clearly written to want to be. There’s a difference between “look, these games are gross because you the player/player character coerce some poor girl into slaving away at home cooking and cleaning and raising kids for you” and “look, these games are gross because the writers made a character wanna be a tradwife with a job.”

I had other stuff written but apparently didn’t post any of that. Bleh. Tired now, not gonna agree (nor stop getting silently downvoted, gotta love that) anyway. Off I go ö/

senseamidmadness, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

We can only hope that, like the citizens of Rapture, the rich tech-bros go insane from their own fumes and start eating each other.


While also doing body horror.

GiddyGap, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

No society should accept billionaires. There are so many other people who are in dire need. It makes zero difference if they have a billion or a 100 million.

BitOneZero, to technology in X Purges Prominent Journalists, Leftists With No Explanation (Elon Musk, Twitter) avatar

Rumors, happenings, and innovations in the technology sphere. If it’s technological news or discussion of technology, it probably belongs here.

This fits with the “Rumors” of technology company of this community.

pineapplelover, to games in Mod That Makes ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Less Gay Gets Nuked After Players Revolt

Less gay?

MxM111, avatar

erases a canon lesbian relationship by changing one character into a man



MudMan, avatar

When you put it that way it makes it sound super trans, so I guess joke's on them.

tjsauce, to retrogaming in How Sierra On-Line and a Disgraced Cop Made the Most Reactionary Game of the 90s

What in the bucket (autocorrected from fuck, lol)! As a fan of Sierra games, this is bizarre to read, I never expected them to embrace cop culture, after growing from a pot smoking and drinking origin.


A lot of people succumbed to fear after 1992, especially the types like Ken Williams that were newly rich.

There’s a excellent, recent OJ Simpson documentary called Made in America that does a dive into 1990’s Los Angeles police culture and the riots. Highly recommended.

teawrecks, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Of course “libertarian” here is code for “oligarchy”, because they know modern libertarians in the US are aggressively apathetic, will let them get away with anything, and thus form a perfect base to appeal to and dominate.

cupcakezealot, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies avatar

didn’t they try this in el salvador and it flopped?

pbjamm, avatar

I feel like I already watched this Documentary. It did not end well.

Titan, to technology in Tech Billionaires Launch Fund to Create New Libertarian Societies

Libertarians are just conservatives who are ok with weed and gay people

interolivary, (edited ) avatar

The only libertarian I personally know is anti-LGBT+, just not as rabidly outspoken about it as a “regular” conservative. He’s the sort who’d be happy with gay people being murdered on the streets as long as he doesn’t have to do it himself


That is my observation as well. When it really comes to personal liberty they don’t really care. Remember that libertarian tech bro like Peter Thiel (who is gay btw) somehow thought the world is “too woke” and continues to fund conservative politicians taking away gay rights.


Hey now that’s not all they are. A concerning number of them also don’t like statutory rape laws


Now that’s a true marketplace! (Feels weird to even joke about it)

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