
Apparently it’s not just Billionaires who hate this, but also Russian trolls pretending to be leftists. Who would have guessed the two would be allied?!




Billionaires can suck my dick and fuck right off into the sun. This shit has GOT to fucking stop! 100% tax on anything over $200M, and I am being real generous with that.


Well, it won’t. At some point, personal capital stops being a number and starts to equal influence. These people can form the public opinion as they wish and anybody stepping on their toes more than they allow will find themselves on the pointy end of a career ending smearing campaign.


Revoke “Citizen United vs FEC” would be step 1


And when was this? Looks like 2014? What happened to that bill? Who voted against it? Was it reintroduced when Dems took control again?


He has done it every year since 2013. We all have to contact our congressperson every year about it.


And what was the holdup in 2020-2022? Why is it not a news item every year? Everyone wants money out of politics, so what is keeping this from being a popular bill?


For any who things the US ha a progressive tax system. It is ever so carefully regressive.


Billionaires should not exist. Honestly, I’d expropriate them.


To the moon!

absentbird, avatar

I don’t get the desire to violently dispose of billionaires; it’s a status defined by wealth, we just gotta take their money and they stop being billionaires. Problem solved, right?


Well there is the issue that to become a billionaire one must exploit and abuse tens, hundreds, thousands of people? Not to mention second order effects from their actions like bankrolling politicians that strip workers rights or safety standards for example, which impacts millions of people. Some people want to see some justice I suppose.

absentbird, avatar

Some people just inherit it. Still unjust, and should be taken away, but is it worth killing over? There’s bad people at every level of wealth, I don’t see how slaughtering the wealthy makes any more sense than the death penalty for anyone else. We need to take away their money and help them to be better people. Recovery from the disease of greed is possible and necessary.


Let them eat cake!


Let them eat shit!


Music to my ears? Oh wait, he could lose the billionaire vote. Like all 100 of them.

TallonMetroid, avatar

Problem isn’t the billionaire vote, but rather the billionaire dark money being funneled to the other guy instead. Which I’m sure they’re all doing anyway, but they could decide to do it more. Which makes it ever more important for grassroots efforts to get the vote out so that we can eat the rich in spite of their efforts to dodge our hungry maws.


In my dreams, we have a flat tax of 30% over all income beyond 40k per year.

And wouldn’t it be neat if, on the tax return form, there was question:

Where would you like your tax dollars to go: • education • military • foreign aid • welfare programs • don’t care, equally distributed


30? Lol, nah man, 50 when it gets to more than 1mil a year.


How about 100% tax on all income, but everything is free in reasonable amounts. 😉


Isn’t communism the devil or some dumb shit like that? We gotta protect our corporate overlords man, we wouldn’t want to live in a dictatorship where a very rich few control the world! /s


The trick is what to tax when the ultra wealthy base most of their worth on stock.


Yah I don’t remember the exact steps, but it involves getting loans with the stocks as collateral to avoid showing an income


This only would help if they would actually pay taxes at all.


To some degree taxes need to be tied to cost of living. Someone making $70k in rural Texas vs NYC is going to have a very different cost of living and quality of life.


Flat tax is nice in theory, but it’s horribly regressive. 30% would be a nice reduction in taxes for anyone making $230k + or so, while a dramatic increase for anyone under 90k

umbrella, avatar

why do i suddenly have the impression this tax aint coming to pass?


Because Democrats are neoliberal conservatives who don’t care about the average person. The only reason Democrats are so obviously preferable to Republicans is that Republicans are fucking insane.

Archlinuxforever, avatar

Good, fuck em


Crying billionaires are a sign of society healing.

A healthy society has zero billionaires.

Let’s go further with these taxes.

Suavevillain, avatar

Biden was cooking with this one. It should be even higher that wealth is stolen.


If it hurts you, it’s the right thing. Cry some, leeches.


Why would you take away these creations from them??? /s


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lol. A fucking support yacht. Holy shit.


Obviously you only temporarily need a support yacht. Any day now you’ll have your mega yacht with helipad, smaller yacht garage, swimming pool, etc.


Billionaires: Cry more. Yours is the machine we rage against.


I’d prefer the Mao Tse Tung method for dealing with billionaires


Leting them be billionaries?


Killing everyone and setting your country back 50 years?

RIPandTERROR, avatar

Hmmm 1970’s really doesn’t give your argument legs to stand on compared to 2020s


If you think The Great Leap Forward (early 60s, not 70s) was good for China then idk what to tell you.

JustZ, avatar

Mouse tongue.

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