
Media today might be less sexist but I think part of it is also that it became drastically more sex averse. Mortal Kombat is gorier than ever for anyone to see, but god forbid anything shows a nipple.

@ogmios@sh.itjust.works avatar

The thing that gets me about the Tomb Raider reboot is they toned down the sex appeal, but apparently graphically brutalizing Lara is perfectly okay.

Sexy Lara: Sexist!

Beating the ever loving shit out of Lara: Not sexist!


Characters with big breasts must be inherently sexist, or else we can’t explain why characters who used to have big breasts now need to have them toned down.

However, it’s perfectly okay if the supposedly feminist prequel you’re going to release has references to the female player character being about to be sexually abused if you lose, because nothing speaks about female empowerment like threatening the player with turning their character into a SA victim if they don’t play well enough.


Pretty amusing to see what they were up to with ads.

I guess it really was a different time back then where people were able to laugh about things instead of being uptight and serious.


Holy fuck, where to start haha


Am I the only one cringing at the perspective in the mirror more than literally anything else in the ad?


The 90’s were just better.

People could have a joke and a laugh without everyone being so serious about everything and getting offended.


I’ve been joking and laughing with people for decades since then (today even), and nobody was all serious or offended!

And it isn’t even with a group of old white men all the time! Lol


The world has got far more serious.

My comment was obviously exaggerating for effect. You’d have to be stupid to think I meant there are no jokes anymore.

@AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

It took me a couple seconds to understand that it wasn’t a before/ after set of pictures. It was a little confusing.


Man, 90s video game ads were wild lmao


Fun fact Tomb Raider was the first game with a nude mod.


I did a search on that page for “mod” and didn’t seem to get any relevant hits. What were you referring to?


I don’t remember a mod but I seem to remember that Gamepro magazine would sometimes parody their own magazine calling themselves “Lamepro” followed by a few pages of fake upcoming games, a nude Lara Croft I think was part of all that.


It has been years, but there was this whole easter egg thing about when you dive off a certain spot into the pool in her mansion she gets back out naked. They always put in a bunch of different easter egg challenges in her house.


The early 00s was pretty mysoginistic.

I originally came from a conservative country, and yet there were plenty of ads for softcore porns in TVs and billboards in those days. Even as a child, I questioned why do they show such images in front of full view to everyone.

The thing is, such mysoginy was the norm without us even realising it. I remember reading an article of a woman reminiscing her college days in early 00s. There were pictures of college girls on pin up boards and they get graded on how beautiful they are. The author said no one thought bad about it but looking back, it was very degrading and also invading privacy. There was also the matter of the infamous wardrobe malfunction of Janet Jackson. She got all the public spotlight afterwards because she is a woman, but Justin Timberlake pretty much got away with it for free. JT also shamed Britney Spears about losing her virginity to him, instead of keeping his mouth shut, while Britney was branded as slut.


I’m sure in the 2040s, people will say the 2020s were misogynistic too. And they’ll be right. Equality isn’t here yet.

Progress always seems to mostly march onwards, but you only have to watch Beverly Hills Cop 2 to see Eddie Murphy calling Brigitte Neilsen “that big bitch” like it was perfectly acceptable. And even that was probably considered pretty forward thinking at the time having a woman being cast in an action role, rather than just being fucked or fridged like pretty much every other 80s action movie.


This. The funny thing is some folks think that progress just happens. The amount of people who died or ruined their lives in the name of progress is baffling to me.


Worth considering that if Alien was produced today, there would be a lot of criticism of it being “too woke”. Not only progress doesn’t just happen, but it’s also not granted to stick unless people are still pushing for it.


Absolutely no doubt. In coding they say „regression“ is something breaks after and update. Its no different from the real world imo.

You focus on fixing issues, if the only peeps caring about progress are the ones profiting from hate, chaos and fear, the things we took for granted go away.

I think science will come up with an explanation for this. Boomers hoarding all the wealth was quite possible but somehow its no longer discussed. I dont get why.


The Man Show was on air for 6 consecutive seasons starting in 1999. Their premier episode featured Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel sitting outside trying to get people to sign a petition to end women’s suffrage (as a joke, bro. Obviously it’s a joke!)


Was that not just to take advantage of the fact that “suffrage” sounds like a bad thing (like “suffering”)?


Exactly, playing on people’s ignorance like current talk show on-the-street segments do. The joke was not that they thought women shouldn’t be able to vote… It is just humorous to hear people say they are anti-sufferage not understanding what theyre saying.

It’s like asking people if they are afraid of dihydrogen monoxide in their water…


yeah the whole Janet Jackson thing wouldn’t have happened today


My cock is lost in the jungle and it’s up to you to find it~~~ Oh Laura, no panties… You know I like it like that…


I can’t believe you came on my mom


I can’t even process what’s going on with the reflection in the mirror being from an angle at about head height over the bed. I like that they didn’t even trust teen gamers to understand the allusion of a woman standing in a bedroom doorway without comping in this extra element.


Not if you’re a literalist exec that saw the creative and didn’t think it was clear enough - “where’s the target audience? How are they going to see themselves in this ad?, she’s clearly out of our average user’s league”


In order to make the reflection work the bed would have to be angled against the wall.

It’s funny how the brain instantly notices that the perspective is nonsensical but can’t really pinpoint the issue ^^


It’d also need to be pressed against the mirror I think…?

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Is there a reason they used the “You wouldn’t download a car” font?


Gen X edgy font?

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

The entire design is just janky somehow.

Also, do y’all remember the time Arby’s of all people used this concept for an ad? It was a TV commercial, we see a guy waiting on a bed and hear a woman’s voice from the bathroom “This is really what you want? Well I’m only doing it once.” and she comes out dressed as an Arby’s cashier with a tray of meat sandwiches.

@menemen@lemmy.world avatar

Hmm, 1998. Is that Gen. X or Millenials? Makers are Gen. X, target group probably Millenials.


Default late-90s design intern font.


Tomb Raider 3 came out in 1998. Well before the anti-piracy campaigns.


I remember TR3 was a huge disappointment after 1 and 2. The new mechanics weren’t very good and the level design was more confusing. I remember they added the Desert Eagle pistol and it was a giant brick (seriously the model consisted of probably 3-4 polygons total).

It really felt like they were just milking the franchise at that point.


milking lara croft? 🤔


let’s not kink shame…


They were going with a “sex sells” approach to marketing, but what they got was just an unrelatable and cringe piece of 90s trash.


Never played it, did they fuck up the triangles?


That shiny green top is definitely not as sexy irl

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah I’ve seen several IRL actresses portraying classic Lara Croft as wearing like a polished vinyl top for some reason?


It’s like older superhero movies with spandex. No imagination.

@captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well I mean, Superman’s costume is pretty unusual. People don’t dress like that, so when you turn to your wardrobe department and say “make me a Superman costume” there’s some head scratching.

Lara Croft wears a tank top, shorts, a pistol belt, white socks and boots. Extremely easy cosplay to source, but so many folks interpret Lara’s shirt as some stiff glossy plastic, I guess because that pre-rendered cover art of the first game looked shinier than cloth?


Superman wore a carnival strongman’s outfit. That’s why he’s got the trunks. They just added a full sleeve shirt and leggings to it.

But yeah all you need for Lara Croft is a tank top, short shorts, and some belts.

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