Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals

A post that Mr. Trump circulated on Sunday called for Liz Cheney to be prosecuted by a military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals.

Included in the list of people to be brought up for war crimes against the United States were Current President Joe Biden, Current VP Kamala Harris, former VP Mike Pence, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger and Representatives Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Pete Aguilar, Zoe Lofgren and Bennie Thompson.


Even Hitler waited a little bit before making it clear he was going to purge


The more I think about trump saying that he could shoot someone in broad daylight in front of millions, and not lose a single supporter…… the more I think he was right.


Bone Spurs is 78 and grotesque.

He only has so much time, you dig?

samus12345, avatar

His dad lived to 93. -_-


Military tribunals? Sounds like some of his article 2 powers with absolute immunity now, their use cannot be questioned. Go to town Trump, say the conservatives on the supreme court.


What, no Hillary Clinton? Is he trying to lose again?


Damn, Liz Cheney really lives rent free in that asshat’s head.

dogsnest, avatar


MermaidsGarden, avatar

Well I for one look forward to fleeing our upcoming dictatorship


Why? If the imperial core isn’t safe, no where is.


Right? The American military is unparalleled in its ability to find you, especially when you carry a tracking device/data collector cell phone.

TheLowestStone, avatar

I really wish my wife had agreed to move to New Zealand back in 2016.

GratefullyGodless, avatar

You may want to check up on the news from New Zealand, things are getting rough there too.

TheLowestStone, avatar

I know. I’d still rather be there.


Punishment can include and is not limited to death.

I think there's a bit of a sobering moment that we have a Presidential candidate that is calling for specific names to be held to a firing squad.


He tried to get Pence killed four years ago. We’ve known for at least that long that this is who Trump is. Republicans don’t care.

Empricorn, (edited )

Hey, they may be handing the country over to Fascism, but at least the people they hate will suffer!


Yes, my life may suck, but at least I’m not a woke gay pride critical gender theory non-white lefty lib that believes in human rights.


It’s depressing because honestly I am just sad for the people that get into the conspiracies


When I first read that I thought it said Prince and I was seriously horrified. Now that I see it’s just about Mike pence, eh.


I hate to be the one to tell you, but Prince died in 2016.


Yeah. Still pretty bummed about it.


They do care. This is exactly what they want, a maniacal dictator who will kill all the “others” to implement a religious ethnostate


So if Pence would have died, that would have been an official act.


bit of a sobering moment

That’s why I’m investing and drinking lots of alcohol. Who wants to be sober as society collapses?


Bourbon and soda on the rocks!


The guy that avoided drafting, is Putin’s bitch and said vetetans who died in the war were loosers.


“Loser” Why is that so hard for so many people?


I assume because it has the “oo” sound. “Loser” looks like it rhymes with “hoser”.


if you’re an idiot that has never read a book in your life.


Believe it or not, some people here don’t have english as a first language. Whether or not this specific person does is irrelevant, my point is you could try some leniency


Donald: we need a Night of the Long Knives.

SCOTUS: let us open the kitchen drawer for you.


The trump/Hitler comparison is becoming less ridiculous


It was never ridiculous, people just weren’t able or willing to look into the future far enough. If someone said this would happen back in 2016 you’d be ridiculed.

And now look where we are.

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