
4 max party size was a mistake


Isn’t it laughably easy to mod? I’m okay with them saying “this is what we balanced for, anything else is on you”, though it should be like those divinity “prepackaged mods” like the zoomy boots

Zehzin, avatar

If they went any higher they’d have to make some encounters even larger and lengthier for balance, and some of those encounters already feel like they go on forever 💀


I installed the 16-member party Mod and took all the origin characters (except urge) around for a while. Combat became a chore. Probably the biggest grievance is they’d block each other’s movement, but it just took REALLY long to do combat with them all present.


I find Astarion severely overrated


I leave him out entirely. Can’t stand him

Blaze, avatar

Happy cake day!


I killed him after he tried to bite me. I felt a little bit guilty and replayed that part but letting him draw a little blood from me. He killed me and the next day acted like nothing had happened, like he didn’t know why I was dead. Fuck that guy, reloaded the save where I killed him.


I decided not to buy it yet.


Same. I’m patiently waiting for real sale on it.


No physical copy on release day.


The romance aspect is a complete waste of time and the time spent on it could have added so much more to the game.

Blaze, avatar

Unpopular for sure ha ha


It’s not super fleshed out, but it also isn’t time consuming. Like if you are talking to your companions regularly, we are talking about selecting a couple of extra dialogue options here and there.

Mastengwe, (edited )

I’m talking about the time the developer put into the whole thing. The coding, the animation, the VO… all the time could have been put to better more useful things.


You can only bone your companion the one time and they turn the lights off in Sharesses Caress.

I want my companions to have a “Let’s fuck” button.


I wish they had done it without Tencent.

Blaze, avatar

Interesting, I didn’t even know Tencent was involved, was their influence very visible?


They don’t have a controlling share on Larian, but they don’t own an insignificant amount of it. I wouldn’t say it is noticeable. Doesn’t have MTX, which I’m sure they would’ve loved.

Batadon, (edited )

Isn’t Larian independent?

Edit: Official statement on shareholders (near the end of the video)


It’s a situation similar to Epic. The controlling shares are in the hands of the CEO, Swen Vincke in this case. But at least Tencent only owns 30% of Larian, which is better than 49% of Epic, even if the end result is effectively no different.


Do you have a source for that?


This article corroborates the statement that Tencent owns 30% of Larian, but they do not have voting rights. Swen Vincke and his wife control the direction of the company with their combined 70%.

I realized I was actually slightly off base on the Epic share numbers, where Tencent owns slightly less than the 49% I had initially stated. This article claims the number at 40% total capital, which works out to 48.4% issued shares. However, CEO Tim Sweeny remains the majority shareholder of the company, and Epic has apparently stated that Tencent does not have any involvement with the way they run their business (at least as of when this article was written in 2019, I don’t know if things are different now but I have not heard as such.)



S_H_K, (edited )

The amount of money that was dropped on the making of the game is a clue but unpopular opinion? Who’s a fan of tencent anyway?
For those who don’t have the context Tencent is a huge Chinese company that has many investments in games. They are the type that plays it silently usually invest and they do let the people do their thing then take their share. But the problem is two fold first of all you cannot start saying much abou the ccp tencent wouldn’t send you to jail but would pull the plung of the funding. Secondly any client info that ends in Tencent hands is potentially viewable by the ccp. There’s no need of a Snowden to tell you that, the government made it law so if you buy the game your data goes to China.


My thing about china getting my data is ‘so what?’ I live in the United States. Every major corporation will sell my data to the government, and no warrant is necessary. The fuck is China going to do to me? Send some of their secret police to my house? Fucking TIGHT. I can tell them to fuck off and eat my ass.


Yea you can tell them that but the more china as on you and other citizen of where you live the better they can make the propaganda and influence election and other fun thing like that sure they can do it without all the data but it will be less efficient

Zehzin, (edited ) avatar

Shouldn’t they eat your ass first and then fuck off?

Every major corporation will sell my data to the government

And also to China. I don’t trust Tencent any more or less than I trust Ubisoft or 2K


That’s a good point, too; without an electronic bill of rights, what’s stopping them?


but unpopular opinion?

I don’t think Tencent’s involvement is common knowledge among BG3 players. It’s hard to have an opinion about something you’re unaware of.

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