From IVF to birth control, Supreme Court abortion pill case could spark challenges to other drugs

Vaccines, birth control pills, hormone therapies and fertility drugs would be subject to new litigation if the Supreme Court endorses a challenge to abortion pill mifepristone, pharmaceutical industry experts warn.

When the court on Tuesday weighs whether to roll back Food and Drug Administration findings that made mifepristone more readily available, it is not just access to that particular drug, used for the majority of abortions nationwide, that is on the line.

The pharmaceutical industry has raised the alarm, telling both the justices in court filings and anyone else who will listen that giving individual federal judges the power to cast aside the agency’s scientific health and safety findings would cause chaos within the sector.

It would likely lead to litigation over other drugs, both current and those yet to be approved, on which people have strong feelings.

If the anti-abortion groups win, “anyone with an ideological disagreement, coupled with a scientifically untrained judge, could challenge the FDA’s authority,” said Amanda Banks, a physician and entrepreneur who signed a briefalong with dozens of other pharmaceutical executives and companies backing the FDA.


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This is particularly concerning as a trans person as this could limit access to HRT. I’m a homeowner with a great career, but the moment I can’t get access to HRT I’m jumping ship. I need to get my passport squared away ASAP.

DevCat, avatar

One of the few times I’ve found myself rooting for the pharma industry.

superb, avatar

It seems weird to say, but where is their lobbying? This has to be a threat to their profits


Seriously, where is Trojan and Durex in this shit? It isn’t just going to be pharma birth control mixed up in this once the conception dominoes start falling.

Stern, avatar

Maybe they think the leopard won’t eat their face… or maybe they’re scared of being called woke and taking a slight stock hit for three months as right wingers stage a flaccid boycott.

fadingembers, avatar

We are so fucked

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