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Lasherz12, in Texas congressman won’t stop wearing combat Infantryman Badge that was revoked

Fascism always manifests through surface level aesthetics. This will become more and more common and you’ll find shamelessness and stolen valor are traits they’ll all share uniformly eventually.

owenfromcanada, in These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into
@owenfromcanada@lemmy.world avatar

There will be lots of traps for Trump. Like getting asked questions, and having a microphone. Gotta watch out for those.

phoneymouse, in [Former White House Doctor] Rep. Jackson Baselessly Accuses Biden of Using Stimulants, Vows to Demand Drug Test Before Debate

lol this guy… with a history of giving Trump stimulants like candy and who was drunk on the job


Exactly! Who would know better about presidents being hopped up on goofballs than one of the guys handing them out?

Ballistic_86, (edited ) in Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans | Cornell Chronicle

I have thought about this as just some fucking Lemmy commenter.

Rural white Americans used to benefit from conservative systems. Maybe not the current people, but their parents or grandparents. And while conservative leadership destroys their lives, campaign promises are often made to farmers/miners/other heavy industry. Any failures (the system working as intended) are blamed on “the other side” This upholds the divide between rural and urban whites as intended.

With black and brown people becoming more prominent in rural communities as members instead of just laborer, those previously felt conservative views don’t hold up. They aren’t benefiting, their parents didn’t, their grandparents definitely didn’t. On top of the racial divide that conservatives operate under, rural whites and rural POCs are likely to not share the same political values despite being a like in lifestyle.

But what do I know, just some guy from the suburbs death scrolling Lemmy

Drivebyhaiku, (edited ) in There's a clear connection between Nazism & anti-abortion, anti-gay conservatism

I would argue that the connection is a lot older than Nazis. The era around 1250 responded to a nasty wave of the Black death by Christian leaders collaborating to simultaneously fight the population decline by criminalizing abortion friendly midwifery and ostracize and subjugate gender and sexual minorities because they feared the collapse of society due to a population bust. As such what was taught by the church up to that point began to get new connotations. Jewish populations were persecuted and killed as scapegoats for the cause of the plague. Folk medicine women and non-conforming men were killed and condemned for witchcraft. While women stepped up to fill the roles of men during the plague once the population was rebounding their power of place in society was to be broken as the Church leaned on it’s misogynistic practices and preached of the dangers to society and the family…

Nazisim is just a more modern echo of well established means to break the power of non compliant of groups who can be scapegoated or subjugated into subservience to Christians who feel threatened, a group that centers nominally celebate and wealthy men whose only contact with women is in a subordinate role.

JeeBaiChow, in Donald Trump complains about being called "cognitively impaired"

Ok. I’ll just call him stupid then.

givesomefucks, in Special counsel probed Trump Mar-a-Lago trip that aides 'kept quiet' weeks before FBI search: Sources - ABC News

Just weeks before the trip, as ABC News has previously reported, Trump allegedly had the lock on a closet in his residence changed while his attorney was in Mar-a-Lago’s basement searching for classified documents in a storage room that he was told contained all such documents. The FBI failed to check the locked closet in Trump’s residence when they searched the estate in August 2022, which some investigators later came to believe should have been done.

It would almost be funny that the FBI just took for granted whatever trump had wouldn’t have been locked up if this wasn’t so serious.

Like, we know what cops searching a regular house is like, wasn’t it J Cole surveillance that showed them closing doors just so they can break them down? That was just on rumors there was drugs somewhere in the house.

But when it’s trump and secret documents a lock on a closet is fucking insurmountable?!


Assuming there was any doubt from the FBI agents onsite about opening that door it could have been solved really easily.

if the FBI agents on site were not complicit then it would have been as simple as posting someone outside of the door and contacting the judge to ask for clarification of the warrant to make sure it included that room. That fucking simple.

This was not a small deal and was not about Hunter Biden’s crack smoking or Donald not paying his taxes. The agents in charge of that search should be questioned and, at the very least fired for incompetence. If there is evidence, charge them with conspiracy. This was a case about NATIONAL SECURITY. Fucking nuclear secrets.

xc2215x, in Lauren Boebert rival releases ad filmed in Beetlejuice theater she was kicked out of

That is pretty funny.

intensely_human, in Donald Trump complains about being called "cognitively impaired"

This thumbnail looks like a cutscene from Robot Chicken

HWK_290, in Special counsel probed Trump Mar-a-Lago trip that aides 'kept quiet' weeks before FBI search: Sources - ABC News

Lucky for him, the bloody case will never go to trial


dhork, in Special counsel probed Trump Mar-a-Lago trip that aides 'kept quiet' weeks before FBI search: Sources - ABC News

Sounds like Jack Smith is hedging his bets with additional things to charge Trump with if Trump’s pet judge throws out a bunch of charges


Probed, 2 years ago, but didn’t charge

rayyy, (edited ) in [Former White House Doctor] Rep. Jackson Baselessly Accuses Biden of Using Stimulants, Vows to Demand Drug Test Before Debate

This absolutely screams of projection. Besides, testing for, and calling caffeine a drug is beyond insane - a majority of Americans have caffeine in their bodies and are encouraged to consume caffeine, in many cases, for their health.

Edit: Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, yes, caffeine is a LEGAL “drug”. Assumed we would be talking about illegal or abused drugs here.

Burn_The_Right, in Trump's Not 'Bluffing': Inside the MAGA Efforts To Make a Second Term Even More Extreme

Why do conservatives insist on being evil pieces of shit? Why do they work so hard to cause harm to innocent, vulnerable people who were just minding their own goddamned business?

Conservatives are consistently incapable of empathy, unable to engage in any interaction in good faith, and seem incapable of the most basic human decency. I cannot see any reason they should be permitted to continue to endanger humanity. Yet, here we are. Tolerating the existence of those who are working as hard as they can to kill and oppress everyone around them. They don’t hide it. They celebrate it.

Nothing good in all of human history has ever come from conservatism, yet we continue to politely pretend it is in some way a legitimate political position. It is not. It is not normal to be a conservative. It is simply an excuse to justify causing harm to others. That is the only purpose of identifying as a conservative; false legitimacy for one’s inability to be a decent human.

There is no place in a modern culture for harmful, hate-based ideologies like conservatism. It should be rejected outright wherever it is seen. Conservatives should not be tolerated any more than any other hate group. It is unethical to do business or keep relationships with such trash.

Rapidcreek, in Lindsey Graham Claims Biden's Student Loan Relief Is 'Beyond Dangerous'

The pilot fish is still circling Trump.

Rapidcreek, (edited ) in Mike Flynn has raked in $2 million for himself and family as he bleeds his non-profit dry

I gave up arguing he should be ercalled to service, court martialed, stripped of rank and benefits.

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