
It’s amazing how dumb this entire situation is. To my knowledge she hasn’t even publicly endorsed a candidate or political party, right? Just suggested her fans register to vote?


Republicans understand that demographics are against them, and their only chance is to whip their base into a froth while simultaneously making it harder for Others to vote.

stevedidWHAT, avatar

Ding ding ding

Just like it is every election season. Republicans rely on the electoral vote, propaganda, and systematic diseducation (idk if that’s even a word, case in point?) to ensure victories over the populace

FlyingSquid, avatar

Yes. That is all she did. Got them to register to vote. She didn’t even hint at who they should vote for. That might change now, and not the way Republicans want.

HopeOfTheGunblade, avatar

Honestly, it's such an incredible own goal. By aligning themselves in opposition to her, Republicans are begging for her fans to vote against them.

mozz, avatar

Correct. They've tacitly acknowledged for quite a while that discouraging their enemies from voting is a big part of their strategy, though, and I don't think anyone involved thinks the Taylor Swift fans are also Trump fans.

Honestly, if someone tries to tell you voting won't change anything, just point to how hard they try to rig the systems that drive it and how much they freak out about any indication that their enemies are planning to vote in large numbers.


If Trump loses, I hope they have Taylor Swift play at Biden’s Inauguration. I don’t even like Taylor Swift’s music, but it’d be a nice slap in the face to the GOP.

Actually, one tactic the Biden campaign could use to get out Swifties to vote for him is to pre-emptively get Taylor Swift to agree before the election to a concert at his inauguration. “Hey, if we win, guess who you can come see for free in concert?”


I can hear my mom yelling about it now. Funny how she was mostly ignorant about here existence until Fox News started complaining about her and now she hates her guts. Always liked watching the super bowl until this mess and now she’s “maybe I don’t bother”.

But if I poke her about it she turns into “I am not just parroting them. You need to stop reading CNN and all those brainwashed sources.”

It’s so close to realizing, but won’t cross the line. I have read about 2 articles from CNN in my entire life. The entire news industry hates maga now. It’s pretty much just FN, Newsmax, and the absolute far end of the spectrum of hate preachers and Alex Jones that say anything close to what you want to hear, as far as I can see.

Yeah if the entire world can agree on something, but my preferred group is the holdout, I think I would re-examine my view. It’s just mind boggling that just one huge mainstream network says stuff that all the others disagree with, and that’s the one you are just so sure it’s right about everything.

lennybird, avatar

You should try to sit down with her and watch, “The Brainwashing of my Dad” documentary. See if anything resonates with her at all.

Alternatively remind her that the RNC had Clint Eastwood speak at the convention, talking to an empty chair strangely…


She is stuck on that side. If she knows some kind of news or information is not sanctioned by Fox News she automatically either avoids listening to it in the first place, or discounts it immediately. Even on just local news (and this is a very conservative area, at least this half of the state) if they say something about gay people, or just mention a gay event and if they don’t immediately say something negative about it, she just rolls her eyes.

Even with a TV show she likes, if gay characters do a gay thing (omg 2 dudes kissing!) she will literally make the noise… Umm what is the word for it… Retching, I think? Whatever the barf noise is called. She will literally make that noise and look away from the screen.

There is nothing rational about this kind of behavior, you can’t win this argument. The chess board is already on the floor here.

So I don’t know anything about that documentary, but if she has any reason to think it’s not sponsored by Fox News, it’s literally just fiction at best and “Communist Marxist propaganda” at worst.

lennybird, avatar

Yeah that’s sad but I can completely understand. Religions have been abusing this for eons and now it’s being used directly for a political ideology. There comes a point where reason doesn’t even matter.

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