Portugal says no plans to pay colonial reparations

Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa had called for Lisbon to find ways to compensate its former colonies, including canceling debt. The government says it has not initiated any process to that effect.

Lisbon is not planning to pay reparations for trans-Atlantic slavery and colonialism, Portugal’s government said on Saturday.

The statement comes in response to remarks by President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who said Portugal could find ways to compensate its former colonies.

Portugal said in a statement that it seeks to “deepen mutual relations, respect for historical truth and increasingly intense and close cooperation, based on reconciliation of brotherly peoples.”

It stressed that it had not launched any “process or program of specific actions” for paying reparations.


Should the french also pay reparations to Portugal for all the rape and murder that occured during the french invasions? What about the Romans? Should Italy also pay reparations to most European countries? Should the Scandinavians pay reparations to UK for the viking invasions?


España, nos pagan la deuda?


Portugal would actually have to possess spare cash, for them to pay any of their former colonies so much as a penny in reparations


Pretty sure spain and portugal used to be muslim colonies themselves, shouldn’t they get paid first then?

@khannie@lemmy.world avatar

Those Italians dug a lot of gold and silver out of the Iberian peninsula too.


Many people were fed up with the Spanish king at that point and invited the Muslims to take over. Spain would not be captured so easily if the inhabitants fought for it instead of against their current rulers.


"The last Visigoth king, Roderick, was not considered a legitimate ruler by all of the inhabitants of the Spanish Kingdom, and some Visigothic nobles aided the Islamic conquest of Spain. One name frequently mentioned is Count Julian of Ceuta who invited Tariq ibn-Ziyad to invade southern Spain because his daughter had been raped by King Roderick. "


If you just substitute some nouns you get the takeover of Hawaii by the US. I mention this because based on what I am seeing it sounds like some some random local thugs sold out their people to invaders hoping that they would get a better deal for themselves under them vs the king.

Unless you got multiple opinion polls and voting records showing that the “people” supported it I don’t think much of your argument.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

And I’m pretty sure that the Muslim caliphates didn’t participate in a triangular slave trade which still has repercussions across North America and Africa today in terms of inequality and oppression.


Well, apparently the Mourish Occupation of the Iberian Peninsula was what brought to the Dark Ages Europe advanced irrigation techniques which spread from there increasing agricultural production, the growth of cities and ultimatelly the Renaissance, so we probably would need to pay them, or at least their descendants (mainly Northern African Arabs).

That said Portugal at least in this is a joke (and I say this as a Portuguese National) - for example some years ago the local politicians came up with a scheme to give the descendants of Jewish Sephardites (a group which was expelled from Portugal in the 15th century) portuguese nationality, which is quite an “interesting” choice of “reparations” taking in account the country’s much more recent and way more harmful history of Slavery.

Anyways, the whole thing is corrupt as fuck, with for example Jewish Organisations in Russia providing wealthy Jewish locals with “proof” of their Sephardite ancestry for the purpose of gaining Portuguese Nationality (which is only worth it because it means EU citizenship), to the point that the present day richest and most well known portuguese national is Roman Abramovich.

This talk now is in the sequence of that crap (which continues, which for example some Hamas hostages given expedited Portuguese Nationality to try and secure their release as “portuguese”), the sudden rise in the recent elections of the far-right party who are the only nationalists around (so the only who frown upon the whole giving away of citizienship to people who never ever even visited the country) and the Portuguese President (who is basically a powerless figure who loves media attention) having suggested that Portugal and Spain should “compensate” former colonies.


Do you apply the same logic to all other developments too? That descendants of american slaves now live in the US instead of having to run from lions and hippos, or all the western science and technology spread all around the world by european colonizers? That’s a pretty shit argument dude.

Rest of your statements seems logically sound though.


The argument I was making is the same argument you are making: “It’s not at all as simple as many think it is”.


I think it is pretty simple. Everyone fucked up everyone else for a very long time and there is nothing we can do about it but try to help people alive today who need help today.

Aceticon, (edited )

That would excuse murder, rape, theft and so on as long as it was done yesterday, not today.

Clearly there is some need to place responsability on people, at least up to a point, with some kind of limit of how far one goes in that, both in terms of temporality and directness of the relation of the punished with the criminals and those recieving compensation with the victims.

There are some widelly accepted rules for some of these things: for example somebody who murders somebody else should pay for it no mater how long it takes to catch that person, whilst the children of the murderer should not pay for their father/mother’s crime.

However in other areas it’s not so simple: should the children of somebody who stole money be forced to give it back if they inherited that ill gotten money?! An argument can be made that if they are not forced to return it, they would be enjoying the proceedings of the crime whilst the victims carry on suffering because of not having that money, all of which would be an injustice.

But if they should, how about grandchildren? How about great grandchildren? How about all the present day citizens of a nation whose elites commited crimes centuries ago? Should they all lose a little bit to compensate a group of people only entire verifable link with victims from long long ago is having been born in a present day geographical nation that contains an area were the victimization is thought to have occurred?

Whilst I think group guilt and group victimhood for crimes commited centuries ago - as in the suggestion of the President Of Portugal - is complete total bollocks and a way to whitewash the ill gotten nature of the wealth of most of the Portuguese Old Money (including him, who is the son of a Minister in the time of Fascism, hence old money), I can see how, say, taking away things people inherited which were obtained by theft (for example, returning to the descendants of the owners old paintings stollen by the Nazis) is a fair and just thing to do.


You are just describing statue of limitations


I’m describing the reason why the statute of limitations came to be.

The reason is however more generic that just that, and provides explanation for things like not making the children pay for the crimes of their parents.

As for my overall point of it not being simple, notice how there are different statutes of limitations for different crimes.


Tennesseean here, the only people I’ve ever heard say that lion and hippo line are racists.


It’s no secret that large parts of africa are still uncivilized. That doesn’t mean africans are inferior to us, they’re not, but many of them still need to deal with wildlife in ways we do not.


Lul, uncivilized


I mean, Hippos are statistically one of the largest killers of people where they live, they are adorable killing machines. But yeah it’s a bad line that makes a salient point in this instance


The descendants of slavery owe white people for the privilege of living next to white people, usually in a neighborhood with poorer infrastructure, huh?


That’s what the post I responded to said yes


Well, apparently the Mourish Occupation of the Iberian Peninsula was what brought to the Dark Ages Europe advanced irrigation techniques which spread from there increasing agricultural production, the growth of cities and ultimatelly the Renaissance, so we probably would need to pay them, or at least their descendants (mainly Northern African Arabs).

I see. This means that if any invader improved a property they took over in any sense of the word the takeover was justified. If for example I steal your car but give a good wash. You should thank me for cleaning it and I was right to steal it, since you were neglecting it.


The Moorish kings were genuinely better rulers on many, many topics, so it’s more like your car thief replaced the transmission with a clear upgrade, but yes, reparations are an innately immoral idea that punishes children for the sins of their parents.

You can not fix the sins of the past, only stop them from happening again.


Many of the former Euro colonies started with stone tools and a nomadic lifestyle and where drug into the modern age (for the time of course) If Europe should repay the descendants of slavers, conquerors, and rapists for the advancements they brought, then by your own logic the colonies owe Europe reparations. Congrats your colonial policy is French!


Spain and Portugal aren’t full of disease and poverty despite the fact that they used to be colonies, while their former colonies are full of disease and poverty.


That’s largely because of geography. You can’t blame europe for mosquitos existing in africa.

sparkle, (edited )

Well I can’t say Spain and Portugal aren’t full of disease and poverty, but that’s probably because of the decades of corporatist fascism and Nazi Germany/Italy/the Vatican quashing the socialist/anarchist governments there to install a dictator, and not because of Al-Andalus which actually brought great prosperity to the region


Sorry but being held responsible for what your ancestors did is bullshit. The very same bullshit as trying to reclaim the land your ancestors had. Both are not mine, it’s in the past and I have nothing to do with it.

Also, it is most likely that everyone’s ancestors did some bad things. Sad but it is a process in the human history.


The problem with that is that the effects of our ancestors are real whether we like it or not.

Some people are living way better lives than others because their ancestors screwed over other ancestors.

Is it really fair that people should have egregious excess as a result of exploitation?

Is it really fair that the descendants of slaves should be punished for what other people’s ancestors did?


That’s why wealth redistribution should be applied as indiscriminately as possible based on wealth, instead of discriminate cash payments based on cherry picked events that occurred more recently. Most people born into the rat race aren’t there because of their own failures, but because their lineage were historically screwed by the wealthy stretching back thousands of years, and everyones ancestors contributed to the current state of civilization, so rather than discriminate cash injections which create a new generation of people left behind and continue the imbalance, it should be focused on reducing the deviation from the mean and median both domestically, and internationally.

Do you really believe that cash injections to developed economies will benefit the people instead of their domestic oligarchs?


I don’t disagree. Yes, the effects of what happened are ongoing. You cannot expect to fix a joy of children by paying them money for their father’s loss, they won’t be ever the same. You can only make their living standards better. What’s done is done, no one can revert it. The whole issue is no different than this.

I wish the world was fair but I don’t think it will ever be. We cannot even fix our own countries, own municipals. We can only fix the future by taking an act today, we cannot fix the past.

The migration of tribes had shaped the world. Is there anything we can do about it? Industrial revolution had shaped the world, the world wars had shaped the world. Even though we have no intention to continue affecting the world negatively, there is no end to that. Sorry but we haven’t reached that serenity as homo sapiens. We must work for it but we won’t see it in our lives.

We should learn from our past, however we mustn’t try to fix it since we cannot, it’s plowing water.


We can only fix the future by taking an act today

That’s what reparations are for.


It’s not fair that some people have more but the existence of inequality is not enough of a justification to seize property.


Dude, I’m not descendant of slaves and I’m pretty much a slave of the Portuguese state at the moment. If this corrupt cast of politicians wants to pay reparations, I do not oppose to it, but they need to pay it from their own pockets.


I’m not descendant of slaves

Highly unlikely. Effectively the whole human race is.


I meant directly descendant. And I don’t disagree on your reasoning, it’s true.


What is the difference between direct and indirect descendant? Also how does the original sin interact with the physical body in such a way that it knows how to follow direct descendant lines?

Ok say I am a slave owner and I have five children. The original sin does it couple with my eldest child or all five, does it divide into 5 equal parts or multiple into 5 or does divide in half with each child? What units does ancestor guilt have, is there a SI version or is it just industry standard units? If I adopt a kid does the original sin particles connect to the adopted kid? If one of my “direct” descendents becomes a slave does his inherited original sin particles meet anti-originao sin particles and cancel out or not? Can original sin particles be passed like a STD, say for example one my kids married a women, has a kid with her, then my son dies, woman remaries and has another kid, would that new kid have the original sin particles or just their older sibling? If two people pass through double doors at the same time do the original sin particles form an interference pattern like waves do?

So many questions. Maybe just show me the equations governing your original sin particle wave thing and how it knows how to follow families


I don’t believe the children should pay for they fathers mistakes. I was replying to the OP comment that suggests that we should take into account slavery has something to do with poor conditions some of said descendant of slaves are atm.

I came from a long line of poor people in the sense of money, and only one of my uncles was able to get a degree (from his pocket money and hard work, you have to pay even if it’s a public university), recently a cousin was also able to get a degree as well. And me and my brother pursuit more technical courses.

I can have a decent income by working on projects from abroad but the Portuguese state takes ~70% of that in direct and indirect taxation.

Meanwhile I don’t have a family doctor for 14 years now, and if I need something to be taken care of I need to get help in the private sector. Justice is slow, the streets and public buildings are decaying to a point of rupture, public administration is a complete disgrace in general…

I’m basically a slave to this corrupt politicians. They take my hard work in the form of taxation and provide nothing/almost nothing in return.


It’s not about what somebody’s ancestor did. It’s about what the country as a whole did. Country X had Y policy that oppressed Z group, and has resulted in that group still being impoverished today? Country X is on the hook then. They caused the problem, they need to help clean it up.


so the current citizens of country X should be punished for things that their parents/grandparents/etc did? no that’s stupid - and it doesnt work.


I agree. Please produce 16th century Portugal and have them pay money back.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar


By the middle of the 1920s, the whole of Angola was under control. Slavery had officially ended in Portuguese Africa, but the plantations were worked on a system of paid serfdom by African labour composed of the large majority of ethnic Africans who did not have resources to pay Portuguese taxes and were considered unemployed by the authorities. After World War II and the first decolonization events, this system gradually declined, but paid forced labor, including labor contracts with forced relocation of people, continued in many regions of Portuguese Africa until it was finally abolished in 1961.[55]


There are people alive right now who were slaves in Portuguese Africa.


I spoke generally but in this specific topic, Portugal should be fined by European Court of Human Rights for those individuals. Because it’s unlikely there are still people alive who caused this incident in the first place. So yes, ancestors, for those who didn’t commit these crimes.


The closest for fairness we can get in this is for the descendants of those who suffered getting compensation and that coming from the money inherited from those who did the deeds.

Through most of the XX Century, the vast majority of the Portuguese weren’t big land owners in the “colonies” (horrible word, by the way, but representative of that mindset), rich trading or industrial burgeoises making money from cheap raw materials, or a descendant of those: they were incredibly poor subsistence farmers who couldn’t afford shoes for their kids and put them to work by the age of 12, in a country that even got food help from The Netherlands.

In this like in every other situation were such a concept is applied, group guilt and group compensation are just going to move the injustices around and create new ones by making mainly those who are blamless and never got a cent from those actions pay for the deeds of those who never get punished - the rich from the Fascist regime and the Monarchy before it - whilst the ones that end up getting compensation are the pointy-elbow middle and upper classes in some african nations rather than the ones who need the help (and very likely deserve it) who are poor, illiterate and would have no clue how to claim the help.

I think some measure of justice needs to be done here, I just disagree with the whole group guilt approach since it’s invariably a way dilute the blame from the old wealth who are generally the one who inherited most of those historically ill gotten gains.


Colonialism is a structure, not a historical event. So it still needs to be dealt with. Just because you’re not to blame doesn’t mean you’re not the only one who can do the right thing as voting citizens. Nations that colonise absorbed wealth of other nations and that advantage can still be seen today in infrastructure that was built, wealth amassed. Museums today hold stolen artefacts and even bodies from lands they colonised.

Please don’t use ancestors as a smokescreen for what is happening right in front of our eyes.


Duh. No country is going to do this, it will do nothing but open up a can of worms. I mean, what about the ancestors of the African tribes that rounded up the slaves and sold them? Shouldn’t they pay something? What about the countries who fought for slaves to be free? What about all the families of the union soldiers in the US Civil War, shouldn’t they get something? Or, is this whole “reparations” thing only for black Americans whose great, great, great, great grandparents were slaves? It’s silly.


“Fuck you, got mine.”


As opposed too “I know you have nothing to do with what happened 100’s of years ago, but it’s time to pay up.”

@Caligvla@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Shame, I was hoping for that stolen gold…

@tal@lemmy.today avatar

Canada looks disappointed.


Canada is an interesting demonstration, we’ve actually been going hard into funding reservation services and returning land that the government controls. I think the transparency of the government w.r.t. truth and reconciliation has also been helpful… but legitimate reparations? Canada can’t afford to make right the damage that’s been done - the scars we’ve left on some communities is difficult to fully grasp. So what’s the solution? It’s a fucking hard problem.

@tal@lemmy.today avatar

Heh, I was referring to the fact that chunks of what is now Canada used to be Portuguese colonies.


Huh, as a Canadian, that is new info. Though I wouldn’t call them “chunks” so much as “bits.”



Not that difficult, you just move on. Use money from rich areas to build out poor areas and the elimination of inequality will solve the creation of it

The difficulty is getting people to sign onto eliminating inequality when they benefit from it

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

For a country that both established the transatlantic slave trade and was one of the last to continue reaping its profits – it was still using de-facto slave labour in its colonies in the 1960s – Portugal has been slow to reckon with its past.

The national school curriculum, museums and tourism infrastructure all amount to a grandiose rendering of the country’s 15th to 17th-century “discoveries” in Africa, Asia and the Americas, and a selective recollection of its 20th-century colonial exploits in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, São Tomé & Principe, Goa, Macau and East Timor.

There are monuments and statues up and down the country dedicated to navigators, missionary priests responsible for the conversion of Africans and Indigenous people to Catholicism, or soldiers who fought against African independence in the colonial wars. Meanwhile, it is often said that “Portugal is not a racist country”, despite enormous structural inequalities and decades of documented discrimination. “There has been a silencing here of centuries of violence and trauma,” says Kia Henda.



It was also the first country in the entire world to abolish slavery (European Portugal, that is)

@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you’re going to separate out mainland Portugal and its overseas territories like that, then technically slavery was never legal in England.


Unlike England, Portugal did not keep any overseas territory.

Gibraltar anyone?

@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

I didn’t mean to claim that the British Empire were the good guys. I was just pointing out the silliness of only looking at one very narrow fact to make a country look good, while ignoring the wider context.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

As the article says, they were benefiting from slave labor in their colonies until the second half of the 20th century.


Benefitting how? They were a drain on the Portuguese economy.

Portugal invested more in the colonies infrastructures than in the country itself. The carnation revolution had a few reasons and one of them being that despite the government stubborness, the Portuguese people did not want to keep the colonies.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Sorry… you don’t understand how economies benefit from unpaid labor?

But sure, you’re right. They weren’t getting a benefit from having de facto slavery in their colonies until 1961. So I guess they were just doing it to be cruel.

Aceticon, (edited )

Only well connected members of the Fascist Regime were benefitting from that (for example, the guy who founded a Coffee Company who got cheap raw materials from the “colonies”, something that at the time was only possible with the authorization of the Fascist Dictator himself).

Most of the rest of the country was incredibly poor and I suspect that the exploitation of the natives in the “colonies” allowed Fascism to keep going a lot longer than otherwise, since Portugal itself (were most people were illiterate subsistence farmers) did not generate much wealth.

It was a Resource Curse kind of situation, with the extra Evil element that the “resource” being exploited to keep the members of the Fascist power circles fat and happy without caring in the least for the welfare of their countrymen, were people in far away lands.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

“Only some people benefited” is a terrible excuse to not pay anything back to previously enslaved people who are alive right now.


That’s a hyper-simplified False Choice Falacy, not a rational argument.

If your process for righting old injustices requires committing even more widespread newer ones, it’s not Just and it needs rethinking.

I think that if you can have some standard of proof for the crimes and can trace both the victims and the proceeds of the crime to the present day it’s just to compensate the descendants of said victims by confiscating the proceedings of the crime (for example, what’s being done with paintings stollen by the Nazis).

However being born within the present day geographical borders of a nation whose elites were (or even are) criminals is not itself a crime nor does it make one a benificiary of the proceeding of the crime (possibly the reverse, as criminal elites are way more prone to also pillage their own country than they are to share with their countrymen the proceedings of their pillaging abroad) and being born within the present day geographical borders of a nation containing an area where in the past those crimes were committed does not make one a victim of those crimes.

(To cast blame or claims of victimhood on people merelly based on the place they were born in is pretty straighforward Descrimination)

The situation with the paintings is extremelly easy to solve in a fair way because the paintings themselves are proof plus it’s mostly (sadly, not always) reasonably easy to now, 2 generations later, find the handful of descendants of the victims, but it’s way harder to trace long ago human exploitation (including the evils of slavery) to present day benificiaries of said crimes because it long ago became money and money is fungible and got spread out, dilluted by money from legal sources or even totally spent by an earlier generation.

I’m not saying an effort shouldn’t be made, I’m saying that it should be made with the proper effort, not some bullshit group blame and group compensation that leaves the ill gotten gains of the Portuguese Old Money untouched (by taking it mostly from everybody else) and further enriches well connected elites in some other nations rather than the people there who need that money the most and are much more likely to be descendents of the victims (since poverty has a tendency to stick).

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

What is the “widespread newer” injustices that come from paying restitution to living people who were slaves under Portuguese rule?


Since there are no actual living “people who were slaves under Portuguese rule” to pay compensation to your “interesting” formulation asks a meaningless question and is nothing more than yet another Falacy, that of Appeal to Emotion.

Only in a hypersimplified totally imaginary universe can the whole thing be approached as if it is exactly the same as if today’s living citizens voted for and elected “rulers” who exploited slaves for the benefit of those very same citizens.

In the real world, nobody from back then is alive, somebody has to pay, the rulers who did or allow doing the deed were neither elected nor ruled for the many (and probably exploited the locals as much as the non-locals), and if you’re going to use place of birth as sole factor in determining who pays and who gets compensation you’re going to take money from many who have no fault at all, even indirect, and give to many whose ancestors did not at all suffer thus not properly correcting the injustice and adding newer fresher injustice on top of it.

(Or in a formulation more within your “argumentative” framework: take money away from schools and hospitals to give to foreign Dictators. Funnilly, it sounds a lot like American Foreign Policy).

In the Neoliberal Capitalist regime we live in it’s as usual going to be the less well of in a country paying to whitewash inherited lucre of Old Money whilst the corrupt New Money in another country gets most or even all of that and the actual descendents of the victims who deserve real compensation get little or nothing, and to add insult to injury said Old Money is going to actually leverage that “friendly gesture” with somebody else’s money to get some nice deals going on with the corrupt New Money of that other country.

(All of this is based on exactly what has already happenned in the way Portugal has managed its relations with a few of those “colonies”, especially Angola - taxpayer’s money is invariably used by the well connected corrupt in Portugal to create business opportunities with corrupt elites abroad)

It’s the Neoliberal way, as always: garrish fake displays of empathy and appeal to emotion claiming there is a need to “right past wrongs” merelly as an excuse for yet another political scam that will take away money from the many for the benefit of the few.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Again- there was slavery in the Portuguese colonies until 1961, so there are definitely people still alive who were slaves.


Now you’re just outright lying.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I literally pasted the information about it. More than once. Not my fault if you’re going to ignore it.

Aceticon, (edited )

Except that’s not even described as “Slavery” in the source you quoted.

It was basically the same shit that US companies like Chiquita did in South America and the US still does now in its private prisons.

Using the same logic as you used, then the US still has Slavery because people in its prisons are forced to work all of which is legal hence the State approves of it.

Similarly by that logic of yours the UK also had Slavery until the 20th Century since they had Indentured Servitude.

Oh yeah, and pretty much every single instance in any country (Communist China being a good example) were people were forced to move to the fields and work there is per your logic Slavery.

It’s still exploitation, there is still a duty of compensation for the victims (and I have actually defended it in the past, though not here in Lemmy), it’s however not the same evil as Slavery were people were actually owned and so were their children as soon as they were born.

As I see it, the people who did the exploitation or their direct descendants are still alive so it’s only fair if the victims or direct descendants of victims are compensated with whatever can be clawed back from those who did the deeds or those who inherited the proceedings of those deeds. That is however not what the President Of Portugal was suggesting, especially because he comes from well off families in the Fascist regime who directly or indirectly benefited of those actions approved by top people in that very regime (were his own father was a Government Minister).

What I’m a little more concerned about is your idea that any people who happen to have been born in Portugal have to pay for the evils of a Dictatorship they did not chose and which they even threw out when they finally could.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Using the same logic as you used, then the US still has Slavery because people in its prisons are forced to work all of which is legal hence the State approves of it.

Similarly by that logic of yours the UK also had Slavery until the 20th Century since they had Indentured Servitude.

Oh yeah, and pretty much every single instance in any country (Communist China being a good example) were people were forced to move to the fields and work there is per your logic Slavery.

Correct. A slave by any other name is still a slave.


Well within that definition of yours, I have to agree.

All that shit is exploitation and people who suffered should be compensated, with the money for the compensation coming from those who profited from the exploitation and those in positions of authority who made it possible for it to occur.


What you’re describing (enslaved people’s children are automatically also enslaved) is chattel slavery, it’s a special kind of evil.

However, those other things you listed are also slavery (people forced to work against their will). No, they’re not the same, but they’re both forms of slavery. The definition is broader than you might expect.

Aceticon, (edited )

The Fascists were the ones who loved and spread all over all that iconography celebrating The Discoveries, to make up for a country which was incredibly poor except for a handful of selected Families. It was pretty standard Fascist ultra-nationalism in the same style as Moussulini’s Italy.

A lot of those ill-gotten gains were blown up centuries ago, and whatever was left never actually made its way down from the Old Wealth to most people.

Real compensation should go to the ones that were being exploited much more recent in the “colonies” before the Revolution that brought Democracy to Portugal and should be coming from the ones doing the exploitation, many of whom are still alive, got given a whole lot of benefits as “Returnees” following the Revolution and many who whom are still today in the top political parties.

It should also be done in a way that it ends up with the most in need, not in the hands of the rich and crooked of places like Angola.

As I said elsewhere, group blame is how the wealthy who benefited from such abuses get to diffuse the blame through entire etnicities/nationalities so that they don’t have to loose a significant chunk of their wealth for compensation. Curiously, the President Of Portugal who started with all this talk is the son of a Minister of the old Fascist Dictator - Salazar - and got to go study in France at a time were most of the country was way too poor to even dream of going for a week all expenses paid to Lisbon, much less a couple of years to Paris.

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