TotallynotJessica, avatar

That would make it a parody of democracy like China or Russia.

If I lived in China or Russia, I would still vote if I could. I’d have to avoid psyop candidates for my own safety, but I’d definitely exert what little will I had to pick the lesser evils.

Why? Even with those shit elections, the are some issues on the ballot. I couldn’t choose any anti authoritarian candidates, but I could vote for someone who’d be better on more contested issues. Maybe I could choose a candidate that follows science more, or is less aggressive about invading Taiwan. That last one is a big deal, as war is way worse than most people think. It’s honestly hard to have net gains out of wars for the ones fighting.

In local elections, you can build up support for a slightly better narrative; a narrative that won’t directly question the state, but make it suck less. States suck, but you HAVE to exist in them until they actually collapse. You can undermine them, but only if you have a plan. That strategy must be thought out, organized, and prepared for, just like how the theocratic fascists have done it. They built to the movement that exists now, convincing Christians to abandon liberalism in any form. They did this by WINNING elections, not by boycotting them.

If anything, it could be argued that a collapse of liberalism under Biden would be better for revolutionaries than a fascist takeover that eventually collapses. That fascist state will crush all leftist organizing in ways that liberals wouldn’t even think of. They will force all Marxist discussions underground and do frequent raids of the tunnels. That doesn’t sound like breeding ground for leftism to me.

If a liberal state collapses, people will be unenthusiastic about liberalism. If a fascist state that used to be liberal collapses, liberals can more easily argue that we need to return to liberalism. The only way your perspective makes sense is if you assume liberalism can’t collapse without turning to fascism. I doubt that’s backed up by history. Liberal states might turn authoritarian in their final moments, but that isn’t really like the populist fascism of Trump.

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