
Porn hub needs to rebrand and give YouTube some competition


I know this is a joke, but that would require them to put actual effort into their shit ass slow ui that’s had the same stupid bugs for the past 15 years and still doesn’t have a search function that gives you what you fucking searched for.


vpn stonks go up


So, I have a pretty alright VPN provider, but I’ve been looking for a self-hosted solution to allow me to say “Hey, if you’re trying to hit, go through this VPN tunnel instead” but still run everything else straight through. Lots of options exist, I have one that would be perfect that we utilize at my company, but I haven’t found a good solution that doesn’t utilize enterprise level pricing.

Anyone got any tips on that front?


You can use foxyproxy (browser extension) with SOCKS5 proxies to ssh tunnels to various hosts based on the URL pattern. Maybe too kludgey for your use case.

BarbecueCowboy, (edited )

Yeah, I’ve seen that one, but I’m looking for something at the router level or something I can run on linux and just have everything run through. I have CLI-based options that are super janky… I’m probably just being too picky.


I think it needs to be on the client app (web browser) before it gets sent thru the VPN. Your router won’t be able to read the http header to see what the URL is (to decide which VPN to use).


I know it’s doable in general because I’ve done it in an enterprise environment, just seems to be a real pain in the ass at the consumer level which is not surprising, it’s a weird use case.

Where I work we have a system that kind of combines a proxy and a solution that approximates the same functionality as a VPN, and it’s all in one cohesive package. I know my first stop will have to be some sort of proxy, but my ideal is basically just a friendlier UI to manage it and for whatever proxy or proxy-like solution to include tunneling options out of the box.

It’s a complicated ask, but I feel like it’s becoming more useful. Supposedly, Squid can do it with a few extra pieces and that might end up being the solution.


Get a cheap vps. Set up wire guard. Set up routes that pass through wire guard. In this case porn hubs IP’s go through the vps. Be aware that some vps providers IP blocks are often blocked by cloudflare and other similar services. So it pays to check out the IP rep of the vps provider before you choose.

masterofn001, (edited )


Free Open source Upstream Http/s, socks4/5, direct redirection per site/URL/domain with regex. Can set default upstream proxy for everything else.

Invisible proxy Reverse proxy

Command line / simple text config

It’s in your distros repo

It’s available in termux.

It works.


See, you read what I actually asked for, thanks my friend.

dantheclamman, avatar

Creeping theocracy


More of a stampede than a creep these days.

dantheclamman, avatar

Yes, I worry we’re entering the exponential curve, with the new effort to put ten commandments in schools


And the growing LGBT hate. And the potential revival of the Comstock act. And the attempts at banning artificial insemination and contraception…


As far as they know I’m from the Netherlands.




Funny thing is…do people think Pornhub is the only porn site on the internet or something? That if they make Pornhub shut down that all the porn will magically disappear? Fucking LOL. Sure, there’s a good idea guys. It’s not like there aren’t a billion other porn sites on the internet that couldn’t give a shit less about US age verification laws.

All this will do is drive people away from the most popular porn sites that at least have something in place even if it isn’t very good and drive them to any number of other sites where they’ll pick up all sorts of malware on their devices and probably finding even more of the porn-of-questionable-legality that these bills were meant to stifle in the first place.

Fire hot, water wet, teenagers are gonna find porn. It’s embedded in their DNA. Don’t believe me? Ask any teenager in the 80s about going into the woods to find a stash of porn magazines. We weren’t told this shit. It’s just like we…knew. Basic instinct. We somehow just knew there was porn in the woods and on scrambled cable TV channels at like 4 in the morning. Porn is eternal. And as long as it’s out there, teenagers are going to find it.


It’s not just pornhub. There are already a handful of others closing off service as well.


And for each one of those, two that don’t give a shit about age verification will pop up to take it’s place. Pornhub could close today and it would be replaced with hubofporn and pornohubs dot com by lunchtime, hosted in some country like the Isle of Man or something.


Pornhub is just good about making news about them, raises their profile and perception as the main porn site.


Also, porn sites can just white label their UX/content kinda like how there’s a million pirate Bay proxies


they’ll pick up all sorts of malware on their devices

How so? Unless they are downloading sketchy things, there is no reason for them to get a virus with a reasonably up-to-date browser.


I was setting up an 8mm projector to watch porn in 70s when I was still middle school aged. (Adults on screen)


XVideos will get more popular.


I just tested with my VPN and indeed xvideos doesn’t give a shit if you’re in Texas.

The A record for xvideos resolves to the Netherlands so that’s probably why they don’t give a shit.


They haven’t given a single shit for years in Utah.


It has a superior…… everything as well. I have NEVER got why people would use PornHub. Their website operates like a mobile website from 2009.

Though, morally and ethically I think they stand out from the rest.


I still call it twitter.


A blog post from Pornhub said that its latest locations for shutdowns are Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky and Nebraska. The site said it would end operations in those states in July 2024. The website closed in Texas last week, and has also blocked access to its site in Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah, and Virginia in response to similar state legislation.

18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

I’m not surprised to see any of those states on the list.


Virginia is a surprise


Oh yes the same Republicans that want to save the children also want to marry them..

makeasnek, avatar

Banning porn nationwide is part of Project 2025’s plan.


Republicans plotting in the open to install an authoritarian theocracy? Sounds serious!

So when will democrats drop gun control considering this imminent threat?

Armed queers bash back.


Conservatism / Religiosity is a plague that’s been retarding our species since the dawn of man.


This is part one of the religious rights plan to go after porn sites and their patrons. Don’t give them your ID. If they get power, it will come back on you.


I don’t think pornhub wants your ID.

I live in Texas and just tested the site to see if anyone has changed. It hasn’t since they essentially shut down here.

It’s a full page statement about Texas politicians.

There’s no option to submit an ID even if a person wanted to do so.

But maybe I’ve misunderstood who “them” is in your comment.

pixeltree, avatar

It’s not pornhub that wants your id, it’s the facist states, so they can have a registry of who’s not aligned with their puritanical ideals.

FuglyDuck, avatar

To add to this, the repugs are going to demand user access data next and identity confirmation stuffs.

They’ll see everyone’s porn habits. And have addresses for everyone watching anything except all the fucked up incest porn.


If they wanted to do that I’m sure they could get the data from ISPs already.

Age verification bills are just virtue signaling for politicians.

skulblaka, avatar

Not if you use a VPN. But now it wouldn’t matter even if you were using a VPN because if you want any porn you’ll need to submit a state-issued ID for “verification” purposes.

FuglyDuck, avatar

Im not sure ISP’s wouldn’t fight against turning that data over- and it would be hard to prove that it’s necessary for some kind of law enforcement access. (Unless they outright make porn illegal.) which would make it hard to acquire the necessary warrants (normally).

Whereas, it would be a relatively simple enforcement claim to say they need to see all that data to ensure PH’s identification compliance.


“Land of the free” lmao


Land of the VPN?

mercano, avatar
foggy, (edited )

Honestly, this feels like a canary in a coalmine. A coalmine that we’ve known to be on fire, but a canary nonetheless.

12 states total. That’s like a quarter of the country.

2025 is gonna be a wild ride…


Ok What is the canary wearing?


I believe it’s just stuck in the dryer.


Time for the cheesy music 🎶🎶.


Oh step-canary!


I’ll have to ask e621.


Just imagine how angry everyone is going to be when they can’t masturbate the pain of Present Day away


Ironically their leader pays porn stars to have sex with him which obviously is not a problem for their voters.

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