
Laken Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal. That’s right,” Biden said. “But how many thousands of people being killed by illegals?

Way to repeat Republican dehumanizing gaslighting talking points about an already demonized group of people that are LESS criminal on average than native born Americans 🤬

Undocumented immigrants are PEOPLE and the maun reason for them being undocumented is the fact that the US legal immigration process can take upwards of a decade and cost tens of thousands of dollars that most people trying to leave impoverished countries for a better life simply don’t have.

The xenophobic immigration bills both parties want to pass will lead to more undocumented immigrants AND more violence against immigrants both documented and undocumented.


It mist suck having to sit next to that vapid pile of human excrement every day.

SarcasticMan, avatar

He should have asked her why her party tanked their own bill. Is it because they don’t really care about immigration and are dragging that poor girl’s name around while doing absolutely nothing to fix the problem or is Greene just a stupid cunt? Maybe both? IDK I think it’s time the left stops being nice and starts pushing the right’s hypocrisy back in their face loudly and publicly.


How that bimbo doesn’t get herself booted from thing like tonight for being unruly I have no idea, especially when half the chamber is telling her to stfu. Yet they yanked that one guy on the upper gallery that was screeching something.


Because they know that’s what she wants.


I’ve been pushing a “all rich people want undocumented workers because it keeps food and nanny costs down” narrative to my local MAGAts. It’s working a bit. I’ve been doing it for 3-4 years with them, and the other day I walked in and one of them said he didn’t really think the Republicans were serious about immigration. I almost couldn’t believe it.

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