Profilename1, avatar

PopTop. Railroad Tycoon 2&3 and Tropico 1&2. They got bought by 2K, which eventually killed the studio. The Railroad Tycoon series is dead. Tropico is still around, but I’m not excited about the latest interation. Some of the guys tried to kickstart a new Railroad Tycoon but it didn’t fund. Phil Steinmeyer was an underrated developer, though I believe he’s retired today.

It’s too bad it worked out that way. I think they could have been on the level with Paradox as far as strategy games are concerned, but focusing more on economic games, city builders, and the like. On Steinmeyer’s blog he said he didn’t think there was demand for heavier games anymore about mid 00s. That might have been true then, but so many games out now prove that wrong.

OpticalMoose, avatar

I just looked at my Steam stats today and 52% is RT3. There may be plenty of games that surpass it in visuals, but game mechanics are a different story, and without a stock market I don’t see much of a point.

I played Tropico 3-5, but gave up after they refused to give us highways and overpasses.


Sierra entertainment! I was a big fan of the kings quest games, and Sierra online was my first experience with online gaming.


I was super into Sierra as a publisher. They seemed to back some of the highest quality games no one knew about. Ground Control, Gunman Chronicles, Homeworld, Aliens vs Predators 2, Empire Earth, Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza, and of course Half-Life. They published some quality games.


Don’t forget the SWAT series. Really loved the third game and always played the ‘Children of Terrone’ map on lan parties


The SWAT series was amazing but now I just look back at it as copaganda.


I loved the Quest games! They were my first real introduction to the English language. Simple phrases like Open Door and feed chickens were a great way to build my basic vocabulary. I kept pestering my dad for translations until he got fed up and taught me how to use a dictionary :)

I have so many great memories playing those games, on my own and together with my dad. It really was a bonding experience.



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  • BigTechMustBurn,

    Also Blood and No One Lives Forever.

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    sierra ❤️

    also bill pogue

    SenorBolsa, avatar

    Haha, that’s exactly the kind of game I want to make but with graphics and a little less dry. Didn’t even know about that one. Also I should probably actually figure out how to start that once I’m settled in here. It’s amazing how much planning and thought goes into getting one truck across the country. It’s like Oregon trail but you die of stupidity, yours or others, rather than dysentery.

    HipsterTenZero, avatar

    The 3 Bs, baby. Blizzard, Bioware, and Bethesda.

    Blizzards dead to me, Bioware fell off after dragon age 1, and Bethesda refuses to take its limiters off anymore (no drugs)


    I’m enjoying heavily-modded DA:I, but I do feel like DA1 had some better writing and direction.

    HipsterTenZero, avatar

    The only thing I can remember from inquisition is trudging through some high level desert looking for high level rocks (which very blatantly cut their drop rate from earlier zones) so that I could make an armor and weapon that still sucked and looked like pajamas.

    also that the party loves to litter

    Dalek_Thal, avatar

    Any recommendations for mods? I’m putting together a new build for it ahead of my semi-annual replay of the trilogy


    Yeah, definitely!

    I’ll skip the skins, because I assume you’ll want to pick your own that fit your tastes, but you can find all of these at NexusMods. Some of my favorites are:

    • Speed Launch
    • 60 fps in cutscenes
    • No fall damage
    • Infinite Respec Amulet
    • Party At The Winter Palace
    • Shorter War Table Missions (75%)
    • Party Banter Time (5-10min)
    • All Bard songs for CC Music
    • Stay still in CC - Natural Edition
    • Face Ash Begone
    • Bugs Be Gone
    • Skills Enhanced by NinjaReborn
    • Inventory Capacity

    You’ll also need Frosty Mod Manager to set all those up (they seem to work for me in the order I listed) and Frosty Fix.

    • Set up the mods and load order in FrostyMM, and close.
    • Launch Frosty Fix.
    • Choose the profile/pack you want.
    • Mash go.
    • FrostyMM should open back up.
    • Open the pack you created.
    • The game should launch automatically with the mods correctly enabled.

    All these mods feel “vanilla-ish” and shouldn’t spoil the original experience to any significant degree.


    Blizzard and Westwood studios. It’s unfortunate what happened to them.


    Interplay, Microprobe, Sierra On-Line, Bullfrog, Dynamix, Origin, all long gone.

    Activision is still around, but it’s something completely different. Same with Atari (although theres a nostalgia brand now, so maybe back).

    Of them all, I think is have to say I’m most nostalgic for Sierra On-Line, although Origin gives them a run for most nostalgic.


    Dynamix’ Earthsiege was such a magical thing back then. So were Bullfrog’s Syndicate, Theme Hospital and Dungeon Keeper. Many, many years ago when Peter Molyneux was not a dumbass but gave us gems like Populous and Black&White.

    The list of games that EA has destroyed is long.


    I loved Earthsiege! IIRC I got the game with an expansion card (STI Lightning 128?), and it really was fun playing with my first flight stick, a CH Products flight stick.


    Westwood fits into that list.

    pbjamm, avatar

    I worked for Interplay back in the 90s. It was pretty great for me, launching my IT career. Working in QA did temporarily ruin my ability to play games for fun though.

    Kolanaki, avatar

    Valve is the only one of mine that’s still around as more than just a brand name used by EA.

    Bioware, Maxis, Bullfrog, Westwood, and more… All gobbled up and turned into shit by Electronic Farts.

    Others that just died on their own include Black Isle and Interplay, Sierra and LucasArts. Some of these might be around in some capacity, though afaik they’re just used for the names.


    ID tech


    Westwood, but not for Command & Conquer or Dune 2. I still remember them fondly for their Kyrandia games. I loved the art design, the music and the jokes.
    Kyrandia 2 being one of my all time favorite adventure games, Zanthia was an awesome protagonist. Especially for her time.

    It’s nice that their strategy games picked up the way they did, but part of me wishes they stuck with their fantasy games.


    Neversoft. THPS2 had a banger soundtrack.


    Origin “We create worlds”. They definitely did with the Wing Commander series. Played a lot of WC 3, 4 as well as Privateer.

    I don’t think anyone mentioned Lionhead Studios. Black and White was fun. Sadly it’s in copyright limbo if I’m not mistaken.

    Also played a lot of Civilization 1 from Microprose back in the day.


    My favourite games from childhood were the Ultima series (3 onward).


    Never finished most of the Ultima Games. Started U4 again a few years ago. Tried picking it back up, and I’ve misplaced that damn balloon again.


    Never tried any of the Ultima series. :p

    FlashMobOfOne, avatar

    Fighting Fantasy books


    Have most of them still! I think all of them into the 20’s, and hit or miss after. There’s been a couple of reboots.


    I’m surprised no one has said thq. They had so many bangers

    Kwakigra, avatar

    Squaresoft, Bioware, and Bethesda are three companies whose logos I once considered a seal of quality. None of the three really exist anymore, although there are new much larger companies using their names.


    Bethesda game studios is the same studio as always, just under Microsoft

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