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Yup, first thought was, “Then I guess you’d better pay the mechanics what they’re asking for, fuckers.”


Yeah, because students… THEY’RE the ones with all the money.


Yup, haven’t voted liberal since he bathed in the applause of thousands, then flipped us all the bird when he got into office.


I like her more than both, but her public speaking savvy is… well… it needs a lot of work.

I’d be willing to accept that over what the other two idiots are offering.


I would like like to see PP’s bullshit called out on a regular basis. He railed against the proposed capital gains tax, but it doesn’t appear that anyone pointed out the huge conflict of interest he has – his personal wealth has (apparently) been built on real estate investing / exploitation.


Doesn’t he own a dozen investment properties, and that’s how he explains his dramatic increase in wealth over the course of his years in parliament?


Just be happy you don’t know… because it’s undoubtedly dumb shit, and move along. :)

“It’s Like a Cult”: Breaking Free from the Far Right | The Walrus (

Beyond his job as a freelance process server in Toronto, thirty-five-year-old Josh Chernofsky didn’t have much going on in the spring of 2019. But over time, he’d developed a rapport with one of the security guards at the University Avenue courthouses. They’d chat about this and that, often about security work; Chernofsky...


No, it’s an actual fucking cult…

Source: Personal experience with this deranged thinking from family


I always heard it as “In a cult, a single, charismatic, mentally ill leader tells lies to people, and knows it’s all a scam. In a religion, that person is dead.”


Why the fuck can’t we let millionaires and billionaires take a hit now and then?


I’m adding to all the natural disaster posts I can find. :)

Only when people start to associate increasingly destructive ‘natural’ disasters with emissions, will they understand that carbon taxes are a big part of the solution.


Free advice: Order a case of furnace filters, replace them frequently to keep your indoor air quality relatively high.


Nah, I want PP to own his stupid fucking slogan.


Many started because forest fires can survive winter by burning slowly underground through root systems. Combined with the lack of snowpack this year, the melting snow didn’t extinguish them – leading to a record number of fires earlier than ever recorded before.

A perfect time to , right?


Yup, bought a townhouse, and paid a premium because the finishes were very nice, and everything looked good, even passed a pre-purchase inspection by someone with a lot of industry experience.

The tub leaked three times and ruined the ceiling in the dining room each time. The shower wasn’t properly waterproofed, so that was a $35k rip-repair-replace. None of the furnaces had proper condensation drains, so my upstairs neighbour’s A/C unit dripped condensation into my hallway for 4 days while we were on vacation, ruining the walls, causing mould. Our unit’s A/C was mismatched - the outside unit didn’t match the inside unit, and for 4 years we were constantly repairing it, until I spent $12k to replace it. There was a bunch of other small shit, but if I ever lay eyes on the builder, I’ll punch him in the face.

Pierre Poilievre called lobbyists 'utterly useless,' but they're still attending his fundraisers (

As Pierre Poilievre presents himself as both a prime minister in waiting and a champion of “the working-class people,” he’s headlined roughly 50 fundraisers at private venues since becoming Conservative leader in 2022 — some of them in Canada’s wealthiest neighbourhoods and most exclusive clubs....


Downtown Toronto’s been red/orange for most if not all of my life… So no surprise he wouldn’t spend any time there. People with a functioning common sense would heckle him and show what a power hungry idiot he is.


The real problem is that all alerts are sent at the highest priority ‘presidential alert’ or ‘disaster warning’. Missing persons / Amber alerts should obey volume settings and do-no-disturb, but we don’t appear to have the technology to do that.

There was an incident in Ontario where an elderly grandparent was missing for 12 hours – so they sent the alert to a 1200km radius… at 2am. Then again a few minutes later. Then again 30 minutes later. Then again at 3am, then again at 4am. The OPP woke up several million people, several times, for an entire night. The result? A police officer saw them on Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto, less than 60km from their home. There was zero benefit to waking up every household with a cell phone across most of the province – and I’m willing to bet there was a HUGE increase in traffic accidents the next day (because losing just ONE hour of sleep to daylight savings time has this effect).

You’re right to be mad, but you’re fixing it the wrong way.


CRTC, your Provincial and Federal MPs, as well as Industry Canada, since they regulate Telcos.


Yeah, we’re not managing our impact on the environment, so our environment is going to manage us. It’s already happening in Asia.


And they want permission to store intermediate-level nuclear waste there.


I’m not a gamer, but I remember their drivers for even their high-end cards were a fucking nightmare on Linux.

It’s not that hard to give the open source community what they need in order to build their own drivers, or enough source for them to get things working properly. This was one of their dumbest moves among many dumb moves.


Heh. After Dad died, my Mom shacked up with a guy we met while Dad was in the hospital. He went to the same high school as me, the same year I did. He’s lazy, broke, bipolar and unmedicated by choice - and a rabid far-right conspiracy theorist… So technically, she’s supporting an adult child.

I’m doing just fine, thanks. :D


And let’s not forget their famous ignorance of world geography, and their inability to find the USA on an unlabelled map. “Who wants to do a road trip to Europe?” “Which country is Africa again?”


Yeah, the only people I know who have permanently left Canada had some tax-related issues they didn’t want to deal with, so moved to Central America. The only other Canadians I know who moved to Europe were people who came from Europe, had their kids here, then went back.


I actually talked to my GF about fucking off from Canada in the next 5 years… Not because we can’t afford it, but because I’m close to retirement, and I’m sick of working for a living.


If you think about it the other way around, it’s pretty fucking scary though. Loblaws is extracting the equivalent of $47 in raw profits from every man, woman, and child in the entire country.


I don’t know what Loblaw’s market share is. Let’s say it’s 30%. That makes it MUCH worse… Neatly $150 for every man woman and child that shops at Loblaws, JUST THIS YEAR.


FYI, almost every single item you find in a retail store is marked up 50% or more, with the only exceptions being commodities like gas and diesel, or electronics, where the manufacturers make the majority of the profits.


They said that when the Avro Arrow was scrapped. There’s been at least 6 more fighter jets built since then!


Go check out the 5 year chart before listening to any of the bullshit from this asshole:


meeting NATO commitments for 30 years would have no discernible effect compared to that

I think that if all NATO members had met or exceeded their obligations, there would have been an obscene amount of weapons to supply Ukraine with, within weeks of the start of Russia’s invasion, and it likely would have been over immediately. As it stands right now, nobody has a meaningful stockpile. Of that stockpile, there’s no capacity to replace it. In terms of building new capacity, it would take years – because the process and equipment are so specialized that it can’t be hammered together in a weekend, a month, or probably even a year.

Pierre Poilievre Wants a Carbon Tax Election | The Walrus (

REMEMBER BREXIT? That time a Conservative Party directed widespread voter frustration at a single easy scapegoat, smothered the public with misinformation, and were rewarded with their biggest electoral victory in decades? Something similar is happening today in Canada....


Alternately, greedy and short-sighted.

There’s a metric fuckload of money to be made before the shit really hits the fan. What these shitheads don’t realize is that money won’t save them once you can’t breathe the air, drink the water, or grow the food.


Time to put voiceovers of Pierre chanting ‘axe the tax’ on video of homes burning to the ground, orange air, and terrified people driving down a road with forest fires raging on both sides.


Duh. I’m very much in the top 5% of annual wage earners in the country, and there’s no way I could afford a decent cottage (i.e., where I can’t see or hear my neighbours).


When I was a kid, we had a cottage in the forest. My uncle owned about a 1km stretch of river-front property that he got for nearly nothing. The idea was to go there to get away from everyone in the city and just be a family. If you wanted to be social, you went into town or the local park.


Most Ukrainians would rather live in Russia than die in a fucking trench

Dying in a trench seems way more likely under Russian rule.

Source: The half a million Russians fertilizing sunflowers on Ukrainian soil… so far.


Quebec has a carbon tax, and because they do, they are exempt from the federal carbon tax program. Ontario used to be exempt, since they had a cap-and-trade system that was compatible with Quebec’s – but Dug the Thug cancelled it.


Yup, bought my electric car because I used to drive 20-30k kms a year. And for a while, it was dirt cheap to drive. Then the pandemic. Now in 4 years, I’ve put less than 15k/year on it.


Yes, cell towers should all be nationalized, then anyone can compete on service and price, not on coverage. Instantly everyone gets better coverage in more places, with more bandwidth because they can get service from any tower. Instantly, prices hit rock bottom because there’s no barrier to entry.


Considering forest fires started in March this year, from hot-spots left over from last year’s record-shattering forest fires…

“Unless there is a drastic change over the summer” is going to be videos of PP saying ‘axe the tax’ overlaid with videos of people escaping the flames and their homes burned to the ground.


Second highest paid parliamentarians in the world, folks.


My idiot mother and her unmedicated bipolar boyfriend were two of them… Because they were searching for “maximum freedom” and “a government that will protect our rights”.


Wow, this sounds just like a Conservative rant about how dirty and evil and bad cities are, written to be consumed by folks from the burbs who haven’t been downtown for 25+ years.

What? NatPo is owned by an American hedge fund? Quelle surprise.


Yeah, how quickly people forgot that the fatter, stupider Ford brother cancelled transit city with a one page memo on city letterhead – costing the city nearly $100 MILLION in wasted work and cancellation fees.

Fiscal responsibility my ass.


I’m willing to bet they got paid several million dollars to write it.


It’s a fine line. My mother believes Q-adjacent anti-vax bullshit that her manic bipolar boyfriend spoonfeeds her. She’s otherwise a competent, independent adult. She knows who the Prime Minister is (and that he’s satan incarnate) and pays her bills on time. She believes insane bullshit, but she’s not dangerous to herself or others.

She’s not forcing anyone to send her money, she’s saying crazy things that somehow resonate with people who are to some degree mentally ill but not dangerous, like my mother. People do stupid shit all the time, and if we criminalized that, we’d have to turn all of Alberta into a prison.

As for the threats, she’s not a genuine threat, and arresting / locking her up would turn her into a martyr to her followers, which could cause bigger issues. The people who tried to arrest police in Peterborough got what was coming to them, and they were made an example of. Cult leaders don’t want their followers getting locked up where they can snap out of it.


And before anyone says heat pumps don’t work in cold climates… They do. Modern heat pumps work perfectly well down to below -20c – they’re slightly less efficient…

My experience in replacing my electric central furnace and HVAC unit… … has cut my annual electricity costs by nearly 55%. … works fine in both summer and winter, the house has never been more comfortable. … was substantially more expensive than the old style, but because my power costs are low, I may not fully recover the cost. … only requires I rinse the outside unit off with water two or three times a year, and replace the furnace filters. … has a heater unit in case we get way, way down to beyond -30c, but that seems profoundly unlikely anymore.

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