
Centrist bullshit, the right loves this kind of shit


Not really. Most who hold this view are far left.

TotallynotJessica, avatar

It’s still a stupid view based on frustration with the establishment rather than reality. Emotions being valid doesn’t make a falsehood more correct. Republicans have never been worse and Democrats are better than they’ve been in decades.

The only coherent argument behind not voting for Biden is accelerationism. It’s a morally bankrupt strategy that’s unlikely to work, but at least it’s a long term plan that thinks beyond cutting off your nose to spite your face.


How is accelerationism a “long term plan that thinks beyond cutting off your nose to spite your face”? There’s no long term plan at all, it’s simply a false hope that people will rise up when things get shitty enough, and from those ashes some kind of utopia will sprout. That’s not a plan at all, that’s just a dream.


Keep telling yourself this. Trump thanks you for getting out of the way.


bibi sent me a suitcase full of cash for you. where do you want me to leave it?

SnotFlickerman, avatar

Please do not use the cutesey diminutive form of his name. We don’t need to cute up fucking genocidal freaks.

I get what you were going for, and I agree, but you can just say “Netanyahu.”


I want to be friends, so don’t tell me what to do.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

I didn’t realize asking and saying please was “telling someone what to do.”

Neato, avatar

I’m not going to say most Democrats aren’t capitalists and in corporations’ pockets. But one party got ACA passed and tried to get some student loan forgiveness passed. Along with a whole number of different laws passed for worker protections and similar over the last few years.

On the other hand, Republicans have Trump who tried to pass Schedule F for government workers which would have taken us back to the spoils system where Presidents hand out government appointments, jobs and ambassadorships as rewards for loyalty. FYI we got rid of this system after it directly caused President Garfield’s assassination.That’s just one of many anti-worker, anti-poor, and anti-people reforms the last Republican president tried to accomplish. We don’t even need to touch the entire Republican party’s fascination with stripped rights away from women and trans people.

Both sides is bullshit.

queue, avatar

“Ya know, they say the next bomb will be sent by a Democrat in office rather than a Republican.”

“Damn, that makes my Genocide feel so much nicer. I hope they maybe legalize weed for them in another 4 election cycles.”

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