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I’ve found that most people on this site don’t care about copyright in any form, so they’ll just ignore it like everything else


Damn, that was the game I was most excited for. Respawn FPS games are my favorite (TF1/Apex) and I was really interested to see what they’d do with star wars

Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info (www.rockpapershotgun.com)

The report comes from Cyber Daily, who also broke the news of last year’s confirmed hack attack on Insomniac Games. The site claims that new ransomware group Mogilevich are the culprits, as per the screencap of a darkweb posting above, and that the hackers are now trying to get Epic or another party to pay up for the return of...


Mine was too. We still had a couple systems using the old methods, but mostly had moved to the token system.

You also just get laid off? They took out ~50% of the payments department at my last job


It’s certainly not well made, as it’s buggy as hell, but it is fun, and that’s been missing from a lot of games recently.

I’m playing exclusively in a multiplayer world with my brothers, and we’re having a blast. If I was playing alone it’d probably be less fun tbh.


All valid points.

Whatever it is, I’m having the best time gaming I’ve had in years with it, and at a $20 price point, I’m well happy to have bought it.


Almost Anything Open World tbh

Every open world game has turned into the same “do this x times to get y reward that has no relevance whatsoever to the game”

I miss the days of games on rails. I could sit down, enjoy a game and play it through to the end in 10-20 hours. Now it seems like every game is trying to milk 100+ hours of gameplay time out of even the most basic of stories and mechanics.


Racing games for the most part are because it is something I can’t do irl. There’s no way I’m going to get to be one of 12 drivers running the brand new Prototype race cars, but I sure can get almost as close in a racing simulator.


I’m just competitive. Nothing beats absolutely decimating an opponent to the point they quit.

I also get 0 satisfaction from beating a computer. I do that every day as a software developer, so I’d much rather play against other people.

Also competitive games are great because you can play hundreds or thousands of hours and almost always get new experiences. Some team is going to throw something at you that you haven’t seen before, and it keeps the gameplay interesting and dynamic.


That’s Cyberpunk 2077 (with a bunch of mods) for me. Sometimes you just end up really immersed and have a great time.


I agree there. At the very least with the first of them. The 2nd and 3rd started to add a lot of crafting mechanics, but I really enjoyed the first one (and have played all 3 to completion)


800+ hours in this game

Im still deciding if I want to do another playthrough before 2.0 though. Maybe I’ll actually play SE through past the first rocket launches and that should give at least another 800 hours.

God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story (comicbook.com)

Despite being nominated for numerous awards and even winning Game of the Year in 2018, the creator of God of War, David Jaffe, is not a huge fan of the new direction the series has gone in. Jaffe himself hasn't worked on these new God of War games, but thinks that they're not staying true to the spirit of the character and the...


100% my biggest issue with modern games right now is there’s too much damn lore. I need to know a hundred different things to understand the game, and I generally don’t know those things.

I’m a huge fan of Doom Eternal, and it’s one of the few single player games I’ve finished in the last few years. Too many games now end up needing to spend half my play session in conversations or cut scenes, and I realized I don’t have fun playing games like that.


E3 was king in the age before widespread social media marketing campaigns. You’d go to those shows to showcase everything to the media to generate hype at one of the biggest events of the year. Those journalists would then go back and write all about it, giving the upcoming projects hype and attention.

Now with social media it’s more effective for brands to run their own campaigns. You can spend millions on an E3 presentation or you can give streamers/YouTubers review copies for free and get a ton of good press.

Once the big companies pulled out it became a lot less attractive to go, then the pandemic seems to have put the final nail in the coffin.


Yeah, that’s sure stopped content mods being ripped off and reuploaded to paid platforms.

This happens every time someone tries paid mods. Someone rips somebody else’s work and profits from it.


They’ve had those before and it hasn’t worked. Maybe I’m just cynical, but I’ve never seen an official supported modding marketplace exist without a significant number of free mods being sold as paid by not the original developer


Skyrim itself for 1

I’ve seen it with minecraft too, when mod distribution was centralized there was a lot of issues with people reuploading other creators work


The original setup for it did. I remember seeing SkyUI on the platform as a paid mod when it was and still is free


I feel like I’m in the minority here, but imo CP2077 is a much more fun game than the Witcher 3. I couldn’t get more than a few hours into TW3 without getting bored, which was never a problem with CP2077.

It was actually one of the major reasons I didn’t initially buy CP2077, as I very much disliked the gameplay of TW3


Same experience here. I’m pretty sure at least 75% of the complaints were from consoles that should have never had the game released for.


It definitely shouldn’t have been, but that doesn’t mean the game is shit, just marketing is bad.


Funny, cause I’m the same except flipped. I’m going on 300 hours into CP2077, but couldn’t make it past hour 5-6 of TW3 for much the same reason.


They offer enterprise level support for their engine and also have a lot of mobile focused development. They have their own in house ad provider and dedicated a bunch of man power to monetizing mobile as much as possible


I’m going to be real, the seperatization might be good technically from a consumer standpoint, but mostly will just prove to make consumers lives harder for no reason. One of the major benefits of Steam is that it handles everything, and isn’t something I, or anyone else, would be happy to give up.


Minor note about only a single point here

CS2 as an “upgrade” to CSGO has been less than well received from what I can tell. If they wanted it to be free it should have been a new game and left CS:GO in place. Removing a game many of us paid for in favor of a newer, different game isn’t something that should be praised, and should be called out as the anti-consumer move it was.


No, he understands just fine

Artists might create out of love, but they’re not going to share it for free so someone else can make a profit


Not all artists do

I’m glad your line of work allows you to make a living, but the same model doesn’t work for everyone.


The loss of unreal would be rough for the industry. We’d be better off without Epic, but not without unreal


Pretty much the majority of (large) single player games in development or recently released have been unreal properties. It’s by far the best game engine for its use cases


Unreal or Unity, and one of those recently became not really an option.

I think it’s in everyone’s interest to have more variety in engine choice, but that just leads to everyone only being familiar with their proprietary engine implementation.

Godot is trying to break in, and seems to be picking up some steam though


It was when they were forced to accept refunds.

The next year the Steam sale did away with flash sales and all the discounts were noticeably less.


I’m going to be honest and say I agree with the guy

The entire comment section boiled down to “no, fix your typing” when that’s something OP was clearly not interested in.

I definitely agree with him more than most of the people in this comment section, as a completely neutral observer coming from main. Everyone just dogpiled as soon as he expressed that changing their typing wasn’t something they were interested in.


More Apex Legends - Going on 4k hours now and only slowing a bit. It’s still by far the game I play the most.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Getting to the point of finishing up the main game and moving onto the DLC, about 30ish hours into my current save.

iRacing - as always, the subscription MMO of Simracing is on the list

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour (www.forbes.com)

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.


If that cost goes above $1/hr I’ll probably just not buy. That’s my base cost I’ll accept for paying for a game. If I’ve gotten $1/hr I find that I’ve gotten my moneys worth


Way to completely miss the point.

Nobody is saying that you should be paying minimum $1/hr, I’m saying that if I’m getting less playtime than equates to $1/hr I haven’t gotten my moneys worth and I don’t find that the game would be worth buying.


Now we’re pre-hyping the hype trailers

I swear this game is going to flop because of the massive expectations people are going to have. I may be wrong and also never got the appeal of those games, so take my opinion with a grain of salt


I hate that you’re right. Because that’s what gaming is boiled down to today. How to maximize day 1 profit, no need for down the line customer enjoyment

StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS (www.pcgamer.com)

While Blizzard is very much focussed on its big money-makers like its various Warcraft games, from WoW to Hearthstone to Warcraft Rumble, as well as Diablo and the much-maligned Overwatch 2, he’s still open to StarCraft making a comeback. That said, RTS fans shouldn’t get their hopes up. While the series might return, that...


Filled with micro transactions too. I’d be surprised if it isn’t P2W


Is there any point to StarCraft if it’s not an RTS?


Prior to this thread I had never even heard of the ghosts project. Definitely could be cool, but I’d guess that’s almost a completely separate market than the RTS fans


I’m not sure. I honestly don’t find a huge appeal to them, but I’m not often in a situation where I have a large amount of time to kill outside of my home.

A steam deck would be nice, but I realize I’d probably do what I do with my switch, which is use it once every few months.

As long as desktops are a thing I can’t see myself using a handheld. I can see it replacing gaming laptops though, and those may soon be a thing of the past.



Apex Legends is great to watch as a spectator, especially when you’re able to get multiple points of view.

I’ve also enjoyed CS esports previously. I’ve actually never been a fan of the LOL/Dota/StarCraft spectating as I find that it makes for a terrible viewing experience, so ymmv.


Microsoft can advertise for their new properties. That doesn’t require any high level coordination between company leadership.

Anything game development wise is pretty much certainly not had any impact from Microsoft at all. MS is a very slow moving company, and corporate acquisitions aren’t an overnight deal. It can take years to transition old leadership out and implement new plans.


The acquisition has resulted in next to nothing other than some joint advertising. This really just makes you look like you have no idea how corporate company structure works.


My guy, I’ve never even owned an Xbox

I agree that it’s a negative change. I’ve never said otherwise.

I don’t agree that Microsoft is responsible. This would have happened with or without the Microsoft acquisition. This was a decision made long before the Microsoft buyout, and Microsoft executives would have no say over any of it. The coroporate structures are almost certainly entirely separate still. They’re functioning as effectively separate companies with a close working relationship, while answering to the same ceo.

Games that require you to unlock the basic functions of the game can suck my nuts.

I have recently played 3 games that have forced a lengthy, unskippable tutorial section that runs for several hours of the game, just to unlock the most basic functions like buying the items, customizing features, multiplayer, and even 2-player split screen modes....


GT7 makes sense. There needs to be some barrier to make sure people know how to drive the cars without just immediately jumping into the game.

Tutorials under 1hr are ok. Once they go over that I stop playing.


Because losing takes out the other players too. Racing is unique in that if you’re bad, you’ll also end the races of multiple players around you.


Then do that in single player, that’s what it’s there for


It’s well worth the play, and most (possibly all) can be avoided with the correct choices. But there’s some character work related to it that does enhance the story

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