
woah holy shit a bio?

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So, maybe this is hindsight, but why were battery inspections and storage in the same location? If the batteries failed inspection (which I’m guessing the exploding ones would have, or at least do now) they should be kept separately from known good batteries right?


My prediction: he may or may not go to jail.

My other prediction: either outcome will not influence his Nazi cult.

My other prediction: we were wrong on how 2016-2023 was down right weird. 2024 has us holding it’s double long island with no soda.


I see a Helldiver I up vote.

For Liberty!

But on a serious note, something as obvious as “Managed Democracy” and quitting your job by signing up for “Early Biovat Reprocessing” and the characters literally saying things like “HELLDIVERS NEVER DIE!” Before being obliterated by a 380? It’s satire. Satire is funny. Like hahaha look at stupid Facist regime, I’ll role play along to get into the mood of the game because the idea is so fucking dumb it’s funny with amazing gameplay.

It’s willful ignorance at some point. I don’t think media literacy has much to do with it. It’s simply listening for what they want to hear, then ignoring the rest, just as real facists desire.


Being in the KKK is a good way to be shunned by every single progressive too.

Really weird thing he’s trying to do here, but logic certainly was abandoned long ago.


The only thing I can explain how uncomfortable this is to read is that it’s like trying to imagine scraping your nails on a old timey chalkboard


The steak in the heart was meant to keep the vampire pinned, because it still wouldn’t die


Hah, as if you’d ever see the icons behind the millions of things I have running


It’s almost like Nazis were naturally unkind people.


Look, I’m just saying I’d enjoy the fireworks, better than dying of radiation sickness


My employer had a policy written for this scenario and warned office workers about non- approved appliances in our cubicles. Anything to cook/heat was spelled out, several examples given. But never an electric griddle, which to me should sort of be the first thing that comes to mind


From memory it was anything with an exposed heat source or high wattage- Toaster, hot plate, personal space heater, microwave, toaster oven, hair dryer, fondue fountain are what come from my memory. (At our desks mind you)

We had at least 3 microwaves in our floors break room, a few toasters, fridges, etc. Thinking about it, it was less about disturbing others or personal injury and more about fire hazards.


Ironically, A rather conservative old school pastor I had growing up often told a fable of a guy talking to god for the first time. His boat was damaged and sinking after he struck a rock. About 30 minutes after another boat saw the damaged boat and offered him help and the guy waved it away saying “nah, God will help me.” A couple hours pass and another boat sees his submerging boat and offers him help and he replys again “nah, God will help me!” Another half hour passes and the boat is under water and the guy is struggling to stay afloat. A third boat passes by and he waves it by again, “no, God will intervene!”

The guy asks God “why didn’t you save me?”

God replies “I sent three rescues, what more could I have done?”


I think it does a better job at highlighting the flaw in thinking “God is behind everything.” The guy that drowned didn’t “drown of Gods will” he drowned because he was an idiot.

Remove God from the story and it stays the same. At least, that’s what led me to figure out the whole concept of an omnipotent, omniscient, omni benevolent diety and a whole religion was BS.


exactly like every facist party that rose to power


I often wonder what redeeming qualities she has.


No, no, no. This prevents uncontrolled loss of ships. See, now, they can control which boats get sunk by USVs and which boats are safe.

peopleproblems, (edited )

I mean I get it. I get jealous that others have sex lives while I don’t.

But trying to exert that jealousy on an entire country’s population sounds a little bit extreme

LEAKED VIDEO: Texas Republicans Attended Meeting with Group That Suggested Violence and Jail For Women who Have Abortions and Use IVF (

AUSTIN, Texas – Leaked video shows Hood County Constable Scott London, Hood County GOP Chair Steve Biggers and Hood County GOP Chair candidate Greg Harrell attending a meeting held by Abolish Abortion Texas (AATX) where they supported the death penalty for women who seek abortions or use IVF, including pregnant minors. London...


I’m starting to wonder if all this insane shit about punishing women over reproductive health care is an attempt to make domestic abuse acceptable.

Like I get it, not having control over someone you have shaky trust in doesn’t feel good, but maybe it’s not about control and it’s about that lack of trust.


I’d call myself a day walker, but technically I burn in sunlight.

Lawmaker caught on hot mic branding Biden impeachment hearing as ‘Jurassic Park’ (

A hot mic captured a lawmaker labelling the heated House Oversight Committee’s impeachment inquiry hearing into alleged corruption committed by the Bidens as “Jurassic Park,” encapsulating the hearing’s devolution into chaos....


Look. Mr. Putin, a 500kg Eagle Air strike can take out about 15 bugs with a good shot. Thermobaric weapons are huge, but you’d need one hell of a lucky drop and concentrated enemy force to get 300 KIA


“My leg!!!”


Well, that’s one way to do it, but the whole organizing all at once was probably more effective


That will help do things and get through the day, but then imposter syndrome hits like a train and there really isn’t much left in the gorey explosion


See that’s you step in and fan the flames. Make up shit.

I’m so white I burn when it’s cloudy. Look at Mr. Sun Tan showing off his impure equitorian flesh trying to say his idea is the best when he clearly lacks the brains to try.

Listen to Mr. Squeak. His balls never dropped quite right, and his kids are “y’know what I mean”.


Not to mention, if they all just happen to show up at the same time, they will hopefully recognize their numbers are bigger than they know. Once they know the numbers are in their favor, it doesn’t take much effort to convince everyone that shit changes now. You’re already there.


He can’t even see in front of him


Dune gets weird toward the end. Then each book is progressively weirder and simultaneously awesome.

Don’t think we’ll get anything beyond God Emperor though :/


Which is sad, but it’s a good concluding point - Paul is blinded by the Stone Burners, and leaves the crusades to it’s end, and as a fremen follows the fremen tradition of being blind, and leaves into the desert.

But then if he decides nah he wants to answer “what next” would be fantastic too

Republican women don't care about rape victims: Forget the theatrics of Katie Britt, Nancy Mace and Marjorie Taylor Greene — supporting Trump means backing abusers (

It can be confusing, tracking the multiple lawsuits journalist E. Jean Carroll filed against Donald Trump, who sexually abused her in the 90s and then lied about it. This is no doubt why U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan wrote a brief that bluntly laid out the main takeaway: Trump raped Carroll, as the word “rape” is...


This whole reality is like reading batman but the protagonist isn’t Bruce it’s the Ventriloquist, and everything he does is written from the view point that it’s “better this way.”

peopleproblems, (edited )

The only difference in those purges,they were executed.

Edit: You know, I do wonder how they will kill off political opposition. It’s pretty much a certainty that we’ll see it as it happens.


You know this article pissed me off with the self-immolation bit.

Self Immolation in protest couldn’t be from preexisting mental illness. He clearly was emotionally impacted by his experience in the environment enough that his rational brain thought that by assuming such agonizing pain and stating the protest, the message would get heard a squeak louder.

Suicidal people don’t think rationally. They want the pain to end. Or they become wildly careless. They don’t sit there and go "how do I accomplish some good and end my suffering " while selecting the second worst way to die.


Drowning by far.

I only took a small amount of marsh water in, but Jesus Christ, the panick is unbelievable. You can’t get rid of what’s in there and you use up whatever is in your blood so quickly. Also the water fucking hurts like a mother fucker. And if you survive. Like I did, I got pretty bad pneumonia from it.


But my favorite piece is at the end. I remind everyone all the time and nauseum that facists are stupid:

Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy.


Because they got theirs.

Look at Boeing. So what if people die in preventable crashes, stock to up


Are they saying “imminent terrorist attack” or “imminent false flag attack?”

Because I would wager a guess Putin is really trying to distract from Navaly now


I had a good double take when I read the title. “What on earth would be in F1 subtitles?”


So I’ve always been confused by why it’s odd that I don’t like seeing nude dudes, but if you include a nude female or female doing sexual acts I’m excited about it.

Like people, it’s not rocket science. She could be deep throating a goddamn banana and I’ll get excited to watch it. Once naked ladies are in a scene I somehow don’t even recognize that the actors are really in the scene. It’s not that I suddenly like dick, it’s that my attention literally can’t see it.

As an example, in old school stuff they used to pan over to the dude plowing the girl, and only the dude was in the shot. That broke my attention and always had to skip it, cause, quite honestly, I ain’t into being plowed by a dude.


Now you have to work in beef stroganoff and have it be a stock photo.

I’ll wait


I’d say look what happened after we did that to Germany, but Russia seems to get worse with or without encouragement


You never had to work from home on a day with no meetings?


Gotta use the dryer apparently

Why did my ex know this

peopleproblems, (edited )

2d? Is that like a genre I can avoid or something?


Oh you meant 2D as in illustration


That too. The whole channel show is trash TV making fun of people doing incredibly stupid things

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