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Yeah, then we would all have so much more money all of a sudden, that would mean we could all buy so much more stuff. That’s definitely how money works.


Your mistake is thinking that you are talking to people who think more than 2 feet in front of their noses.


Yeah, that’s why she loses one year and not one head.


BoTh SiDeS… bla, bla bla… There must be some mistake here, Trump causes all the bad stuff, we just have to keep Trump out of office so then everything will be great! Trump is a literal fascist! He’s going to do awful things, Biden and his dems are doing so good, basically the human form of the word “perfection”!


Exactly. I’m just pointing out how stupid people are who always say that it’s the Republicans that do awful shit and not Dems. This is yet another case of them both being awful, and yet whenever things like this get pointed out, people jump up and yell about how both sides are not the same. I just beat the fools to it so that when they do it, it looks especially dumb. They will probably just silently downvote since they really have no other way to respond.


TLDR: OP honestly pointed out an awful thing that the Dems did. This kind of honesty is bad because it may make you not want to vote for Dems. Republicans are bad because they are dishonest and do awful things.


Yeah, literally all these groups were rounded up and killed in his last term, so any thay may have survived with definitely be killed in his next term. How does anyone not see this very clear fact? This is absolutely not overreacting! Trump will make the entire military and police force murder all the women. We must stop him!! He wants Americans to stop reproducing!!! Aghhhhh!!! Please save us Biden, you’re our only hope!!! Think of the women!!!


Yeah, better to have a president that kills kids of all ages so long as they are brown and only exist on your screen, amiright? Racist POSs always try to pretend like other things are a bigger deal than massacring people with a slightly different skin color.


So we have one who has genocided, and one who hasn’t. Your view is the one who hasn’t ever genocided anyone will definitely genocide worse. I understand that this is too complex for you, maybe we can simplify it some. Bob punches your mom in the face, Sally has never punched your mom in the face. Who is more likely to punch your mom in the face, Bob or Sally? Right now your answering Sally and you are saying anyone who doesn’t answer Sally is dumb. There is no reality where you are not the dumb one.

You see a blue D and you say “yes master” and you completely turn off your brain. It is undeniable who is the dumb one here. You have nothing to stand on except for your imagined future that will suddenly contradict the past you’ve actually experienced. They have beat you to such a pulp that you are incapable of having an original thought or using any shred of logic.


How about you provide a link, that’ll show that you don’t just repeat random internet comments that confirm your bias without having any idea about what is going on in the world.

Spoiler: You can’t provide a link because he never said it. Turns out you really do just repeat garbage without evidence.

AIhasUse, (edited )



So you hear that trump wants to finish the war fast and the only solution you can come up with is glassing all of Gaza? Then you falsely attribute your demented solution to him because you think it will make biden look better? I’m not even going to vote for Trump, but people like you are exactly why everyone thinks dems have completely mushified brains.


Is it definitely a W that EU perspectives won’t be as represented in the AI programs that we are all using?


It’s a much much bigger issue than this. Would you rather live in a world where other countries have good AI and you do not? Would you like it if only China has powerful AI? I get the copyright issue, but some things are more important than other things. This is an arms race, and everyone slowing down isn’t exactly an option.


Thanks so much for taking the time to explain this. I was just going to give them a link.


If you are genuinely open to understanding the path we are on, the new situational awareness paper would be very eye-opening. It is 160 pages, so it’s probably a bit too much to get through, but there are really good videos that explain it. Matthew Berman has a great video about it. I’m not interested in swaying you and not going to debate, I’m 100s of hours deep into this and have been absolutely obsessed with it. Nobody doubted its impact as much as me. Education on the matter will undeniably change your mind tremendously. The information is there if you want a peak at the future.


You could have a much more complex understanding of what they are. It isn’t nearly as simple as you are imagining. If you genuinely are curious about what you’re overlooking, then here is a link.


Good answer, no way AI will possibly ever catch up to such brilliant responses as this. Certainly, there is no reason to want to have our views represented in the next generation of technology.


What about Good Friday? 🔨😵

Edit: My bad, I just assumed murder was one.


This is related, but I just realized that I’ve been conditioned to expect a Rick Roll every time I click a link in a comment, even though it hardly ever happens. My brain just always says “Here comes Rick Astel or whatever his name is”.


Does ‘Title’ on the left have some meaning I don’t know about, or was it just never changed from the chart template? Are these numbers supposed to be percentages?


Oops, my bad! Thanks!


Thanks, I’m a dummy.


Wealthy non-whites don’t cause as much transport pollution as their melanin-lacking counterparts?


You are in for quite a treat if you ever get to live in the world without being so ignorsntly racist. It truly is a much better place when wipe that shit off of your heart. We are all one big family, hating people because of how they were born hurts nobody as much as it hurts you.


Your sole reason for commenting was to spew racist hate in the hopes that some like-minded degenerate would come along and agree with you. Maybe you did this so you might feel a little bit less alone in the world. What actually happened, though, is I shed some light on why it is that you feel so alone. It’s because you look down on people for things that they can’t help. It’s OK if people are born into situations that are different from your own. If you start to embrace people’s differences instead of fearing and hating them, you will find yourself in a much happier place.


Anyone who doesn’t think they deserve better than a two party system is like an abnoxious teacher’s pet that just kept doubling down repeatedly into adulthood. Insulting someone for saying they deserve more than that gives me major 2nd hand embarrassment. You may want to work on your insult game.


I’m not defending anyone. Are you saying that you are pleased with the two party system, and you would be upset if you had someone other than Trump and Biden to choose from?! Now this is fresh hot take. I’m constantly hearing people on here and everywhere, saying they wish there were more than 2 parties. Not to be insulting, but would you be even happier with 1 party, or is 2 the magic number for you?


I think you may be reading into this a bit too much. They brought up the fact that libertarians famously don’t like the two party system as if it were some big insult against them. There are plenty of ways to insult libertarians legitimately, but a dislike for the two party system is certainly not one of them!


Go tour around Scandinavia or most of Europe for that matter, and then tell me how much better a two party system is for it’s people. In lots of the first world, they have things called trains that can quickly take all over the country, and even into other countries! Guess what happens in lots of the first world if you get hurt or sick, spoiler alert: you don’t lose your house! Guess what happens if your homeless? You don’t get arrested for it, you get support. The list goes on and on… pull the IV out of your arm, the two party system in America isn’t shitting the golden nuggets they’ve got you thinking they do. There is a reason it takes millions in investments and property for US citizens to snag an EU passport.


So then, what is your point about how we can look at any parliamentary or multi-party government to see how poorly they work? We look at them, see they are better, and then you just say that that’s not why they are better. Why even bother looking at them for evidence, then? Maybe having more voices in government is the thing that moves a country in a direction of being better for its people.

In a lot of ways, it doesn’t even feel like we have two choices. Which party should you vote for if you think we shouldn’t be bombing children? In that regard, it is almost like we have one party. How about if you think peoples lives shouldn’t be destroyed for smoking a joint? Who do you vote for for that one?


It would be astounding if, after thousands of years of countries having their political systems changing, this would be the time period where all of a sudden, everything just gets cemented in place. Anyone who thinks nothing can change is like an obnoxious teenager who thinks the world didn’t exist before they were born.

This is all besides the point though, this whole thing is about some dummy that thought that it’s a clever insult to say that a group doesn’t like the two party system. Obviously, it’s a pretty bad insult if practically nobody wants a two party system. It’s like insulting somebody because they don’t inject mayonnaise into their pillow to make it extra soft.


Sorry ya’ll, but if you are still shoveling these idiots money for most of your meals, then you personally are the problem. You should feel guilty every time you do it. You are hurting yourself. You are hurting your children. Tou are hurting your granchildren and future generations. You are hurting strangers. You are hurting everyone you care about. You are doing this all out of addiction and laziness. Not to mention the extreme torture that you are inflicting on the animals. It is time to grow up and take responsibility. You are not innocent because “other people do it too.” You are guilty. Please admit this very clear fact to yourself and do better.


You can try to pass the blame onto them all you want, but the obvious reality is that the billionaires can’t sell disgusting over-drugged factory farm meat to billions of people if billions of people don’t buy it. They only have power if you willingly give it to them.

The game is over, YOU are the problem, and only YOU can stop your own disgusting habits. No more blaming everyone else for your own complete and utter lack of self-control. Live in your guilt. You are screwing us all over because you are unable to admit responsibility. You are an abusive husband who beats his wife and then blames her for it. Nobody with any amout of common sense is still believing your tired old excuses.

Future generations will know what you did, and you will disgust them. They won’t even be able to comprehend how you could be so vile and uncaring. Get used to it, Grandpa. That’s your future.


I would be unsurprised by the natural progression of your selfish depravity. Hopefully, you take it far enough that you just eat yourself to death, and we can get to work fixing the selfish shitshow that you leave in your wake.


Other people have handled you naivety well. Now, please do your part and fix your diet for the sake of everyone on the planet. You want to stand up for people, so stand up for them by showing some self-control.


You are right. Meat-eating won’t go away. Meat-eating is not the issue. Factory farming is. Pumping animals full of drugs in tiny cages and forcing them to live unnatural for your own selfish pleasure. That is what is going away. The fact that you’d defend it so viciously is what makes you so disgusting and pathetic. That is what will make future generations of school children laugh at their unevolved, brutal, self-centered ancestors. They will all deny that it was their bloodline that had people like you in them, those despicable people who knew what they were doing, saw the effect on the world, had the power to resist it, but were too weak and selfish to care and would rather make future generations deal with your mess. All so you can get a cheaper hotdog.

You want to talk about who is “religious” in this equation? It is undeniably YOU. Instead of grappling with moral issues with your own, you defer to the group. Your only excuse for your objectively disgusting behavior is the fact that “other people do it too.” You inflict harm on the less fortunate for your own selfish reasons and when challenged you don’t even attempt to use logic or reason to defend yourself, you simply go and run behind unrelated insults and a defense of group mentality. You are the virus that decent people people are inflicted with because you are too afraid of what you might realise if you were to try to think for yourself. You are the worst aspects of religion with any ounce of love or kindness surgically removed. If you ever have the guys to think clearly, you will be repulsed by who you once were.

You are still alive, you can change. It’s just a question of whether or not you have the strength to do so.


You know you can’t actually argue against it, so you point to a small hypothetical edgecase as if that will excuse your behavior. You are the one who lacks perspective and demonstrates extreme entitlement. You think because there may be some people forced between starvation and factory meat that it somehow gives you moral superiority and permission to destroy the lives of others. I go out of my way to make things better, you desperately search for anything you can to distract from all the harm you selfishly cause.

You don’t even have the strength to let other people do the work. You feel like you need to go out of your way to attack and intimidate them because it makes you feel so inferior. Lucky for you, there are people on the planet to take care of things for you while you just sit by and moan and complain. We work for a better world despite you while you complain about our efforts, you entitled little brat.


Ever wonder why those old racist people who are stuck in the past are how they are? It’s because they think the same as you do. Unable to learn from those around them, obsessed with never growing, and utterly self-centered. You’ll be tolerated, not respected. As increasingly more and more people point this out to you, the more likely you will be to change.


Yeah, absolutely, you’re totally right. That’s definitely the most common way to go about it, and maybe the most effective, I really don’t know. There is a bunch of gentle nudging going on, though, and everyone responds to different things. For some people, no amount of loving hints will get them to do anything. Some people just need the genuine blunt truth to get them to actually think about something. Honestly, it’s like any other addiction, the desire needs to come from within, nobody can force them to get better.

I dont buy that many people are unaware or never thought about it before. It’s brought up all the time. The issue isn’t a lack of information, it is that most people just have almost no personal moral compass, they just rely on the behavior of the masses to dictate to them what is right/wrong. The more people remind them that what they are doing is disgusting, the more likely they will be to eventually change. I figure just machine gun 'em with all various forms of reminders, and we’ll get through to some. Eventually, we will hit a critical mass, and the sheep will follow. The most pathetic will cling to their cruelty addiction until they are dead, but that’s the same as what happened to the racists, rapists, child abusers or anything else that used to be more accepted.


I don’t expect you to change because you read my comment. I just know that as time goes on, you will be hearing this more and more from more and more people. Eventually, it will come from people you know and care about. At some point, you may decide to be self-reflective and begin to think about your place in this world and what the consequences of your actions are. Maybe you won’t though, I have an elderly neighbor that literally spits every time he sees an Asian person, maybe you will double down on your behavior into old age and be someone else’s old neighbor that is stuck in the past being endlessly bitter towards the world for evolving without you.

At any rate, comments like mine are just sign posts on the road. The younger generation is already pissed at the selfish older generations. It’s just the beginning, more signs are coming.


Maybe someday you’ll get invited to the party so you can stop speculating about what’s going on at it.


My agenda is to see more honest discussions. It is not a hidden agenda. I am very open about it. I, and many other people, honestly believe that Joe is doing a horrific job. I also honestly believe that Trump would do a horrific job. I am disgusted by the fact that nobody who could potentially make it into the White House has shown anything but complete and utter contempt for the innocent lives in Gaza.

I absolutely refuse to pretend that Biden is great for Gaza in some pathetic attempt to trick idiots who somehow haven’t paid attention into thinking that Biden isn’t floating in am Olympic sized pool of children’s blood. I’m not saying Trump will do any better, and I’m not saying I will vote for Trump. All I am saying is that we will all be better off if vocal people like yourself were to at least try to have honest dialogs. No strawman, no hidden agenda, just plain, honest discussion. The thing that has offended you so deeply can be summed up in a single word. Honesty.

AIhasUse, (edited )

So willing to make claims, but way more willing to run away when called to stand up for them. If you start trying to make honest claims, then this wouldn’t happen, instead you would be glad to back them up.

Edit: typo


I think nobody will be surprised to know that you are unable to point to any comment where I called you an idiot or a coward. I didn’t explicitly call you a liar, but I did point out that you make dishonest claims, and I admit it is basically the same thing. Your claims that I called you an idiot and a coward are a wonderful example of you doing exactly that.

Believe it or not, you did show up to the argument, and instead of admitting that you lost it, you are trying to pretend you were never even here.

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