
It’s a GOOD THING he’s not a BLACK KID walking down the street! Otherwise the COPS might ARREST him!

Weirdmusic, avatar



He should face a life sentence for treason. The fact that he doesn’t shows how weak this country has become. Every supporter should be tried with aiding and a betting an enemy of the state. Aka treason. Start executing the law and people will start acting like it matters.


The law is just a means of controlling the peons. It’s their weapon to wield against us, not the other way around.


He’s been unhinged from day one and it never bothered his supporters. To assume they’ll suddenly decide “oh this is too much unhingedness, I’ll stop supporting him now” is just wishful thinking.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Indeed, for the depraved deplorables, this is not a bug, but a feature. Some of them will even tell you, to your face, that they hope that donnie gives them a permission structure to kill their enemies.


I’ll NEVER give up.


Oh fuck no he did not just commandeer Galaxy Quest. It’s on like Donkey Kong, motherfucker.


Lol good call

hungprocess, avatar

By Grabthar’s Hammer, what an asshole



Lol wat


Trump: You have merely adopted the dark, I was born into it.


You will note that that page, 4y old, now, included an item in the book of Daniel, which stated that the abomination “wouldn’t even be legal to be king”, or some such thing…

( haven’t read the page in a long while, & won’t bother again: it’s coming true. )

Until Trump became a convicted-felon, that prophecy was a blocker on the stack-of-prophecies.

There is no longer any blocker.

It’s Showtime…

( I’m Vajrayana, not Christian, but ScientificallyTestablePredictions are testable-for-truth, no matter who they were made by,

& I don’t accept ideology-based-“science” as having any validity.

IF the evidence backs that stack-of-prophecies, THEN … that is that.

: )

FuglyDuck, (edited ) avatar

Just for the record, it was understood by people contemporary to John of Patmos, that his Antichrist was Nero.

I’m going to assume that Daniel was similarly being allegorical and referring to someone contemporary to the author- overall, the book of Daniel was largely meant as a message to the Jews of 2nd century BC; to bring encouragement. Literally, that as god protected them in the past, they’d be protected now.

It’s incorrect to say it was a prophetic work referring to the New Testament. (The four of the little horn are Babylon, the Medes, Persians and Greeks; and Selucid Syria and Ptolemic Egypt. The dream-statue-guy empire are Babylon, medo-Persian, Greeks and Rome.)

At no point is it referring to Trump, even if there are obvious similarities.

carl_dungeon, (edited )

People who believe those emails also believe in flat earth, vaccines cause 5G, Covid was a hoax, no one knows how magnets work, and that Alex Jones is the only one keeping the frogs straight with his dick pills. Nothing anyone can say to them will work because they don’t even understand kindergarten level logic and science. When he loses, trump should just Jim Jones the lot, they’ll do it willingly after sending him money.


So… MAGA voters


OI dont you bring ICP into this

Atelopus-zeteki, avatar

Felons inciting violence; seems like that should be a crime.


If you’re not rich and/or otherwise privileged, it actually is even if you HAVEN’T already committed a felony, let alone several!


But, but, he is WHITE! You cannot incarcerate a white man just because he committed some crimes!

/s, in case it is still needed.

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