creditCrazy, avatar

We all live in a yellow enterprise a yellow enterprise

cheeseburger, avatar

This is a fantastic mashup! I can hear it, but still Lennony.


“For the benefit of Captain Pike, there will be a trial tonight, a Vulcan traitor!”

“The Admirals will decide his fate, late of Station Deep Space Eight.”

“All will hear from Captain Kirk, about his best friend’s duty shirk, a mystery.”

“And captain P will testify, perhaps clear up the mess just by, a beep or three!”


“We all live on a Starfleet transporter beam!”

ummthatguy, avatar
ininewcrow, avatar
DmMacniel, avatar

Starfleet probably not since it’s a space navy. The army of the UFP, akin to MACOs, does.

samus12345, avatar

The Bajorans might, too, since they have Colonels and Majors.

DmMacniel, avatar

Does Bajor even have a space navy, and not just a militia?

samus12345, avatar

It seems to act like a legitimate military, but is called a Militia. A nod to its roots, perhaps?

ummthatguy, avatar

I regret that I have but one upvote to give to this meme

FlatFootFox, avatar

♫ Bird of Prey cruises of red and green,

Decloaking over your head,

Look for the ship, set phasers to stun,

And she’s warped. ♫

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