
I’m finishing up Saints Row: The Third Remastered. I’m absolutely loving it, and I think I prefer it to GTA V. It’s way less serious, but I actually somewhat care about the characters, unlike with GTA V. The side content is a lot of fun, and it has the turf war mechanic I loved about GTA SA.

I highly recommend it if you haven’t tried it. It’s a bit janky, but there’s a lot of fun to be had imo, just don’t take it too seriously (the game makes that really hard).

orca, avatar

Have you gotten the Shark-O-Matic gun yet? It’s hilarious.


I actually skipped over it on accident, so thanks! And yes, it’s absolutely glorious.


Dunno whether this counts (free full game, no DLC, 10+ years old) but I’m loving battle for wesnoth. Some dialogue is stunted but it’s among the best hex grid strategy games I’ve played.


That game’s closer to 20+ years old. It’s been a very long time since I’ve played it. It was way back when gaming on Linux was mostly limited to games that had a native Linux release.


I knew about its initial release but had no clue whether it was the same team or an offshoot so I settled for a safe 10 years.

I recommend picking it back up if you enjoyed the campaigns. It’s just recently reached a third renaissance with an abundance of new fan content. No clue why.


My bet, A youtuber discovered the game and made videos that did reasonably well in the indie audience, then other youtubers picked up and it snowballed some. I’ve been seeing more coverage of the game on youtube for a couple of years now.


I’ve played Wesnoth and had quite a bit of fun, but what makes it the best hex grid strategy game for you?


It tends not to dawdle and is open to customization. Want a map? Make it. Want a unit? Make it. If you really want to get obsessive about any aspect then the option is available. Top it off with surprisingly nice art, a good community, and a sprinkle of nostalgia and you get a spicy pizza pie.

lemmy_nightmare, avatar



Stardew Valley. I’m going to marry the fuck out of Abigail. I think I understand waifus now. I love her so much.


Omg Abby, I want her so bad.


The 1.6 update completed the game extremely well. A lot of the quality of life stuff feels incredibly natural, and I’m loving the new farm so far. Especially since it’s forcing me to >!focus on animals instead of Uber optimizing crops!<.


Tomb Raider (2013).

I just finished Dave the Diver and I was going through the backlog of unplayed games on my Steam Deck. I’m not even sure when I bought this game, I feel like it may have come with a humble bundle or a graphics card. Anyway, I’m about 3 hours in and so far it’s pretty great!

starman, avatar

Oxygen not included (with spaced out DLC)

TwinTusks, avatar

This is a fun and very complicated game



Cheems, avatar

Jumped back into slay the spire because of the announcement of the sequel.


Played and beat Final Fantasy 8 for the first time. Bit of an unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed everything about it more than FF7 (which i also played for the first time a few months ago). As a long time JRPG player, the mechanics were really interesting and fresh. I liked the majority of characters more as well. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m coming to these games 20+ years later and don’t have the nostalgia for them - I’m not sure. I can definitely see why people loved FF7, though I’m not one of them.

I’d love anybodies thoughts on this and their opinions on the two games!

Outtatime, avatar

FF7 came out at the perfect time and it really redefined RPGs in the USA. I know it exposed me to this kind of gameplay and genre that I had never experienced before. Unless you count some of the NES RPGs. Those never captivated attention like FF7 did.


I played 8 then 9 and later 7 and didn‘t like it. But it probably also didn‘t help that it was hard to not get spoilered if you hadn‘t played it already. I already knew some twists so I didn‘t get surprised and played through the whole thing while expecting it.

I loved 8 back then but 9 was just so fucking good I liked it even more. 8 blew me away with its story back then, but 9‘s gameplay resonated more with me and the graphics weren‘t as hard to look at (probably thanks to its comic-y style).

So personally I go 9 > 8 > 7.

On a sidenote, FF pretty much lost me after 10. I did play through all of 15 and I thought it was mediocre at best. The plot holes (you have everyone‘s fucking number but not your fiancees?!) were annoying, the gameplay hardly felt like a FF, the story in general didn‘t do anything (positive) for me. In retrospective I probably would advice myself to not buy it.

(Sick atm so apologies if this is just some confusing rambling)


I’m looking forward to trying out FF9 next. Gonna take a bit of a break, as 45 hours of a FF game are enough for me for the next month or two. I’ve been going through all the mainline Zelda games as well, just reached Ocarina of Time. So I’ll be continuing that until I feel a hankering to go back to FF.


While I didn’t play FF8 yet I can see why that would be the case.

I finished FF7 last year and while I did enjoy my time with it it’s clear how much of a prototype, for lack of a better word, it is as far as 3D JRPGs are concerned. There’s a lot of ambition there but also a feeling they weren’t able (or ready) to pull all of it off at the time.

It didn’t end up among my favorites and titles I tend to replay semi-regularly but I’m glad I got to play it in its original form.

Cheems, avatar

As a kid I played ff8 so much. Truly love that game. While ff7 never really grabbed me.

rimu, avatar

The Long Dark.

Survival sim, in an arctic wilderness. It took me two weeks (occasional play only) to trudge through the snow and gather resources to smith some arrowheads for hunting. With that done, food is no longer an issue until my bow wears out. Better scour the forest for the right kind of wood, soon.


I was gifted that game and between my rapidly falling temperature and hunger and my poorly coordinated attempts at stunning baby rabbits, just gave up about 15 mins in. Is it worth it to give it another shot? I’ve tried twice now…


Yes it is worth another try, you can start a custom sandbox to your likings. Can give you a casual experience.

I play a new sandbox every winter, this time with the DLC.

rimu, avatar

Haha yeah it's brutal at first. There is a wiki for the game with maps containing spoilers - that really helps.

The trick with rabbits is you watch where they're going and position yourself infront of them, so they come closer and closer, with no sideways movement. Then they're easy to hit with a stone.

They don't yield much meat so you need other sources too. Once you find a revolver (check wiki map) it gets a lot easier because then you hunt wolves instead of them hunting you.


I‘ve only ever played it in Early Access through family sharing and only casually, but if one thing stuck with me then how atmospheric the game was. It‘s kinda meme-y to say but the game really made me feel like I‘m stuck in an abanfoned village in the middle of freezing nowhere.

rimu, avatar

It is very atmospheric and lonely. So well done.

Cheems, avatar

Long dark is fun as hell.

JoeKrogan, avatar

Doom 2016 & flatout (whatever edition was recently steamdeck verified).

s3rvant, avatar

Started playing FFXIV again after not playing since 2013. Decided to delete my character and start fresh as I don’t remember the story etc. and am just going to take my time enjoying everything over again.


New player experience is so dramatically improved since then, hope you’re having a great time!

ada, avatar

Just got a new PC, and I’m running Linux as my only OS now, so I’ve been spinning up some of my old favourites to test things out.

Mechwarrior 5, Crusader Kings III and even a bit of Cyberpunk (technically older than 12+ months, but it doesn’t feel in the spirit of this community)


How‘s CK3 running on Linux (especially lategame if you have a late savefile) and with what CPU?

ada, avatar

It’s running smooth as butter, but I haven’t got any late game saves at the moment (they’re all for older versions with DLC etc)

That being said, this machine is pretty grunty. Ryzen 9 7900X, 64GB of RAM and an Nvidia RTX 4070 Ti Super


If you happen to get to the late game and remember this post, let me know how it goes!

Any reason you didn‘t opt for a 7900X3D?

ada, avatar

Any reason you didn‘t opt for a 7900X3D?

No particular reason other than slightly more expensive

SomeAmateur, (edited )

Stardew Valley and Kingdom Come Deliverance are the two big ones at the moment. I’ve played both a bit at a time for a while now.

Stardew Valley needs little introduction. It’s a beautiful gem of an indie game. I’m in fall of year two and just getting used to married life and making that sweet sweet gold making wine and jelly.

Kingdom Come Deliverance is an awesome RPG in a non-fantasy medieval setting. You’re the son of a blacksmith and your town is burned by a massive army leaving you a refugee seeking to avenge your parents. You’re no war hero or chosen one, just a man trying to find his place in the beautiful but uncertain world…and maybe learn to read while he’s at it


Playing Cyberpunk 2077, it’s sometimes a little unintuitive. You’re thrown into a world that doesn’t explain anything about what’s going on and is filled with so much stuff, but in general a really good game.

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