AITAH for pirating games before buying them?

Nowadays, the absolute vast majority of games that I play are shit tbh.

This is why I pirate games first to try them out. I wanna be very clear that if I think a game is good I buy it, no questions asked.

However, since most games don’t have demos or trials, I don’t want to feel like I’ve wasted money so I look to piracy so that I can try them out before making a purchase.



I’m the firm believer of piracy is a service issue. Lot of time that piracy is rampant, it’s almost always due to accessibility issue, mainly cost in country with weaker currency. A $60 game will cost me about 15 days of food, that’s inaccessible for a lot of people in my country and frankly hard to justify, and if there’s not even an option for localisation of the price, whether people pirate or not, they basically leaving money on the table.

Steam used to be cool because everyone follow the sane pricing suggestion, but nowadays publisher decided to earn less money by charging more for their mediocre game, and then blame piracy for the lackluster earning.

I don’t pirate myself, i have very less time to game nowadays, but i don’t think piracy is an ass move, especially when cracked version run better than paid version due to stupid drm.

0485919158191, avatar

Some good points! Thanks for sharing!


They’re often forced to equalize global prices because of sites like G2A. Even if they want to sell a game for the price of a Zimbabwean loaf of bread, G2A picks up a thousand copies of that and resells them in America, driving the global revenue down.

So, now no one in Zimbabwe gets cheap local prices because there’s no such thing as a “local” price. And the defenders of G2A use their own mental gymnastics to justify it.


Used to do that for decades. Nowadays with steam i just return the game.

0485919158191, avatar

I don’t trust the refund policy. If they have a so called refund policy why not force every published to add a 1-2 hour free trial instead? We should be able to try games and evaluate before the money leaves our pockets.

RogueBanana, (edited )

Try it, steam makes it so easy to refund stuff assuming you played less than couple hours and bought it fairly recently. And forcing companies to make trials isn’t as easy as you think. Some indie games still have trial versions but those are pretty much impossible to find in AAA titles as they obviously want people to just buy them and play past the return window.

Edit: Also on your post, who cares? Lot of companies certainly don’t have morals and do whatever they can to milk their users. If you don’t wanna pay for it then don’t, its better than not playing anyway. Buy something if you can afford to and wanna support the studio, especially indie studios who rely on that income to produce more games and the money actually go to the people who deserve it. I personally just grab a bunch of stuff on sale and play one when I feel like it, although a lot of them remains untouched to this date.

Tldr: don’t overthink it, do whatever works for you

0485919158191, avatar

They don’t really market their refund policy. And, I know they have a 2 hour playing window. However, what if you’re really into the game and you play 2.5h non-stop not realizing and they you decide to refund but can’t. Sometimes it can take up to 10 hours to actually evaluate if a game is good. Some games have tutorials which can take 1-2 hours if you read everything and play at a slow pace at which point you’re locked out of refund. I don’t support their refund policy at all actually.


I would say its reasonable as it applies to all games even the indie ones that can end within an hr so any higher and people might start abusing it.


Because the “default path” is different, a free trial would have way less conversion than the current system.

With a free trial you have to take an action to buy it. With a refund you have to take an action to be refunded.

Or they could do it like SaaS, where you’re automatically charged at the end of the trial unless you decide to cancel before… But that’s a bit convoluted and it wouldn’t bring much compared to the current system.

Personally unless it’s a dirt cheap game I do enough research before buying and I rarely have to refund. But I definitely refund if the game is not at the level of quality that I expected.


Don’t trust the software company to do what they have made legally sound claims to doing, and that hundreds of thousands of people have said they’ve done.

But do trust the script kiddies writing crackers not to install invisible keyloggers and ad trackers.

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

No. Intellectual property is not real, so nothing is being stolen by you.

If it’s a small developer, and you like the game, make sure to support them if you can. If it’s a mega studio, don’t feel bad about not paying anything.

That’s my personal policy at least.


Your ethics are on point.


If intellectual property is not real, then why do you support the idea of paying small developers instead of large developers? Their intellectual property is just as fake as large studios, right?

I really wish pirates were more honest with themselves. Just admit that you're taking something that doesn't belong to you and own it. I pirate content all the time, but I don't do the mental gymnastics to justify it. Just admit that you stole something and that you don't care, it's not that hard. I have an old PC in my closet that has about 200 movies and a bunch of cracked games on it that I've pirated over the years, and I don't care that I stole them. The Robin Hood complex some pirates have is just weird, imo. You're not sticking it to The Man; The Man is still bankrolling more per week than the team who made the content you stole is making in a year, regardless of your seed ratio.

By the way, large studios also have developers who rely on their jobs to put food on the table, just like the small studios. If you think anybody at EA aside from the C-Suite execs are significantly richer than the average indie dev, you'd be mistaken. Next time you're playing a pirated AAA game, look at your character; the guy who spent several weeks of his life sculpting and rigging that model is probably just as concerned about paying his rent on time as you are.

By the way, this isn't entirely directed at you, specifically. Just my thoughts on the general attitude I see in a lot of piracy communities lately.


It’s the same with FOSS. IP is just as fake as physical private property, but that doesn’t mean we can’t pay people for their labour.

If I find a really useful open-source licensed app developed by one or two people as a hobby, and they have a donation link in their repo, I might send them something.

If it’s a really useful open-source licensed app developed by some corporation, there’s no way I’m giving them money. The company has invested in developing the app as open source; they chose to (or were forced to by virtue of open source dependencies) make it public. The devs were already paid by the company. Whether the company takes in enough revenue by other means to pay for this open source project isn’t my problem.


Just admit that you stole something and that you don’t care, it’s not that hard.

You are not wrong, but maybe just a bit of perspective:

In my city, you can go to the public library, borrow a DVD, take it home, watch it. 100% legal. 100% free. No library membership fees. And they have multiple copies of most DVDs, so it’s not like it’s some lottery to use the service.

It feels a lot like downloading a movie without paying anyone to watch it. The only difference is you gotta go outside. Oh, and no guilt tripping.

Anyway, what’s my point? Well piracy is only illegal because some people (not everyone) decided that everyone is going to pay an equal, but not necessarily an equitable, share to fund the development of said IP (unless you have a library in your area to counter this, partially). Worse, that everyone will keep paying a very small group of people money we’ll after the development of said IP has been paid off. Even worse, that small group of people will use their profits to corrupt the legal system to ensure that that protectionism continues to serve their benefit, not others… Point being, you can pirate, and care… care a lot.

Victims are created when piracy affects small production houses struggling to make ends meet. Victims are created of everyone else when the law is abused beyond it’s original purpose to squeeze consumers.

So you too should be honest and not call it theft. Piracy is piracy, good or bad. To compare it to the crime of theft is to perpetuate the marketing of those to stand from a black and white view on the matter.


The only difference is you gotta go outside.

No, the difference is that you're expected to return it. You're not supposed to keep it forever. That's why there's a "due by" date on checked-out materials.


Absolutely wild how stuff like this is downvoted here. People are disconnected from reality as if the world is a little hippy community. reminds me of this, have fun reading.


That link is chillingly hilarious.

Makes me think of a simple job like garbage man; they drive up the pay to encourage people into it. So what’s the incentive without capital?


No worries, I am sure the local diaper boy will handle that.


In theory, you see the job needs to be done, you do it for the good of the community.


Jesus Christ.

I think... I think I understand conservatives a little now.


I do not understand them - the same way I can not understand those delusional socialism nutjobs.

Unanimous_anonymous, (edited )

It is theft, but the argument is better framed as to whether or not it’s moral theft. Most people who pirate feel comfortable pirating from larger corporations over small time creators/groups, with the usual justifications you’ve provided above. Personally, I’ve justified it at times because I couldn’t afford to purchase the thing, which leads to another argument of “if I wasn’t going to buy it in the first place, is it actually effecting them”.

There is no argument to be made, however, where it isn’t true that if you were to have purchased it, the owner of the idea will make more off of it. Whether you care or not about that owner getting more is a different argument, but you are robbing them of value for the idea, however little that value might have been.

I’m not arguing for or against pirating, but people in the comments saying it isn’t theivery really seem to be arguing whether stealing is wrong or not. Call it what it is and go back to the argument people have been having for thousands of years.

Which, I realize I didn’t address libraries. Taxes pay for libraries to operate, and then the library pays to have copies of the works. If no one wants to read my book, libraries aren’t going to just go out and buy thousands of copies. And trying to tackle libraries would also start to erode arguments for reselling something. And to bring it back to the OP, I’ve read books in a library before that I enjoyed enough to purchase a copy of my own. I’ve also read books I haven’t. But someone purchased that book for me to rent, and in a small part, I’ve paid for that book myself by paying taxes.

ayaya, avatar

It’s not mental gymnastics. Why is it so hard to believe that people genuinely don’t believe in intellectual property? It has nothing to do with “sticking it to the man.” I just do not believe in IP, full stop.

And piracy is not stealing, it is making a copy. When you steal a physical item the original owner is deprived of that item. When you copy something the original “owner” still has access to it.

Not everyone thinks the same way you do. In fact you sound like a terrible person if you genuinely believe that what you’re doing is wrong but you’re doing it anyway.


You can also believe in Santa, how does it matter, to the whole society, what you believe?


So if someone spend thousands of hours and a lot of money on researching a new invention that would benefit people, you don’t believe they should reap the rewards of said invention without a competitor stealing their idea? You’re basically advocating for people not to be paid for their work


Intellectual property is not real?

So unless I make something physical I am not making anything real? So all my work up to the point of a plant being actually built is not real?

Doing anything on a PC or smartphone is not real.

Inventing a train of thought that cures every known desease and mental illness is simply not real - because you can’t touch it. This is the equivalent of dark ages church logic.

ayaya, avatar

You are being intentionally obtuse. It’s not that the thing itself literally does not exist at all, it’s that the ownership of ideas is not real. When you steal a physical item the original owner is deprived of that item. When you copy an idea the original “owner” still has access to it.


I find it funny you’re calling him intentionally obtuse right after you seem to just simplify theivery at whether something physical is stolen. If you’re basing it off of something being stolen or not, IP is used to protect the realized gains off of an idea. Yeah you aren’t stealing a physical something, but you are robbing the creator of what the item is valued at. It is exactly the issue that you can’t own an idea that IP is usually heavily protected. Ironically, the intention is to help new ideas(and their profiting worth) from being stolen by someone (or something ie Coporations) with better means to distribute and profit off of the idea. Otherwise, why wouldn’t I just get a copy of a game, underpriced it, and sell it as cheap as I wanted? I’ve put no thought or labor into actualized the idea, so I have no reason to price it beyond my initial investment. It why when someone (or something) sells full rights to their IP, it can be worth millions. They don’t care about the idea. They care about what the idea can provide in the future.

To draw a parallel, saying IP isn’t real is like saying currency has no worth. On the surface, duh of course currency isn’t actually worth anything. It’s not like people can (practically) eat a dollar or make shoes out of a dollar, but we’ve (generally) collectively decided it’s worth something. It instils confidence that when I walk into a store, my currency has a conversion rate of so many dollars per good. If thousands of people added millions of dollars into their bank accounts by just “copying” the electronic money, no one has lost money, but the value of the currency is deflated by those actions because there’s nothing stopping everyone from from just adding millions to their accounts. The confidence that people will be harshly dealt with for deflating the currency like that is one of the innate things that gives currencies (and IP’s) their value. Handwaving it away by saying it isn’t actually real is also just being obtuse.

ayaya, avatar

you are robbing the creator of what the item is valued at

If I value the item at $0 then I have robbed them of $0.

why wouldn’t I just get a copy of a game, underpriced it, and sell it as cheap as I wanted?

We already do that. It is called piracy. We take it and sell it for as cheap as we want ($0).

the value of the currency is deflated by those actions because there’s nothing stopping everyone from from just adding millions to their accounts

I don’t care if the value of IP is deflated. I already believe it to be zero so that doesn’t change anything. Ideas should be free to be shared.

And before you say something like, “then nothing new will ever get made” just remember you are on Lemmy. The developers make it because they want to, not because of the money. People can still make things without profit incentive. In fact I think the world would be a much better place if we had less creations focused on making money and were left with only creators who are driven by passion rather than profit.


You can also steal physical items and claim their value is 0. What does this have to do with IP specifically?


If I value the item at $0 then I have robbed them of $0.

Luckily we live in reality, where thieves don't get to arbitrarily determine the values of their plunder.


Pirates absolutely can and do arbitrarily determine the value of their plunder. As evidenced by this post.

You can disagree with it, but piracy will always be a part of reality.


FOSS is made because people want it to be made and made available. People who make games and art vary between it purely wanting to be made and wanting to make a profit off of that. If you’re dense enough to think saying you value something at $0 and then still enjoying it like the other people willing to support the IP, then you’re an asshole.

There is a balance between what the creator is allowed to value their idea and what people are willing to pay for that idea. If they can’t find a middle ground, then the transaction shouldn’t occur. If you force that transaction by stealing their idea and efforts, you’re being a thief. What you use to justify your actions is up to you, but you’re a thief nonetheless.

ayaya, avatar

If you’re dense enough to think saying you value something at $0 and then still enjoying it like the other people willing to support the IP, then you’re an asshole.

This isn’t even a coherent sentence. But I’m assuming you mean I’m an asshole for enjoying something without paying when other people do pay? Except if I enjoy something I do pay for it. Just because I don’t think people should own ideas doesn’t mean I don’t support creators when I enjoy something.

If you force that transaction by stealing their idea and efforts, you’re being a thief. What you use to justify your actions is up to you, but you’re a thief nonetheless.

And no, by law I am not a thief. A thief is someone who commits theft, and theft is “the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.” Copyright infringement does not deprive the owner of it, it is simply a copy. At least in the United States where I live copyrighted works are not considered stolen property. You can call me an asshole if you want but by definition I am no thief.


He says it is not real, so it can not be stolen. That is a pretty simple message. What am I getting wrong? He says nothing about ownership. It just does not exist. So don’t tell me I am obtuse when the maximum is that the person was ambiguous.


IP is obviously real in the same way money is real. Just because something isn’t physical doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


That would be a ecumenical philosophical matter.

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

The results of your ideas are real, the outcomes and impacts are real. The mental labor you do is valuable, but none of it is “property.”

If your thoughts and ideas and concepts are property that can be stolen, then please explain how you can be deprived of them.

Thinking hard about something is labor, but it’s not property, it can’t possibly be property, because it lacks all of the aspects typically required to define property.


Ironically by not advocating for IP you are depriving people from earning from their valuable mental labour.

If I invent something and spend time, effort and money into developing it, I should be allowed to be rewarded for that effort. If a competitor comes along and steals my idea without putting the wok in, I am absolutely being deprived of all the value of my hard work. That’s how someone can steal your intellectual property.

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

IP laws are not the only way to ensure a creator is compensated for their work. Money isn’t the only possible compensation, and modern IP law doesn’t protect most small time creators. It protects mega-corps and their monopolies on content/products/services.

It stifles competition and progress, not enhances it.


I used to think this way, then I realized physical property is not real either. Both are defined by the state, recorded on paper somewhere, and protected by force.

Just because you can actually physically go to my property does not change the fact that it is only my property because I have a deed.

I’m still not sure how to feel about IP but I’m less dismissive of it for now.

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

Possession of property isn’t the same as property itself. Although I agree with you that I am sceptical of property in general, at least physical property makes some sense when defined. Intellectual property just makes absolutely no sense.


With intellectual property there is at least (by default) a direct link between the work necessary to create an item and its ownership. With physical items the initial ownership is necessarily predicated on having controlled a means of production.

I can create an IP and I do not need to spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to do so. But I cannot create a substantial physical item without paying the people who own the materials and the factories for the privilege of doing so. Why is previous ownership such a critical factor in ownership of new items, separate from the work to create them?

Intellectual property laws have their own issues but at least with regard to them conceptually, intellectual property is more “pure” than physical property.


Let’s word it differently then. Physical property is literally real, like, you can go to it. IPs are not a resource. The game devs do not run out of copies of a game because OP pirated them. They remain at an infinite supply. If someone breaks into your house and makes off with your microwave, you are now short a microwave; If you pirate software, the developer is not short in any stock of software


As someone who works in intellectual property it is very much real. Unless you think people shouldn’t receive rewards for their mental efforts in much the same way as physical labour?

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

People should be rewarded for their mental labor, but that’s not the same as saying they have created intellectual property.

A thought or concept is not an object that can be stolen. An idea cannot be a scarce resource that is used up.

If concepts or ideas can be “stolen” then that means somebody is being deprived of them. But unless you somehow erased the idea from all parts of that person’s brain and transfered it into yours, nobody has been deprived of anything, and thus nothing has been stolen.

Mchugho, (edited )

Ideas certainly will become scarce products if people aren’t protected for having them.

Of course you can steal someone’s intellectual property. If you copy someone’s idea you are depriving that person from profiting from said idea and depriving them of income. There is a limit on how many people can profit from a given idea.

Intellectual property protects those who innovate against predatory practices. You are displaying naivety for who intellectual property is seeking to protect. By not enshrining IP in law you are literally stopping people from earning money from their mental labour.

If IP law didn’t exist why would anybody spend their time and money researching and creating new inventions if someone can come along and steal their idea?

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

You cannot be “deprived of profit.” That makes no sense. Nobody is owed any profit for simply trying to sell something.

If I create art to sell, and nobody buys it, I haven’t been robbed of anything at all. And that fact doesn’t change if somebody walks past my art booth, looks at my painting, admires it, and then walks away. They didn’t “steal” anything from me. I haven’t been deprived of anything. Unless you want to make the claim that they are a thief now that they enjoyed my painting without paying my anything for it.

If that’s true, then everybody who walks through an art fair or gallery but doesn’t buy any art is a robber and should be arrested and charged.

The idea that IP protects the little folks who are struggling artists is a capitalist myth perpetuated primarily by corporate advocates that are the actual beneficiaries of IP laws. It’s used by mega-corps to lock down massive amounts of content, make billions off of it, exploit actual artists to perpetuate their monopoly on creative expressions of characters.

It’s also used by pharma corps to artifically restrict supply of critical drugs to the population in order to make billions in profits and enrich their shareholders.

And the whole, “nobody would create anything if copyright/patents didn’t exist” is yet another capitalist myth, disproved by countless examples. As if the entire internet doesn’t run on the back of Linux, a free and open source project spanning literal decades, Wikipedia, the largest single encyclopedia of human knowledge in dozens of languages, all the millions of pages of fan fiction and hobbiest artists that have created passion projects with no expectation of making money. Etc etc.

Don’t buy into the propaganda.

ram, avatar

You’re an asshole for paying industry execs to be vampires after you see they’ve managed to narrowly evade the enshittification of their studio.


You might want to remember that there are also working grunts in that food chain. They already got paid to make the game, yes, but that was in the expectation of profit. If the game crashes, those execs will look for scapegoats.

Buying games feeds the vampires, but also the devs (even if only in scraps). In our current world, there’s not a whole lot of options outside of “only buy indie games” to both support developers and avoid filling the pockets of execs and investors.

A few people pirating games instead of paying for them isn’t a big deal, but it eventually turns into a “tragedy of the commons” issue like other forms of theft. Either the suppliers won’t be able to stay in business or they’ll work out ever more comprehensive (and invasive) prevention mechanisms. Remember when games were just the program on the disk and you didn’t need keys and an online connection to activate your copy?

ram, avatar

but also the devs (even if only in scraps)

If you’re buying games that are more than 3 months old, they do not. Bonuses are given for metacritic scores and launch quarter sales. They’re never given royalties.

there’s not a whole lot of options outside of “only buy indie games” to both support developers and avoid filling the pockets of execs and investors.

What’s wrong with telling people to buy indie games and pirate anything made at the directive of blood-sucking vampires?

Remember when games were just the program on the disk and you didn’t need keys and an online connection to activate your copy?

Remember when games were just some free software on Usenet that someone made because they thought it’d be cool, and shared because they were proud of it?


I didn’t say they were getting paid directly, but indirectly. Their employment and income - like all other working class grunts’ - depends on their ability to generate profit for their employer. If we deny the employer their profit, the employer will take that out on their grunts. Conversely, if we pay them, that money likely will end up sponsoring further developments which - guess what? - pays the developers for developing more stuff.

Much of our modern economy is centered around credit and debt. The developers are effectively paid as a credit, in the expectation that the profits will pay the debt. If it doesn’t, that will affect further credits.

And no, I don’t remember Usenet, but it sounds like that was a good time then. How do they compare to modern games in terms of entertainment?

ram, avatar

How do they compare to modern games in terms of entertainment?

I’d comfortably argue that Tetris is amongst the best games ever made.


Almost none of the profit made off AAA games goes to the people actually creating the game. They don’t get a bonus if the new Madden makes $10 mil more than the old one. You’re tossing hundreds at the CEOs and saying it’s worth it if the devs get a few pennies.

Many of them probably aren’t even at the same studio anymore by the time you’re buying the game.


Did you actually read my comment? They don’t get the profit from the old game. The success pays for them to develop new games.

Asked the other way round, if the game’s profit doesn’t pay the devs, what does?

The company employing them

Why does the company employ them?

To make money

So what happens if the company stops making money? A game’s profit doesn’t pay the past developers, but it does affect their future employment and income.

I’m not defending the exploitative system that bleeds us dry for the privilege of getting to temporarily benefit from the wealth they’ve already extracted. I’m not opposing piracy. I’m very much in support of OP’s strategy.

All I’m saying is that piracy won’t fix that system, because the ones most dependent on the game’s success aren’t the exec’s that’ll be hired elsewhere nor the investors that’ll extract their wealth elsewhere, but the devs whose employment and existence depends on their capacity to generate that wealth.

Attack the system at the top, but don’t drop the bottom.

Fizz, avatar

Yes you are an “asshole” for stealing but also fuck these companies are so shit you shouldn’t care.

In a pure ethical debate its wrong but on a practical level I think its fine. Steam has a 2hr no questions asked refund policy which I feel is reasonable and so I don’t pirate unless I want to play a game and not compensate the people who made it.

0485919158191, avatar

I appreciate the input!

DreamySweet, avatar

If you refund too often they will consider it “abuse” and stop letting you do it.

Fizz, avatar

I don’t try new games that often do it suits me.

Steinsprut, avatar

Not at all

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