
Yikes, the comments section on that blog is cancer. People really need to wake up to the fact that games being multi-platform is ALWAYS good for end users. I don’t know why people insist on identifying with just one side.

Patches, (edited )

Reminder Horizon Zero Dawn was a buggy mess that crashed on startup and took months to attain playable. They did put in the work after the fact which is admirable but the point still stands:

Don’t be too optimistic about a pre-order.


Honestly folks should just never pre-order. In the era of digital goods there’s no selling out the whole stock so there’s no rush to get in front of.

Patches, (edited )

I will preorder the next From Software and that’s about it. They have never failed to deliver a quality product and I have purchased every one of their games since Armored Core 1 in 1997.

Everyone else - nah.

There is something to be said for the experience of many people playing through a game for the first time and shared experiences. The fact that the answers to your question don’t exist anywhere. You can’t Google the solution to a puzzle, or the cheese to this boss.


A whole bunch of quests in elden ring were 100% broken for weeks after release. And there was performance problems. Let’s not pretend that their shit doesn’t stink the same as everyone else’s.


I pre order from small studios that have a proven track record. Even if it ends up bad, I’m happy to have supported the studio.

Pre ordering AAA games is always a dumb idea though.

domi, avatar

This game is ported by Nixxes so I’m cautiously optimistic that it will be a good port.

They fixed up Zero Dawn after release and aced pretty much every port since then.


Does Sony still block save transfers from PS5 to PC?

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

I really hope this is well optimized.

Deconceptualist, (edited )

The listing of specs for each preset plus the mention of “portable devices” are good signs for that. So we’ll see!

Addendum: Same for Ghost of Tsushima!

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