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Proof? What would proof look like?

Do you expect companies to just leak contracts they signed while under NDA?


If you have a point to make about why Valves is not abusing it’s monopoly position make it. Otherwise no one wants to hear your dumb ‘but the free market is always right’ statement.


Like the anonymous whistleblower who went to a lawyer and triggered this lawsuit?


According to Shotbolt, the developer and digital distribution company is “shutting out” all competition in the PC gaming market as it “forces” game publishers to sign off on price parity obligations - supposedly preventing them from going on to offer lower prices on other platforms.


The allegation says nothing about steam keys. The lawsuit is alleging that they are contractually prevented from selling the game cheaper elsewhere.


For software to run on a computer, it needs to tell the computer what to do, “display this picture of a flower”, “move my character to the left”, “save this poem to a file”.

And for a bunch of different software to all run on the same machine, they all need to use the same basic set of instructions, this is called the machine’s Instruction Set.

Because the instruction set has to work for any software, these instructions don’t look that readable to us, instead of “show this flower” they might be “move this bit of memory into the processor”, but software builds up millions of those instructions to eventually display a flower.

Intel processors used a set of instructions that were called x86, and then when AMD made a rival processor, they made theirs use the same instruction set so that their processors would be compatible with all the software written for Intel processors (and when they needed to move from 32bit instructions to 64bit instructions, they made a new set called x64).

Meanwhile Apple computers for a long time used processors built by IBM that used IBMs PowerPC instruction set.

Now many companies are using the ARM instruction set, but ARM is still a private company you have to pay licensing fees to, so RISC-V is rising as a new, truly open source and free to use instruction set.

masterspace, (edited )

I heard the latest preview was on Tatooine and immediately soured to the point of curdling.

I cannot express this clearly enough: Fuck Tattooine.

We’ve seen it. It has been done. Its a desert planet with less character than Dune. We get it. Enough. Stop with the Tatooine already, we don’t need anymore tattooine. I hate Tatooine so fucking much, I don’t care how easy sandy rock is to render, tattooine can burn in a pit until you’re ready to make another pod racing game.


Who the fuck cares what the economic analysis is?

Fighting climate change is going to hurt economically, either do an analysis comparing the current plan to an alternative one, or don’t bother doing it.

Publishing an analysis that says ‘the carbon tax hurts the economy’ just gives dumbass conservatives something to bitch and complain about.

Regardless, compare whatever painful number is there to the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars that severe climate change will cost us and you’ll see that the plan still makes sense.

I don’t understand how conservatives can be so fucking stupid that they don’t understand that our entire planet and biosphere crumbling and dying beneath us will cost the economy.


For 3D Modelling / Printing, if you have even a little bit of programming / scripting ability, OpenSCAD is amazing.

It’s basically just a small scripting language for generating 3D objects and performing 3D modelling operations and its so handy to be able to store important info as precise variables, and create new objects and cuts and stuff just with for loops and if statements.

I use the web version a lot of the time, and while it could use a little work, it’s pretty amazing.


No, I honestly just started here, and started playing around with the example, and then started turning that into what I wanted and googling when I needed to:


And Canada as a whole has a massive real estate affordability crisis, with Toronto housing being exceptionally unaffordable relative to real wages.


I feel like Sony did a Sony here.

I’m old enough to remember when Sony shipped 22 million malware infested CDs because they were worried about Napster.


The love of games doesn’t tend to feed your family and children.


Given that even Microsoft first party games let you play with your Steam account on the Steam version, this is clearly and unequivocally a case of

“Fuck Sony.”

I honestly dont get why gamers have such a hard on for Sony. They’re such a consumer unfriendly company overall.


This is a lot of words to say “I’m angry and I want to blame a hardworking creative studio, instead of the massive, famously consumer unfriendly, publisher that’s actually at fault”.

Does the game on Steam deserve the downvotes? Yes. 100%. The game on Steam is a direct result of the developers work and Sony’s publishing. But it’s not the developer’s work that is causing problems, but Sony’s publishing decisions that have negatively impacted the experience for huge numbers of people.

So does the developer Arrowhead deserve blame for accepting a contract to produce a game for Sony’s IP? No, they did that and did their jobs as contracted. Sony is the only party here that deserves blame for enforcing an asinine account policy that they’re competitors (i.e. Microsoft), do not.


I mean, have we heard whether the dev decided to make this game and then licensed the IP from Sony, or whether Sony contracted them explicitly to make a Helldivers 2 for them?


Then don’t act coy about wanting to make games as if that’s the driving force behind you being CEO of a studio.

Buddy, you need to grow up; unless you’re a trust fund baby, nobody gets to dedicate a significant amount of their life to doing anything without also finding a way of making money at it. Trying to create a fun game, and running out of money halfway through development, and having to layoff all your friends and cocreators, gets nobody anywhere.

Be honest and say "yeah, we have contractual obligations and this is one of them, sucks that they are mismanaging it but we have to abide by it because they gave us a bajillion dollars, and we gotta keep the lights on. Hopefully they’ll change their minds.”

That is basically verbatim what he has said.

The reality is that they mismanaged this severely, they should have either held off the launch or made it abundantly clear that this was temporary and it would have been mandatory in a few months, not whatever the fuck this was.

The reality is that Sony probably didn’t care until Helldivers was a massive success and they’ve suddenly started caring.


And there are plenty who have failed and declared bankruptcy.


Lol this article goes out of its way to try and tamp down the New Vegas controversy.

A) no it’s not a stretch to look at the chalkboard in the show and see that the dates do not line up with new vegas’ timeline.

B) Josh Sawyer didn’t say he didn’t care what they did with fallout because he actually didn’t care but because he has had to make peace with the fact that he doesn’t control it anymore

C) Tim Cain said he loved the look and feel of the world in the show, not the plot elements or then retconning NV, and basically just said maybe the whiteboard is a lie / I don’t control it anymore so I’m not going to publicly criticize it but posted links to the timeline descrepencies.


like fuck, do people really not know what an arrow means?

Like fuck, do you not know that “fall of the NCR” happening before the events of New Vegas is a clear retcon at best, and nuking Shady Sands immediately after NV ends is completely shitting on all the themes of hope in the NV narrative?

I seriously don’t understand how you can read that whiteboard and think “oh yeah, they’re totally respecting the NV cannon”.


No man, you’re a tod Howard dick rider for some reason who refuses to acknowledge that the show clearly put no effort into respecting NV cannon, or intentionally mislead fans into thinking that’s what they were doing. It doesnt take a fucking genius to look at that whiteboard and realize that it conflicts with the literal year that NV takes place.

masterspace, (edited )

This is dumb as fuck, literally nothing about that mentions anything about firearm licensing. Did you understand the words you quoted before getting high and mighty?

It’s illegal for felons to possess firearms regardless of whether or not legal owners require licensing, and nothing in here says that they didn’t just get a tip that some criminal was stockpiling weapons.


Not in Canada, the UK, the entirety of western Europe, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Australia, New Zealand…


You realize that the reason that police get away with homicide in the US so much is that every single person might be strapped?

You know that in Canada and the UK and countries where guns aren’t common, police have a much harder time justifying drawing a firearm, to the point that just drawing one unnecessarily often makes national news?

What’s insane is being the only country in the world with regular mass shootings and thinking that you’ll shoot your way out of the problem.


They’re not entirely wrong, handguns should also be banned and regulated if you actually want to address gun violence in the way that literally every single country that doesn’t suffer from regular gun violence does.


That’s not why.

Lol, yes it is absolutely part of the reason.

It’s because not enough people care

Yes, that is also part of the reason.

and because police work for the government and secure the interests of the government, so putting them in jail is essentially kneecapping yourself if you’re a politician.

No, that is the case in literally every single other country too.

Again, nothing to do with firearms and everything to do with culture.

Sounds like a gun owner in denial, not a reasoned point.

What’s insane is thinking that we are the only country in the world with a problem with violence.

You are the only developed western country with a problem as severe as yours. You’re the only one where there are regular and repeated mass killings. You are the only one where violence, and specifically gun violence, is a leading cause of death amongst children.

The Nice, France mass murderer killed more people with a commercial truck than any mass shooter in history.

Yes and more Americans have been killed by gun violence in 2024 so far.


Because every other country with similar problems can be slapped with the label of “underdeveloped”, I assume?

What countries are you thinking of?

“Gun violence” is not a cause of death. Murder is.

Technically no, a bullet wound is, or a stab wound, or blunt force trauma, but murder is the legal definition of a crime that involves death, circumstances, and intent.

Do you think if they took away the guns, people would just stop being violent? Or that they would just find another tool?

I think that they would find another tool, be forced to decide whether to commit to a close quarters fight to the death instead of sitting back and spraying from a distance, and in the vast majority of situations the overall outcome will be far less severe and easier for police and security to contain.

Have you really thought about it?


Outside of potentially a car or truck, all of those things take significant time and planning.

The reality of most murders is that they do not happen when given a cooling off period. Similar to suicides, they’re often situational and in the moment.

masterspace, (edited )

Licensing reduces the number of guns in circulation and ensures that their owners are more responsible than the average unlicensed owner, making their guns less likely to end up on the black market.


I’m not as hardcore as most, I run windows as my main OS, but I do love my LG Gram 17" laptop from ~3-4 years ago.

It’s powerful enough for general use, webdev, and very light 3D modelling, and it is insanely light and portable. I have a 14" MacBook at work and the gram is lighter than it, thinner, not that much bigger, and far more durable.

Great keyboard and trackpad, giant screen (I wish it was brighter but this is the version from 3-4 years ago), and surprisingly solid Bluetooth, microphone, thunderbolt etc.


Pancake keggers happened before all the big football games at university.


Lol I take it you’re a republican?

Let’s blame the consumer for buying something they like, and not the system of capitalism for it’s inevitable march to enshittification which happens across all industries amirght?


Maybe game developers should wake up and understand that people like to be able to customize their characters cosmetically and not just click to slash over and over and over again.

You want consumers to spend money based on how much effort you put into a product instead of how appealing it is to the consumer? Newsflash, that’s not how capitalism works.


I mean, asylums aren’t known to be horrible because of the quality of the architecture, but how people treat other people in there.


I mean that sounds like it could be a story about super supportive parents, or it sounds like it could be a story about super psycho pageant mom type parents.

Even if it’s the former and they were genuinely supporting her dream and not their own, it still doesn’t mean it wasnt manic or stressful or crazy.

Or it could just be a made up fictional lyric, or one meant to reference her own internal psychological struggles with the asylum she’s trapped in being her own mind.

This meme quite frankly just seems like people who don’t understand music trying and failing to clown on the popular girl.


mostly well made adaptations.

It was pretty good, it was also pretty dumb, cheesy, and flat out badly written at times.


Is this sarcasm? The show literally Retcons Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas out of existence.

masterspace, (edited )

Yes, they do, and no it’s not misinformation.

Tap for spoilerThere is a chalkboard explicitly showing “The Fall of Shady Sands in 2277” with an arrow pointing to a nuke, and yet it is thriving and has a 30,000+ population in New Vegas in 2281. Similarly, the shot of New Vegas at the end shows it completely dead and desolate. So either, the in universe chalkboard was a lie / red herring and they were teaching wrong recent history for some unknown reason (bad writing), or the chalkboard labeling the “fall of shady Sands” refers to some other event that happened before the events of New Vegas and then Shady Sands gets nuked after the events of New Vegas (in which the case that chalkboard is badly drawn / intentionally misleading, it’s retconning that Shady Sands wasn’t thriving in 2281, and it’s completely undoing the hopeful endings for New Vegas by nuking them out of existence).

Either the Fallout show is retconning the plot of the New Vegas game out of existence, or it’s badly written and throwing out ham fisted red herrings while still intentionally undermining NV’s narrative themes and hopeful endings.


Literally posted a reply detailing exactly when and why it does.


Literally the entire date / time setting of the show is arbitrary. If they want to leave the canon of NV intact they would made that date later, though like I said, even if they do that, they’re still undermining the narrative themes of NV by nuking the symbol of hope off the map right afterwards.

“No they didn’t because I like the show so nuh-uh” is not only a boring an opinion but one backed up by nothing.


Todd Howard saying something doesn’t magically make it true, you should be aware of that by now if you’ve ever followed anything Bethesda related.

And again, like I said, the chalkboard clearly shows 2277 in clearly seen chalk. If that is not when the nuke falls, then that brings me back to my other point, that it then implies that Shady Sands started to fall before NV (retcon) and it undermines all the hopeful endings of NV.

I.e. even if it doesn’t retcon the explicit plot beats of NV it retcons the themes and narrative.


The Outer Worlds has zero spaceship flying, still feels like a more expansive universe.

The problems aren’t just game design, but writing as well, The Outer Worlds feels real because the characters do, Starfield (from what I played), felt like a bunch of stereotypes playing their roles.


Because it’s a defensive pact and having more members makes it a stronger deterrence force.

Can you elucidate any downsides?


Pretty sure they’re Turkish and referring to the fact that the US and Israel have caused massive problems in the Middle East and are largely responsible for its current unstable state, so it’s a little rich to be complaining about Turkey as the problem member.

Original Fallout lead Tim Cain loves the new show, but remains baffled by how 'destructive' fans can act toward 'people who are trying to create things' (

Cain appreciated the performances and storytelling, but singled out how the show nailed the Fallout “vibe” as its biggest achievement. “I was just looking at all the props,” he said of one scene. “I realized after a few minutes went by that I had not followed the dialogue at all, because I was so engrossed by it...


I hope that image is not one from the show. If so it’s pretty shitty and spoilery.


Everyone: “Hey NDP, if you want to actually win a general election you need to be pragmatic about your talking points and messaging and not just alienate people with academic talk.”

NDP: “Best I can do is attack the only effective policy we have for fighting climate change to try and split the left vote.”

The NDP supporting the Conservatives’ plan of “nothing” is a fucking cowardly embarrassment. Yes your job is to listen, and you can do that by reading their written submissions for comprehensive action to reduce their emissions in accordance with targets.

You do not figure that out in a “meeting”, you figure that out through weeks of sober impact assessment and planning. This is political farce that is threatening to doom our future for fucking domestic politics.

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