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My wife and I each give this two enthusiastic thumbs up.


I am getting really tired of these all these chucklefucks being in charge of things they patently do not understand. Modders are the modern lifeline of gaming. They work for free, fix your fuck-ups, and breath life into games that are years and sometimes decades old. Rimworld and Factorio both started their crowd funding campaigns in 2013, and both are wildly popular 11 years later, still selling copies. Factorio is just now coming out with their first expansion, and Rimworld just came out with their 4th. Neither Ludeon Studios (Rimworld) nor Wube Software (Factorio) have had ANY financial need to produce any other projects besides these games. Why are they so wildly profitable and evergreen? They both have rabid modding communities that have been supported and cultivated by the developers constantly fixing and expanding modding support to allow for an infinite variety of new content to be created for their games. Hell, the Vanilla Expanded team of Rimworld modders have actually turned it into a primary income source via Patreon.

AAA devs need to just sit down and thank these modders for tirelessly working on their games after release for free. Ever since DoTA became more popular than Warcraft 3, they all have their panties in a bunch and keep trying to claim ownership over all mods. No, bad developers smacks on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. God, it pisses me off to no end.


The trick is for a coalition of independent journalists to find irrefutable evidence of the connection in early September so it has a chance to cycle out of the news before someone smacks Trump with it in October. It needs to be new enough to be remembered, old enough to not be linked, and disconnected from either party enough to seem unbiased. It won’t mean a damn thing to the right, but it might be enough for questioning moderates.


Only if you ignore WHY it has the ability to do that. The reason is the hydroelectric power plant, or more specifically the construction of the plant, required that they divert the falls for a couple years a LONG time ago. They have maintained the capacity to divert the flow of the river to ensure that they are able to perform maintenance on the plant and the various national park infrastructures around the falls. The seasonal diversions are usually to perform said maintenance as well as to protect parts of the power plant from freezing. It is actually one of the great engineering marvals of the early 20th century.


Feature gating behind data privacy permissions needs to be illegal immediately.


I would potentially settled for letting us throw books at them. These people are so fond of their book that tells them to stone people, let’s start using hardback copies of it to give them a visceral history lesson.


My wife is very amused by the icing you put on my cake.


I saw that line and immediately thought “oh ho ho, we have a loophole. This wasn’t a subjective review, it was entirely objective. The game is objectively shit.”


She should have visited her doctor so he could administer a hysterical paroxysm.

(For those who don’t know)


I literally did not say that, I was making a historical reference to OP’s use of the word “hysteria”. And it isn’t getting laid, it was manual stimulation done by a medical professional. Seriously?

Also, people like her deserve neither respect nor decency. Those have always been reciprocal social contracts. She is obviously not instigating her side of the contract, so why am I being expected to hold up mine. We should be rude to her. We should spit on her and she should be a social pariah for even suggesting something like this bill. It is more vulgar and insulting than a tacit insinuation that “she just needs to get laid”, which I didn’t even make. In my book, no penis should go near that hole for a LONG time. Tolerance only means something if we do not tolerate intolerance. Giving quarter to blatant fascism is complicity.


It was a practice that persisted into the 20th century, maybe you should be the one to read a book.


So her ruling until 1901 counts as reigning “into the 1900s”? Interesting. Also, the practice persisted in varying degrees of comonality into the early 1950’s when it finally died as it should have.

Also, this is a very strange hill to die on. It really seems like you are more concerned with a satirical statement made in jest utilizing a historical context than you are the very real threat that this woman poses to the rights of our fellow citizens. She isn’t going to see this conversation, she will never know of my rudeness, she will never know nor care of my, or your, or anyone else here’s opinions of her or her policies. You fight a battle on behalf of a woman who would likely use your body as a bridge to cross a puddle you were drowning in rather than help you to stand, then blame you for there being a corpse in the road. I’ll even admit that that was ad hominem, but in this case I don’t really care. You obviously don’t care about making valid good faith arguments, so why should I? See, reciprocal social contracts in action.


2+2 only equals 4 in bases 5 and higher. In base 3 2+2=11, in base 4 2+2=10.

‘Huge win’: Brown University protesters reach an agreement to dismantle encampment (

This article describes the little-reported on success that Brown University had in disbanding student protest… by conceding to let activists present a case for divestment at an upcoming hearing before the university’s investment board....


They just need to be sure to let them know that this is a 10 day cease-protest trial period and that after that 10 days is up they will be moving the protest to the front lawns of the board of trustees.


As far as I’m concerned the inclusion of the “anti-DoTA” clause in their EULA murdered it for me. I was so excited. KSP is one of my favorite games of all times, largely as a result of the vibrant and very technically advanced modding community. Same goes for essentially all of my favorites; Rimworld, Backpack Hero, Factorio. The free labor that expands the games in major ways extends the value of my money and let’s me have fun forever in them.

Putting in a clause in a EULA which automatically and irrevocably assumes all ownership and rights to any code or assets that are created for a game is just too far. Assuming rights at all is a huge issue for me, but I can accept that it is beneficial to assume royalty free licenses to the mods, I’ll even begrudgingly accept clauses that allow developers to gaffle features and optimizations from mods without giving remuneration or even acknowledgment. But wholesale ownership that revokes all rights and licenses for the independent 3rd party creator. Fuck that. I will never support a game that I find out is treating the people who keep games alive and relevant for decades for free like that.


As an American and avid rights understander, it is not the 5th Amendment which this risks violating (which you did cite correctly), but the 4th Amendment, which guarantees protection from undue searches and seizures of your person, property, or effects. This is the whole reason for the warrant requirement and the reason you hear us bitching whenever something comes up that lets police or agents of the government acquire non-public access to information or property in a warrantless way.

An example: the police are investigating Mary’s death and suspect you of having planned the murder in the Notes app on your phone, so they want to get into your phone. Without a court order (warrant), you have to give them permission. With the court order, you must give the passcode and/or unlock the phone.

Now, at this point, if your passcode happened to be ‘I killed John02&’ you could argue 5th Amendment protection because divulging the information would incriminate yourself in the crime, or a different crime.


This could be a good option. I will have to look into it. I know some of our family is not the most savvy (lucky to be able to use FB) so I may have to look into building a front end on top of it for them, but this is a solid start.


I will happily look at the alternatives. We avoid Apple like it carries the plague, mostly on my objections to their licensing policies alone. Also, I love that you linked to something about The Fappening, have a 💯 and my heartiest appreciation for you as a scholar and a gentleman.


This has potential in many ways. I will have to set it up and see how it feels.


Thank you on the congrats! We are so happy and he could not be more adorable.

Also thank you for the suggestion, I will dig into it.


Ideally, as easy to interface with as possible for non-tech literate users. My mother-in-law once told my wife “I don’t know why you would ever want to strengthen your mind.” in response to confronting my wife on why she was reading a book outside as a child instead of playing physically. This is a mantra she has continued well into her 50’s and is still going “strong”. I need something she can access and download pictures from to print off and hang on her wall like she does from FB now. This is essentially the low bar. Everyone else should be more competent than that.


I don’t mind self-hosting, I just need something that can host from a dynamic IP since static is too expensive right now.


I’m not above getting my hands dirty and this sounds like it could have promise. Thank you.


I will look at QuickConnect as that sounds potentially ideal.

I honestly don’t trust MS as far as I could throw them. The amount of ads they are forcing into the OS level is evidence enough for me to believe that they are willing to abuse customers. And if DropBox is any indication of how ToS and EULAs can change in the blink of an eye to include all files, past and present, to be used for AI training with no recourse to opt-out, then MS’s current ToS doesn’t really give any fuzzy feelings.

I will definitely have to look at dyndns as I need to find a way to provide a static endpoint to gain access to ethically sourced AI training materials for my own works and that sounds like it might work.

And yes, I do work in AI, which is why I am so focused on not allowing the megacorps to ignore even the most basic regimes of ethics or customer respect.


Everything you said specifically excludes Valve and Steam from being a monopoly. The definition of monopoly includes the anticompetitive behaviors. They don’t give a fuck about competition. They don’t buy up everyone who could be a threat. They don’t push for exclusivity contracts on big upcoming games. They exist and work to continue to do so. That is how business is supposed to be.


Honestly, I am always wondering why there is a negotiation at all. If Wal-Mart can get the away with telling the likes of Sony, Nestle, and Kraft how much THEY will be paying for the stock for their shelves, the fucking government can do it with abandon. Fuck these asshats. Like, who are they going to complain to besides their hand puppets in Congress and on the supreme court? The government should not be required to participate in the free market, especially if so many fuckwidgets want to tell them that they are not allowed to regulate it.

Suggestions for popular open source science app for a BOINC distributed computing proof-of-concept?

I work at an open science NGO that has been approached by a developer who is interested in making a public portal !boinc BOINC project. The basic idea is that scientific researchers could submit workunits for a number of popular science apps (molecular modeling etc) to be distributed and crunched by volunteers using BOINC....


DM me. This is essentially what the company I work for does for the media industry. We can chat.


Unfortunately, in some cases, this would create negative feedback which would affect efficiency. As an example, Rudolf Diesel is currently rotating in his grave at approximately 2e6 RPM at the current implementation of the diesel engine, his invention. For context at his posthumous displeasure, the when tuned used properly, the diesel engine is the singular most efficient internal combustion engine. That proper use: steady, consistent operation at an invariant rotation running on a waste byproduct of the gasoline refinement process. What it is unquestioningly not designed for: operating devices which turn on and off frequently and require a variation in output power to operate, you know, like a motor vehicle.

So, with all that in mind, attaching a rotational corpse drive to him would generate immense amounts of power initially and push the vehicle and shipping markets towards EVs even faster, but as that happens, his ire will abate and he will begin to slow his rotation until it eventually comes to a peaceful rest, but the power deficit created by that would definitely cause economic and social problems.


I’m glad to hear that the program is not being run by nimrods trying to do this as cheaply as possible. The number of times I see headlines like this and see that it is monoclonal and usually a non-native species, even if it is an invasive species brought into the region a hundred years ago.


It wasn’t even that. It was likely driven over by Prevost to function as advertising. After the shot they just drove it back to the dealership.


OpenAI team after including the data: why is the model suddenly even more horny, abusive, and discriminatory?


I was contemplating the merits of botting with the current model with slight vectorization offsets so the data becomes prone to overfitting.

I would think it would alao work to post using valid, but non-standard syntax so it muddies the n-gram searches.


Am I the only one cringing at the perspective in the mirror more than literally anything else in the ad?


I am actually working on something for the quest generation problem. It is still in the experimental phases, so who knows if it will bear fruit, but don’t sell the concept short.


Ok, the mask if you are actually rested and not just “feeling rested”. Being hit with the physical effects of sleep deprivation and having organs start failing after a couple weeks would be a real problem.

Otherwise, that damn penny. Knowing that I have 12 hours of “I win” without any real limitation, even if it ends up being 12 hrs/month, would be obscenely broken. None of the other artifacts even come close. I make sure I always flip on a Monday at about 8am, if it’s heads, I apply for jobs I want and trade some stocks until about 1 pm, then go for a walk and see what goodness I can fall into for my life. Head home around 6pm with 2 hours of perfect luck left which I spend working on the cure for Autoimmune diseases and Cancer. Once I have enough wealth built up and have found plenty of cures to Salk the hell our of to piss off the pharma companies, I start working on Nuclear Fusion. Continue this pattern until I get bored.

  • I specifically stated that “I apply to jobs I want”. Your statement indicates that you consider all work to be a waste of time. I personally want a job developing AI tools that work for the betterment of humanity. I wouldn’t need it to pay well as the investments I make on penny time would be my income. Also, it is one of those things that take too long to do in 12 hours, and having a team to work with helps a ton too.
  • The trades aren’t taking 12 hours. If you had the golden touch, and intended on making trades that had long-term viability with 100% success, then an hour or two a month would be all you needed. This also makes sure that the growth is slow enough that the SEC doesn’t get alerted.
  • I didn’t say I was going to take a walk to take a walk. I said I was walking around for a few hours to see what good fortune I could find. Again, if I have 100% successful luck, then everything I do is charmed. Walking “aimlessly” around most towns while under such an effect greatly increases the opportunities to happen across something that is beneficial.
  • The limitation is that you mentioned at the end, the 12 hours every 2 weeks. There is only so much that can be done in that span of time. Everything I mentioned was specifically designed to expand the knock-on effects of the good luck into the rest of the time that I don’t have it. A stock portfolio with guaranteed long-term growth, research breakthroughs which need to be built upon by experimentation and work, meeting the right people and forming the right relationships in my community, a long-term employment that provides me the challenges and long-term results in the world. The biggest challenge is to make sure that you have a good life that makes a difference while you have your normal luck, not concentrating on short term success.

Again, not all jobs are about money. I want something meaningful to occupy my non-lucky time. All being rich means for me is that I don’t have go suffer while I pursue it. It also affords me more time to focus on what I want to focus on and lead a much lower-stress life. I’m not looking to enrich someone with the job, but I would like to enrich the world.


I have always had the power fantasy of the superpower of “I can manipulate anything I can understand. The better, more nuanced, and more correct my understanding, the more fine and powerful my control.”

It is essentially an int stat demipotence. Obviously, I would never achieve omnipotence or omniscience, but it would be cool to just rewrite the laws of physics because I understand how they work normally.

Also, I know better than to ever touch the Hubble constant or vacuum energy state. It would be fun to do extremely local manipulation of the gravitational constant or maybe some of the Riemann curvature constants to adjust the local shape of spacetime.


See, I saw “Sega Channel” and got excited. God I miss that shit. Idk if anyone else even remembers or had it, but it was such a good way to be exposed to so many great games.


Except you just compared them in saying they are both fruit. In fact, saying they are both fruit is finding a commonality between them when comparing. There are many metrics on which Apples and Oranges can be compared. They are different colors, have a different internal structures, and different juice content. These are negatively correlated comparisons. More positive correlations would be that they are both roughly spherical, provide vitamin C, and grow on trees.

I have always hated that expression. You can compare anything since comparison is just the act of identifying similarities and differences (positive and negative correlations). One can make meaningful comparisons between and apple and a suspension bridge if the situation calls for it.


While I don’t disagree with you in spirit, the use case for most instances of the expression are to dissuade the act of comparison at all because the two quantities are so dissimilar that the correlations are irrelevant.

It is an anti-intellectual statement because it presupposes that the person doing the comparing is not able to distinguish between meaningful comparisons and ones which are irrational but support their argument. It ranks up there with “big words” as far as I am concerned, saying more about the person they are being said by rather than the person they are being said to.


I do. That is a side effect of always standing on the hill. I am there when it matters, but also when it doesn’t. Such is the curse of my superpowers.

Captain Pedant AWAAAAYYYY!


I’m usually putting on indie game reviewers on YouTube while I work for background noise. Have found many amazing games that way. I cannot recommend Retromation, Splattercat, Nilaus, and ImKibitz enough if you are into their game preferences. I also watch Olexa and Real Civil Engineer, but more for the laughs. They have good first looks though. Nilaus and ImKibitz are more automation and city-building games, Retromation and Olexa do a lot of rogue likes, and Splattercat is kinda a catch all.


A. If you haven’t played ΔV, do it. One of the most amazing games out there imho. So good in fact that I just went to find a Δ on the internet so I could use it and not disrespect the dev and the game. B. He is such an amazing dude. I don’t know him personally, but I do know that when Ukraine was invaded he made the game free for months on Steam so people in Ukraine could get it and have something too distract themselves from the conflict. A+ move in my book right there. I had already bought the game at that point, but I wish I could buy it again just to support him further. C. Reading this almost makes me think it would be a good tactical move to offer early access games at a steep discount on Linux if it has this great of an effect. Pay back the “free” QA kindness of the community.


Lol, thanks. It was late.


Hahaha, that is great! I failed on that one.

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