pseudo, avatar

Online through dating app is pretty much the same as through matchmaker. If it is through discussing on a forum, on meeting on social media, it would be something else ok or closer to go the bar. Anyway, we need the matchmaker figure to properly compare things.

OrkneyKomodo, avatar

This belongs in boringdystopia.


Online dating is so shit for the majority of hetero dudes. You're lucky if you match with somebody, luckier if you get to have some kind of discussion that doesn't end after a few messages, even luckier if it ends in a date, amazingly lucky if anything physical happens, and incredibly lucky if it turns into a relationship.

Men are expected to initiate, keep the discussion alive, ask out, keep the woman entertained, and be grateful they were chosen. It only gets worse online.


Don’t forget rule #1: be attractive, or rule #2: don’t be unattractive


Even then dating apps are terrible. You have to pay extra just to essentially get the basic service. The free stuff basically doesn’t do anything

Riven, avatar

That’s how I found out I might be a little attractive. Lots of stories about apps being ghost towns and it being hard to talk to people. I didn’t struggle much to talk to people, went on dates and found my now fiancee that way.


You’re one of the lucky few. I bet online apps are great for attractive dudes with lots of great pictures lol.

BlueLineBae, avatar

What is the definition of “online” for this chart? The first website wasn’t even up until 1991, so how can the line start at 1980?

BeigeAgenda, avatar

BBS’es and Fidonet through modem were there before the web.

Don’t think many found each other on BBS’s but at least they could download low res porn.


It’s a survey, so it relies on the surveyed to tell accurately the date they meet and how, so I won’t be surprised that the line here is incorrect.

Or maybe they refer to using classified ads in the newspaper or over of those “romantic meeting agency” (I don’t know the name in English, in French it is agence de rencontre) that existed back in the day


Grandpa was trolling DARPAnet for skanks.


Soon to be a custard fist comic

CustardFist, avatar

Hmmm…. 🤔


Many of our cities in north america don’t have good access to third places anymore, due to both availability and cost.

I refuse to use online dating/friendship services so I struggle to meet friends and partners in the new citiy I moved to. Everyone at the local bar scenes is 15-30 years older than me, my outdoor local areas are homeless emcampments or riddled with needles and litter. I’ve met some people at my local climbing gym, but I find it difficult to get there between the cost of climbing and my physical labour job.

It almost feels like if you don’t make the plans online you don’t get to meet/hang out with people anymore and I’m not a huge fan of that.


Out of curiosity, why the refusal to use online dating?


Not OP, but the usual reply I see is, because dating companies are incentivized to keep you on their app, not get you a happy relationship, so you need to go through hundreds of dates and thousands of rejections, which can be mentally taxing.


I don’t have the energy to swipe new partners every week, I’m not a fan of hook up culture, anyone I’ve met on the apps keep using the apps while I see them. I’m not super big into social media and frequently don’t have service at work, I’ve had people on the apps complain 20+ minutes is unacceptable as a response time. I don’t take many pics of myself to make a good profile. Overall the experience is discouraging and stressful.


I get that, in my experience it was just weeding through the bad ones. I had my fair share of un matches/ghosts/a holes.

I also hated taking pictures of myself and had a mediocre at best bio. What worked for me was not getting emotionally invested in the apps/matches.

The matches that i got and went out on a date or two with i was very up front that i was still using the app. It wasn’t until our 4th date that my partner and i deleted our apps.

Anywho, just wanted to share some hopefully positive advice. You will find the right one for you! Just have fun with it and try not to take it seriously


How am I supposed to get emotionally attached to someone when I’m having a borderline one-sided conversation. The People you meet on those apps are not interested in carrying the conversation and it’s just mentally exhausting.

They don’t provide any kind of hook that I can respond to.


My recommendation: don’t have (nor expect) conversations. I’ve been on many dates (high double digits, or more) and I have not once had someone I’ve met in person resemble what I would have guessed they were like from a dating profile, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. Attitude, energy, chemistry, ambition, positivity, respect, confidence, grace, social skills, an attractive voice, etc – none of that is going to come across through text.

The goal should be meeting up in person and figuring it out on the fly. I usually send one message involving something along the lines of “hello <name>, hope you’re having a great week”, maybe add a detail about their profile that I found genuinely interesting, and then I immediately send a follow up message along the lines of “Text isn’t my forte, so I’d love to get together sometime this week and get to know each other over drinks – unless, of course, you love playing <app-name>-tag :) Shoot me your number and let’s make plans”

If my match isn’t comfortable with sharing their number, I propose we meet up for drinks and we can exchange numbers later. If my match objects to meeting so soon (this is maybe 1 in 30 matches or so) I tell them that I understand, but I also let them know (kindly and respectfully) that this probably tells me that we aren’t compatible, and then unmatch with them. Everyone else either has no qualms with my approach, or explicitly states that they really appreciated my forwardness.

Spare yourself and your matches the inherently boring small talk, and jump straight to meeting in person. Everyone wins.

electro1, avatar

I have nothing to add, but OMG, it’s like I’m reading about myself, I’m 27 and I gave up on the entire dating apps thingy

anyone I’ve met on the apps keep using the apps while I see them

Especially this, although I never met them in person, I know they’re still talking to someone else, some even sent the wrong messages my way


people have no friends anymore

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