
Isn’t what they said about the last two next-generation Xboxes?

SMITHandWESSON, avatar

I’m not buying another Xbox seeing that Samsung is putting Gamepass on thier TV’s with no extra hardware required except for a controller……/xbox-cloud-gaming-coming-to-more-…

Nevermind the fact that everyone is doing cross-platform multi-player games. One of the main advantages of console gaming is everyone is running the same hardware. If that’s the future, then I’ll just play on PC.


Samsung TV UIs are laggy as shit, I don’t have high hopes that it’ll work reliably long term.

SMITHandWESSON, avatar

The new Samsung TV’s have free sync like PC monitors…


That may be, I have a model newer than the was written and I can tell you the menu and apps are laggy in comparison to my 1st gen 4K AppleTV. Does PC GamePass work on TVs? I can try it.


Copying my comment from another thread:

You’d think Microsoft would calm down on the cloud after the massive Xbox One failure and underwhelming results of their live service games like Halo Infinite. Guess they never learn.


I guess you don’t know what the fuck the cloud is because neither of those have anything to do with it.


What are you on about? Xbox one literally tried to sell itself as a cloud console with games like Crackdown 3 leveraging cloud computing. Nobody wanted it and it failed. That’s literally what they’re suggesting the new console is.


So your think crackdown 3 failed because of the cloud computing element? And not because it was a second sequel to a game, which was only popular because it exposed the Halo 2 multiplayer beta?

Or that Microsoft, putting a new feature in the game is them trying to sell the whole console based on that feature?

Well it’s a leak so they’re not suggesting a single thing. It will probably be closer to how certain GamePass games are playable in the cloud and that works rather flawlessly but go on and complain about nothing.


Xbox One as a whole failed because it’s not at all what people want. Aside from the fact that you need amazing internet for games that would support cloud computing, it felt like a gimmick and still does now. I brought up their live service games because that’s where they’d want to do something like that on, and if they can’t make a good live service game now they won’t with The Cloud™

It will probably be closer to how certain GamePass games are playable in the cloud and that works rather flawlessly but go on and complain about nothing.

You’re the one arguing… And the article says otherwise…

it wants to develop a “hybrid game platform capable of leveraging the combined power of the client and cloud to deliver deeper immersion and entirely new classes of game experiences.”

Microsoft said it envisions the next-gen device as being “optimized for real time gameplay and creators,” with the company adding it will “enable new levels of performance beyond the capabilities of the client hardware alone.”


58 millions sales equals a failure to you? Fuck off bud. Hahahahahahahahahahha.


Wow, you really drank the capitalist tea haven’t you? You’re sitting over there with how much capital to your name? Probably absolutely nothing and saying that some a company selling 58 million units is a failure. But go off keep sucking that capitalistic cock and buying their shit.


Troll harder, mate

NXTR, avatar

It seems like the gaming division of Microsoft was doing just fine over that same period of time.

If the Xbox One was a complete failure then why would Microsoft make the series X/S?


Guess how I’ve been playing Starfield on my Xbox One? I’ll give you a hint, it starts with a C and ends with Loud.


Cloud-Centric company that shows no signs of understanding the art of gaming wants to force people to subscribe to cloud gaming services? I’m Shocked!

kadu, avatar

They claimed the Xbox One (the original last gen model) would be decades ahead of any other competitors because games would be, wait for it, cloud hybrid. Some things would render locally, but Microsoft servers would calculate complex collisions, volumetrics, crowd AI, and so on.

Guess what never happened.


Because people complained about the connectivity requirements. Unfortunately I don’t think we are there still, infrastructure for a lot of areas will not support this.

kadu, avatar

Because people complained

As they should - for several different reasons.


For all its many many many flaws (like having your flagship game start in a snow storm…), Google Stadia very much demonstrated the viability of full game streaming. Even people with shit broadband could still play a “last gen” quality game. Sure people in the outright sticks won’t be able to but… they likely aren’t doing a lot of gaming as getting a 10 GB patch out to them is hard enough.

And if you are only doing game logic and some simulations, rather than full rendering? The bandwidth needs drop even more.


Sure, people with crappy broadband could play… At something like N64-level settings and slideshow frames per second, even with “last-gen” games. Granted, streaming an entire game is more of a load on bandwidth than cloud hybrid or patches, but if it was really feasible for the masses even a year ago, Stadia might still be up today, but it’s already gone. I would still rather be able to play a game I own on console without needing a persistent connection to play, as a cloud hybrid game may require. If there is still the option to play the game offline at lower settings, that wouldn’t be so bad, but then you just know that M$ will be looking to monetize the cloud hybrid option: “play at full settings online for only $— per month!”


Weird. Very curious what issues you ran into. I didn’t even have anything that bad on hotel wifi.

Mostly because: The video is pretty “easy” and mostly suffers from compression artifacts. If you can watch youtube, you can stream a game at generally one quality setting lower. Because latency is what matters. The actual game inputs are nothing on top of that.

Mostly it was just annoying that google did EVERYTHING they could to market it poorly and “Gamers” lost their god damned minds because they felt threatened. Which… is pretty reminiscent of MS cocking up the announcement of the One.

SMITHandWESSON, avatar

I think the deal breaker was Gamestop fighting MS on their decision to allow users to sell their cloud games back for credit.


Don’t worry y’all. By cloud it’s just gonna be dynamic ads.

But for real, background animations and details could be streamed through another device having to render that something. Anything that doesn’t revolve around the gameplay itself.


This sounds familiar. Haven’t they been promising this hybrid cloud computing since Crackdown 3?


Steamdeck 2 is all I need.

tal, avatar

modular thumbsticks


So is this modular thumbsticks akin to the Microsoft Elite controller, where you can put taller or shorter stems on or different tops?

Or is it like the Thrustmaster eSwap Pro, where you can remove the entire mechanism beneath, and put something else in (like, say, a more-expensive-but-immune-to-drift Hall Effect thumbstick)?

Callie, avatar

Pass. As much as I dislike PlayStation after the issues I had with the ps4, I’d sooner swap back than use a cloud console


First thing I’ve heard about it and…pass

flux, avatar

Good luck with that one. Highspeed reliable Internet does not exist everywhere. I’d rather pay for a gpu then deal with garbage gameplay.



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