
She’s an enemy of the state in the USA.

/low-hanging fruit.


Came here for the same, easy purpose…


American here but she’s an enemy of mine. Slava Ukraini.



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  • ChihuahuaOfDoom,

    Enjoying that Russian propaganda a little too much I think.


    It’s the US propaganda you’ve had too much of


    Have you considered that two imperial states might both produce propaganda?


    Yes, but liberals believe propaganda only comes from foreign governments and they are immune to all effects of it.


    And therefore you defend Russian colonial ambition?


    Reading things that area not there often?


    are you seriously here arguing that MTG is right because she’s republican and hence the left is bad… and people who don’t like MGT are nazi sympathizers ? because Ukraine?

    you’re a moron.

    general question outloud to whomever; how can people with access to soo much information choose their own little echo chamber caves of confirmation bias?

    back to you: crawl out of your cave and join us.


    MTG is a fucking idiot. But it doesn’t change the overall world perception of Ukraine prior to the US proxy war starting.

    I have zero interest in joining liberals, they have done as much damage to our government as republicans.


    As usual , [citation needed].

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    The only damage liberals have done to our country is continually giving in to Republicans.


    Which makes them complicit


    In a lot of cases, there really isn’t a choice. They either have to compromise, or get nothing. We don’t need better democrats, we need conservatives that will actually stop stonewalling their opposition just to make them look bad.

    They’re fucking children.


    They’re fucking children.

    Yes but enough about Matt Gaetz.


    lol… that ratio though…

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, civility.


    Spoken like an orc.


    Hmm I can’t decide which user tag fits you best, “Right-wing Nut” or “Russian bot” decisions decisions.

    Eh I’ll just do both, not like there’s a difference anyways lol ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    Imagine being stupid enough to believe what you just wrote, lol.

    May drones be forever on your ass, Comrade.


    Imagine thinking you are immune to US propaganda


    Alright Mods. Explain this and the other deleted comment that call @anticolonialist out for parroting Russian propaganda.

    He literally accused OP of being a nazi supporter for supporting Ukraine.

    Yet, that comment stays up, while the comments calling that out as Russian propaganda are removed.

    I’ve seen this a lot on politics/worldnews/news.

    I’m guessing either these frequent agitators like @anticolonialist are weaponizing the report button and others aren’t responding in kind, or the moderators in these subs are orcs / zionists.



    Not everything you oppose is Russian propaganda

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    But you spout Russian talking points and do abuse the report button. So where’s the lie?


    The classification of Ukrainians being Nazis as their pretext for the invasion (branded as liberation from Nazis) is categorically propaganda with zero merit.

    You can whatabout all you want about western left/right propaganda, but it doesn’t change that basic fact.

    And the fact that you’re still spouting that propaganda certainly makes the other user’s counter accusation that you’re a Russian apologist (orc) to be an obviously accurate statement.

    And enforcement of Rule 3 against someone responding in kind, while you’re off the hook for accusing them of being a Nazi sympathizer, is absolute bullshit.


    I didnt say it was the pretext for an invasion, the entire world, including the US, acknowledged there was a HUGE Nazi problem in Ukraine prior to.


    what? when? only ruskies spouted this, and only when they invaded Ukraine.

    the entire world. lol


    did… did you read through those results?

    They did not indicate a world wide effort, awareness or anything resembling some concern over Ukraine, except about halfway down are links referring to this only being a Russian propaganda issue, and apparently there are some nazi problems in Russia…

    so again… you seem to be a victim of Russian propaganda.

    maybe take a minute and reflect on your values and sources of information.

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    Man, you’ve been on a roll ever since your little friend got banned from here.


    Which propagandist got banned?

    @Theprogressivist@lemmy.world avatar

    Here’s the thread.


    Ahh. One of the few users I blocked. I try to leave bad actors unblocked to refute their bullshit, lest impressionable readers think their opinions are valid. But if they’re visibly foaming at the mouth, they do that work for me.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed, misinfornation. Ukranians are not Nazis.


    She’s an enemy of the state in the US as well. Constantly disrupting official proceedings, spouting Russian talking points, ignoring decorum. She’s a fucking tool.


    By all means, invite her to witness what’s going on at the front. It would be awfully regrettable if she met an untimely end while on her tour. By which I mean, I would regret that this tactic hadn’t been tried sooner. She’s a quisling fascist of the highest order, and a categorical shitbag of a human being.


    Reminder: Conservatives already labelled themselves as enemies of the USA.


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