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Yes. I’ve used X11 for far too long to have any rose tinted glasses for the piece of fucking broken shit it always was. a LOT of people don’t realize how many hacks, workarounds and sheer tears and duct tape goes into making the piece of shit render the smallest line on the screen.

That’s also why Phoronix comment section neckbeards are so infuriating for me. They talk like X.Org works like at all.


Themes are very powerful beings in KDE. they can install SDDM themes and scripts, they can set Kvantum themes, custom parameters for other parts of the system etc.

You can’t really do that shit without scripting


That’s how the International Criminal Justice (people who did Nuremberg btw) do things, yes, and by all counts Israel is an illegal, settler colonialist, war criminal, fascist state.

Fucking Zio scum


75 years of active apartheid, violence, and genocidal warfare will eventually lead to the oppressed to act in any manner possible

Funny to me how Americans get hard over imaginary struggle stories but condemn the Palestinian resistance

Oh booo fucking hoooo, they took hostages, well removed. Those hostages are European colonization settlers on THEIR land. If it was Chinese occupying America you would do much much worse than anything Palestinian resistance groups (incl Hamas) ever did on Oct 7.

NixOS for gamedev

Hiya! I’m following a gamedev degree in university. It’s been a major challenge doing it from Linux, as everything is Windows stuff (.sln Visual Studio projects, DirectX API, excel graphs…). However I’ve gotten by by making my own tools and dipping into WINE when it gets too difficult. I’m replacing my laptop due to...


Why Nix? It will only make your life 2000% harder and quite frankly makes one hate Linux. As a developer the best dev distros I’ve used were Debian, Ubuntu and Arch


Medvedev is so funny, he just rants about nuking the west or some other crazy shit every time he has the chance


full of bombing Great Britain and sink the whole island,

Well if it was up to me I’d keep Ireland floating


Macron is highly inconsistent because dude pays a bunch of consulting companies, he’s basically their mouthpiece at this point. There is a political compass meme that shows just how much contradictory bullshit he has said.

If the wind starts to smell like a Russian victory he’d throw himself under Russian balls


They have their own version of FOX news


XMPP is used in many, many places. It’s just not usually explicitly known that the backend is using that protocol


What is the advantage of this over olm/megolm?


In TLoU there is still some form of industry under the army

Hamas Says Gaza Truce Possible 'Within 24 To 48 Hours' If Israel Accepts Terms (

“If Israel agrees to Hamas demands, which include the return of displaced Palestinians to northern Gaza and increasing humanitarian aid, that would pave the way for a (truce) agreement within the next 24 to 48 hours,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue, as negotiations were...

AMDIsOurLord, (edited )

Israel (Zionism) has an explicit goal to ethnically cleanse the “lesser people” and establish a fascist state who has a holy duty and right to enslave all lesser people

So yeah, this has been going on for 75 years directly because of Zionist ideology, it’s not going to stop now. History didn’t start on Oct 7th.


Flutter is native. It gets compiled to an executable, it just takes a render plane from the underlying OS and renders everything in it’s own engine. They’re working on a new render system that will make it go even faster.

React Native is just a fancy web browser wrapping with some helper APIs.

Is gentoo Linux really worth it?

I’ve installed gentoo but there seems like there’s so many sacrifices. I love that it’s all open source, but I really don’t mind closed source software now and then, because after all I would be using it to play closed source games. The biggest compromise I’ve observed is the very long build times. I have a lukewarm...


You have a relatively weak CPU for Gentoo – there is no denying that. The upside of Gentoo is that you can make it exactly how you want it, it will be truly tuned by you for you unlike anything else. I ran it myself for a while. And if you want security, if you have the time to really understand the hardening options Gentoo can be more secure than anything else. As I said, how good Gentoo works and what it can do is a direct function of the user.


People download and run completely opaque AppImages from god knows where and that’s better than Snap Store which is hit with malicious apps so rarely it’s actual news

Flatpak also has a system where any scammer and malicious developer can just roll their own flatpak repo and voila, nobody can stop them. If it ever becomes mainstream, it’ll be a shit show worse than Google Play


I don’t understand why people are so hell bent on hating Snaps. The architecture is literally better than Flatpak – and I’m quite sure it’s possible to run one’s own Snap host. Some people say they’re bloated and slow, well not anymore than Flatpak (actually less) and people love that?


Refer to an earlier post on the downsides of flatpak, Snap basically doesn’t have a lot of those issues other than the fundamental ones regarding a canonical far package

You may have used Snaps when they used XZ compression. XZ is a stellar compressor, but for static data. It compresses better at the cost of being slower, nowadays Snaps use fast algorithms tuned for faster decompression, so it starts a lot faster.


No, but root-of-trust isn’t really established unless you ONLY take packages that the distro’s security maintainers actually maintain, Flatpak, Appimage and Snap are a bit of a no man’s land. You have to trust the developers to be cool, independent of the tool, unless you as mentioned before use only FOSS software from the distro’s main repositories. And yes, specifically main repos because any random dick can go and upload a PKGBUILD or make a PPA.




This does not invalidate anything I’ve said


1- It takes a lot of space. jUsT bUy a bIgGeR dRiVe --stfu I’m not going to spend money for you to waste it

1- a) Everyone assumes you’re an American with 20Gbps symmetrical fiber optic. My internet can’t handle 2+ Gb downloads for a fucking 50 Mb app bro

2- Duplicate graphics drivers. Particularly painful with Nvidia

3- It puts a lot of security work with distro library trees straight into the shitter

4- Horrendously designed system for CLI apps (flatpak run

5- Filesystem isolation has many upsides for security but also it can cause some pain (definitely nitpicking)


Then what’s the point in having different distros lol we don’t have duplication for the sake of duplication there are reasons why there are different distros, philosophies and packaging method. I see this mistake from many usually newer Linux users, there are different distros because there is a point in packaging the OS differently.

Flatpak for example completely abandons makig apps use patched system libraries. Or having different packages for different init systems. Or , god forbid, supporting BSDs


Lol fuck pigs, fuck blue lives, fuck ALL THE COPS

ACAB get fucked piggy pig


No, it’s very good, corpo lovers however hate it because it cuts the hands of corpo trash and also lax licenses


Yes it is, that’s the point

Look at the corporate exploitation of free software and see that Stallman was right


Lol some shitty distro used by almost nobody, and serves no interest other than corpo lover’s interests


Nothing prevents GNU software to do business, as already proven by quite many successful corporations. BSD and MIT licenses will only result in exploitation, e.g Sony and Apple who take fruits of open source labor and give nothing back. The bourgeoisie is only inclined to enslave the proletariat and it’s labor, GPL stands in it’s way.


Actually, GNU is free software because it not only preserves the freedom of the user but it also preserves the freedom of the entire ecosystem. Lax licenses allow those freedoms to be taken away, a corporation can use that software to create a proprietary alternative and outcompete the open source one. With GPL, such maneuver is impossible.


Where’s saving a page as pdf on mobile

Menu -> Print -> Save as PDF

ALSO: Menu -> Share Icon -> Save PDF

One method is built-in, the other uses the system’s PDF saver. You have the choice on which to use.


This has been people’s reactions to anything good that comes into Firefox for close to 20 years now


Actually a decent amount of people were pissed at Quantum, process per tab, discontinuation of XUL, and the new extension system. There is like a whole project to restore the ancient Firefox, and it’s slow as fuck (it’s called Palemoon)


Lmfao imagine siding with a genocide


Well then, log off your main acc and create one locked just to the good feelings parts of lemmy

You do have the option of taking a digital break. You must remember thst everyone has a limit, and once you push them hard enough they tend to push back



Well I guess there really isn’t an escape

AMD GPUs are cursed for me

Each time I try AMD graphics, something is fucked for me. Back with fglrx, fglrx just sucked, so I used Nvidia. Then I had an AMD right around when they finally had opensource drivers, but it was still buggy as hell. So I went with Nvidia again (first a GTX 790, then a GTX 1060). In the meantime I had a new work notebook where I...


It could be your monitor or even monitor cable. I have this monitor which absolutely fucking refuses to work with AMD oved HDMI. If you have inexplicable system sleep issues, black screen issues, startup issues, etc. It could be the monitor at fault


That doesn’t rule out the possibility of display issues tho, back when I had the faulty monitor it was much more severe under Linux, I never managed to track it down tho (using AMD hardware for over 10 years now, this one issue busted my nuts pretty hard)

If you have a TV or something, at least try it to rule out possible outside factors


The guy that’s shilling out cosmic DE is also a lead developer in the company making it lmfao

Self shill lol


Witcher 1 is a very hardcore RPG designed in the style of the old bygone era of RPG games, so depending on your interest in classic gaming you might not even understand what the fuck the game is even asking of you

Also there is pretty much no handholding so some quests are a removed

My recommendation for Witcher 3 is to not buy weapons, exploration and combat should net you good gear to carry you


Sounds like a heap of crap. X.Org developers moved to Wayland, they were the ones who made it happen. Now, I wonder where this dude with his XOrg Forks and PhD and shit was during all that 15 years it took to conceptualize wayland.

You all need a lesson in taking everything people say, including and most importantly their qualifications with a huge grain of salt.

Wayland has been working perfectly for years now. Many of the supposedly “impossible to implement” functions of the old hunk of junk Xorg were either found to be bogus anyways or have been made available on Wayland.

Sincerely– Someone who’s been using wayland since 2016


You have the XP source? The full one? I used to have NT source but not complete


Cyberpunk has some story telling flaws as well, but people look past that now


Yeah that’s true

Honestly, people who say it’s a great RPG have not played any good RPGs, but it’s a fucking legit FPS. I finished it like 3 times {including launch day} start to finish and the most enjoyable thing is the gunplay builds you can make


It’s 10 years since last GTA. In the middle there is a little game known as Red Dead Redemption 2, which is massive and took the whole studio to make.

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