
I just assume I’m going to be fired at any moment for no reason. So when I fuck up its almost a relief. Like finally I have a reason, I fucked up, they’ll fire me for this, I’m finally done. But they don’t. And then fire me months later during quarterly budget cuts.


Parachute packing is a tough job.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

How did you know

YoorWeb, (edited )

Could someone translate that to English? I’m curious what they said after the dummy hit the ground.


Loose translation: and he fucking landed, and the whole plan is fucked now too.

The guy actually survives that fall, here’s a longer version:



Ibaudia, avatar

I work in Payroll and want to move to IT largely for this reason. My ADHD is so fucking bad.


I can confidently say moving to IT will not make this go away

Ibaudia, avatar

Damn. I just need drugs then. Currently not getting treatment.


That will help do things and get through the day, but then imposter syndrome hits like a train and there really isn’t much left in the gorey explosion


This comment presumes that the preceding one was made in earnest.

I don’t have ADHD to the best of my knowledge, but my wife does. She has tried several drug-based treatments. They have absolutely helped her (as observed from the outside and based on things she has said) but not served as a cure. However, the nature of the issue means that she also often forgets to take the medicine; additionally, she is worried about developing immunity, so she tends not to take it when she doesn’t think she needs it (like she’ll make sure to take the medicine the morning of a workday she expects to be busy, but not if she anticipates spending the day chilling). The latter part seems to be a common attitude among ADHD havers.

The reason I say all of this is to say that, while drugs can absolutely help, (again from the perspective of an observer), they are not the be all and end all of treatments.

Also, there seems to be a shortage of many ADHD medicines, so while your doctor may be happy to prescribe them, you may not be able to get them; and even if you are able, the supply may not be reliable. There are varieties available, which might mitigate this challenge, but also will have different efficacy per individual.

There are communities available here on lemmy and, if you’re so inclined, subreddits as well. You may find them to be useful resources or perhaps might even find some comfort just knowing that you’re not alone. I recommend checking them out.

I don’t mean to destroy any hope; again, my wife’s situation has dramatically improved since she started seeking treatment. I hope you see similarly positive results!

Caveat: I am not even remotely an expert. Everything above is anecdotal.


I’m in IT. Made a mistake so bad last week that I AM this meme, was literally updating my resume.

Me and another guy got what we were looking at mixed up and decided it was safe to delete an account we had been aiming to kill. So I deleted it. Bit later and people are popping all over Slack, “Customer reports they’re not getting their report emails.”

Holy shit. We had to do a crash upgrade rollout to use the proper account. Meanwhile, my dumbass is watching all the activity going, “Huh. Wonder what that’s all about.”


That shouldn’t make you lose your job though, unless you work in a really shitty place. Own it, recover from backup, bring the account back up to date, then everyone has a bit of a laugh at your expense until next time it happens. Small inconvenience for the customer, who quite rightly complains about it, but they’ll get over it. Absolutely not a big deal.

If you haven’t got backups then it’s not you that should get fired but the backup guy, unless of course you ARE the backup guy.

TheCheddarCheese, avatar

replace work with side project and you’ve basically got an outline of my life

squid_slime, avatar

I feel like there’s more too this 🤔

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

Impostor syndrome

squid_slime, avatar

thanks, just read on Wikipedia thank you :)

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