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Six Democrats—Reps. Henry Cuellar (Texas), Donald Davis (N.C.), Jared Golden (Maine), Vicente Gonzalez (Texas), Mary Peltola (Alaska), and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (Wa.)—joined with the Republican majority to help pass the measure.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, once again noted her disapproval of a bill that places military spending over “investments in domestic priorities, from education to housing, healthcare to childcare,” as she has in previous years—but the annual Pentagon funding package drew additional ire for its inclusion of amendments related to abortion rights, transgender healthcare, and other culture war battles.

“For the second year in a row, MAGA House Republicans pursued a path of extremism for the annual Pentagon authorization bill to continue waging their attacks on climate action, reproductive rights, LBGTQ+ rights, and communities of color,” said Jayapal. “This bloated $833 billion Pentagon authorization bill approves $8.6 billion in additional tax dollars for an out-of-control military budget, expanding costly and unnecessary weapons systems while banning gender-affirming care, abortion travel, and diversity efforts for servicemembers.”

US slaps sanctions on Tsav 9, Israeli group targeting humanitarian aid to Gaza (

For months, Tsav 9 activists have organized to block convoys, harass aid workers and damage aid trucks as well as goods meant to alleviate pervasive hunger and suffering in Gaza. The group’s name means Order 9 in Hebrew, a reference to the military’s order calling up reservists....


He really just sanctioned a fucking Facebook group?

And expects us to clap for him?

He needs to sanction Israel if he wants to do anything. This is going to matter as much as when he sanctioned a handful of “settlers”.

It’s good optics, which is better than nothing, but it doesn’t actually accomplish anything.

Not funding the fucking genocide and not spending 300 million on a bullshit pier instead of aid would go a lot further.



The DOJ investigated the head of the DOJ and determined he didn’t a commit a crime…

This is literally:

We’ve investigated ourselves and determined we did everything perfectly


Nevertheless, on January 31, White reluctantly dismissed the case based on the “political question” doctrine, which reserves foreign policy decisions to the political branches of government (executive and legislative), not the judiciary. That leaves the court with no jurisdiction to check the executive in this case.

At the same time, White wrote, “it is plausible that Israel’s conduct amounts to genocide” and the evidence and testimony “indicate that the ongoing military siege in Gaza is intended to eradicate a whole people.” White exhorted the Biden administration to “examine the results of their unflagging support” of Israel.

If Biden sets this precedent, everyone is going to be so fucking shocked when Republicans abuse it.

The ruling was essentially the US president can violate US and International law without being held accountable and it counts as “political policy” because they’re the president.

trump could glass an entire country he doesn’t like, and there’d be no way to hold any accountabile because we decided Joe Biden can do a genocide for some fucked up logic that Trump would do more.

This is the danger of the only standard being the letter by someone’s name.


“Quite honestly, I don’t know why I did it,” Morrissey continued. “I was not meaning to hurt him. It is something very out of character for me, and I am truly ashamed.”

But in an extensive interview with VTDigger Tuesday afternoon, Carroll rejected Morrissey’s argument that the episodes were “out of character.”

One or two times, I’d say, ‘Well, it’s just a joke,’” Carroll said. “But no, this went on unabated from January until May, when she got caught.”

So out of character for her that she’s been doing it daily for months…

And the harassment goes back to 2019.

Being held accountable is what’s out of character for her, and she probably is ashamed she got caught. But she’s going to do it again.


I mean, it’s an elderly person acting strangely and aggressively, not really remembering it, and even when confronted with video evidence claiming that’s not how they act…

They should be straight up asking if she’s going to seek medical evaluation as she’s showing signs of dementia.

We need to stop handling this shit with kid gloves.

The last people to realize they’re experiencing signs of dementia, are the people experiencing signs of dementia.

Maybe they were always horrible people and were just always holding it in. But loosing that ability to hold it in is still a sign of normal age related mental decline.


For fucks sake, stop trying to make Liz Cheney sound rational.

She’s just mad trump stopped her pulling a GW and doing the same fucked up shit her daddy did.

Liz Cheney would do all the horrible shit trump did, she’d just be better at hiding the reasons and thusly wouldn’t be held accountable.


It’s what I hate about people acting like trump is as worse as it can get it.

The guys a fucking idiot.

But every single republican (and unfortunately a non negligible amount of Dem) politicians want the same shit.

They just know which parts to whisper and which to shout.

When the day finally comes when trump is no longer the Republican nominee, the next one will likely be worse. Even if they don’t want worse things, they’ll be better at accomplishing the same goals trump had.

And the same people that fund trump will fund the next one too.

This ain’t a short term problem, it’s been going on for decades and will continue to do so if we keep fighting them the same way


Shit man, aren’t we still forcing kids to recite the pledge of allegiance?

I got a lot of shit for saying “if you make us it’s meaningless” as a kid.

But red states educations are about unquestionably following orders, they don’t want any free thought getting in he way of that.

When you step back and look at that whole process, it’s dystopian as fuck.


Man, if only a Dem had won in 2020 and had the last four years to fix it…

Of course, they’d need a Dem majority in the House and Senate, and it would help if that president wouldn’t shut up during the election about how he’s a “Senate whisperer” that could get Republicans to vote with the Dem party.

Man, just think if Biden would have won 2020 and the whole damn nation banded together in a southern state’s dual Senate run off and we got him 50 D senators.

Abortion rights might have even been codified into law!



And the only thing that matters is stopping the other party from winning elections, so never ask for more than your offered or that means you want the other team!

The whole thing is just the wealthy using basic psychology to ensure no matter what happens, they win.

They might have a preference, but for them it’s always win/win and for the other 99% of us always lose/lose.

Just a question of how much they win by and how much we lose by.

Any hoppy frood knew this decades ago:

The President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it.


It’s breaking international and US law to keep supplying them aid, you’d think as much as Republicans want to go after Biden, they’d get him on going around Congress to provide aid to Israel when there was already publicly available information on the genocide…

Unfortunately Israel donates to both parties.…

So even though 4/5 of the top recipients are Dems, republicans won’t do anything. Republicans voters won’t say anything about their politicians because they tend to have zero standards. And Dem voters can’t say anything apparently because our only standard is supposed to be “not a Republican”.

This is Trump’s third election, if it’s not him then we’ll see someone even worse. For decades they’ve kept getting more extreme, why would they just randomly start getting better?

Unless one of the parties starts having standards against, we’re all fucked.

And I don’t think it’s going to be republicans that change first


This would backfire drastically for republicans…

Pretty sure the US military is the biggest socialist organization on the planet.

I know it’s what made me progressive.


I mean, what you’re describing FDRs “New Deal” something modern progressives are tying to bring back but republicans and “moderates” won’t let happen…

Our infrastructure is crumbling because after FDR built it from the New Deal, we just stopped doing all that scary socialism.


This is going to make Biden double down on his illegal border actions…

Which is the absolute worst path for Biden on this issue.

All the voters that agree with Republicans on this topic are going to keep supporting trump, this will just push Dem voters from Biden. It’s important to remember when polls say “~60% of voters” that includes all the Republicans too, leaving ~10% of Dems. Biden needs to be looking at polls about specifically Dem voters and what we want.

Having the ACLU fight a Dem president for doing something that Dems (rightfully) criticized trump for doing a few years ago is just a bad look in the run up to an election. Especially when the main reason people give for voting Dem is to stop trump.

Becoming more like trump is the opposite of what he should be doing.


What’s worse than seeing it happen, is people saying Biden knows it won’t do anything, he’s just doing it to get republicans to vote for him…

Like, they don’t realize they’re saying Biden should break the law and commit human rights abuses to get votes like that’s not disqualifying for lots of Dems voters.

Especially when Biden won’t do the same thing for left leaning voters.

It just makes it seem like Biden feels entitled to our votes, won’t do anything to help us, and is willing to break the laws and violate his personal morals for the chance a handful of Republicans will switch parties.

I legitimately can not understand their (or Biden’s) logic on this. It only makes sense if they honestly want to do this stuff, and are just making excuses to rationalize it.

Which again, just turns off Dem voters and makes Biden’s re-election less likely. And why we should be running candidates who agrees with Dem voters. Rather than convincing voters to vote for someone who doesn’t agree with them.

It’s a slap in the face to Dem voters, and historically results in Republican presidents.


Regardless of the sentence, it’ll get stalled till after the election. So prison might actually be worse, as it’ll get his voters out and then if he wins there’s no way he’ll go to prison or have any other trials.

But this makes him a felon, making jail on future convictions more likely under sentencing guidelines.

So the most likely way he ends up in prison, is if he loses the election and then gets convicted on any other of his many charges. Since then he’ll already be a felon at sentencing.

He should go to jail just off this, and Im just not holding my breath. And I wouldn’t be surprised if SC shenanigans come into play at some point. Or if he just keeps the appeal wheel spinning till he drops dead.


There is no good outcome even in the cards

Gotta think long term.

The “good outcome” is no jail sentence until after the election (or just probation). trump loses the election, and then is found guilty on any other case and then goes to jail for that because he’s no longer a “first time offender”.

The worst outcome is sentenced to prison before the election, but reporting is delayed till after the election and then Trump wins.

If that happens, he’s never giving up power and he won’t wait till the next election to pull some more stupid shit.


I said this a week ago, and got obliterated for it

There is a very fine line on what gets up voted/down voted on here.

Most of my comments get a whole bunch of one or the other.

From what I’ve been able to tell, planning up to six months is fine, but anything more long-term than that gets down votes to oblivion.

There’s some interesting psych stuff where stress (especially from resource scarcity) make people incapable of planning ahead for any significant amount of time. And I think that’s coming into play a lot lately.

The prospect of a second trump term should be incredibly stressful for a rational American. The problem is that trump is far from the only serious problem facing America.


Timing Trump’s trials or sentences to hurt him the most politically is twisting justice to our own ends, even if done in a theoretically altruistic manner

I was saying that’s the most likely he lands in prison where he belongs…

Not that multiple states should collude to stall cases…

I mean, the states have been trying to get these moving for years. How would anyone rational accuse Dems of “timing” things?

If you’re worrying about what republicans will say, don’t. It doesn’t matter what happens, republicans are going to say some stupid shit. Stop worrying about what they’ll complain about, if they don’t have anything to complain about, they’ll invent something. And their voters can’t tell the difference anyways.

I’m just tired of predicting what will happen long term, or the most likely path to a possible result, and having people act like I want that result or am trying to make it happen.

It’s the same logic that got medicine women burnt as witches centuries ago. Move past it.

Whether the person making a prediction wants it to come true or not doesn’t matter. What’s important is how likely the prediction comes true


Who do you think would have an easier time stopping Trump?

  1. A Dem candidate whose values align with Dem voters and is not named trump.
  2. A Dem candidate who is more conservative than Dem voters on major issues and is not named trump

Because, to me, it seems like option 1 will be more likely to get Dem voters to vote for them…


I don’t know if this post was intended to be a reply to me or not, since I wasn’t talking about Biden at all

To clarify, you said

. In this case, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to focus in on November and the few months following it.

I agree, which is why I said when we focus on November, what’s likely winning the most votes is a candidate that voters agree with.

Which kind of comes full circle to what I was talking about. If we’re focusing on the best path to beating trump, Biden needs to start listening to voters.

And all indications show that’s not going to happen.

Biden saying people need to compromise their morals and vote for him anyways because Trump is worse, would work a hell of a lot better if Biden was willing to compromise with voters too.

It’s not even a good short term plan for Biden to act like he currently is. But it’s the presented option and stress makes people only avoid short term negatives, it hampers their ability to plan and evaluate better options.

So our stressed out monkey brains take the presented option that’s “lesser of two evils” and commits to it instead of taking a second to breathe and evaluate. Because of that, when people try to talk about options, some people reflexively assume that there’s two choices, and everyone has to want one or the other. The amount of times I’ve been accused of being a trump supporter for saying Biden could do better is insane. And it’s the result of the same high stress thinking that republican voters have been stuck in for decades.

And that’s not a comment on anyone’s intelligence. This is how millions of years of evolution has wired us, it’s 100% natural and expected to fall.into that feedback loop. It’s just being exploited so that whatever happens, the wealthy stay wealthy.

I feel like I mention this a lot, but a few years ago one of the conservative billionaires on WB’s board openly said he was going to make CNN more like faux news. And I just can’t help but think it’s not just correlation, it’s the ruling class’s strategy working.


Sarcasm is going to be the hardest thing for AI to understand, especially if people stop using /s

That’s why it was legit suggesting people add glue to cheese on pizza to make it gooey.

Someone made a joke a decade ago on Reddit, and it was up voted because humans knew it was a joke.

AI saw that. Saw the up votes and engagement, and assumed it was a good idea people liked.


I mean, he kind of have to say it…

What I don’t get is the biggest innovation by consoles in decades just never gets talked about.

Adaptive triggers is something you get used to very quickly, but the immersion of it is fucking insane, and once you play something without it after getting used to it, it takes a while till it stops feeling weird.


Eh, I’d argue that controllers are part of a console, and often the most important part.

Interface is a huge deal, Xerox giving Gates the computer mouse is what led to PCs becoming widespread.

And it’s used in like, every PS5 game…

The issue is there just aren’t many real PS5 games. It seems like the majority are just “next gen updates” these days, but I’m not aware of a single game designed for PS5 that just ignores adaptive triggers…

Maybe some that released day 1 of the console.


and the reputation it has in competitive games

And it’s also better to turn every graphical option down to zero to max frame rates…

Realism and “most competitive” rarely go hand and hand.

It’s like buying a Bentley and complaining about the 0-60 time, what’s “best” depends on what you’re going for.

While lots of the kids are obsessed with rankings, they don’t actually matter. Matchmaking is going to throw you against people with similar stats, so you can sacrifice realism to be up a little higher, but it doesn’t really matter.

So lots of older gamers stopped trying to cheese ratings and just play how they enjoy.

If I have adaptive triggers and maxed graphics at 50 fps, and I’m playing try hards with the graphics of a PS1 and 195 fps, but even with all that they’re playing at my level…

What changes?

If I was playing with potatoes graphics and insane fps, I’d just be playing people as good as me that’s also cheesing.

Hell, if we’re talking "most competitive " why are you even using a controller?

You’re already sacrificing peak performance if you’re not M&kb

Using adaptive triggers and good graphics is just an extension of that decision. If you don’t want to, that’s cool. You’ll play slightly better players and get the same w/l record.

There’s no point in maxing w/l, k/d, or any other stat over someones enjoyment of the game.


I’m just saying that few games implement it

You didn’t say that tho?

A different account did, and I disagreed with them.


Maybe it’s fine for people with big hands, idk

That might be it.

I’ve never been described as small, and my hands are pretty proportional. Even with one of those “back button kits” I’ve never noticed the weight.

I’m definitely for them offering controllers in different sizes though. Like, especially for videogames where children to grown adults use the same controller, there’s no reason to only offer one size controller.

You’d think they’d be all over that as controllers have a pretty good markup compared to the actual console.


I know PS5 controllers work better with PC now, I think even natively on steam.

I don’t know why adaptive triggers wouldn’t be supported, but I haven’t heard one way or the other

Why scientists fear a second Trump term, and what they are doing about it: Several federal agencies are working to safeguard research, including climate science, from future political meddling. (

The Washington Post has recently started asking people to register in order to access gift links. You can put in a completely made-up email address, as there is no verification of the email address.


Reminder that the EPA was created by Nixon so that Congress wouldn’t create an environmental agency that could actually hold businesses accountable.

On its best day the EPA already isn’t enough.

And like, sure, we’re better off now that rivers aren’t spontaneously catching fire, but we need more. Just preventing modern Republicans from tearing down what we currently have just isn’t enough to protect the environment

It was just enough to take the wind out of the sails of a green movement.

Enough pollution to cause lasting damage, but just short of enough for a majority of Americans to care about the damage.


Sanders successfully ran a similar playbook on executives from Merck and Johnson & Johnson earlier this year. Under the threat of subpoena, the company CEOs agreed to testify at a hearing on why companies charge more for medicines in the United States than abroad before the subpoena vote actually happened.

This move is the latest maneuver in Sanders’ boldest pressure campaign yet to browbeat companies into lowering patients’ drug costs. Unlike other targets of Sanders’ ire that were drugs based on decades-old technology or developed in part with federal funding, Novo’s weight loss medicines in particular are innovative, effective, and wildly popular.

This is what fighting for people looks like.


But nursing home operators and their allies say it’s impossible to meet because of persistent health workforce shortages, especially in rural areas, and would force some facilities to close.

This is obvious to anyone that’s thought about ramifications of it

We’re years into a nursing shortage, so nursing homes would have to compete with hospitals for nurses.

And they can’t afford that, so prices will skyrocket and most will close and the elderly won’t get any care.

But it’s sounds good right before an election if you don’t think about anything


The bulk of the problem is becoming a nurse (or anything that requires college) is ridiculously expensive


Not just “don’t have money” they don’t want to gamble decades of debt on if they’ll both graduate and find and keep a well paying job post graduation.

It used to be that everyone thought it was worth it, now people say it’s not.

Like, when you think about, putting that decision on a teenager is pretty fucked.

Like, we just expect them to decide and commit to their entire career path before they’ve ever worked more than a part time job in highschool?

Education is an investment in societies future, it’s why fixing it benefits all of us.


Sure, but this is what right-wing outlets do.

It’s what all TV news does…

CNNs new owners were very upfront about wanting to become just like Faux, and that was like 2-3 years ago.

“I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”…/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-lich…

But even before that, they had a huge pro wealthy/corporate bias.

So yes, conservative media is a lot worse than “moderate” media, but they’re all owned by literal billionaires who pal around with each other and only care about money.

They’re more on each others side than anyone else. So when calling them out, don’t discriminate.

They’re all doing the same thing


There should, but even the people running the Dem party dont agree.

The Biden Victory Fund can now take almost a million a year from each citizen. It’s not quite a PAC, because it allows the DNC, Biden, and Biden’s campaign staff to coordinate.

Along with some other shady shit.

It’s an evolution of the Hillary Victory Fund that managed to lose to trump, bankrupt the DNC, lose a lot of “safe seats” down ballot due to no acces to their own donations, and bankrupted multiple state parties.

But what are you going to do? What other options do you have?…/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774/…/clinton-fundraising-leaves-little-……/a-look-at-bidens-intimate-donor-events…/summary

This money doesn’t stay hidden till the general, even back in 2016 this program was in use during the primary with Hillary’s campaign team controlling the flow of money to the DNC and state parties.

And like I said, that group literally just shifted from Hillary to Biden and been running the same grift.

The people running that controls all the money, and they decide who runs as a Dem.

Ignoring the problem won’t fix it. And unless we fix it, were never gonna get a candidate that represents Dem voters

UN food agency pauses its aid work at US pier in Gaza over security concerns, in latest setback (

WASHINGTON (AP) — The director of the U.N. World Food Program said Sunday the program has “paused” its distribution of humanitarian aid from an American-built pier off Gaza, saying she was “concerned about the safety of our people” after what had been one of the deadliest days of the war there....


Completed in mid-May, the U.S. pier was operational for only about a week before being knocked offline by storm damage for two weeks. After repairs, it returned to operation again Saturday, bringing in 1.1 million pounds (492 metric tons) of food and other aid, before McCain said her agency was pausing its humanitarian work there.

Israel also blew up two nearby warehouses were food was kept.

And used this area as a landing zone……/us-support-israeli-forces-rescue-ho…


No, it says the pier wasn’t used just right next to it…

Video circulating online Saturday shows an IDF helicopter taking off from the beach with the U.S. pier in the backdrop. Two U.S. officials told CBS News that the U.S. pier was not used in the IDF operation. It is offshore to assist delivery of humanitarian aid. A U.S. official explained that the helicopter landed south of the facility on a beach but not within the cordoned area of the pier.

Which is why I said “this area” and not “the pier”

But honestly, it should be pretty clear what I’m talking about about. The article is about the warehouses next to the pier, they’re also not actually on the pier. So I don’t know how anyone would think “this area” means literally and only on this tiny tiny pier that’s been used for civilian aid for like what? 2 weeks total?

It might have been longer but Israel pulled this shit almost as soon as it opened, and I’m sure you’re about to tell us how that’s a total coincidence…


The second flag is the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a Revolutionary War-era banner. The “Appeal to Heaven” language references philosopher John Locke, who argued that, when earthly political appeals are exhausted, men have the right to take up arms and let God sort out the justness of the cause. While the The Appeal to Heaven flag was not always controversial, it has been revived by militant Christian nationalists and was also a potent symbol on Jan. 6. This flag was flown at the Alitos’ vacation home in New Jersey in 2023.

I didn’t know the flag was literally “kill everyone and let God sort them out”…


Not enough for Biden to just fund it, he’s got to get a little of that genocide action himself apparently…


The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.

I mean, he’s right…


If Hillarys people wouldn’t have pushed trump so hard, it would have been McCain vs Hillary, McCain would have easily won…

It’s insane how much better shit would be today if Hillary wouldn’t have gambled or cared about literally anything more than being the first woman president.


You’re right.

I was thinking he did but I guess it was Jeb! And Ted Cruz as the Republican establishment picks in 2016.


Just run clips of him saying it, then clips of what he just said.

Hell, I’ve even got an idea for the third commercial:


How could this even work?

Hamas has been saying for 8 months they want a permanent peace deal to release hostages…

Israel keeps saying they won’t stop till all of Hamas is “exterminated” but that Hamas needs to release all the hostages in return for a pause in the genocide.

So like, unless Biden is offering something huge, like cutting off military aid to Israel and actually trying to provide aid to the victims of the genocide if not outright military protection…

Then all this is for is so Biden supporters can point and say Biden is doing everything he can. Which is just factually untrue.

I don’t know why Biden’s team thinks anyone will fall for this, even the ones saying it’s a big deal likely don’t believe it. It’s that moderate Tinkerbell logic where they think if enough believe, it becomes true.


Touch grass.

One of these days I’ll stop being surprised the only “Biden supporters” all sound exactly like trump supporters…

It won’t be today, but some day.


U.S. President Joe Biden last week announced a proposal for a phased plan for a cease-fire and hostage release, setting in motion the administration’s most concentrated diplomatic push for a truce.

Biden described it as an Israeli proposal, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly questioned some aspects of it, particularly its call for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and a lasting truce. His ultranationalist coalition partners have threatened to bring down his government if he ends the war without destroying Hamas.

That appears to have only deepened suspicions on the part of Hamas, which has demanded international guarantees that the war will end. It’s unclear if such guarantees have been offered, and Hamas has not yet officially responded to the plan.

I feel like this would be a lot easier to work out, if Biden wasn’t constantly lying to make it seem like Israel wanted peace…

givesomefucks, (edited )

I mean, before 10/7 it was about to be torn down by the left…

They still want to, because they still blame Bibi for letting things get this bad.

And now the right wants to as well, because Bibi might stop before the genocide is finished.

It’s just a question if the sane people get control, or people even crazier than Bibi grap the reins.

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