
I’d rather not and I’m a European from a NATO country. Why tf would we want to expand to south America? We’ve got other fish to fry here.


Because it strongly advances NATO’s interests to build international alliances, especially at the cost of russia and china.


Because it’s a defensive pact and having more members makes it a stronger deterrence force.

Can you elucidate any downsides?


NATO global partner, not member. Like Australia, Colombia, Iraq, Japan, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, and South Korea. Also Argentina is already a major Non-NATO ally. That’s a US designation but it’s not like the rest of us would have bad relationships with them… wait Myanmar is on there WTF are the Yanks thinking.


Yeah fuck that. We already have enough problems with Turkey as part of NATO. We don’t need another belligerent state that literally only going to cause problems.

And it’s not even like Argentina provides some utility like Turkey does by being so close to Russia and controlling the black sea. Argentina has no real strategic value, has an absolutely dogshit military and is more likely to go to war with a NATO country (again) then do anything to defend one.

Let them rot.


lol you know nothing about Argentina beyond the click bait headlines of articles you never read. With this amount of vitriol, you can only be from the UK.


Tell me how I’m wrong then… ill wait.


I’m afraid that it’s your responsibility to educate yourself. Watching Brittan First podcasts probably won’t help.


Lmao typical cop-out from someone being called out on their bullshit.


Engaging with you was a terrible mistake and I have lowered myself. I now have to repent and cleanse the stench off of myself. My first effort to that effect will be to block further comments from you.


Lmao always a good day when you litterally just ask someone for an explanation beyond “no ur wrong” and it makes them so upset that they block you.


American here, everything in recent news suggests Milei is a clown though, and I wouldn’t trust another floppy haired politician’s motives without more information.


Oh he’s a loon, no doubt, and surely not long for this world. The random vitriol from the person I responded to really is a form of nationalism. There is a portion of the English population that harbors endless hatred against Argentina for daring to try to reclaim territory that is rightly theirs. It’s been 40 years but they act like it was last week. (Read on the Falklands/Malvinas war if you are not familiar)


There is a portion of the English population that harbors endless hatred against Argentina for daring to try to reclaim territory that is rightly theirs.

Dude noone outside of Argentina ever considered your Falklands claim as anything but a bad joke.


This really isn’t true at all. A significant portion of the world’s population takes Argentina’s position. It’s really only in the English-speaking world that there is a default pro-British position.


Except they don’t, because most countries believe in the right to self determination and don’t think you should be able to invade a countries sovereign territory because “well its closer to us”


Nah it’s the position of everyone who understands that the Falklands weren’t Spanish when Argentine declared independence, but British. Who, may I remind you, are not the people you declared independence from.

Not to mention that Falklanders don’t want to be Argentinian, they very much would like to stay British. Really, stuff that jingoism it makes you look silly.


Also, people like me hate Aregentinians because they fucking murdered members of my family in an unprovoked war.


We aren’t happy with our partners supporting and causing untold loss of life, genocide, poverty, material destruction in our neighborhood either but I guess you guys see us as the guard dog you keep on your front yard after you come back from burning down neighbors’ houses once a year.


Pretty sure they’re Turkish and referring to the fact that the US and Israel have caused massive problems in the Middle East and are largely responsible for its current unstable state, so it’s a little rich to be complaining about Turkey as the problem member.


Fair, but it’s not like Turkey isn’t fucking around as well, especially with the Kurds and Syria and, ya know, fucking invading Cyprus.

@Beaver@lemmy.ca avatar

NATO should expand its coverage to the southern hemisphere as well.



Everything to the North, south, west, and East of the atlantic Atlantic,


NORTH Atlantic, killer. Or even vaguely northern, like Italy


South Korea and Australia are NATO partners as well

ObviouslyNotBanana, (edited )
@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

Oh they’re definitely in the Atlantic unlike Argentina



That’s why it’s not NATO membership, just NATO global partnership. You actually have to be in Europe to join NATO, but you can cooperate militarily and with intelligence sharing.

Point is, Argentina would not get to call for Article 5 and military help, but they do get the benefit of a looser alliance.


vaguely northern, like Italy

Italy is at the same latitude as new york and parts of canada believe it or not

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