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For the same reason it was a problem when they were releasing PS3 / PS4 games. The PS4 exclusive games were always better because they can actually make use of the console’s power.


His lawyers are literally advocating that he should be able to have political opponents killed what the hell are you talking about?


It was actually Harry Kim but his character was so undeveloped that we never noticed.


And also the time she thought she was a ballroom singer. And the moment she switches back to seven you can see it in the way she stands.


One of the reasons that Voyage’s writing is so terrible is because all of the good ideas got knocked back. For example the ship was supposed to get progressively more damaged over time, patched up with improvised repairs. That’s why the engineer was a Marquee, because they were used to having to do that sort of thing so they’d have experience that Starfleet engineers wouldn’t have. That’s why she was promoted over a Starfleet engineer. In the rewrite none of that comes through and it looks a bit pointless.

But they decided that was too expensive, so they didn’t do it. In all fairness to them with the special effects they had at the time, it would have been extremely expensive, but it would have made the show so much better.


It was always socialist. That was blindingly obvious even from the days of TOS. Remember, Star wars universe everyone had just come out of the third world war, practically everything had been destroyed and there was virtually no infrastructure left, people were willing to take pretty much any kind of government going.

Then replicators were invented and once you’ve got that it’s pretty difficult to have anything other than a socialist government or a dictatorship.


Right but they get all that energy from atom to energy conversion. The starships get that from antimatter reactors but I’m pretty certain that planet-based installations probably just put a bunch of trees and gravel in as base material, convert that to energy and then convert that back into useful atoms.

If you can do matter conversion, then power generation is almost certainly trivially easy.


The transports don’t use antimatter. And too much or is just used for power generation the transport has just run on that power.


I think the reason people don’t really like the theme song very much is because it isn’t the classic instrumental. All of the other Star Treks have been very obviously Star Trek from the opening few tones. Enterprise isn’t like that.

Strange New Worlds got this, even though it was a brand new piece of music just the first few notes, you can tell it’s Star Trek without even looking at the screen.


Sunk cost, they pre-ordered it, and they are darn well going to play it, even if they don’t enjoy doing so.

Don’t pull the video games especially when they’re digitally distributed. It’s not like they can run out.


Starfield’s big problem is it’s a huge universe built on an engine that really can’t support massive worlds like that. The reason you can’t fly around on the surface of a planet is because their crappy engine can’t cope with that much space existing, and it can’t load more environment when you get to the edges like every other game does because their engine doesn’t support proper level streaming.

If you mod the game to force the issue it gets glitchy very very quickly.


I have no problem with people liking it. But I know for a fact that a lot of people really are just obsessed with it because they got bamboozled into pre-ordering, because Bethesda, and they don’t want to admit they made a mistake.


The thing is when people put games on Steam they account for the fee that they take. So in a sort of way the lawsuit is right, Valve are effectively causing players to get overcharged for games.

But if I put the same game on both Steam and GoG And make the gog one 20% cheaper, I still get more sales on the Steam page. If I only have it on GOG people actually complain even when you point out that it’s cheaper that way.

So Valve are causing players to get overcharged but players are forcing publishers to put their games on Steam. So players are causing players to get overcharged, so what can you do?

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement (

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...


I’ve never understood the supposed problem. Either AI is a gimmick, in which case you don’t need to worry about it. Or it’s real, in which case no one’s going to use it to automate art, don’t worry.

echodot, (edited )

Put a sticker on it. But realistically, I’ve yet to see any products that were made by an AI on the market. So what exactly is this sticker going to go on?


The blockchain bubble burst because everyone with a brain could see from the start that it wasn’t really a useful technology. AI actually does have some advantages so they won’t go completely bust as long as they don’t go completely mad and start declaring that it can do things it can’t do.


The fact that it is useful technology though means they’ll always have a fullback. It’s not going to go way like bitcoin I guarantee it.


Personally I only buy artisan aircraft.


It’s not needed. Need to think about the sentence.

How could millennials really be affecting aircraft sales? Obviously they couldn’t, therefore the comment makes no sense if considered literally. However often millennials are blamed for everything else, so perhaps it’s an amusing comment related to that phenomenon.


It’s a feature not a bug. Everyone wants easily removable fuselage components.


So now the government’s going to bail them out yes?


It’s probably a good thing because your average Joe Public can’t write the bug report to save their life.

You get titles like “It’s broken and not working”. If you are very lucky you’ll also get a screenshot where everything looks absolutely fine and with absolutely no context as to what the problem supposedly is. The reason technical savvy people can write good bug reports is because they disproportionately work in IT and see terrible support tickets everyday, and know what not to do.

For example, if you’re reporting that outlook will not load it’s possibly a good idea to give a phone number and not an email address for contact purposes. Just a thought.


He’s been in some stuff obviously famously Stargate.

Also in an episode of the Orville. Although I must admit I wasn’t aware he was actually in Lower Decks at any point.


I swear they’ve already done this at least once.


Well if they include multiplayer then it will definitely require that.


Did you actually watch the videos?

They were spraying the trees green because they were dead. Elsewhere they might power wash ground, and maybe replace broken windows in abandoned buildings so they look new, possibly do some weeding, but they’re not painting trees because the trees are not dead. If the trees are dead you’ve got a serious issue.


As opposed to what you’re doing which is just apologizing for a corrupt government?


Yeah they just have some credit. There’s also Taiwan that’s real, they care about that a lot.


When Russia warns that they may do something what they’re really saying is that they won’t do something.

They’re always threatening to end the world. But they won’t because that would also end them too. If they don’t go that far and stick to a conventional War I don’t like their chances either, after all they’re not doing well against a small number of NATO weapons. Do they expect to win a war against all of the NATO weapons?


Iran already has enough weapons that they could attack NATO (not successfully but still). We know that because they give them to Russia.

What weapons is Russia going to supply, they don’t have anything.


He just says pretty much anything but it’s all designed for the Home market he doesn’t really expect international audiences to believe any of it. Honestly we could probably not report on any of this stuff and it wouldn’t matter.


They never really recovered from covid. All the big game studios just did live streams of varying quality and then realized that it’s much simpler for them to just do that than go to a big conference. They stopped going to the conferences and started just doing their live streams.

It also didn’t help that Sony and Microsoft would have their own conferences for their consoles and any games that were releasing on those consoles. Then a lot of the time those games would also be releasing on PC at some point so they didn’t need a separate announcement for that they just tell you at the PlayStation/Xbox conference.

Then the studios started to have their own conferences, because they couldn’t possibly tell you about a new game in 10 minutes when they could spend over an hour telling you the same stuff.


I’ve have to hand it to him, he’s achieved a lot in his life. I feel like I’ve been outdone.


I think they’re from the mirror universe Canada where they drive on the left.


Oh they absolutely need the physics-breaking grappling hook, that changes the way it operates depending on plot requirements.

Oh, and balloons, lots and lots and lots of balloons.


Trust me you don’t want a conservative government. They won’t fix the problem they’ll just seek to line their own pockets and then by doing so make everything worse.


Yeah and if they start attacking NATO countries it’s going to end badly for them. The US will drop support like a hot rock. They really won’t like it I’m sure, but they are not going to back Israel over NATO, it’s just not happening.


No they really are hateful people, they are just using this as an excuse to kill people they hate, it’s not a mistake they’re meaning to do this. They were never going to ask the UN to intervene because that would have robbed them of the opportunity to commit mass slaughter.


What do you mean Israel in the United States have never had a conflict between them


Yeah, not a conflict. And so long ago that the current political situation is totally different.

The US wouldn’t have a choice, if Israel attacks a NATO country then it’s article 5 automatically. Then their only option would be to leave NATO and they’re not going to do that.

You are not arguing in good faith.


People die trying to claim mountains in the Lake District. It’s exposed up there and the weather can change extremely quickly.


Paradox seems to be having some problems at the moment. No idea what is going on.

I think it is just an issue that management is greenlit to many projects simultaneously and now there aren’t enough resources to go around (shockingly), so they have to suspend some stuff so they can focus on other stuff.


I always knew Antarctica couldn’t be trusted.


I’m just like a dictatorship we also know the outcome of this election before it’s even announced.


It’s so the votes can be counted overnight and the announcement made on the Friday. Then the incoming government sorts things out over the weekend and we can have a new functioning government on Monday.

If they did the election on say a Monday then the announcement would be made on Tuesday, then the country would just be in limbo for 2 days while everyone tried to work out what was going to happen. This way, the limbo happens over the weekend where not much business needs to be done anyway.


I didn’t design the system. It’s just how it works.

Obviously they don’t actually form the government over the weekend they know who they’re going to have in various positions because they’re already in the shadow cabinet positions. It exists because historically the MP who are now cabinet members, and therefore required to live near the capitol, may very well actually be in completely different parts of the country and it would take them a few days to get back to London.

Especially the government suddenly called an election like they’ve just done.


I know it sounds like that but it’s been like this for hundreds of years. It’s just a holdover, it made sense back then.

The problem with conspiracy theorists is sometimes they don’t know when to stop. Sometimes there isn’t actually a evil sadistic reason, it’s just a thing.

Anyway the polls are open for like 10 hours. Somewhere in there you’re going to find an opportunity to vote. I mean I didn’t vote in the last local elections until about 6:00 p.m.

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