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The Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Steam reviews have dropped to 'mixed,' as players point at the performance and balance issues on PC. (

“Right now even with 60 vigor you get one-shot by nearly every enemy that’s not pure fodder (like the classical wandering nobles in the base game),” Steam user ‘Flippikus’ writes. “And the Scadutree fragments that should make your damage and defense increase (exclusively while in the DLC) don’t help that much and...


I believe part of the issue is you can only really level vigor to 50 before it stops mattering, but the enemies will do more and more damage based off your total level. So if every stat is 50, you’re way less tanky than if you were level 150 with some normal stats.


In base elden ring no, the DLC is specifically stated to do so I believe.


“I cannot reasonably purchase anything not connected to China, this is an issue”

“Wow guys, he just admitted to buying things from China! What a hypocrite!”



Isn’t it laughably easy to mod? I’m okay with them saying “this is what we balanced for, anything else is on you”, though it should be like those divinity “prepackaged mods” like the zoomy boots


I would love for them to bring back places like the Bell Towers in DS2. Does elden ring even have a mirror knight type boss that can summon people?


Would you like some extra mongering with your fear today?


Absolutely depends on proximity, and probably how close we are to (bear) mating season. And type of bear, for that matter. If we’re including all men with no restrictions, it’s only fair to include all bears too, right?


Polar bears will in fact just kill you and eat you. Grizzlies, very likely to be territorial. Black bears are the most “cowardly”, but all three will fuck you up to protect their young, hence why the season matters.

I haven’t exactly done the math on relative bear populations to tell you if your odds are better with a random bear or a random man, but it doesn’t matter, you wouldn’t consider any of my statements valid even if I wrote a whole ass thesis.


It’s saying that and it’s saying they have no concept of the dangers of wildlife. But everyone takes addressing the latter as ignoring the former, when they’re two separate conversations only combined by the dumb analogy.


Snipers, famously useless in real life due to ballistic physics.


Astarion strikes me as someone that wasn’t bullied enough as a child. Gale is at least vaguely intelligent about his pursuit of power.


As someone that couldn’t get into modern fallout games, but actually loved going back to 1 and then 2, this just sounds like 2 but worse.


They’re bigger specifically so they can qualify as “light trucks” instead of regular vehicles, which means they have more more lax emissions standards.

Blinken hints at US sanctions against ICC over arrest warrants for Israeli leaders (

Antony Blinken has indicated that he will work with American lawmakers on potential sanctions against the International Criminal Court after it sought arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and defence minister, setting the stage for a confrontation with the world court in the Hague.


Isn’t south africa doing the right thing this time around? Something about “we know an apartheid state when we see one”.


I understand the sentiment, but it’s not really Biden’s job to do that. The justice system has utterly failed us, but having the president decide who is and isn’t an insurrectionist probably isn’t a great idea.


You’re concerned about a cooling tower that literally just evaporates water? You realize those aren’t nuclear specific?


I don’t think you’d want to tie your ability to cool the reactor to outside air temperatures. Bodies of water do warm up, but are generally a much better “ultimate heat sink”.


The first one that comes to mind is China absolutely does not tell anyone else the level of subsidization.


One would almost suggest making it easier to commit fraud is a feature, not a bug.

Israeli army broadcasts intimidating sounds to lure, kill, and forcibly displace civilians in the Nuseirat camp (

Testimonies from camp residents, which were provided to the Euro-Med Monitor team, confirm that the sound of women screaming and babies crying was heard late at night on both Sunday and Monday. When some of the residents went out to investigate and tried to help, they were shot at by Israeli quadcopter drones. The sounds they...


Because the american political system is hot garbage, and not voting risks something way worse.


That is a lot of words to say “I’m okay with a trump presidency”


Maybe the fact you assumed it was specifically more negative because it was tencent says something else 🤔


As someone who’s played their fair share of assorted DnD systems, 5E has a number of issues that really hold it back. For instance, you’re not really supposed to long rest between every fight, but how do you tell players that without a proper DM? It’s a very weak mechanic that’s apparently too iconic to have just axed.

Don’t get me wrong, 5E works better at what it’s supposed to - easily accessible and relatively low math tabletop roleplay. But a computer can do so much more.


Ah, the age old “welp, the only people that stuck with us through all the bullshit clearly have zero standards or expectations, no point in improving anything”


I actually kinda like his note to not read the patch notes, just experience it on a new save. I can’t say I’ve ever done that, but it sounds kinda nice as someone who usually struggles to not speedrun these kinds of games.


What a super relevant and definitely good faith point to bring up!


“Wow denmark’s doing a good thing I hope others follow”

“Reee what about completely unrelated bad things Spain has done”

Why would anyone even bother arguing with that, engaging further with you wastes everyone’s time


? Economic game theory is “how do you maximize your profits while understanding everybody else is also trying to maximize their profits and their strategies have an effect on how well yours works”. Game theory is used in everything from economics to traffic to understand individual strategies in different environments. It’s a weirdly specific cog in the orphan crushing machine to take issue with


For basically anything sexual and even vaguely kinky, there are two types of women. Those who do not believe any woman could possibly enjoy it, and those who can’t get off without it. The important thing is to ask first.


If there’s one thing to take from this, it’s that the toxicity just needs to be directed at those actually responsible. Not the devs, but at corporate forcing the game to release early.


Factorio just casually adds the ability to perfectly match manufacturing with demand using bot networks. God, I can’t wait for the dlc.


Use more save or sucks. Stunning an enemy character(or - bless - several) is also super valuable, it puts the fight to a 3v4 right away. On the bard’s spell list alone, Sleep is incredibly valuable, you’ve got Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Blindness, Hold Person, Silence, Fear, Confusion, I could go on.


Right click enemy -> find their lowest save -> cast save or suck that cripples them specifically.

You give the enemy barbarian an intelligence save, not a strength one.


It’s okay - DMing multiple campaigns for sweaty tryhards just massively overprepared me for anything BG3 could throw at me 😅 the solution to many dumb character builds is talking to them about it outside of the game like an adult “okay, roll me a [weakest stat] save”.

Many bosses will be immune to several effects, and scouting what exactly you’ll be facing is time consuming if even possible, so it definitely can fall into a “run into fight - oh I need change my spell list - reload quicksave” which is a little lame but you can’t always be prepared for everything unfortunately.


Also! Make sure to check their save proficiencies - It should be represented with a little hexagon around 2 or so ability scores. Obviously you usually want to avoid rolling against that score.


One of my favorite facts about nature is the fact that practically nothing is vegan. Herbivores are basically constantly eating insects off of the plant matter they eat, and pretty much anything will eat eggs if they find them unguarded.

My point is that if you want to be “closer to what nature intended”, being a vegan with cheat days is probably the closest you’ll get.


Just in case you’re not aware, you can hop into camp at literally any time, you only consume supplies when taking a rest.


Or don’t and just do

~100 calories for a medium pancake

~0.36 calories per pushup(all of this is googled and blindly trusted)

=277 pushups per pancake.

Totally worth it!


It always reminds me of a beautiful quote that I’m going to butcher from one of the Factorio devs. If something isn’t fun, no matter how sacred it feels to your gameplay, get rid of it.

It’s hard to think of a game that has been improved by having inventory weight caps. For most games there should be two systems: resource hoarding, and item unlocks. You find an item, it’s now unlocked gratz. You find gold? Hoover it all up.

Really the only game I can think of where it really adds depth to the game is Darkest Dungeon 1. You have so many inventory slots, and you start out with them somewhat filled with food and assorted supplies to help you go. As you progress through a level, you naturally use up some supplies, but you still eventually have to choose whether to keep the bandages or the loot. But that was clearly a deeply thought out mechanic in the game, core to the experience, not “oh well skyrim has inventory management so we should too”.


According to a quick, entirely un-fact-checked google, women in 1600s england had a 10% literacy rate. At least the bible would’ve been in english at this point?


Game’s been playing fine performance wise on my 3080/5800, my main frustrations have been industry hub buildings not fully building unless you make sure they render when you place them by moving the cursor around randomly. Also industry specializations are ugly as sin.

Besides that, I severely underestimated the effect of wind on air pollution, we’ll see if restarting fixes that. Exporting electricity, at least geothermal, is overpowered. You can export more if you buy tiles out to the map edge, you just connect to the border and make new connections.


Honestly, and this game hasn’t earned much leeway by releasing with the performance issues stated, but I think it’s appealing to a different crowd. Cities skylines was always a bit too goofy, whereas 2 has a bunch of new features that focus on actual city management but those often get overlooked by the lack of charm.


The game is going straight on Xbox gamepass right? It might be too late for them to delay the release date, I’m not sure how that works.


The best argument against always online games. Makes no damn sense that even when I queue by myself, I’m stuck waiting for a lobby.


It sounds more like you’d have to load the savegame in 2.0, then load it from 2.1. Theoretically they aren’t changing Nauvis all that much, so I can’t see why it would be unsupported just yet.


There are several old yugioh games on different consoles, more modern you’ve got games like Inscryption, Across the Obelisk, Helltrain, and just search the deckbuilder tag on steam.


It’s communist, not socialist, but there is the fantastic Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic game made by slovakians as a criticism of the time under the soviet union.

Colossal Order is Finnish though, so I have reasonable confidence they know socialism != communism. It’s more of an interesting twist that they let you try the orphan-crushing option.

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