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Every time I’ve joined a large group chat, I’ve always wished there were hundreds more people talking over the top of each other to make the whole communication thing more efficient!


Although this might be accurate, what would be the true cost of gas if you removed all the subsidies and added the cost of fossil fueled warming from the continued GHG release? What will be the cost of gas if climate change really starts to pop and we undergo radically accelerated decarbonization? What is the projected cost of renewables + batteries + electric heating in 5, 10 or 20 years?

These are more relevant details regarding the building of infa that should be built to last for several decades.


If you think this is common, especially in the Philippines, you got mental illness.


Conservatives around the world are waging a last ditch effort (as always) on behalf of the fossil fuel oligarchs — against cleaner, cheaper, democratized, renewable energy generation.

They don’t want you to be able to power your home and car with the solar panels on your roofs. They want you to pay their cronies; a centralized generator, dependent on finite resources where all mining operations are also under their control, who can dictate the supply and demand of energy… meaning they can dictate the price of everything in society from the top down; the way they do with oil and all other fossils.


The party of Christian Feudalist law and order.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

This, or the humble royalty, is most fictional hero storylines. I unironically believe capitalism uses these tropes to condition the people into believing feudalism, authoritarianism, and genetic divinity are justifiable.

Remember! The rich are rich because they’re better than you! Not because them or their ancestors were murderers, slave owners, exploiters, criminal sociopaths, etc.


There are tens of thousands of corporate senior managers who would do this for millions. Capitalism rewards psychopathy and sociopathy with wealth; legality is irrelevant, as long as it’s most profitable.


It means that neither party who interacts with the file if known, as they must access the site via torr.

Very useful for journalists to receive information from whistleblowers, etc.

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump (www.dailykos.com)

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that…...


A Venn diagram of the psychologies sympathetic to tankism and fascism is a perfect circle — they’re all authoritarians.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

The obvious solution to me is sponsorblock switching to sampling pixels out of each frame, like that project that encoded data into video streams (yet resilient to compression), there are algorithms that could fingerprint any ad with an extremely high degree of accuracy. It’d be more complex than the current implementation, but it’d also be more resilient. I’d settle for it hiding the video and suppressing the audio for the ads duration, possibly displaying a countdown timer, vs actually watching the ad. Then Youtube would get paid, but have no way of knowing you haven’t seen the ad, and the metrics around their ad effectiveness would ultimately suffer, so users still win.

You could even go so far as to have the client cache the video, several minutes in advance, dropping all the ad frames, so it’s a seamless experience for the user. I got money, but will spend 10x as much ensuring Google gets less from me. It ain’t about money. It’s about sending a message!


You mean that “migrant caravan” that’s appeared on Fox before every election the last 5-10 years; each time miraculously evaporating the day after the election, never to be heard from again… until just before the next election?


95! Fuck time flies. Sadly he’ll exit the world with it in a far worse state than when he was most active. I’m quite confident that the same will be true for all who read this, whenever that might be.


You mean the rich would prefer to implement fascism than be less wealthy. Who could’ve possibly seen this coming?


Anything to maintain the insatiable status quo of increased growth, consumption, and profitability while stretching all expenses as thin as possible.

There’s very little meat in these gym mats


They need to decentralize because it was always only a matter of time before they pissed off the wrong capitalist sociopath or piss baby politician.


Isn’t “democracy” great under capitalism?

Corporations have established fake judicial systems to steal our money, behind closed doors, over profits they were never entitled to, and people still believe they’re “free” — all while the same perpetrators are actively killing the only place we can survive in the known universe, and setting up all current and future generations for a life of suffering.


Stop perpetuating the gold standard myth. There’s as much point having a gold standard as there is any other stable finite chemical.

The problem was neoliberalism/conservatism, which systematically removed all the labor and wealth redistribution policies of the post WW2 era, at the same time as boomers AND women were entering the workforce — higher supply of workers = lower demand and wages — the EU and Japan were rebuilt and competitive, offshoring and automation was gearing up (wage suppression + higher profits for capitalism), the deregulation of financial markets and regulatory/financial capture of government that enabled extreme financial predation, etc, etc.

The gold standard change would be irrelevant if we didn’t live in oligarchies masquerading as democracies — where your level of wealth is directly proportional to your level of freedom, speech, and political representation.


We’re a cancerous parasite, destroying our host.

42 key points of the secret #EUGoingDark surveillance plan for the new EU Commission (www.patrick-breyer.de)

After Sunday‘s European elections, the EU is planning to reintroduce indiscriminate communications data retention without suspicion and force manufacturers to allow law enforcement access to digital devices such as smartphones and cars....


Great job backdooring the entire EU, EU oligarchs. This is so recklessly dangerous to national, regional, and global security that efforts to implement something so authoritarian and anti-democratic should be considered both treason and a crime against humanity; worthy of the Hague and life in prison.

This is the kind of shit Putin or Xi would try to pass if they corrupted the EU’s institutions.


My face when it turns out every multinational corporation is run by criminals.

That’s what happens when you reward criminal behaviour with wealth.


They know. That’s why they’re been sowing the seeds of fascism around the world — establishing dictatorships is preferable to them than any sort of wealth redistribution.


Conservatisms ultimate allegiance lies with authoritarianism and dictatorship.


When people talk about the illegitimacy of democracy under capitalism, this scarecrow and her late husband are why.

How can democracy co-exist in an economic system where orgs are run like dictatorships from the top down, and individuals hold more wealth, power, and influence than entire nation states — despite those orgs employing, and being dependent on, thousands or millions of workers?


He’s so indebted to Putin he won’t care. Supporting Ukraine is not an option for Trump.

The R cult won’t care either, as proven by their consistent support throughout efforts to hamstring weapons transfers to Ukraine. Remember “I’d rather be a Russian, than a Democrat”… When they tell you who they are, believe them.


That’s expected when you live in a corporatocracy masquerading as a democracy.

Netanyahu won’t agree to hostage release deal unless it polls well for him, Israeli families say they were told (www.nbcnews.com)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will not agree to end the war in Gaza in exchange for the release of hostages unless opinion polls show it is politically advantageous for him, a top Israeli security official told the families of those held captive, a person in the closed-door meeting and an advocacy group said Friday. (…)...


Lifelong sociopath, be’s sociopath. Everyone surprised!


Top priority is always going to be things closer to home like housing and economic security, climate action, etc. The conservative state media machine and foreign “troll” farms they (along with Putin, Israel, etc) finance never stopped after winning 2016. Cambridge Analytica just evolved into multiple, more advanced, spin-offs.

My theory is that the younger gens are completely and entirely disenfranchised. Regardless of Trump being logically, objectively, worse… They see the non-stop corruption and collusion between politicians, corporations, and the judicial system; the enshittification and monopolization of everything. They don’t care about “the economy” when they have little hope of housing or economic security regardless. They don’t care about “the most significant climate action ever” when it’s decades too late, and they’re still likely to experience climate and ecological collapse.

Everyone has a limit. There’s only so many times you’ll go through chemo before you tell the doctors to get fucked and let the cancer run its course.


And the corporatocracy will ensure he “wins” the election with thunderous applause.

Kicked macOS to the Curb and Installed Asahi Fedora Gnome

Most of the switching posts are from frustrated windows users making the jump. I’m already a Linux user on my server (Ubuntu for now, going Debian at some point) and a 2014 iMac for tinkering/testing (KDE Neon), and a couple of raspberry pis (raspberry pi os headless) but our main household computer is an M1 Mac mini that my...


Use fuse-t for Apple Silicon cryptomator, as recommended on their mac-specific page cryptomator.org/downloads/

The issues you’re having are not standard either. Probably best to do a clean install if you’re gonna continue using macOS at all.


Only 7 formerly government-owned properties. It sounds more like temporary/halfway accomodation, like there is for female domestic violence victims (not for male victims though, lol), than a solution to systemic trans discrimination and housing unaffordability.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Absolutely! The problem is that the title is clickbait and misleading, as it implies a targeted and discriminatory solution to general housing affordability for trans women, which the program is not, and implying such is bad journalism — ragebait for bigots and disenfranchised Australians suffering from decades of conservative/neoliberal social and economic mismanagement.

The reality is that this program is a run of the mill, bare-minimum, bandaid measure (i.e. does nothing to fix systemic housing affordability). The newsworthy part is that this one specifically caters to the needs of the trans women population (what about trans men!?!) already suffering housing insecurity and insufficient support under the existing bandaids — which is a good thing — though a competent government would implement general housing reforms that address the systemic failures, which would help everyone suffering housing insecurity, including LGBTQ+ and all most at-risk groups (and is what should be demanded by voters, rather than more of the same bandaid non-solutions).


OP constructed a strawman to attack, because Israels genocide is logically indefensible.


If Trump actually gave a shit he’d end the war on drugs. Instead he’s making the most blatant virtue signal ever by saying he’ll free ONE white dude… that he probably won’t even free anyway because he’s a narcissistic compulsive liar.

No Republican has the balls to end the war on drugs, because they created “tough on crime” retribution. Rehabilitation and second chances are anti-conservative.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Clarence Thomas isn’t blind. He’s a house negro — a full blown race (and justice) traitor. He knows he’s a corrupt piece of shit sociopath and he revels in it.

The ridiculous part is that Americans still consider this court legitimate, when it is ruled by treasonous domestic terrorists.


They don’t need a “gene drive”. Planting their GMO seeds in one field is guaranteed to contaminate the neighbouring fields. Then they can sue the neighbouring farmers, and steal both their crops and land.

They’ve been using this tactic in hostile takeovers of farmland since the 90’s.


If he is convicted

I find it hilarious that people still believe there’s a rule of law while the US is a full blown corporatocracy masquarading as a democracy. Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell, or face any justice beyond financial (yet never enough to lose a life of luxury). Laws are for the commoners.


They spent decades stacking the courts to dictate the rule of law and make any of their actions nice and legal.

They spent decades establishing a propaganda machine so support wouldn’t wain as they upgrade the dog whistles to dog sirens and implement a Christian Fascism dictatorship.

Why anyone is surprised by this is the deeply troubling part.


You could also argue that Israel itself is an example of terrorisms success, as Jewish militias terrorised and ethnically cleansed the land of most Arabs/Palestianians, starting at the creation of Israel.

During the Nakba in 1948, approximately half of Palestine’s predominantly Arab population, or around 750,000 people, were expelled from their homes or made to flee, at first by Zionist paramilitaries through various violent means, and after the establishment of the State of Israel, by the Israel Defense Forces. This occurred in the wake of dozens of massacres targeting Palestinian Arabs and the depopulation of 500 Arab-majority towns and villages, with many of these being either completely destroyed or repopulated by Jews and given new Hebrew names. By the end of the war, 78% of the total land area of the former Mandatory Palestine was controlled by Israel and at least 15,000 Palestinian Arabs had been killed.


I like “conservative cinematic universe” because it’s a manufactured fairytale.


Israeli gov PsyOps is about as subtle as Russia — as subtle as a punch in the face.

I was detained at a US airport and asked about Israel and Gaza for 2 hours. Why? | Ilan Pappé (www.theguardian.com)

I was held for two hours. The first round of questions was about my views on Hamas. Then the agents wished to know whether I thought Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip amount to genocide and what I think of the slogan “Palestine should be free from the river to the sea”. I said yes, I do think Israel is committing...

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