Do you think this will work?

Mission Preparation Class for the stake. Here are the details:

When - First Sunday of every month at 6:00pm, starting on April 7th.

Where -*****

Who - All youth in Grade 12 and young adults who are preparing for or considering serving.

What - Since there isn’t a set curriculum, I am going to focus on helping the youth to think about all of the many reasons to serve a mission and to choose to serve for the reasons that are most important for them. Each week we’ll focus on another reason and talk about how a mission can bless their lives and the lives of others in that way. My hope is that they will come out of the class with a desire to serve and strong reasons for serving that will help sustain them through difficult times. Some topics that I have thought about so far (subject to change):

  • To help bring the gospel into people’s lives
  • To learn how to become more like the Saviour
  • To learn how to receive and act on revelation
  • To learn how to better study the scriptures
  • To learn how to live and work with a companion
  • To learn the Gospel and gai n a deeper testimony of it’s truths
  • To get experience with feeling negative emotions like anxiety and fear, but still being able to important things

Are you… an ex-mormon or a regular type Mormon? This seems like regular Mormon stuff. This is a community for ex-Mormons.

investorsexchange, avatar

PIMO. Thanks for checking.


Please keep your gospel to yourself thanks.

investorsexchange, avatar

I guess this needed more commentary. I put this up to be mercilessly mocked. I didn’t mean to trigger you and draw the mockery to myself.

This absolutely brainless announcement was in our bulletin today. The biggest questions that occur to me are:

Will this attract the youth? I taught early morning seminary for a bit. I’ll tell you that I really doubt the kids are going to want an extra meeting on Sunday evening, especially when it’s just to pressure them into serving a mission.

What participation do they actually expect from the youth? They clearly believe they already have all the answers.

How will this prepare kids for a mission? Nothing about life skills and everything about duty. It sets missionaries up for a huge shock.

Finally, do they expect kids to want to do this, or are they subtly instructing parents to require their kids to attend and, by extension, serve a mission? Where is agency?

Anyway, just a few of my cynical reactions to being exposed to the “gospel.” Feel free to add your own or to totally ignore my post. Personally, I’d like to see more content here.

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